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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. God, this is pretty depressing. I think we've all been affected by the conflict to a degree, so I don't think it's quite right for some to dictate to others how they should feel about it. Its been almost 17 years (the war started in '88 not '89), long enuf for most of us to attempt to put the past into perspective, altho scars can admittedly take a whole lot longer to heal. Anyway, maybe its too soon to be discussing this sort of thing. Maybe we should give it another ten years.
  2. Originally posted by wind.talker: I came back from dugsi-Qur'aan only to see my whole extended family packing and hundreds of militias leading our escape from Xamar to Kismaayo. I still remember the lady who placed her luggage on my lap as we sat in the back of a huge truck and drove from Xamar to Kuntunwarey! If this was a week or so after it all went off and if the 'extended family' consisted of a few trucks and dozens of cars, I think I was in the same convoy. Do you think we're related?
  3. Femme, 'Emotional'? Moi? That isn't a word in my vocabulary, thanks. Plus, I kno you were kidding sagagarad yahay xumi. Flopper, LoL, I know Political Correctness isnt something you're familiar with, so no worries.
  4. May Allah make this one a good year for all Muslims around the world. Amin. Happy New Year Nomads.
  5. Originally posted by -Femme Fatale-: Besides...this is a new club. And you my darling, are banned. So don't you dare reply to this thread or I will delete it. Fine. I have better things to do painting my nails.
  6. Nuune, Poor dear, are you still having nightmares about being chased by evil feminists? Miskiin. Still, am glad to see you back. Shankaroon, I don't think anyone is/was attacking me, this is just the way they show their love and appreciation for me (really). Diamonds, the lot of 'em...except maybe for the Flip-flopping one. Also, it suits my purposes to generalise on this occasion as I don't feel like being PC at the mo. $187$ Eh? code? What's so difficult about understanding the bum-awfulness of men? :confused: However, since you managed to find your way from the sports section to our little corner of dysfunctional heaven (and firmly disregarding the detestable fact that you are male and therefore suck), I will get Femme to fix you a nice cup of tea in welcome. :cool: Femme Flimflam, You purposely hijacked my topic and lead it in a complety different direction, saqajaamadyaheey sanka weyn! It's all your fault. Thats rich. Guess that wasn't you ferociously shovelling the muck beside me all along, eh? Perhaps it was someone who resembled you? Yah..I thought so. :rolleyes:
  7. Originally posted by JamaaL-11: VR: Assuming I have problems with my reading(and now going beyond the assumption game), did Nur really use the word "Kufaar" or "Kaafir" to describe anyone, particularly in this thread? Yes or No would do. I'm sure it would. Frankly Jamaal, I have no desire to quibble over semantics, but I can see you won't rest till I do. Now, let me remember my words.... "Whether you are aware of it or not (and I don't see how you cannot be), you basically branded the sister as a 'kaafir' in your post" There we are. I did not say that he called her a kaafir but that his post basically branded her as one. Much thanks for your intervention.
  8. Allah ha u naxariisto. May she rest in peace.
  9. ^^ Are we having problems with our reading? :rolleyes:
  10. Femme Fatale is hereby exiled from the MW's Secret Society for revealing confidential plans. Silly Cow! :mad: :mad:
  11. ^ that's what the topic was about! I had forgotten. Originally posted by Action Jackson : True that Baashi, Older girls who've missed the last boarding call on The Marriage Train tend to blame unsuspecting men like me and you for her misfortune and consequently adopt an unjustified hate attitude towards all men and sometime the "Happily Married" women too..... Insightful little thing aren't you? However could you tell that my hate is unjustified? Naah its not about FF,, she cool.. am talking about the FemNazi thats attacking us I'm not attacking you. I could never hurt a child. Never.
  12. ^^ :eek: Baashi, VR, Outch! Mind reader aren’t we! What’s in it for the clever arseholes to hide their true colors from faceless screen characters? You must know about this biz of “hiding†as you can spot it when you see one. Fair enough eh! Oh dear. I feel bad now Awoowe... I wasnt targetting you specifically (I mean, you are a man after all), I just meant that in general those men that don't appear to be arseholes are just good at hiding it. Um...did I just repeat myself? :confused: In any case, don't fret because you're one of the nicer.....
