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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
2005 was a good year for me, Alhamdulilaah. I hope 2006 is even better, Insha'Allah. May all those who passed away rest in peace.
Hello. Sorry, this isn't a matrimonial website. It's a discussion board. You can google for Somali Match-Making sites, if that's all you're looking for. Otherwise, wlc to SOL.
^ XaliimoPatra, A dream, you say? How strange. No, I can't say I have ever had such a dream. My dreams usually contain the opposite of yours, i.e. living members of my family dying horrible deaths. I know, I know...I have been meaning to see a shrink and figure out what it all means, but I haven't had the time. Pretty dresses, those. Especially love the ruffled and embroidered middle one. You can see the pattern, can't you? Fitted, off-the-shoulder bodice with a voluptuous, trailing skirt...that's the style I like. And..urm..yeah...of course it will all be very traditional. The cake, although resembling the one above, will be made of timir and camel milk (Eurgh)! MMA, LoL @ 'the boy isn't me'. 'Course it isnt!
Happy New Year to one and all.
Originally posted by Kashafa: Ahura, I'll try this one more time. #1:"No one's born wearing it" = True. #2:"and no one will be buried in it." = True #3:"Making fun of it isn't a great thing" = True #4:"but it's not exactly sacrilegious either" = False 3 outa 4. That's a C+. Not bad. Not banging any drums here. Just pointing out the obvious. Making fun of Islamic rituals = very very very very naughty. and so totally uncool. Kashafa, maybe you think you are teaching at primary school level. You're not (and if you were, I dare say you would make a more than terrible teacher; C+? As if!). I shouldn't need to explain something as basic as the following, but I shall anyway. What makes a random piece of cloth a Hijab is: 1)The intention behind the wearing of the garment and 2) the fact that it's a duty (with specific requirements). Now, if my dear Scottish friend, Colleen, were to wear a scarf/jilbaab because she likes the look of it, it wouldn't make her a muslim and neither would it make her scarf/jilbaab a hijab. But on a Muslim girl, it becomes a Hijab because of the intention behind it (i.e. she is fufilling a religious duty - Note the word Duty as opposed to a 'ritual'...u can look up the difference in any dictionary). Are you following? Good. Now, no one is mocking the HIJAB, but the styles are open to question. The jilbaab is a funny creation, because it does resemble a tent (especially the long ones). Now, that's not an insult to the woman wearing it or an aspersion on the jilbaab's ability to function as a proper Hijab (which it does, more than proper actually). It's just a fact, and there's nothing sacrilegious about stating it. Anything can be used as a form of Hijab, including a beach towel, if one so desires. The woman wearing it would look decidedly comical and it would probably make people laugh, but that won't stop it from doing its job, will it now? Sacrilegious indeed. Khayr: Ahura, you're very foolish to give one of the Village People aka Castro, weight to his comment. Dee adigu maalinba maalinta ka dambeysa waad ka sii dartaa ma istidhi? Caqli-xumadii ayaad ku sii darsatay dhaqan-xumo iyo af-xumo dheeraada miyaa? Labo laga yaabaa in loo dulqaadan karo laakiin saddexdu waa xad dhaaf. Kolay uma maleynayo in khafiif kale kuu hadhsanyahay, laakiin waxaan kuugu talinlahaa inaad meeshan iskaga carartid, waayo xad kaad mareyso waxaa kuu hadhay inaad dharka dhigtid uun. Mark my words baan idhi. You boys really need to buy some logic, and if that proves too expensive, some common sense would do as well. :rolleyes:
Kash, sure. Bang that drum. The brothers' vehement defence of anything hijab-related raises an eye-brow. Do some men secretly wish they could wear it, I wonder? What other explanation?
^ Bisinka. :eek:
Xalimopatra, it's traditional for me all the way! Luxurious hotel, sumptuous Gown, gorgeous flower arrangements and beautiful tiered cakes (see below)- the whole enchilada, so to speak. Mmmm....*Disappears into Ahura's Fantasy World* --->
So, what's the question now? To shower together or not to shower together? Such a weighty issue. :rolleyes:
Brown, LoL...it's only a bit of cloth. No one's born wearing it and no one will be buried in it. Making fun of it isn't a great thing, but it's not exactly sacrilegious either. BTW: The hijab is always beautiful, but the woman wearing it may not be... Ok, Ok...I will stop.
^ Not necessarily. The wadaad wannabes may like to order them around, but Somali women generally tend to be independent-minded. Those who want to wear the Hijab (in all its forms) will. Those who don't want to, prolly won't. Threats or no threats, cay or no cay. Brown, Castro may have meant ----> It does resemble a tent, doesn't it?
The smell of money...what an aphrodisiac. Always brings all sorts of people out of the shadows.
^ Maybe he won the lottery? Tis poss. I dream of winning the lotto. *Sigh*
^^ Protesting a wee bit too much, aren't we? Originally posted by Afromali: ^I dont celebrate christmas walashis; I celebrate Kwanzaa Are you looking to get slapped? Of course I don't celebrate Christmas either. What cheek! Christmas is a time of year as well, isnt it? Just told u how I spent it. Happy Kwawateva.
^ LoL...Guess so. Christmas was aight. Spent it watching DVDs in my warm bed. Hope urs was as lovely. :cool:
None that I know of. But am sure there are lots out there. One hopes, anyway. Oh, but I did hear about a group of men who put everything they had into a xawaalad business venture in Somaliland a couple of years ago. They lost it all when the man who was 'managing' the company spent every penny on one of the campaigns in the recent elections (like it was his own money). Tragic, aint it? Somalis. *Shakes head*
Originally posted by Jaylaani: She’s only doing what other Muslim girls, including Somali chicks, are doing in the west…. gaining wealth and recognition by exploiting Islam and exposing their body. Hmmm, not trying to be pedantic but... The Dic definition of exploiting reads: 1. To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents. 2. To make use of selfishly or unethically. 3. To advertise; promote. For this (or any other Muslim) woman to exploit Islam, she's have to use it to her advantage, wouldn't she? She's not exploiting Islam, she's just exploiting her body. Distinct difference.
Haniif, There are fat people and there are obese people. I have seen lots of fat Somali women, and lots of obese (usually caucasian) women. But I haven't seen an obese Somali woman. I suppose they must exist, but it doesn't seem to be that prevalent yet.
Originally posted by Tukaale: Fact: We have the most beautiful girls on earth between the age of 17 to earlier twenteith, suddenly everything changes boyond that age, does this apply to all woman or solely to our girls and whats the matter? Lack of exercise or too much Xalwad Kismaayo No. It's because they get married.
Have you guys heard of what happens to barbie once the kiddies get her home? She's stripped and burned! Yikes. Hope Fulla doesn't end up the same way. Barbie in the microwave.
Delightful Socod-Badne is looking to get b!tch-slapped. I would be happy to hold him down if Sheh wants to do the honours. :cool:
R&B thug...you take her to an expensive store, tell her its her day and to pick something she likes and when she does, she's a gold-digger? Loo0ooL! Oh my lord! What you just laid out is called ENTRAPMENT. Legally, your case would be thrown out of court faster than you could pick your nose.
Valenteenah. replied to khayrqabe's topic in Developement | Projects
Hello there, That's the beauty of combination. You can take any subjects you want together. Biology and economics are both great subjects. Do you want to study them for the sake of studying or do you see a career coming out of them? You need to weigh your choices. It's also good to ensure that your final decision incorporates both of these (pure enjoyment as well as future prospects). Congrats on graduating and good luck! -
Same stories everywhere, eh? Black Muslim female, three strikes. You have to fight for every little shitty concession. Ahura, take the effers to court. I am. Purely anecdotal, no hard evidence. Who are you suing and whatfor?
Originally posted by Jimca Lee: Mastered the art of indifference and attained inner-peace. That's quite a feat. Congrats. McPha: Freaky is that blue eyed kitten you have on your display pic. Gorgeous, aint he? I love him. He's my new toy. The jinx is semi private? Does that mean you can disclose the semi public bit? Ducaqabe, thank you. I hope 2006 will be fantastically lucky as well...more in terms of financial and career luck, but love is welcome too. Insha'Allah. :cool: