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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
^^To hell with that!^^ (do excuse my french ) I would get a gun in a shot, if it was legal in the UK. Even stunguns are not allowed...talk about having your hands tied behind your back.
Valenteenah. replied to silent-sistah's topic in General
Originally posted by Lucky: Here is what i was thinking: A youth center(run by somaLis/musLims)who heLp the kids with whatever they need such as schooL work, emotionaL distress, stress, someone to taLk to, a counseLor-some pLace they can come to when they are in troubLe knowing that they wont get scoLded at rather have a mentor.With a recreation center-sport courts...to keep them off of the streets and away from the drugs and gang bangers. A pLace they can caLL home-which is run by the community so that they dont seek heLp from the gaaLos. Any comments or suggestions are weLcomed! I think that's a great suggestion Lucky and easily doable should the effort be put in by the community...or even a few dedicated individuals. -
Silent_Sista and co, I don't mean to point out the obvious but "Somali people" are a whole nation...about 6-9million of them to be precise. You shouldn't be slinging mud quite so enthusiastically, no matter what your personal experiences. If you guys fell out with your friends, why not just make some new ones. What's with all the drama? If your having such great difficulties with the Somali ppl you associate or did associate with, then maybe you guys should look at yourselves. Or more accurately you should question your judgements when it comes to making friends as Conscious Manipulation stated. I don't get it, do you hang around with every xaliimo and farax? If you can't accept or tolerate the actions or views of certain ppl, ignore them and stay away from them. You don't need to tarnish a whole population by screaming "I hate Somali people" from the roof-tops. That's not to say, that I don't grasp the points your trying to make, I just think there are better ways of addressing our shortcomings as a society. Personally, I prefer to associate with Somalis socially. I have met a lot of great ppl and I'm friends with the best of the lot. That's what they mean when they say "you can't choose your family, but you can sure as hell choose your friends".
I luv diruucda. Beautiful, colourful and they make you feel 100% elegant. They are great for weddings but outside on normal errands? Not very practical as nefertiti said. Lucky, Ur right, they do cause too much unwanted attention in public. Especially since diracu looks incomplete without dahab to go with it, and you definitely can't wear that outside (unless you would like to be mugged). Gediid, Don't worry, macawiistu is sexy, especially if you combine it with a cimaamad. Ooooh! *eyes glaze over*
Actually, I haven't seen much buraanbur dancing at weddings. But it doesn't look that hard to learn. Niiko now is a different story...I have given up on that. Which may be a good thing coz it's so bloody explicit! Originally posted by somealien: i think i could do it if i didnt have to cover my face, i dont have a good sense of direction. id prolly get tangled in the cloth and suffocate. laugh, but with my luck thats what would happen, im really clumsy. Dhikh dhikh dhikh!
Interesting article Siman.
Ameenah, I don't know what you mean. **looks away guiltyly** Originally posted by Lakkad: Well--U must be giving him presents Then-i guess Well, yes...if my smile can be considered a 'present'.
Originally posted by Lakkad: Barwaqo-Haye caruurta aa eedeneesa haye?...Miss Athena is NAIVE-she wouldnt know THAT-lol What? :mad: Yaa caruur ah halkan...aniga mooyee? Oh alright...so Athena didn't say that (Please note: I have been warned that should I not print a retraction of my previous statement, my life would be in danger). I can't remember who gave me that vile piece of info.... Damn!...there goes my pristine reputation!
Originally posted by flying-still: What do I think? I agree with you that education is an obstacle that can be over come....but How long will it take him to over come that one minor problem? I wonder what kind of a bond can be formed when education is such a big part of her life and almost none of his? If he moves down here then he would need to look for a job..but what kind of a job can he find when he speaks almost no english? ( speaks fluent german and somali) I don't know I feel for my cousin but the whole follow your heart thing is hard for me to swollow...but then again you never know what life has in store for you. Yeah, I can see it'll be very tricky. I would have doubts too. About the language barrier, learning English isn't that hard. I have several friends who moved from Germany to England after about 10yrs, and they've adapted quite well to Britain. A couple of them even speak better English than me after a few years here. It's down to the individual I guess. At the end of the day, success will depend on how supportive they are of each other, and if they are willing to do whatever it takes to get each other to where they want to be. However, it is going to be a bloody hard job and if either of them is not serious about it or isn't willing to put in the effort...then it probably won't work. I do feel sorry for her...it's a tough fix to be in. If she is a strong, pragmatic person, I think she'll be able to make it work, if not...it'll probably be better to let it go now. That's how I see it anyways.