  13. Action Jackson: So if a man decides to bypass a queen like yourself and fly to Somalia to get married then he is automatically an "Arsehole"?? No, you misunderstand. He's not an arsehole because he's by-passing me, he is one simply because he is a man. Its inherent and instinctual and not about me at all. P.S. I was thinking a cup of coffee was keeping your warm and fluffy this morning... I guess i was too innocent!! A cup of tea and Scottish Shortbread biscuits to be exact. I just didn't feel like sharing. Baashi, The dangerous lady FF, unlike VR, allows some exceptions. She used the magic word “someâ€. Yes, she did use 'some' (clever girl). Maybe she should have also added 'some of them hide it better than others'.
  14. Aren't we inquisitive today? NG, I do mind. The theory isn't complete yet as I still have to finish some secondary research. Nevertheless, I can tell you that I started from the premise (hoping to prove myself wrong) that men are arseholes, only for my research to prove that supposition true.... AJ, What's keeping me warm and fluffy? Really...where are your manners, young man? I couldn't possibly answer such question. :rolleyes:
  15. ^^Not at all. Am actually feeling warm and fluffy, if you have to know.
  16. Originally posted by Nur: you are Guardian of the Secular System, and Protector of laws that conflict with our beliefs in Islam. Assumption #1 The man made system you are so much in love [with] Assumption #2 the only Guardian and Protector of a system in collision with your beliefs in Allah and the day of judgement. Assumption #3 The problem you sister have is double edged, ignorance of your Islamic faith, and ignorance of how to play the system to your faith's advantage without violence. Assumption #4 So many assumptions, so little time. I believe GnP made a good point about living within the Laws of our adopted countries (while upholding our Islamic values of course). However, even if she hadn't, I fail to see why you would feel the need to attack her in the way you just did. A simple answer would have sufficed, I dare say. I'm truly surprised at you Nur. Whether you are aware of it or not (and I don't see how you cannot be), you basically branded the sister as a 'kaafir' in your post, which is wholly uncalled for. If this is the way you respond to anyone with the slightest objection to what you write, I think I would do well to steer clear of you in the future. Your cow doesnt seem to be so holy either, my dear.
  17. I never believe these sort of childish stories. I know quite a few Somalis have phobias about chinese food but I like it, in fact I luvvvve chinese food (altho Thai is my absolute favourite). It seems obvious to me but perhaps it would be useful to point out that halal chinese restaurants do exist! Now, would anyone like to join me for a chicken chow mein at lunch? No? Oh well...all the more for me!
  18. Valenteenah.


    Speaking of coffee, I bought myself a cappuccino rather than my usual hot chocolate this morning- for the sake of changing my routine- and what do you know, I feel (somewhat) energetic! My train also arrived on time and I got to the office 10 mins earlier than usual. Nice one, eh? I wonder what might happen if I actually went for an espresso ...
  19. Nice list...basically anything worth snacking on, eh? I have a weakness for PEPSI (I often wake up in the middle of the night craving it), but other than that my snacking habits consist of tea and plain 'dunking' biscuits, so I think am ok. :cool:
  20. A few old favourites: 'Drive'- The Cars 'If you were here tonight'- Alexander O'Neal 'I don't wanna fight'- Tina Turner 'These Dreams'- Heart 'With or without you'- U2 'Always'- Bon Jovi
  21. ^ I would have said never half-hour ago...but since she's just agreed with him, its now a high probability.
  22. Wateva Cheapskate. Revolting against women? What a laugh! Maybe if you hadnt blown all your money on that fake-looking toupe, you'ld be able to buy the lady-in-your-life a pressie. I repeat...CHEAPSKATE. :rolleyes:
  23. delegation, time management and know-how Is that what you call it? No thanks. I will muddle thru on my own.