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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. ^ LoL...GOOD IDEA. Ame...can't. Am facilitating a big meeting on Friday, I'A.
  2. Now such a protest will not bring the men back, will not undo what has been done, whether it was right or wrong. But maybe, just maybe it will be useful to somalis in that curropt country, to know that although there is no fully functional government speaking for them, they have walaalo dhibka ku fiirsaneeyn, oo na dantooda ka raaceheeyn. That they have ppl who they share nothing with besides soomaalinimo who would make an effort on their behalves. Absolutely Dawoco. I would love to take part, but I cant take the day off unfortunately. I'll be there in spirit Insha'Allah.
  3. ^ Puhlease! FYI, I'm a stylish blonde. :rolleyes: <----
  4. Score: 25 Analysis: You are a FOLLOWER! You blindly agree with everything others say. Try to think for yourself for a change! Sanity Assessment: Your lack of sanity has us very concerned. Stup!d test.
  5. Originally posted by Femme Fatale: I am in a state of shock. Phanta , waxyahey waalan oo maskaxda yar, take that back. You sound disgustingly desperate. Uff. Afford ku teh. Wah! Ha is ceebeen yaaqeey. You claim to be a feminist, yet when the thought of spinsterhood creeps in you suddenly change your tune? How pathetic and incredbily sad. :rolleyes: FF, I's more than pathetic. It's almost criminal. **hangs head in shame** Just a moment of weakness...won't happen again. As long as I don't contemplate my fast approaching birthday, that is.
  6. ^ LoL...nayaahe, just coz u is a lawyer and can therefore afford to buy urself a hubby, doesn't mean I can. Am broke.
  7. ^ Bit of a change in ur usual tune. What happened? Oh and wlc back of course.
  8. "where i live, men are kept by their women, so either way u gotta maintain the man." LoL...So true @ juxa.
  9. Phanta dear I never had you down as bitter hag but you’re starting to prove me wrong. You obviously have personal issues with OG and I hope you know that is bordering discrimination and hardly the ideal actions of a moderator. --- I'm not here to defend OG, but rather point out foul play. And what gave you this idea that me and OG girl are team players? When and where else have you seen me defending her without just cause? In fact don't even bother answering that! Because I would have gladly come to yours or anyone else’s defence had they been treated unfairly. Who are you kidding Sue? Let's not play games. There's nothing neutral about your presence, because you wouldn't have accused me of discrimination and a personal grudge otherwise. I could ask the same question of you: when and where have you seen me attacking her without just cause? But there would be no point because I already know the answer. You never have. You just felt the need to poke your little nose in where it doesnt belong. Anyway, I am not sure why I am still engaging in this sorry affair. I guess since you're saving your time and energy for something more useful, I should do the same. Goodnight
  10. Sue, are too funny. I have one tussle with OG-Girl, where I don't pat her on the head and tell her she's a good girl, and suddenly I have personal issues with her and -this is even better- I am discriminating against her? That's just sublime- unexpected, but sublime nonetheless. From what I have seen, OG is perfectly capable of defending herself. Which makes me wonder what your role is here. Have you suddenly morphed into her knight in shining armour? Or do you just like being a dabodhilif? Ironic that u would accuse others of jumping onto my bandwagon when you're happily doing the very same thing. Do you see anything amiss here? It's perfectly fine if you want to come to your friend's assistance, but not at my own expense. I may have been harsh and brusque with her, but that does not mean I have anything against her. However, even if I did, I fail to see what it has to do with you. So, please, do stop throwing half-witted accusations that you can't prove. Ta [EDIT] Seems as tho its become 'pals to the rescue' time. A bit late I must say. Everything that needs to be said has been said. :rolleyes:
  11. Jariyad? Yes, I suppose that's how you would see it. Don't fret, I have no desire to harass you, nor do I want you to respond to me. Your tone just annoyed me, so by all means do keep ignoring me. Oh, and don't concern yourself over the state of my house. Our cleaning lady is quite good.
  12. <- Wonders what a £30m wedding looks like. Did the guests drink gold?
  13. ^ LoL...Priceless, eh? Domestic violence legislation is designed to destroy families by undermining paternal authority. Ninety five per cent of the cases involve power struggles NOT battered women. 95%? And where is that bit of statistic from? The Wife-beater Foundation or the Anti-Bacmadow Support Group?
  14. if some people got an issue with OG-GIRL, please talk about another place and don't hijack this innocent topic!! If you actually read all the previous pages, you would see we are all arguing about the same topic, specifically, some of OG Girl's comments. So there's nothing personal going on here. If she found my comments too harsh, well then maybe she won't be so quick to run at the mouth next time. Either way, am finished here. Salaamz.
  15. If you guys like it stay with respect or leave or face the justice system.No one gonna change the Law cause of bunch of homeless people!! OG Girl, It's awfully clear that you don't have the first idea about what you are attempting to discuss. You're not only blind, but you also seem to be irrational. I don't care about you or your beloved 'country'. What concern's me is what happens to Somalis, no matter where they are. Your implication that those men might not deserve justice because they're 'homeless' show's your short-sightedness. In any case, I do believe this is proving to be too taxing for you. Perhaps you should retire and play with you hijabed barbie dolls. PS;I feel my people, I do try to teach them , enlight them about the Law of the country but all Somalis are just like you here, they think they can do whatever they want cause they are Somalis and people will feel sorry for them! How magnanimous of you. :rolleyes:
  16. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Phanta, I am not Arabian princess, I am just showing otherside of the story dear! No OG, you're not showing any side of the story, you are just being plain offensive with remarks such as: "they break country's Law and expect people will host them!!'" "they destroyed their country and want to destroy other's countries!!" I'm losing patience with your drivel.
  17. Originally posted by Silence: Reer SOL, Ilahay ka baqaa oo is xisaabiya Inta aan lagu xisaabin. Ku naah dhaqma dabeecadi iyo akhlaaqdi Rasuulka SCW. Wa advice ficaan hadaad dhagaysanayso. Still firmly atop your mighty steed eh? Lets hope you don't fall off and break your back, oh righteous one. :rolleyes:
  18. 6 executions? Good lord. As if there wasn't a shortage of Somali men already. Samir iyo imaan to their families. OG-Girl, Seems as though you're fully stuck in 'Arabian-princess' mode today. Give it up, girly wurly. :rolleyes: To Hell with Sauid Arabia and may Allah destroy that fradulent bigoted kingdom. I don't think we can condemn the whole kingdom...but the ruling family needs to go, I agree.
  19. Its a fairly grey day, but I feel uncharacteristically mellow.
  20. ^ Again with the 'karbaash'? Am starting to wonder. Divorce is a necessary evil.