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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. Ramadan kariim and a blessed month to you all!
  2. Aw Masha'Allah....Mabruuk MMA! May Allah bless your marriage and grant you ubad khayr qaba!
  3. caydarus;737356 wrote: Khamiisyadii xitaa wey ka carareen dheh.
  4. Juxa, that's terrible walaahi. I haven't heard of anything like that before. Unfortunately despite what we feel kuma dhacno inaan habraha iyo dadka na soo booqdey bannanka u tuurno markey sidaasoo kale u dhaqmaan. Certainly waalidkeen would never stand for it and am pretty sure hadey Aaliya istiraahdo albaabka u balaq inay hooyadeed iskoobe u soo qaadan lahayd. Having said that, I'm not sure inaan u dulqaadan kari lahaa what that lady did, Juxa. Allah ha u naxariisto waalidkeena iyo muslimiinta intii geeryootayba. Amiin. I also agree that those who actually care about the grieving family try to help out with kharashka geerida, which is very sweet. NG, a little culture bashing has never hurt anybody!
  5. "Qalbi lagu dhuftay (x) maskax waxaa soo baxaysa (=) Allah ha u naxariisto." "Dhuuni lagu dhuftay hunguriweyne na ar ka cararaay" " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Hilarious Jeyte, Allah yarxama.
  6. LoL @ Norf. The kind of isku dhex karis that makes you go blind. NG, great idea but Iceland doesn't deliver to Bavaria.
  7. LoL @ Som@li. Miskiina! Gotta love Somali justice.
  8. Femme, perhaps you are right and SOL doesn't like you anymore! I tried to give you a star and I was told "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to - Femme - again.". Ha ha! You seem to have accrued a couple more from others though, so don't despair. Nina Fox, LoL @ fat qumayo. Xagga tact-ka iyo aamusnaan when the time calls for it waan ka habaaranahay. The most vivid episode I remember was when my nan died (Allah yarxama) during ramadan and for the funeral we had to order dinner and saambuuse for all the visitors (too many to cook for). So there we were sat at afur, dead tired from running around all day, yamming on the saambuse when this middle-aged xaliimo loudly complains 'maxaad tuna-sambuusaha uun u dalbateen, hilibbaa ka fiicnaan lahaa" thereby hinting that we had taken the cheap option with the tuna (200 of each was ordered but I guess just the tuna ones ayaa ku beegmay balaayada iimaanka la'). The lady came to pay her respects and we went to the effort and expense to feed her and she complains like a VIP guest la casuumay? I think my fast was wasted that day courtesy of the cay and habaar I indulged in. But coming back to the nurses, a lot of UK hospitals are severely lagging in providing adequate care for inpatients, particularly the elderly, the mentally ill and other vulnerable patients such as those who don't speak the language. A lot of nurses ayaa jira who don't fulfill their duty of care to patients.
  9. Hi Juxa, good ideas. Waad salaamantahay Sayid Somal, ma nugusoo khaldantahay laakiin? Dhakhtarku is over there --->
  10. As the media discovers more about the man behind the Norway attacks, connections to outspoken US Islamophobes are found. Jim Lobe Last Modified: 26 Jul 2011 13:51 Anti-Muslim sentiment has become more and more outspoken across the West - especially since they gained a powerful platform through the Tea Party and other far-right groups [GALLO/GETTY] As Norway mourns the loss of at least 76 of its citizens in Friday's bombing of government buildings in Oslo and mass shootings at a Labour Party youth camp, attention here has focused on the US bloggers and groups whose Islamophobic message appears to have fuelled the alleged perpetrator's murderous rage. Their identity was established through the online publication by the alleged terrorist, 32-year-old Anders Behring Breivik, of a 1,500-page manifesto entitled "2083: A European Declaration of Independence" purportedly authored by an "Andrew Berwick". All belong to what Toby Archer, a researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, referred to as a "transatlantic movement that often calls itself 'the counter-jihad'" in an article published Monday by "As his writings indicate, Breivik is clearly a product of this predominantly web-based community of anti-Muslim, anti-government and anti-immigration bloggers, writers and activists," according to Archer. He also noted that, in contrast to the traditional European right, this network tends to be philo-Semitic and supports the most extreme right-wing parties in Israel. Particularly striking is the overlap between the US members of this network - all of whom are identified with the neo-conservative movement - with the leaders of last year's controversial campaign to prevent the construction of a Muslim community centre near the World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan, the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque". The same bloggers and groups also actively promoted "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West", a film produced by the Clarion Fund, an apparent front for the far-right Israeli group Aish Hatorah, that compares the threat posed by radical Islam to that of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Some 28 million DVD copies of the video were distributed to households in key swing states on the eve of the 2008 president elections in an apparent effort to sway voters against Barack Obama. At one point in his manifesto, Breivik referred readers to YouTube segments of all 10 parts of "Obsession". Among other sources cited by the manifesto, the "Jihad Watch" blog and its author, Robert Spencer, is cited no less than 162 times, while Daniel Pipes and his Middle East Forum (MEF) gets 16 mentions, according to a tally by the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank here. Another blogger, Pamela Geller, and her "Atlas Shrugs" blog is cited 12 times in the manifesto, while the Center for Security Policy (CSP), its president, Frank Gaffney, and CSP's senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs, Caroline Glick, appear a total of eight times. All of them have sought to distance themselves both from Breivik and Friday's terrorist acts since his identity first became known Saturday, and have furiously protested suggestions in the media that they bore any responsibility for what took place in Norway Friday. Geller, who co-authored a book with Spencer last year that accused President Barack Obama of waging "war on America" (and for which the former US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, wrote the foreword), called a front-page New York Times article that noted the couple's frequent citations by Breivik "outrageous". "It's like equating Charles Manson, who heard in the lyrics of [beatles song] Helter Skelter a calling for the Manson murders," she wrote on her blog. "It's like blaming the Beatles. It's patently ridiculous." Citing the same Beatles-Charles Manson analogy, Spencer also expressed outrage on his blog both at Breivik's alleged acts and the suggestion that he may have been responsible in some way for them. Although he was only mentioned once in the manifesto, David Horowitz, whose David Horowitz Freedom Center, according to Politico, provided some US $920,000 to Jihad Watch in the latter part of the last decade, also defended Spencer on the far-right FrontPage website. Most of that money was donated by the Fairbrook Foundation, which is run by Aubry and Joyce Chernick and which has funded other Islamophobic groups, including Pipes' MEF, Gaffney's CSP, and Aish Hatorah, as well as the far-right Zionist Organisation of America (ZOA), according to 2009 tax records. Indeed, many of the same funders - many of them right-wing Jews - have provided support to such Islamophobic organisations in recent years. "Robert Spencer has never supported a terrorist act," wrote Horowitz on FrontPage Monday. "His crime in the eyes of the left is to have told the truth about Islamic fanatics beginning with the Islamic prophet who called for the extermination of the Jews." Read the rest of the article These people should answer for their hate-mongering.
  11. So what does this mean, Nuune? You've developed a taste for rabbit urine? LoL...and what's bird urine, I I would like to visit your world mar. Juxa...maraq with filfil iyo chilli is good for hargab. About the sambusa, I like eating it and didn't mind making it in previous years, but just don't want to do it this year. I think I'll take a leaf out of Alshabaab's book - a picture of sambuse with a big red cross over it will be affixed to the fridge, I'A.
  12. Complicated, are you part of the group? I've been following GSER on FB and I think they're doing a grand job in documenting dhibaatada dadka haysata.
  13. Nuune, I took the figure from the number of daily prayers, where one would definitely need to shower after jug-jug. Not sure I got the conclusion of the story, lagu ciyaaro iyo lagu dhalo. She just wanted pleasure whilst he wanted to save his energy for impregnation miyaa?
  14. There certainly aren't a shortage of organisations or money but the problem is will this reach the people who need it? How can countries donate millions each and very little trickles to the ground?
  15. Faheema, that's the beauty of it I guess. Inta hore oo dhan waxaa weeye 'I've done and can do EVERYTHING', they are hired and waxbaba ma yaqaanaan. Only a week to go, can't believe it. Not yet ready to assume Saambuse duties.
  16. Other than donation, what else can one do?
  17. Allah yarxama. It seems most of the big American media players dropped the 'terrorism' angle as soon as they learned that Muslims weren't to blame for the atrocities in Norway.
  18. I tried to watch the first video when it was first posted, but only made it 2 mins in - calool
  19. Hey, hadey diyaar u yihiin inay shan jeer maalintii meydhaan, then good for them.
  20. ^^ Ha ha! Femme, I have missed you! What do you say to spending less time at the hospital and more time on SOL? Your patients will either live or die ma aragtay - it's not really in your hands.
  21. Oh yes, I'm sure this will have both aspiring and established pirates drooling!
  22. LoooL @ XX. Classic. I hear Bonn and Frankfurt have the most Somalis and they don't often have xaflado. This one will be very popular.
  23. Does it matter where we originate from? From what I hear aduunkan inagaa duufsanayna - by the time the world ends, everyone will be brown. We will be the inheritors of earth. Heh.
  24. I'm saddened by this because it shows just how much we've taken you for granted. I've really enjoyed the ingenious way you approach and analyse issues from an Islamic perspective. You've done an immense job and I'm sorry if we haven't shown our appreciation or engaged enough in the discussions. May Allah reward you for your work and bestow further knowledge and understanding on you in your journey. Khayr iyo nabad ayaan kuu rajeynayaa, Nur.
  25. Funny that, Polanyi. I was just thinking about you before I saw this thread.