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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. ^^ Nicely put Bambina. I think you more or less summarised everything perfectly. If only u had gotten here earlier! Nino, I dont think anyone was discussing the merits of feminism or the benefits of being a feminist. Nor did anyone denying that Islam granted women all their rights centuries ago. Some of the brothas just felt the need to brand the sistas they disagreed with as 'feminists' so as to dismiss their arguments. Thats about it.
  2. Princess...maalinba waa wax cusub. Cayda maanta waa 'feminist'. Roll with it.
  3. You kno, I completely forgot to address the original topic...damn UD and his side-tracking comments. :mad: SafiaLuuL... Thought about learning more about the religion? There are lots of Islamic courses, talks and seminars everywhere and they are always very interesting. You could also develop further any hobbies you have. Or you could get involved with community organisations and volunteer your skills and expertise to those who need it. I find it slightly surprising that you devoted so much time to partying that you now find yourself at such a loose-end. Or have I got the wrong end of the stick?...maybe partying stands for lots of things that dont involve just going out in the evenings here and there? :confused: Underdog, No, no, no...Captain caveman shouldn't attempt to 'turn the other cheek'. Its no fun hadii kale. By all means, give it all you got. I wasnt implying inaad paedophile (i.e. R Kelly) tahay...heaven forbid! I was just following your example, since you said over-30 (which I thought was a definite exageration), I said 14, which is an exageration, although am sure many blokes wouldn't mind shacking up with a girl that age. Now I have to entirely disagree with this comment: The ideal target age is 19 to 28, after that women "TEND TO" get bitter and "SOMETIMES" xishoodka aa kadhumo. I think you definitely have the last part wrong. The older one gets, the more ey xishood badan yihiin and the younger one is, the more mannerless and cultureless they are. Do you disagree? I dont know much about the bitterness. Essentially, every woman wants a man she gets along with, yes? One who would be a good husband and a good father. The younger the woman is, the more hasty she may be in marrying the wrong person. Often these hasty matches dont work out and the couple separate. This is when a woman may become bitter as she's not about to make the same mistake (i.e. marriage) twice. On the other hand, an unmarried woman in her 30s will still be looking for a worthwile partner. And as she waited this long, she's not about to settle for any faarax and by this time am sure she's learned a great deal about what breaks up a marriage from all her friends wrecked unions. Now, does that make her bitter? I dont kno. But I think she'll probably make a more committed, more compromising wife than any green 20-year-old. Also, this a little off topic, but I always see you talking about "absentee mother who too busy to be the educator to her child and companion to her spouse.", yet I never see you addressing absentee mothers who cant do any of the things you mentioned, not because they are selfishly persuing their own careers but because their husbands died or abondoned them long ago and they have to put food on da table. Or is that not mentioned because the woman always has government support to lean on if her husband doesnt support her and the kids? I suppose that would take the onus away from the man. When the husband is there, the wife has to be at home taking care of the kids and household chores, but when he gets tired of her and her 5 young kids and wants to give a younger, prettier model a try, he can be on his merry way without any guilt or remorse because her fortnightly benefit payments will take care of her and the kids? Nice if u can get it, right? What a bloody great way to live! Again apologies for going off track. Am suddenly thirsty.
  4. Originally posted by Qac Qaac: Ok honestly waan fahmay sheekada hadda. Waraa Garab tuujiye, gabdhahaan let's face it they don't care about opinionated, because all that time they didn't say anything. but once u said girls are cheap and clean. now every girl is involved. and u know what forget about telling them what's right, kuwaan hal il kaliya ee wax ku arkaan... ilaahooda ay qabaan. Qac Qac, Runta sheeg, hadii aan odhan lahaa Somali boys are cheap and balo walba wey la seexdaan, maadan xanaaqi laheyn adba? How many times ayaad tidhi...'dont generalise Somali men' iyo 'we are not all bad' laakiin marka laga hadlayo Somali girls, ma isdifaaci karno? Whatever. ----- Private messages: Foruming etiquette indicates that private messages remain private...hence the 'private'. At the same time once you've sent a private message, it becomes the property of the one who receives it. So, I suppose they can do whatever they want with it. I have to admit tho, it isnt nice to break the trust inherent in sending private messages.
  5. Funny ppl! LMAO!! Wax tuujiye, Hadii 'dhoocilihu' joogin, Qac Qac iyo Underdog boredom ayeey u dhiman lahaayeen. QQ... Is ilaali walaalkiis, I dont kno how long I can keep the Homeland security forces off your back. Maalin dhow the Women's forum ayaa lagaa tuurayaa siday u eegtahay.
