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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. ^ Of course it does. Tuujiye came up with it. Duh.
  2. Originally posted by SoMa_InC: Brixton the place to be, No doubt! Aeronwen mind sharing your address :rolleyes: Acre Lane, Brixton road...... Um...why are you rolling your eyes at me, waryaa? I don't live in Brixton or lambeth for that matter. But I'm still your neighbour.
  3. ^ Haye, u want some fara fareyn as well, Chinaman? It can be arranged u know.
  4. Originally posted by Baashi: All in all, it was good sport and I hope we are all shax shax with it and if any1 of you got offended by my posts know that I don't come here in the middle of my workload to offend folks. Having said, I value Islam very much and I reserve the right to pen strong opinion and back it up in the most civil way that I know. I believe most, if not all, of us here value Islam as well. That's why opinions are always strong. Other than that, no problems. By Xiin : Hijaab wearing sister with good intent to please her Allah has more Iimaan(and courage if she lives in the west) than the jeans-wearing one with equally sincere intent to please Allah. This is off-topic, but why are jeans seen as such bad garments? You all wear it, so you know what a dynamic and hard-wearing fabric denim is. What's wrong with wearing a long jeans skirt, for example, or a pair of flares under ur dress or skirt? Mise, kama hadleysaan either of those? Perhaps you are referring to, let's say, a pair of extra-tight Earl Jeans combined with a strappy metallic top? If so, you should be more specific! Jeans are a blessing from God. They are as good a form of hijab as any other fabric, plus they keep your tush warm. What more do you want?
  5. Originally posted by Tuujiyee: Yarta adiga kaalay fara fareeska naga jooji nooh aan kaa baa shaalnee...hadii kale runtii intaan ku dhibno aan dhuunta kuu galeynaa malaahi!...hadhootiina waxaa ku ordee Admin..but guess what this time the mods are baro family..loooooooooooool...Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiq ee kugu tahay so faraha naga qaad Hey barwaaqo 4real laakiin how does it feel to be dulufle like me..with no garaado iyo wax la mid Tuujiyow, waxba ma ogid. Barwaaqo reerkeedoo dhani waa garaado, markaa uma baahna inay moderator ahaato to keep the Queen Bee position. Thank you. :cool: PS: Hanjabaad waligey waxba mey iga tarin, therefore, isu diyaari some major fara fareyn.
  6. Indeed it aint a joke. Dont Smoke.
  7. Originally posted by Armz_23: brixton has changed significantly over the last few years Yeah, Brixton is hot these days. BTW, Armz, we are neighbours.
  8. Originally posted by Baashi: Btw my reference of feminism has to do with this fake advocacy presumembly for women's plight in defending against the unsubstantiated labelling sexists like Nur are propagating always is the case these sort of fake defenders chase shadows of their imagination. Fake advocacy, you say? I think that's an interesting turn of phrase. A couple of things first, I did not label Nur as sexist (you can scroll back to my previous posts if you please). Second, this topic has been posted at least once before and although I took issue with the pigeon-holing, I decided to ignore it and give Nur the benefit of the doubt. Now, when it was posted again, I couldn't help but comment. I am all for raising one's Iman, however, there's no way I can accept the sister/transistor/resistor analogy as an indication. Now if this sounds like fake advocacy or defending to you (although I cannot grasp why it would come across as such, but nevermind), there's nothing I can do about it. Perhaps it has not occurred to you that topics addressed to women (indirectly in this case) will be responded to by women - whether in agreement or disagreement - therefore, I don't understand where the overt hostility and accusations of feminism are stemming from. Then again, it has become fairly easy for you guys to beat the 'feminism' drum whenever it suits you. One thing I am sure of, is that no amount of contemptuous accusations will deter me from replying to contentious posts. Thanks.
  9. Not true. As usual we're good at twisting things and putting spin on it. It was nothing but simple straightforward observation until feminism spin and gender politics were introduced to the thread. 'As usual'? Hmm... I guess I must be the only one confused as to what part of the thread is the 'spin' and what part is the 'straightforward observation'. As far as I can see, there's nothing more spinworthy than:- In an engineering school, some students have noticed that Muslim women on campus to be divided to three types. 1. Hijaab wearing Sisters 2. Jeans and Scarf wearing Transistors 3. Minimally dressed body showing Resistors Perfection. I don't think even New Labour's spin doctors' could come up with anything as jazzy as the above. Now, my observation is that these are narrow, shallow and misleading categories. Considering that I have never seen the iman of males being questioned depending on the type of attire they wear, I believe this topic introduced the 'gender politcs' u mention, rather than the other way round. Also, where does the feminism come into it, Baashi? Is it due to the fact that a couple of females took exception to the blanket labels? Now tell me in aan odaygii islaantii wax loo saarin.
  10. Kaalay, oo waxaan moodayey inaad dadkiinani dudeen ood guurteen ee maxaa idin soo celiyey? Perhaps we should have painted 'GOOD RIDDANCE' on the door in bigger letters?
  11. Like I said, there's no shortage of labels for sisters. If certain people truly believe that the best way to judge a woman's iman is to look at her style of dress (or worse, categorise them all into 3 small compartments), then let them I say! Ragga qaarkood dumarkii baa wax loo saaray.
  12. Uncle Sam has other unfinished business.
  13. ^ Wax weyn baa kugu khaldan adiga. I quit pepsi because I was in the process of developing a stomach ulcer.
  14. Um...OK. <-- feels suitably reprimanded.
  15. Hello FyrKanten, I'm not following the game that much, the images are quite large, but they are fab...I just have to post them. Thanks. How Iran Trains its Policewomen Source: Time Magazine: TUESDAY MARCH 15, 2005
  16. I watched a programme about it on BBC2 a few years ago. Such a sad story. AHN
  17. People, give Nur a break. If he says he is not sexist, then he isnt. Give him the benefit of the doubt (whatever happened to your sense of Muslim Brotherhood? For shame!). I agree that this topic in no way matches the 'Topping up ur iman' one, in terms of categorising the males, nevertheless, I believe it provides an important function. The Training Academy is quite simply, a fantastic idea. A lot of Somali men are in serious need of this type of training. Classes, such as the above, would teach our brothers two equally important lessons: 1) There's no shame in being self-sufficient 2) and, more importantly, women have not being put on this earth to clean up after your lazy ar$e. PS: Nasra, don't you look ravishing in that gareys...goodness me! :eek:
  18. Akhas. Waxaasi af xumo wey ka badan yihiin. Laakiin, Tuujiye waa lagu yaqaanaa ciyaal suuqnimada. :rolleyes:
  19. Piya: In between? What, like a ho' with a heart of gold, for example? I think you're asking the wrong people here. There are only 3 categories. Choose one or none. Kashafa, Less labelling, dear. You're developing a fixation on feminists. From what I hear, they usually don't go for the 'meat and veg'.
  20. I dont see much of a discussion here. I simply see labels and I have never been fond of labelling. Now, who do you recommend I should see in order to oomph up my sarcasm? I can't have a little green geel-jire like you looking down on my skills. Nope...this needs immediate remedy.
  21. Clear and less intimidating? You misunderstood my sarcasm. :rolleyes:
  22. ^ I am under the impression that the only 'beast' in here is you. And thanks for C&P-ing the terminology explanation. It makes the labels much less general. Pigeon-holes are great things, I say.
  23. Thank you, Kashafa. You can get back to your grazing now.