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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
Adam Smith and the classical school of economic theory aside (too tedious to get into), it is actually Western capitalist economies, the very same ones who zealously peddle the 'free trade' idealogy, who use protectionist policies to protect their domestic markets from foreign competition and produce. This is exemplified most by the expensive EU subsidisation of unproductive and inefficient European farmers and fishermen, when it fact it would be much cheaper to import fish and other agricultural produce from African countries who have a 'comparative advantage' in those sectors. Yet at the same time Third World countries are not allowed to do the same, (i.e. protect their vulnerable firms and internal markets from aggressive foreign competition). That, my dear, is the very essence of 'free trade' in today's globalised world. And the reason why so many are against it. A brief intro into 'Free Trade History, Theory and Ideology'.....Friends of the Earth International Haniif, I completely agree wiv u.
Oh, Tam is leaving? :eek: **Weeps uncontrollably** But why? Dont you luv us anymore? Will I at least see you around Paltalk? I'm gonna miss you an awful lot. Take great care of yourself, I'A. Wish ya the ultimate best. **continues crying**
^^...lol. Nicely put sis. Should we perhaps ask for compensation for the stress caused by those baseless, slanderous accusations? Ameenah, Xaasha! I stopped explaining things to Khayr a while ago. Got tired of incessantly banging ma head against the wall. Ma fingers are getting tired...
Did you worry about your school's ranking?
Valenteenah. replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in Developement | Projects
University rankings never mattered to me when I was applying. I chose my Uni due to the fact that my course would be based in a new, architecturally snazzy campus. LoL..YUP, in someone else's words, I was attracted by da bling bling. However, in hindsight, I sometimes wish I had given my choices more thought. Due to the graduate employment environment in the UK today, the better ranked your uni, the more likely you will get a job (not any sort of job mind u, but the sort ur looking for) soon after graduating. There's just too much competition because everyone has a degree. Which forces the majority of graduates to either settle for jobs they dont want, or to pursue expensive further studies at prestigious institutions. Then again, there's little sense in regrets. And to tell ya the truth, I dont think I would change much if I could do it all over again. I luved my course and I was happy with the quality of teaching. Most of my lecturers were at the top of their fields. Unfortunately, schools like SOAS, LSE and Sussex tend to poach good academics from other Unis, and they stole several of my lecturers. Ba$tards. -
I'm a lil confused Liqaye.. Are we suppose to comment on the site or the country? If the former, then it looks nice. If its the latter, then I dont think much of it.
Sorry Phil...no ideas are forthcoming from this direction. My brain has officially been put to rest I'm afraid. Ur on ur own. Good luck.
High school utterly sucked for me in one way, and completely passed me by in another. I spent all my time styling my hair and putting on different shades of lippy each day. ...and flirting. It is a wonder I was able to get any GCSE's at all. Oh, but I did luv most of my teachers. Except my KS3 math teacher.
Hmmm...AlwaysLearning...am always job hunting...LoL. But you should have warned me it was all about IT. I get a lot of job alerts each week...shall I post some of them I wonder? Or maybe no-one is interested in Fundraising/research type of jobs? Do let me kno...IA.
HIV Somali man is found guilty of deliberately infecting lovers
Valenteenah. replied to Quite -Storm's topic in General
^^ His wife is Muslim, but not Somali...I remember reading somewhere that she's Ugandan...or was it Kenyan? I cant rightly recall. Anywho, I'm disappointed he has been granted a re-trial. I thought the original 8 years were too good for him. And now he might get even less. Damn... Even death is too good for that person. :mad: -
Asraa...u lucky girl! Safar wanaagsan walaalo. May Allah protect you and bring you back safely. Amiin. Bon voyage! Mwah! :cool:
LoooL.. ...Thats charming! And here I was trying to be nice to you checkmate. :mad: Abaar doesnt have the same ring to it, so no thanx. Damn...all this abuse for asking a simple question. Is it any wonder I dislike Canadians?
^^ Since this thread is for ladies ONLY, I will assume u must be one. So, ma pretty sista, what positive things do you have to say about the faarax of the species?