Ilhaam, Drastic, but u could cut your hair I suppose. I wouldn't advice it tho, u'll probably luv it at first, but then you would miss your long hair. Funny thing is, I miss having the bun...I used to tie the ends of the scarf on top of the bun...but I can't now. On the other hand, short hair is remarkably easy to manage. Where as it used to take me 2 hours to wash and blow-dry them b4, it only takes about half an hour now. I haven't been much help, have I?
Originally posted by raula: Hon..LadyFatima...is gone...she probably be getting close to Nuune's city..(or state) (hint: this is an inside story..I will be destroyed if hinted otherwise)...so Barwaaqo move over gal...although I think u and MMA(Maskiin min Ruuf) ...will be the best match for you...but I hope he is a bit taller ... Am I to gather that LF is in Ireland? :confused: I personally thought she had gotten married and had a baby! MMA?...grrr....woof...woof! Oh yeah...as long as he doesn't expect to have more than one wife...moi!
Raula, Hijabified sista and Nefertiti...thanx girls! KK, Who's complaining? Not moi...I like praise, in all its forms. Lakkad, Lots of presents and money? LoL...I wish! Farax aint that generous. Ameenah, "in fact I think ya'll should post a topic about how great me and Lady B are, lets say once a month? how is that?" Great...I second that.
^^ I was under the impression that it's easier to get a job (whateva job) in the US, rather than Europe. I don't think moving to the US would be that big of a problem for most ppl. If ur cousin is doing her phD, I can see why his education level would be so important to her, but at the same time, if they get along and are attracted to each other, it would be a waste not to give him a chance. Just because he hasn't got a degree now, doesn't mean he can't or won't get it later. Nobody really knows what the future holds. Personally, I think it's great that she is being cautious, but she shouldn't dismiss him out of hand if the only problem is education. It is not that big of an obstacle, it can be overcome. What do you think of the situation flying?
^^miss mukur^^...u kno perfectly well ur the one that gave me that lil tidbit of information!
Originally posted by Instinct-Poet: Here is mY late Congratz...Ladiez..I know you will. And I hope ya'll remmember who this is... If you don't..Well hey... Quik, Clue..Libaax'z Wedding..In London.. Anyway,, Hope you Except My late Congratz.. Leamante? is that u? LoL...so u've been here all along? And I thought u had abandoned us! Thank u luv. Athena... LoL...u kno THAT massive grin is due to something else. Lakkad... OK...no punishment so long as u get me a present.
LoL @ ^^ I hear that's a good way to keep fit provided its halal.
Originally posted by Shayma: Try doing that mon-fri rush hours on one of the most busiest tube (cenral line). :mad: :mad: That's terrible. I feel sorry for u sis...but I think it might be worse to be stuck in traffic in this heat. At least the tube is fast....however suffocating. Central line...lol, I bet u is deaf as well!
Oh my God...kuleylkan looma dulqaadan karo! I feel like I'm frying...literally!
Originally posted by Latiif: Arr kuwanaa, wax matarayaal baad tihin dhamaantiin hadaadba iska dhicin la'adihiin Nin-Yaaban. Walee reer Qudhac iyo reer qansaxba waad ceebayseen hablayahow!! War Nin-Yaaban, udhamee sxb kolayba udhamaysaye!! Isa sii raaci sxb LoL...waa runtaa latiif, laakiin maxaa la sameynayaa, ninku waa lakkad...garri ma gasho kamana baxdo!
Originally posted by Lakkad: oh wait, i THINK Lady B-and her Evil Twin R behind this conspiracy...i say one CONGRATS is ENUFF-let go already! ^^ LoL...Waryaa lakkad, geesi baad noqotay ma istidhi? Bas...wey inoo taalaa. :mad: KK... Darling, Had a good sleep? LoL...coz Lakkad is right, we have been congratulated b4 (altho it's not that big of a deal)...but there's no limit. Carry on sista...and thanx!
Originally posted by Geelaay: BARWAAQO, ARE U SAYING WOMEN BECOME SPINSTERS AT 26 YEARS OF AGE???????????????????? I am just wondering what the age is for Somali women to call or men for that matter to call them SPINISTERS. Is that mean U are not 26 yet??????? or U counting yourself with the SPINSTERS? No walaalo, I'm not saying women become spinisters by 26. But I only realised the other day that a lot of ppl consider 26 too old to be unmarried. :rolleyes: I wouldn't call any woman a spinister unless she was in her 50s and still unmarried. Even then I would probably think of her as lucky. Flying, Thanx for clearing that up for me. :cool: Northener, Ah, aint that sweet. Athena, :mad: ...QUMAYO!
My activities are normal...surfing the net, txting, shoe-shopping and socialising. The only thing I do that can be classified as "out of the ordinary" is going to talks/conferences/public debates/meetings/demos and the like on issues/subjects that interest/concern me. flying, lol @ "survive". That is a hobby by itself eh? True Moja, 10 miles? LoL...ha na soo marin!
^^lol^^, yeah, thanx...took me long enough. I told myself I was putting it off coz I wanted to do it right, u kno, no cutting corners later...so I should put it off until I prepared my wardrobe and blah blah blah...excuses, I guess, when there shouldn't be any.
Originally posted by Raxmah: What is the so-called "FREEDOM" that the West has to offer me? Allow me to enumerate just a few... *The West has given me the choice to wear skinless clothing and even allows me to bare it all where both men and lesbians just could not wait to get their hands on me. *The West allows me to tease, be playful with men, and raped me with consent and file charges afterwards. *The West offers me a position where I am compelled to compete with man in all angles of domination where my status as a woman makes me a provider rather than an individual who deserves to be cared for and treasured. *The West allows me to take my marriage for granted. Divorce, infidelity, and promiscuity are just but a norm of the society. *The West allows me to wake up one day and be a homosexual pervert, wife/husband swapping, and adulterous bestial drunkard person. *The West allows me to be a liar, murderers, scoundrels, and thieves and be able to get away with it "freely". *The West allows women to be abused, battered, disrespected, exploited, and use my state of consciousness as part of their charitable affairs. *The West allows me to dumped my children when they reached certain age of maturity in order for me to free myself from any further burdens and responsibilities. *The West allows me to disrespect my parents and teaches me how to sue them however and whenever suits my purpose. *The West teaches my children at school that "safe sex" even outside marriage is perfectly justifiable which is a deliberate act that teens pride among themselves nowadays. I wouldn't call that freedom. Tis more like punishment. On a more serious note, is there really a Muslim person in this world who questions the goodness of Islam and the fairness of Allah (SWT)? Deep down inside, where it matters, I don't think there is. It is very obvious that the problems experienced by Muslims in this world are created by humans (be they Muslim or non-Muslim) rather than by the Islamic religion. Understanding the difference is fundamentally important. Individuals and leaders may twist and use the religion for their own interests and against their people (and yes we should fight against that), but the important thing is to know that there's no-one between Allah (SWT) and His servant. No-one. Thanks Raxmah for the article.
Thanx darling, that was a great article. It is a shame that some of us don't or can't appreciate the hijaab for what it does for us, when even non-Muslims are aware of its significance. However, given time, I think most muslim women realise the importance of hijaab and take it up. Mizz unique, Glad u kept it on too. Flying I wish I had someone like u to help me shop for matching clothes too. I'm making the transition from hair-only to full hijaab and my clothes are frustrating me. Skirts and scarves aren't a problem, but tops are. Everything I have is either too loose or too tight, too long or completely shapeless. :rolleyes: