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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
Oh yes...of course I remember the anticipation and excitement of ciid back home. Sadly, I have completely lost all that childhood enthusiasm since...and I'm not sure how to recapture it either.
Fill in the blanks with the right Nomad!!
Valenteenah. replied to Bisaad oo Marqaan ah's topic in General
Flying, Kaafi, Athena, Shujui and Sophist... Much appreciated guys...thanx. I'm not gonna bother wit a list...because I think it will rather resemble the Member List up there. :cool: Athena... My hand is up... -
Op... Yeah...all the love/marriage topics have been getting on my nerves too, but I guess ppl are interested in discussing them. As for serious topics....what hav you got in mind?
True Miz U...breast cancer can be passed down the generations...usually from mother to daughter. Thanx Lucky for the info. It doesn't hurt to check yourself once every month.
Gabdhahu ma nin qurux badan bay rabaan mise nin caqli badan
Valenteenah. replied to Hibo's topic in General
Funny thread. Cawo, Perversely, tis the opposite wit me...my requirements increase each year, and most of them have become 'deal-breakers'...if it aint there, I'm NOT interested or willing to compromise. Oh well.....happily looking forward to my impending spinsterhood. -
Every muslim - regardless of location - aspires to marry such an individual...don't they?
Originally posted by Sophist: Some people who think they live in London are not from the real london (being pendatic here), that is Zone 1 and two. LoL...TRUE. This Londoner lives in Zone 6...thats baadiye to some ppl.
I'm shocked by what our somali men do!!!
Valenteenah. replied to 7_steps_2_Heaven's topic in General
Qac Qaac, barwaaqo when u say, for some of us it never gets old, do u really think, u so educated when u take the ideas from the west, and reject your husbands rights. Hmmm...would it make a difference if I was in Somalia and I still rejected my husband's rights? LoL...I'm just messin wit u dear. When I said 'it will never get old', I wasn't refering to education or rejecting any rights. I was talking about your unceasing facsination with blaming every frigging thing under the sun on Somali women and the West. Such cliched nonesense... so remember u guys are educated, smart and beautiful, who grew up in western countries, u guys should now all, should even know more than the girls in somalia, coz u guys in western countries, could use computers, and cell phones, and drive cars, IS THAT, why u guys think, u guys are better? Ka daroo dibi dhal! Where did this come from, eh? Who on earth compared girls here with girls back home? And worse, found them lacking? I hope you don't think I was doing that in my previous post. If I should clarify my 'Don't let ur husband go back to Somalia alone" advice to the sistas, I was talking about the Somali obsession with leaving Somalia and coming to Europe or the US...and how valued and in demand men who live in the West are back home (whether they are married or not). So, in order not to put your marriage at risk by competing with these (probably superior) girls, you should accompany your husband rather than letting him loose into such an environment. Plus you should also make sure to take with you a sturdy stick to beat the damn pegieons off with. That's all QQ... Anyway...I get the feeling that you have a real problem with this particular issue...markaa waan iskakaa deynayaa. Lets face the facts though ladies...the majority of us females are nagging b!tches( no offence intended, i'm included in this) Lucky... Who knows? Shaqsii Classy answer. -
^^ yup definitely. You carry your TV licence with you? What if you lose it?
Originally posted by WATER LILIES: Mizz qarxis aka bee dee waxaan islahaa bee baa meesha kaabo ka ah ee bal ka yara gaabso waa intaasooy kugu saniftaaye. Aah...raali ka noqo qarxiska, but u know bee...can't keep quiet to save her life. Ramadan kariim to u 2 suga.
LooooooL....that's hilarious! "The seven asylum seekers all have the name Ali: Chemical Ali, Comical Ali, Back Ali, Dark Ali, Bowling Ali, Ali G, and Ali-Kiss-Angel." Ali-Kiss-Angel? As in Ballykissangel? Clever. Canbaro-LUUL...aka WATER LILIES, Kaalay naayaa, waad dhuumanaysaa miyaa? Haven't seen hide nor hair of you lately...xagaad ka dhacday? Great to have you back darling!
Originally posted by Darman: quote: - Deodorant - Mobile - pens - Debit Card - Library Card - Deodorant aaa lol :eek: :eek: [/QB]Yes dear. Deodorant...as in anti-perspirant. Do you know what it is? Also, I'm very particular about pictures. All my pictures are in tip-top condition, neatly displayed in frames or albums at home. I never carry them on my person because they would get messed up. F-S and Bee--i see you guyz are busting out the big gunz... Lucky, You have no idea! That was one of my 'light' days weliba...I have been know to carry everything but the kitchen sink.
SOMALIAN GIRLS URGENTLY NEEDED! (strictly for good looking ones only)
Valenteenah. replied to DrRomantic's topic in General
I see the ever-so-charming doctor is back and already soliciting female attention. I guess some things never change. Lakkad, Aint you a little darling! Good looking out. -
I'm shocked by what our somali men do!!!
