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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
I'm such a DITZ sometimes! Here I was wracking my brain, trying to figure out why UD was shooting indiscriminately from the hips, when it just hit me! The title! <"Feminism, ideas, recipes, family values"> FEMINISM!!!! Tantamount to waving a red flag in front of an angry bull. UD, NOW, I understand. Do carry on.
Yes I am saying "non-practising" muslim woman has no right to discuss issues relating to the Islamic women. How can she? She doesn't know what it means to be Muslim. She may have an idea, but she doesn't live it. UD, that may well be true, but is it your place to decide who has a right to discuss these issues and who doesn't? For example, you are male, therefore, do you have a right to discuss matters relating to Islamic women? I'm sure you would say yes. Well, in the same vein I believe anyone has the right to speak of what they feel matters to them. The notion that a girl can't speak of issues that relate directly to her as a muslim woman, because she doesn't wear the hijab, or doesn't pray is plain wrong. Whether she prays or not is not ur concern. You won't be the one taking the punishment for her in Akhira. I'm surprised at the decisive way you express your opinion (opinion being the operative word). As though it is YOU who decides. It isnt. If someone says the Shahada, they are Muslim. Anything else they may do or as in this case *not* do, is a matter between them and their creator and not you. You may feel you have the right to dictate but I sure DON'T. I'm afraid am not privy to such super-powers (altho I wouldn't mind). In any case I don't see what any of this has to do with the original topic. What exactly do you have a problem with? That some of us didn't like the caption of the women's forum? Or because we requested it to be changed? Or is it something completely unrelated?
^^ That sounds so vulgar.
^ Ma aragtay? I dont even know why am defending them.
^ LoL..They all sound painful!
Originally posted by *Afronaut*: If for instance i was married,and i still frequent this website,and in the past i have been known to flirt and flirt some more with an equally flirtatious member of the opposite sex,then wouldnt it be fair to her if i showed my significant someone teh contents of the 'private stuff'? Whats there to hide for it not to be shared? Nothing. Its not about hiding something, its about personal space. If you want to share by all means share. So long as ur happy sharing.
UD... I know, you have the art of undermining down to a pat. Your questions where not that simple or straightforward. What category do you fall in: 1) the women who wear Hijab out of conviction that it is the Islamic thing to do. 2) the women who wear it only because their mothers and grandmothers wore it; unaware of its true Islamic significance. 3) there are the secular "Muslim" women, who almost never practice Islam anyway, but who have Muslim names and roots, who make it a point to appear at all Muslim gatherings with hair fashionably styled in full public glory. Categories. That YOU created. Which we have to CHOOSE from. Otherwise we are NOT FIT to discuss advanced 'feminine roles'. Next, when one doesnt answer in the way you would like, it follows that they wear low-rise jeans and not cover their hair! Therefore, YES!, your whole argument is silly and irrelevant. I also have no doubt that we don't share the same set of priorities (I can't be that judgemental or one-dimensional ). And just for the record, I'm neither defensive nor aggressive.
^ Not really. Its private because its MY inbox. Not his. The content doesnt matter. I wouldnt ask to see his for the same reason.
UD, I'm not in the business of questioning an individual's iman, I believe thats more your forte. My post was just to point out how irrelevant (and silly) you questions and the assumptions behind them are. A perfect example ----> IF you DON'T adhere to those expectations of Islamic women (and thats none of my business) and your reasoning should not be "UD, if you're not a wadaad it makes it OK for me to wear low-rise jeans and not cover my hair."
well if you are married and been a member of this esteemed board for lets say 1 year and have almost 3000 posts then yeah you got an addiction problem. As a married man, i'd see myself with more responsibilities than my average single farax, so i am sure i could use the time i chit chat with some frustrated Farax's and Xalimo's here on SOL to do something that will benefit my wife and kids in one way or another, such as taking my kids to the park, watch a movie with them, do the homework, take wifey out for shopping...etc, being married and having 3000 posts in under 12 months is straight up pathetic. no matter how you look at it. Clap clap clap Well, aren't you going to make a lovely husband? (Lets hope the xaliimos take notice of all your hard marketing ). Do you not believe that you can be a good spouse, a good parent and still have time for yourself and your hobbies? Or is that not something you have considered in your rose-tinted vision of marital bliss? Speedily moving on, if you observe a little more closely, you'll find that most people log on and post during specific times, usually during working hours. So, its entirely possible for them to post AND still spend quality time with their families. Afro, What sort of question is that? There's something called privacy u kno. :
Underdog I'm sorry, but you can't contribute to this topic unless you fulfill the following requirements: 1) You have a beard. 2) The beard reaches below ur collarbone. 3) The beard isn't a mere fashion statement, but conclusive proof of your piety.
Aha. :rolleyes: I just dont know how you married ppl do it? Quite easily, I should think. Talk about making everything unnecessarily difficult. Next they'll be saying you cant take long baths if you're married, because you'll be neglecting your spouse.
^ Your a bona fide nomad? Congrats.
Congratulations. :cool:
How puzzling. Afro: Welcome back!
^^ You seem to have changed your tune. I'm curious, what's the definition of your 'engagement'? How does it differ from marriage? If you're getting everything else from it, why not your cooking also?
Hi Meenah, Good idea. My computer won't let me access the link for some reason, so am going to have to read the article when I get home tonight I'A. House of Parliament, you say? I don't know, those places seem awfully hazardous these days.
Credit and NG, Your contributions are neither wanted nor needed. There's the door ----> Don't let it hit u on ur way out!
^ Press the edit button on ur post, then place [QB] at the beginning of the quote.
Ideas, family values, Health, Marriage, etc LST, That was fast. Thank you, that sounds much better. I wonder what I should rant about next.
^ And thats all you have to say? 'Oops'? :mad:
^^ Absobloodylutely! Heads must roll. ROLL!!!! NGONGE, I don't like what you're implying. Hibo: why do our brothers degrade us like dat? I'm wondering the same thing. Recipes indeed. Arggggg!