  6. LoL @ UD...Good to see you back and in full fighting mode. I have a feeling inaad si fiican noogu soo nasatay. Amazingly enough, I missed your backward ways. I kno...can't believe it either. The only man who wants to marry a successful 35 yr old woman is an opportunist who couldn't build something for himself. Ah..bless the young. Darling the days of marrying a little girl barely out of puberty are OVER! Not entirely because doing so in these countries would get you slapped with a statutory rape charge faster than you could say 'naa xaliimooy', but because Somali women have wised up. There are enough women around who were married off at 14, who dont want the same experience for their daughters. Now, for some 'dheylo jecel' faaraxs like you, it may be difficult to accept that a girl may want more for herself than being stuck within four walls with bloody kids screaming in her ears day in day out, that they may want to engage with their community, educate themselves, use their skills and take their place within society, but that seems to be the trend for this generation. Might as well get used to it deary. Then again if its too much, not many things have changed back home, so you could always pack your things and migrate. (I think that might be very pleasant...being the king that you are, u surely deserve a worthy queen). As for getting married after 30, marriages occur and can occur at every age. Think about many of your female relatives married or re-married in the last few years? And Am sure they are not all 19 and 20. LoL...believe me sugar, there's a market for every age. The last three meher's I attended, were second marriages and the brides were not blushing virgins. Anyway, I doubt you speak for the majority. Not every man wants inan yar uu maskaxda ka gumeeysto. There's nothing wrong with marriage and kids, but you guys need to stop using them as an excuse to keep young girls pregnant and illiterate. :rolleyes: *Please God, keep me away from little control freaks*
  7. Those are heart-wrenching pictures. I wont be able to sleep tonight. May Allah have mercy on our people. All of them. In the last two decades, millions of Somalis suffered. I don't believe the suffering of any particular group can be compared to another, so please let us not go there. Fa'ido inoogu jirta in farta la isku taago ayaa iska yar. Justice for one and all.
  8. ^^ No we aint. Give faarax a little car and he thinks he's the king of the world. Lads...lets not pretend you are humanitarians. More like predators.
  9. Originally posted by Qac Qaac: sis, don't u think, it is still putting down to women, why 1000 of them giving one time the stage, where man gets one time out of time. or out of day..... still it is men world huh? LoL @ QQ The whole point, dear, is to draw international attention to the work of women peace activists. They're not campaigning for individual, but collective recognition, hence the '1000 women...'. I think its a good idea personally. Vanquish, I dont know about the prize money. Will probably be used to fund their individual projects, am guessing. Darman, Look harder.
  10. Garab tuujiye: ....I know how you are defending Afro American's and knowing girls in Detroit, or should i say Windser, are after Afro american brothers. I could help thinking that maybe you are with and Afro American brother..Listen i been to both places and i have seen it how chicks there act with Afro American brothers in Detroit so don't hide behind a freeking curtens and tel us that you love Afro Americans 4real..there is nothing wrong with being with Afro American Brother as long he is Muslim...But y'all party with them brothers... You my dear, reek of hypocrisy. On the one hand going to great lengths to state that your not racist towards African Americans, while at the same time accusing Opinionated of only defending A-Americans because she must be dating one of them. "There is nothing wrong with Afro American Brother as long as he is Muslim..." LoL...of course not, yet everything you wrote negates this statement. Don't try to bring Islam into it. You couldnt care less whether they are muslims or not. Your just discriminating against them and against OP because she defended them. Plain racism. Moving on, It is true that there’re many Somalian sisters who date Afro American Brothers And there Are many Somali brothers who date Afro American sisters an white girls.. But some do it because they love the person, and decide to get them to become Muslim if they are not which is really nice. But there are some, who know nothing about their culture infect hate, their culture and religion and Nationality. And the only reason thy at Afro American or whites I because they are trying to fit in and wanting to be westernized. What does this mean exactly? That Somali boys love their non-somali gf and try to convert them to Islam, while Somali girls are only fleeing their culture and identity and only want to rub-uglies? Bullshit. You can have ur opinions, just be honest and admit ur biased against African Americans and probably against Somali girls too. Waa lawada ogyahay inay somaalidu racist to the bone tahay. No big deal. Also, there are many hypocritical faaraxs who would bang anything in a skirt no matter what her race/religion, yet who cry foul when/if they see a Somali sis with a non-somali male. OP deserves an apology. Wether you give it or not depends on what kinda person you are.
  11. LooooooooooooooooL @ U two! Mieeeeeeeeow! Am all for a forum for the faarax's. Then maybe we can get you lot out of our hair!
  12. May Allah bless her soul. Winger, condolences to both you and the rest of the family. Samir iyo iimaan walaalo.
  13. Originally posted by 719: I tell u what, so long as they keep ATHENA out of this am OK :mad: Hehehehe...still haven't forgiven her I see.
  14. Laziegirl, Wanna kno the secret to becoming a mod? One word: bakhshiish. As for what we do...or rather what I do, the answer to that is simple...nothing...nada...niente! There aint much to moderate. I think Admin will fire me maalin dhow.
  15. GeelJire, No matter, you can happily mix the two language as I do. Gives you the best of both worlds. mise waxaa tahay 39 jir, going on 18 yrs.... Why, you little......! :mad: :mad: 18 kulahaa!...I just turned 16 for your information!
  16. 1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 The search is on for 1000 women from all over the world who will be nominated collectively for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005. The idea is to call international attention to the vital role played by women from all walks of life in challenging harmful established social/cultural boundaries, institutions and ideologies and in creating and promoting peace in their communities and the world. With the nomination of 1000 women for the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize, peace workers will be honoured and given international recognition. Their lives and work will be documented through video and film, audio tape, printed biographies and other media, and their strategies for constructive conflict resolution, peace-making and development will be analysed by researchers worldwide and utilized in the study of conflict and peace processes. We define peace as more than the absence of war. Our concept of peace is comprehensive and covers all aspects of life including politics, the economy, culture, social and natural environments, and social justice. We, therefore, are looking for women who have a holistic approach to peace. Our concept of peace is human security, which is endangered daily by conflict, poverty, inequality and disrespect for human rights. The situations that women who work for peace have to confront and rectify include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: The promotion and protection of human rights The protection of children, women, people with disabilities, and other at-risk groups The elimination of poverty in all its forms The struggle against structural violence and discrimination (including patriarchal, caste, class, racial, and ethnic) The establishment of a just economic and social order The establishment of a just economic and social order Ensuring universal access to resources Promotion of peace negotiations and conflict mediation Health and education Analysis of mechanisms that endanger peace Documentation of war crimes and violations of human rights Action against all arms, especially the proliferation of small arms The main criteria for the peace women are summarized as follows: She employs and promotes active, non-violent responses to conflict situations, structural injustices and inequalities Her work is sustainable and long-term She leads by example, acting with moral courage and responsibility Her work is exemplary and worthy of emulation She works for the cause of peace and not for political or personal gain Her work in transparent and based on tolerance She includes and engages with people of different backgrounds _____ _______ _______ Interesting project aint it? I wonder if any of the nomads know of or would like to nominate a Somali peace activist? There must be many! You can get all the info inc. the nomination form from this site. Its past time women's global contributions to peace-building were acknowledged. PS: Online nominations close May 31st 2004. (Insha'Allah)
  17. This is a different generation, a different time, a different place. Do we have the tools, or is it even possible, to carry out a proper comparative analysis of past and present Somali husbands? I dont believe so. Having said that, I'm under the impression that the men of today cannot, in no way, come remotely close to resembling raggii hore. None of them can touch their great-grandfathers, grandfathers or even fathers, in terms of strength of character, dicsipline and principles. No offence intended to the brothas.
  18. Salaam, There you go. How long have I been telling you about the evils of the corporate, capitalist world? Ready to join us now, eh??
  19. Salaam Nur, So, is it worth fooling around yaa geel Jirto Nomad? Well, when you put it like that, I suppose it would be better to go to janna in all my finery rather than looking like a piece of charcoal. Nur, I really luv the way you write...expressive, accesible and humorous. Mansha'Allah. If my former Qur'aan teachers were like you, I may have become an Islamic scholar by now. Say, your not available for teaching, are you? I have some monsters at home, who need to become re-acquainted with their diin pronto. Be warned however, you have a tough job ahead of you should you be considering the position. Salaams
  20. Calaa kuli xaal, the moral of the debate is: 1) Not to lose our distinct identity as Somalis and Muslims in the West 2) Not to generalise and put down other races 3) Wherever Opinionated goes, blazing arguments will surely follow! it.
  21. Socrates, C'mon, I'm sure ur a lot smarter than that. Why in the world would a girl get in a car with two male strangers alone? The fact that they are Somali is irrelevant. I dont know why ur pissed coz I'm sure you'ld have advised ur own sisters to do the same thing that girl did. As for your deleted post...I kno nothing of it. Macsalaama.
  22. Paranoid or what? :rolleyes:
  23. ^^ Well, "Pessimistic" seems as good a place to start as any. Khayr... Ur quite right. The DnD nick does reflect how I felt at a certain time. But I still dont consider other ppl's nicks as reflections of their personalities, but just as a handle because most names seem to be chosen randomly. Or maybe its down to my reluctance to pigeon-hole people. Qori xabaalan: And what about Barwaaqo? Does she has split personality by the name of barwaaqo , bee and disillusioned-n-despondent ? Does this make sense? U have no idea how many split personalities I have! Funnily enough, I dont believe the 'Barwaaqo' nick relates to any of my personality traits. I chose it simply because it was an old nick n means the same thing as my real name. 'Bee' was short for 'Barwaaqo' and 'DnD' was chosen after a bad day at work. And thats about it.
  24. Somealien... Thats fantastic news. Hope it doesnt take you as long as it took me to 'prepare your wardrobe'. Summer clothes...I always wear the same things in the summer, linen trousers coupled with long tops or light, knee-length dresses. The sort of summer dresses u always see in shops but cant wear because they are too short? Well, they look fab with trousers and they are perfect for summer...pretty, light and modest. If they are short-sleeved, just put on a little cardie on top.
  25. No, I dont take it seriously. I admire the originality of some nicks, but thas about it.