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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
^^ Thats because Somalis are socially excluded...innit? How you doing J? When can I see dat video?
Originally posted by underdog : quote: Originally posted by disillusioned-N-despondent: That should be an interesting conversation. Especially if am carrying my budh is that some kind of caveman...oops I mean caveperson mentality I hear? DND, what happened? are you implying you want to cause actually physical damage??? I don't encourage violence and my comment about a foot is as has been grossly misunderstood : People I'd like to meet just to see if I'll get the urge to break my foot off in their a$$es I see people have selective reading skills mastered. the "to see if I'll get the urge" part of that sentence magically disappeared when read. DnD, I'll try and stay off your radar. [/QB]LoL...Underdog, dont be offended walaalo. I was just messing with you. Walaahi I wasnt refering to your 'foot in a$$' comment. Just to that caveman fella. Although I wouldnt mind knocking some sense into him, I think I'll probably get a long rather well with him. C'mon, dont be discouraged from giving back as good as you get. No need to fall off the radar, your exchanges with the SOL ladies is what keeps me coming back.
Originally posted by garab tuujiye: DnD ( ma taqaanid cunto karis) Yaad waxaa ka maqashay waryaa? Cuntadayda lama gaadhi karo, laakiin waan ogahay waxaad u jeedo, inaan ku casuumo ayaad rabtaa soo maaha? Ma dhacayso ee maskaxdaada ka saar. Malaika, It was ma pleasure. Hope u got a good mark on it. Raula, X-quizit, Malaika...da feeling is mutual. UD... That should be an interesting conversation. Especially if am carrying my budh .
Winger, We've already met, havent we? Yes, I remember, I met you at the same time as EXdane, MMA and a good number of the London Nomads. Sometime last year. That is if your the right person am thinking of. Sue, Thanx dear. I wouldn't mind meeting the grand empress either. The Q for moi is who haven't I met yet? 10 isnt enough, but here we go: Tamina/kaha Raula Nova Kruella Canbaro luul and Sue (since they are both in the UK, am gonna count them as one. And no it isnt cheating) Lakkad Liqaye Gediid Che Baashi Ma sii wadi karaa please?
^^ Hey!..I take offence at that. I thought my scent was 'flower' by Kenzo...not frigging 'fem'. :mad: You are a bit of alright yourself ud. Took me a while to get used to mr caveman tho, I dont think I have ever come across qof ka madax adag naftaa. Keep him on a leash will ya?
The big bad world: Life after Univ
Valenteenah. replied to Valenteenah.'s topic in Developement | Projects
^^LoL... Your proposal sounds well dodgy. Inaad igu shaqeysato ayaad rabtaa soo maaha? Wey inoo tahay. :mad: -
^^LoL... Your proposal sounds well dodgy. Inaad igu shaqeysato ayaad rabtaa soo maaha? Wey inoo tahay. :mad:
Raxiil, ka hadh aduunyadaad eryaneyso dad badan baa sidaa ku socdaye. Nomad, Maxaad tidhi 'I have two balls'? Hehehehe, walee weynu arki doonaa. Waxba ha eegan Opi, waa iska miskiinad. Waxaynu sugi Xquizit's input...lets see if you keep those two balls for long. Raula, Nice avatar.
^^ We dont like ungrateful ppl. We took your a$$ in, and this is how you repay us? Bloody refugees! The Queen
Loreal, because I'm worth it. or ?
Raxiil/Canbaro...darling tis good to see you! Where u been lately? LoL @ NOMAD...ooooweeee! What a brave lad! Any last requests? Ciggies? A shot of whisky? laxoox?
Originally posted by Hibo: DND Sister I don't think so. I am dark skinned and almost all the women I know.. have bleached themselves and have been trying for years now to have me join their club... nothing could ever break me. I just look at myself in the mirror.. and admire what I see. Would I wanna trade that for a trashy skin that makes me handicapped??? NO WAY. If you guys didn't know... once u bleach your skin u can't cook, get exposed to the sun.... enjoy the outdoor during the day light.... now tell me.. what kind of living is dat??? Not much of one, I suppose. Didnt kno any of that. Well Hibo, I think you are probably more stronger than the avarage xaliimo. I dont think I could resist myself, if both my parents werent in the medical profession and hadn't made sure we understood the damage those creams could do to the skin perfectly. I hope, the coming generations wise up.
The big bad world: Life after Univ
Valenteenah. replied to Valenteenah.'s topic in Developement | Projects
^^ Your new dirac confused me a little. Raula Am guessing you get paid to go to school right? otherwise it wouldnt be that much fun. Anywho, piss off. I dont want to hear about anyone who's happy. This is a strictly complaints-only thread. :mad: Gediid DnD Too late walaalo niyadii down........ Cheeta Word has it that there is a new xalimo in town, but you will be in my thoughts love. Oh well. Guess am destined to be single for life. Hurrah! No-one mention graduate school. It's what has got me so broke. Loans are no-no (I've enough on my head already), there's cut-throat competition for funding from research councils (and even so, you'll never get enough to cover both fees and maintenance), I've taken enough from my parents, so I cant go to them for this. Which only leaves working and saving >>>> and thats where my inability to save becomes a huge problem. Hopefully, things will get better Insha'Allah. Originally posted by Farah: :eek: -
^^ Your new dirac confused me a little. Raula Am guessing you get paid to go to school right? otherwise it wouldnt be that much fun. Anywho, piss off. I dont want to hear about anyone who's happy. This is a strictly complaints-only thread. :mad: Gediid DnD Too late walaalo niyadii down........ Cheeta Word has it that there is a new xalimo in town, but you will be in my thoughts love. Oh well. Guess am destined to be single for life. Hurrah! No-one mention graduate school. It's what has got me so broke. Loans are no-no (I've enough on my head already), there's cut-throat competition for funding from research councils (and even so, you'll never get enough to cover both fees and maintenance), I've taken enough from my parents, so I cant go to them for this. Which only leaves working and saving >>>> and thats where my inability to save becomes a huge problem. Hopefully, things will get better Insha'Allah. Originally posted by Farah: :eek:
LoL! Ever helpful to your gender, arent you Lakkad? That article isnt about curing a feminist, but rather getting your leg over with a feminist.
I was wondering why the SCC meeting was being publicised in the politics section! Ayoub, The Somali Co-ordinating Committee is made up of representatives of 13 different working groups, who as Ameenah mentioned, have been researching the problems Somalis in the UK encounter in every possible sphere and putting forward policy recommendations for future action. This up-coming meeting is the 5th one of its kind. I havent received the meeting agenda yet, however, since the SCC are in the middle of organising a national conference to draw attention to the needs of the Somali community and better ways of meeting them, I'm sure thats what the meeting will be concentrating on. Suldaanka, This meeting and the SCC have nothing to do with Somali/Somaliland politics. They are only concerned with issues relating to the social problems affecting British-Somalis. Ameenah Thanks for the clarification. Sophist Walaalo, the SCC has enough problems as it is. Let us not add to it, ok? Londoners, The meeting is open to all. So do attend Insha'Allah.
May Allah wash away her sins and rest her soul in peace...Amiin.
^^ Why wait for recognition? I wouldnt mind if they deported u now. Except for the influx of Euro-Somalis into the UK and a few others brought in on sponsorships and family re-unions, the majority of Somalis are either British Citizens or hold full refugee-status and are long-term residents. I'm not too familiar with the legalities of the UN refugee convention, but I dont think the govt can deport that many. I dont mind if they deport the Euros tho, they are clogging up the system for those who really need Asylum (i.e. those still in African refugee camps). Plus, they can just go back to the countries, whose citizenships they hold. :rolleyes: As for Somaliland, a lot of ppl already went back a long time ago. Others are saving up to go back permanently in the near future and the rest havent given it much thought other than short holidays. Geel-Jire, Yes, Somaliland (and the rest of Somalia) rely almost wholly on remittances from the diaspora, however, economically speaking, sending ppl back to their country isnt a negative prospect. Far from it actually. Just think how much resources, skills, technology and know-how will be taken back along with the ppl. This will benefit and add to already booming private sectors. As you know, Somalis are naturally endowed with great entrepreneurial spirit, and this may be the best way to limit the over-reliance on remittances. Lander: An influx of people who are not native or known to dwell the area could lead to instability. And such fears will also lead to instability. There's no need to assume an influx of new repatriates will have a negative impact on SL. Just the opposite actually. Those in the diaspora who go back are probably tired of life in the west and in most likelihood, would be looking for a change of lifestyle, a peaceful and laidback life and better acquaintance with their family/clan/tribe/nation. I also dont doubt they would want to help their country develop and prosper. It would be wrong to assume anything more sinster. Plus, havent you heard? Variety is the spice of life!
Nah, sorry. You planning on going there? Bon voyage.
Beard of course. Over 500 replies...wow, is this the longest thread on SOL? Must be. This is scraping the bottom of the barrel, but I have nothing better in mind >>> Electric toothbrush or cadey somali?
The big bad world: Life after Univ
Valenteenah. replied to Valenteenah.'s topic in Developement | Projects
True, learning never ends. But it takes a break here and there. Lu, Communities? I already work with several on a non-paid basis, and although I enjoy the work, I dont want to make it into a career. My interest lies in international NGOs. Gediid, Adigu wax walba waad iga dhageysaneysaa ileen...u kno I was just teasing you. Off course I would be feri happy to be your second wife. :mad: -
True, learning never ends. But it takes a break here and there. Lu, Communities? I already work with several on a non-paid basis, and although I enjoy the work, I dont want to make it into a career. My interest lies in international NGOs. Gediid, Adigu wax walba waad iga dhageysaneysaa ileen...u kno I was just teasing you. Off course I would be feri happy to be your second wife. :mad:
The big bad world: Life after Univ
Valenteenah. replied to Valenteenah.'s topic in Developement | Projects
GeelJire... You're quite right. Mar mar waan is ilaawaa. I should be thanking Allah for his blessing rather than complaining so ma'aha? I feel ashamed walaahi. I'm not a regular money sender, but I do try to do my bit here and there. I kno its not enough tho, considering all I have been blessed with. Oh...I feel really guilty now. -
GeelJire... You're quite right. Mar mar waan is ilaawaa. I should be thanking Allah for his blessing rather than complaining so ma'aha? I feel ashamed walaahi. I'm not a regular money sender, but I do try to do my bit here and there. I kno its not enough tho, considering all I have been blessed with. Oh...I feel really guilty now.
The big bad world: Life after Univ
Valenteenah. replied to Valenteenah.'s topic in Developement | Projects
^^ LuLu... Stop the 'old' business dee, waa ku sidee? The 9-5 job is what am complaining about darling. I want a stress-free, flexible and ethical job >>> now, just where to find it? Gediid, A new car?! Blast it! You dont play fair, do u? Let me think....tube and sole rights to the hubby OR car and sharing?.... The tube it is! I can buy my own car ta very much. PS: Forget the 1000 halaad, u aint getting them back. The agreement was made on the basis that I was your only wife, therefore am keeping them as compensation for the false advertising. Hadaad iswaashidna my lawyer will deal with you. Cheeta, If a liar is what you desire, then by all means you have met your match Why do I feel as if I have bitten off more than I can chew?