^^ LoL! Erm...arent u twisting things a lil bit? Your deriving a whole lot of assumptions from Ameenah's words, I must say. Then again, I might as well wait for her to address your questions first, before I interfere. *Waits patiently for Tweety*
Originally posted by raula: Queen BEE(aka Barwaaqo)-somehow heard that she has been inquring about moi (I can't even figure this out since she is oceans away from moi). Gal, Iam not the one who stole your boyfriend so chill. So, do u wanna know why I was enquiring about u? Well, a friend of mine...a Somali Adonis if ever there was one, has been pestering me for your details. So I thought I should have u checked out, with the help of Nomad of course, b4 giving ma friend the greenlight to pursue you. Unfortunately...and I feel terrible for saying this (yup, I do )...ur just too minging (i.e. ugly) for my friend! I was trying to save you the humiliation, but there u have it. Checkmate, "What if we all met?" What if we didnt?
^^ Waan ogahay. Eedo Araweelo is not only turning in her grave, but she's probably cursing us too! Let this be nothing but an unfortunate moment of insanity on our part! Oh the shame of it... * shaking her head morosely*
Ngonge Well, so long as ur only aim was irritation, I suppose I can let it go. But, then I thought to myself what if this is a young sister who’s been shielded from these sort of details all her life? What if she’s the type that would break into a sweat and blush at the mention of a baby’s belly button? Infamy, infamy, someone told her about a vasectomy! LoL! Nothing could be further from reality. Being a bookworm has its perks u kno. I learned a lot of things from a very young age. My father's huge collection of books (especially da human biology texts) didnt hinder my curiosity either. Gruesome diagrams tho! As for da birds and da bees, I have always wondered about that anology. Wat on earth do they have to do wiv human reproduction? For one thing, birds and bees dont even belong to the same species! Or do they? No, am sure they dont. Birds are not insects. Hmmm...I wish I had paid attention in class. Ciao
LoL...I see not many of da sista's are volunteering for this exercise! Somealien, You're sometimes too damn nice for your own good, u kno that? Why in this forsaken world, would you want to hear anything positive being said about a faarax? Huh? :mad: Anywho, I will bite. I feel charitable for some reason. Hmm...something positive... *narrows her eyes and thinks very hard* Oh, ma head hurts! K...there seem to be a lot of Somali gentlemen around. Yes, I kno...hard to believe!...but I have come across some awfully kind, sweet and generous faaraxs' in the past. Also, I'm ashamed to admit, I have been rescued from a sticky situation more than once by a hapless farax. *Hangs her head in shame* This is not good publicity for an independent, faarax-bashing, feminist xaliimo like myself! Please excuse me while I lock myself away for an undetermined period of time.
^^ LoL...welcome to SOL. Ameenah, Beautifully put as always. :cool:
Originally posted by NGONGE: Erm, a vasectomy is not going to put these guys out of action, it will probably give them a chance for MORE action. Everything functions ok when you have a vasectomy, the only thing it does is stop the little soldiers from swimming “upstream”. LoL...I'm aware of that dear. I meant the less they 'breed' the better. Give da ladies a break for God's sake. A baby a year, every year, tends to do horrific things to a woman's body. I would strongly suggest you all get the snip. Snip...snip...snip... Playmaker, I was..erm..ahem...joking. *Coughs*
^^ LoL! Cawo, u kno ur faarax is too cute not to be liked by hooyo N aabe! DA, Enemies huh? That lifts a lot of weight off ma shoulders!
LoL @ Careca... Gediid: But I do have a question for you What the hell is a man of 54 thinking when his vasectomy becomes a family subject open for debate to all.Its like a man talking about his balls at the dinner table........... I wouldnt have put it that way, but the same question had occurred to me. As for vasectomies, I think they rock! The more Somali men put out of action the bettter!
Well then I suppose you girls don't have to worry, eh? :cool: On a side note, my boyfriend is gonna be meeting my parents soon, and I'm concerned they won't like him.
Hello and welcome Professor. Now that the niceties are out of the way, wot on God's green earth are you talking about?? :confused: "All women in UK"? :mad:
You scored a 92% on the "How Somalian are you?" Quizie! 101 people had a score lower than yours 3 people had a score higher than yours 6 people had a score the same as yours Good innit? I never knew how Somali I was...