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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. It was under construction maanta and since the little buttons for images and such are still not showing up, I guess it's not complete yet. Laakiin I still like this format, the smaller font and plain background.
  2. As I hear it, the man has 7 children. When he is volunteering in Somalia, who's gonna pay the bills, ey?
  3. Just spoke to my sis, who is a police officer in one of the southern boroughs - she was defending Brixton xalaytoo dhan, 6am ayey ka soo baxday. Boys and girls, black, white and Asian...waa loo dhanyahay lootingka. The only motive seems to be dhac for now. And it seems none of the looters are from the borough they are looting. Waa la isu yeedhay. My dad says he will go to Masaajidka....yaan lagugu gubin bus-ka ee guriga ku tuko ayaan ku idhi. The area of Croydon that's burning waa an area with large stores and gyms. I couldn't get a clearer view than that. Baarqab, waa runtaa. Dukaanada hindida ha isku tagin. Waxba kama qabo an iPad ee, bisinka u qabo markaad gacanta ku dhigtid, inoo xalaalee.
  4. ^ Soo maadan afurin? Haa, orodoo soo bililiqeyso waxaad heli karto. (Aniga ii deydey dahab). Hmmm...Croydon is burning.
  5. Since SOL will be celebrating her 10th birthday next month, it only seems right that she should spruce up and have some cosmetic treatments. So, what's your verdict on the rejigging of the site? Any kinks that need to be worked out? I like it better in the current format, it's bit like our old theme, I think, but much more pleasing to the eye. Only issue for me is the RED font...which is a little strong. Thanks to the admins for their hard work.
  6. What's up with these 'Somali women have become garbage bins' and 'waa easy' comments. Ma ninbaa isu quudha inuu guursado a garbage bin ama qof 'easy' ah, whatever that means? We are not talking about one-night-stands, but Marriage. So, how can a permanent and legal relationship equal garbage? Eejits.
  7. Yup, 5"8 is tall enough for a lady. Xagaad ku socotaa, Aaliyah, 6" foot? Waste of money and time, these studies. Yes, we know, the more different your partner is from you, genetically, the more healthier your offspring. Yaa u sheega dadka doonanaya habrawadaag iney guursadaan.
  8. What are these falsehoods being propagated against me? I have ALWAYS been able to cook. I just don't like making the dough-heavy and greasy staple foods. But even those I can do fairly well. Halkaa inoogu joojiya the Val can't cook sheeko, please. Juxa and Che, I can deal with the domestic goddess label. Definitely, although I am still ways off, but a few more months of the Good Food channel and practice will get me there, I'A. Now, what I am against are carabi endearments like 'xabiibi'. Ouc. Juxa and Lily, I agree....cuntada lightka ah wax ka fiican majirto. Malawax, however delicious, will settle in your tummy like tumbling rocks. Not healthy. Give me coconut rice and a chicken stir-fry any day.
  9. Would he need to go back to a civil service job if he had pocketed millions? Mise millions in shillings ayaan ka hadleynaa?
  10. Lagama sheekeen karo, Che. Waa inaan halgan galaa from now on. Well, after Ramadan Insha'Allah. Qof sooman lama dhibi karo, you know.
  11. ^ Down under waa lucky. Best Ramadan was in NZ two years ago. 5.30 suxuur, 5pm afur. Adoo weli dharagsan ayaad afuraysa ka waran. And it was cool and rainy through out. Bliss. Made sambusas and malawax for the first time in ages as we had a guest coming. One of my husband's iskabulo friends. Cunto somaali u samee, I was ordered. He doesn't get it normally, I was told. Kind me, I did as I was asked only to get a phone call later on - ninku wax kale ayuu ku mushquuley oo nooma imanayo. *Hrumph* Don't trouble yourself, hubby adds, I want to pass by the mosque later on and will grab some afur there. WHAT? If I wasn't elbows deep in hilib-shiidan, and teary from basal fumes, and wasn't fasting, I would have had some choice words for them both. Raggan maba oga the trouble we go to to prepare all those bur-by-products they like. Anywho, guess who ate all the malawax? Yup, yours truly. And they were DELICIOUS!