Valenteenah. replied to 7_steps_2_Heaven's topic in General
I reckon tweety said everything I was gonna. I think there's a very fitting Somali proverb, something like "lax walba meeshey jiifsato ayaa lagu qalaa" (can't remember the right wording) which applies very well here. Firstly, it is a widely known fact that male (and probably female) expatriates are highly in demand back home and are pursued with such determination and cold-blooded cunning that it would probably be against the laws of nature for them to return umarried or without second/third/fourth wives (sometimes with all three)! So, what is the poor wife back in the UK to do? Nothing much. By the time he comes back her choices are limited to either acceptance & continuity or rejection & divorce. Solution? For the love of God, DON'T ALLOW YOUR HUSBANDS TO GO BACK TO SOMALIA ALONE!! Either accompany him or accompany him. One more thing...what's the likelihood of marriage lasting forever nowadays? Northerner, LoL...just take it like a man mate. Rudy, I would think "gossiping at starbucks like u aint no responsibilities" applies more to men than women. Now if you said "gossiping at weddings every wkend like u aint no responsibilities", then it would be a different story. Originally posted by Ameenah: Isn’t the 'Somali Women are Westernised' line is getting a bit old huuno? Ameenah, Naah, for some it will never get old. How can it, when it is the apparent cause of every single social problem/issue within the community? I bet you if they could blame the current political mess in Somalia on "Westernised Somali women", they would in a heartbeat. :rolleyes: -
I don't carry a wallet....I carry a supersized handbag, and ur gonna wish u never asked what's in it! Bal suga aan soo quffo e... - Personal organiser - Dairy - Top-up card - both o2 & T-mobile - Make-up bag - eyeliner, powder, lipgloss, vaseline, several eye-shadow tubs and sample perfume - Moisturiser - Hand cream - Deodorant - Mobile - pens - Debit Card - Library Card - Nector Card - All sorts of business cards (I collect them) - My weekly travelcard - gloves - spare head-scarf - Umbrella - Paracetemol - Bottle of mineral water - Several earings (Oh good, they are not lost after all) - Couple of floppy disks - Letters - Couple of folders - A couple of notes and some change. Bas...thats it...not too bad today, I think.
Dawaco, A groom who isn't overtly annoying is mighty hard to find u kno... Willing to settle for a mildly irritating one? Plenty of those around...
Originally posted by Shujui-1: Anyway we know why we aint got a Forum bro. women can nag on to each other for ages abit the most trivial of things... Oh no u didn't! :mad: :mad: Scarface, The men's forum is over there >>>> next to the online marfish.
Talking of Full inboxes... Lakkad...clear out your frigging inbox! :mad: :mad: Much luv and Ramadan kariim!
@ u lot! Uma eeka iney joogaan dad garanaya shukaansigii asliga ahaa, markaa waan iska sii soconayaa anigu. Mida kale, shukaansi iyo ramadaan miyey israacaan? Hmmm....
^lol^...naah, I think thats far enough!
When i get married i want to be the first person on the dancefloor, and the last to leave. I want to jump baraambur when my mother is praised and i want to put my garbasaar around me and do niiko like there is no tomorrow. And of course, singing along with every song as loud as i can! As for the food, i want to eat as much as i can, after all it is my wedding! And being able to go home to my mommy afterwards would be fun, to gossip about who wore what and who looked fab.....Does one need a husband to get a dream wedding?.. I haven't totally lost the plot, but doesn't it have a nice ring to it girls? Dawaco, LoL...that sounds like a lot of fun! And who's to say you can't have all that and more? Since it is YOUR wedding...what's stopping you from organising it the way YOU want it? Possibilities...possibilities...possibilities!
Ramadan Mubarak to you too dear.
Flying... Yeah, I kno. I have tried to wean myself off but the problem is, I don't feel like I have relaxed unless I watch some mindless TV after a hard day. I'm determined, however, to stop watching TV completely...Insha'Allah. Originally posted by Lucky: Bee Looks LIke youre in troubLe...an addict Just Like my sis here.TeLL ya what either cut the cabLe/digitaL/sateLite or whatever eLse you use and get rid of the remote.Or take the whoLe set and put it away to a PLace that you cant see it or reach for it. Yeah, that would make it a lot easier, but I don't live alone, I have a huge family, some of whom happen to be worse addicts than me. So, no...they won't let me touch it. I'll probably lock myself in my room after I get home and read the Quran. Thats the only appropriate solution, I can think of....
Jazakallahi khayr Nur...
That is a challenge...Nice one! Alright then, I'm in, Insha'Allah. A Jus a day... Khayr, How did you do organise your recitations? I mean to fit in with work/studies/everything else...read all night long? or... Any help will be appreciated...