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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. Ilaahay amarkii dadkeena masiibaa haysata (famine & conflict compounded by criminal negligence on the part of so-called leaders). Ilaahay ha u gargaaro. Very sad to hear one of my favourite Somali singers, Kinsi Xaaji Aadan, passed away this morning. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto.
  2. Femme, wax isku fal oo calaacalka intaad iska deyso shaqadaada si sharaf leh u fuli. (PS: I'm very proud of you.)
  3. It's a permanent swap, Aaliyah. They can be as random as they like. You don't care what that person does to your house as long as you're happy with the house you're swapping for. Is the UK the only place that has this scheme, I wonder?
  4. A Moslem is one who eats too much moos. I would like to be one of those said chickens and hightail it to Morrocco or Zanzibar for the month of August. Alas I'm stuck and will have to make do with going to sleep on a full stomach after taraawiix!
  5. There's a lot of ololo on FB - I hope something tangible comes out of it. Don't forget you can send money to relatives or people you know directly in the affected areas, that will probably have a higher impact than diverting through NGOs. Also, as someone mentioned, Unicef and UNHCR are already doing a huge job on the ground in Dadaab. I wonder if canned and other long-lasting food as well as bottled water can be collected and shipped through existing organisations?
  6. Caught the Q&A on CNN. It's all gobbledygook. Packaging and repackaging billions of debt and then lending and relending it.
  7. LoL...she's precious.
  8. There's a lot of speculation in Deutschland that the Euro-zone crisis will get a lot worse and might even lead to the break-up of the EU. Perhaps Germany and France should shed the dead weight of the weaker and stagnant economies before matters get too dire?? Bet Turkey is thanking God for a lucky escape!
  9. Sounds like it was a rewarding experience for you, Ibti, thanks for sharing. These literacy drives are badly needed.
  10. A world apart. Nice pics, thanks for the link.
  11. Poor guy, a crazy qumayo ayaa heshay.
  12. NGONGE;728709 wrote: Stuff and nonesense. The majority of Somali women actively particapite in and prolong their own suffering. Somalia should be struck out of this list. Somali women are not as meek as those from other countries and play a huge part in maintaining the appalling conditions they live under. Naga daaya dee. When it comes to FGM and other harmful cultural practices, yes, they're guilty of this.
  13. Read only the first entry but I like her writing. It's young and guileless.
  14. Heh, hadey dumarka Soomaaliya ku nool ey cunto iyo caawimo ka sugi lahaayeen ragooda bari hore ayey gaajo iyo silic u dhiman lahaayeen inta badan. Those women are survivors and they do what needs to be done for their families. Waa bilaa shabaab or women's rights. Haduuna hadal u shaqeyn, budh iyo lacag ayaa u shaqeysa. Lack of healthcare primarily and limited access to education secondarily are the biggest obstacles for them right now. The FGM practice adds to maternal death due to complications in childbirth. If poverty and conflict eyna dhabar-jabineynin, Somali women would be the torch-holders for female empowerment. I truly believe that and have seen the evidence with my own eyes.
  15. When was this report published? It must be at least 2 years ago since it mentions Oct 1 as the end of Ramadan and we have since had two September Eids. Very disturbing statistics nonetheless.
  16. Somali, that's what I was thinking. If the PM has solid support within the Parliament, would they dare dispose of him so casually?
  17. Dugaag ayaa meesha haysta unfortunately.
  18. ^^This will be on your record and used against you FOREVER.