  12. nuune;739410 wrote: Nina Fox , ummadeena ma tihid, Ilaah amarkiis, and those fanaaniin waa Kooxda waaberi, I used to have that riwaayad video, they were singing in Chinese as well as Somali. Ooh, found the video, not the full version, but it is the one: Famous FACES there, no need to name them, aah yeah, qiiradii adduunkaa igu dhacdey, Brilliant! I haven't seen this before...when was the riwaayad held? Love the bit where she speaks chinese, indhaha xitaa waxay uga bigbigleysay sida indhayarta. LoL. Love it.
  13. ^ LoL @ only place not burnt down is the job centre. Ah. Priorities. Tottenham and by extension a good bit of NL has become a bit of a ghetto. (Says she who lives a stone's throw away from Brixton). I think most Londoners are insanely frustrated these days with current government policy. Too much hassle for very little gain, too much red tape with zero support, redundancies and high unemployment matched with rising costs of food and other basic necessities, painfully high energy and fuel costs and deep cuts in housing and welfare support. Someone just needs to light a small match to trigger a huge explosion.
  14. Che -Guevara;739275 wrote: Val-Islamic history is very expansive. We can't prove or disapprove the black flag being used in wars. Besides, white flag will get dirty easily. Perhaps that's it. The white flag dhiiga ma qarsado.
  15. Well, I just buy the sareen/oats from the supermarket and cook it like porridge (except it has its fibre intact), with milk and sugar. It's not like Somalia, where you would have to hadhuudhka inaad tuntid marka hore dabadeedna dheriga uu saarnaado habeenkii oo dhan. It's easy peasy. Che, I never used to believe them (hooyo iyo ayeeyo) when they went on and on about sareen. But I tried it out this ramadan and it works a treat. No ill-effects during the day and with little gaajo and plenty of energy. Som@li, agreed. Simply the best!
  16. RaMpAgE;739181 wrote: The only thing these xalimo do is bring qashin into the somali community, wax kasto bay racaan, they have no shame nor dignity. Kaalay, ma mid baa kugu daadisay, what's with the bitterness? Here are two words you should look up: Dookh & ikhtiyaar.
  17. Habeen walba ma waxaad tijaabisaan a different suxuur @ Che and Taleex. From Day 1, anigu sareen uun baan dajinayey. Happy afur @ Somali. Anaga weli cashadii ayaa naga quluc-quluc leh.
  18. Ah, Islamic history, Muslimiin u dagaalamaysa oo ku dagaalamaysa calan madow halkee lagu arkay? Calankeenu waa calan cad. The only thing aan ku tilmaami karo waa pirates cimaamadeysan.
  19. Good progress. We need these prospective explorations. Hadii macdan la helo, it would be a wonderful winfall for our ravaged country (although the threat of mismanagement and conflict is also there as always).
  20. TFG-ga as it is waxaa hogaaminaya the stubidh and the greedy. They don't have the capacity or the capability lagu xoreyn lahaa wadanka once and for all. The only untested variable waa the new PM. Markaa, shabaab ka bacdii my worry is it will remain same ol' same ol'. At least the residents of xamar xalay farxad ayey ku seexdeen, Ilaahay ha ka farxiyee. Let's pray in sidoo kale the southern gobolo looga nadiifiyo the black-flag bearers.
  21. I love this woman, she's so active! Masha'Allah...donate, donate, donate biibol, dadka afur iyo dhar hala gaadhsiiyo ee.
  22. Ha ha ha @ Pucca. Masha'Allahs and Mubruuks are certainly due. What did you call the little sprog then? Do tell me you won the battle and it's a Somali name? Looma dulqaadan karo mid Korean ah.
  23. Amiin! Ah...can you imagine the future of Somalia if things keep going this way? The land of 1,000 flags, 10,000 madaxweynes and 100,0000 xildhibaano! Yikes.
  24. Wlc Hafsa. Maybe it's because of the long know, you fast for 18 hrs and then have to spend a good 2 hours or more of those in the kitchen preparing food AND then you have to gobble it up, put the kids to bed AND make your way to the masjid for Taraawiix. Koley aniga markuu soo dhawaado wakhtiga afurka ma jecli in la ilaba hadlo, cadhadu sankayba ii saarantahay. Might be an extension of that. Possibly.
  25. Evening all....happy afur, I'A. Qori, hope you sorted out your afur and suxuur by now! Lily, I haven't tasted Lady Grey yet and since you recommended it, will give it a try after Ramadan I'A. Unfortunately, I love tea too much. Hence why I want to quit. You shouldn't love or rely on anything that much!