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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
Try your hand at the test given by the Human Relations Department ...
Valenteenah. replied to ScarFace's topic in General
1. When do you feel your best? a. in the morning b. during the afternoon & and early evening c. late at night 2. You usually walk a. fairly fast, with long steps b. fairly fast, with little steps c. less fast head up, looking the world in the face d. less fast, head down e. very slowly 3. When talking to people you a. stand with your arms folded b. have your hands clasped c. have one or both your hands on your hips d. touch or push the person to whom you are talking e. play with your ear, touch your chin, or smooth your hair 4. 4. When relaxing, you sit with a. your knees bent with your legs neatly side by side b. your legs crossed c. your legs stretched out or straight d. one leg curled under you 5. 5. When something really amuses you, you react with a. a big, appreciative laugh b. a laugh, but not a loud one c. a quiet chuckle d. a sheepish smile 6. 6. When you go to a party or social gathering a. make a loud entrance so everyone notices you b. make a quiet entrance, looking around for someone you know c. make the quietest entrance, trying to stay unnoticed 7. 7. You're working very hard, concentrating hard, and you're interrupted; do you ... a. welcome the break b. feel extremely irritated c. vary between these two extremes 8. 8. Which of the following colors do you like most? a. Red or orange b. black c. yellow or light blue d. green e. dark blue or purple f. white g. brown or gray 9. 9. When you are in bed at night, in those last few moments before going to sleep, you lie a. stretched out on your back b. stretched out face down on your stomach c. on your side, slightly curled d. with your head on one arm e. with your head under the covers 10. You often dream that you are a. falling b. fighting or struggling c. searching for something or somebody d. flying or floating e. you usually have dreamless sleep f. your dreams are always pleasant -
Originally posted by Xoogsade: Ahura quote:Your embarrassment and shame is of no importance. Your ineffectual rantings are too little, too late. It would be nice if every girl had some balls like yours. The balls are on loan. They are actually overdue and I have been receiving threating letters asking for them back from their owner. I have no intention of returning them tho. Mwahahahahhaha....
I love people who are completely passionate about cooking, you can taste it in their food.
Nothing. I'm immune.
X, Your discomfort is not relevant. Men like you and the previous poster may want to distance yourselves from the shame of being associated with something as barbaric as FGM, but they are as much to blame as the women who make a living out of cutting and sewing up little girls. Why you ask? Because of their silence. When an action is being carried out in your name, keeping silent makes you complicit. Your embarrassment and shame is of no importance. Your ineffectual rantings are too little, too late. If this book is an introduction to the Somali Culture, I don't see why the author shouldn't include FGM. If he goes one further and draws diagrams to show the scale of damage and/or the scars women have been living with for centuries, all the better.
Originally posted by Khayr: Pls don't come on here and critique Br. Nur when you on here proclaiming proudly that you are in a 'non-martial' relationship. Just a word of caution! Someone is getting too big for their dacas! What are you implying, exactly? The girl didn't write anything more than that she is promised and committed to the man she intends to marry when she finishes studying. Or were u reading something else? Get off her back, man.
The mullahs seem to be mighty busy pushing polygamy and women's wear these days. Action on FGM will need to come from other sources, as it has in the past.
Originally posted by The Rendezvous: Today in some societies, particularly in the West a woman can walk semi-naked in public, swim topless, patronize bars and clubs, smoke, drink, dance in discos and have sex with anybody she feels like. She can even serve her boyfriend, like an unpaid prostitute, and be free to murder her unborn baby if she falls pregnant. She can also compete in the business world by using her body to promote commercial commodities. Someone is obsessed with Western women. Or is it a fetish? Naked sluts and prostitutes, alcoholic killers who can't succeed in business without using their bodies...depraved and dangerous women (prolly white and blonde to boot - ooweee). Sounds like the stuff of a pubescent boy's wet dream. Lord help us.
Hi Riyaq, I think there's a good degree of variety in the careers/fields of study of SOLers, which is probably a good indication of how it looks on a larger scale within the Somali community in the Diaspora. In regard to Architecture, I don't think it's any different from any other field, as those who want to study it do. I personally know of two girls in the field - one is a student and the other is fully qualified. Contrary to popular belief, not every Somali is in IT/Engineering/nursing. My concern is that not enough Somalis are studying fields like Agriculture, taxonomy, Food Economics, Environmental Science (Sustainanbility, Biodiversity etc) and oceanography. Somalia/Land is in dire need of qualified people to manage the land and oceans for the sustainable use of the population. The eccelerated rate of land destruction (including but not confined to: land degradation and desertification, fresh water degradation, dumping of toxic waste and marine environment degradation, loss of land and marine biodiversity, and the unsustainable use of trees) that we currently see taking place will mean future generations will have to deal with more terrible consequences than the famines, draughts and disease outbreaks that we are witnessing today. God forbid. Sorry, didn't mean to rant.
Originally posted by juba: i hate it when some somali girls wear those really outdated and way to bright hijabs it fit for the fashion police! LoL, maybe some still do, but I have seen a few exquisitely-dressed hijabis. Not as many as Pakistani sisters, tho. Personal style and hijab are not mutually exclusive. I wish more girls would realise that. Sheh, my eyes! Do you have a permit for that awful signature? :eek:
5 - Trolling: don't make posts that are inflammatory just to annoy people.
Anyway, Ahura, what do you think of a special Somali edition of One Man Show: Muus and Tobacco? Would be excellent with the addition of one more ingredient: The essence of Khat. I asked and Mother assures me it was very popular in Somalia.
Originally posted by sheherazade: blurb: This Masculine Scent Possesses A Blend Of Dry Woods With Hints Of Moss And Tobacco. It Is Recommended For Romantic Wear. Hysterical. bwahaha Bwahahaha indeed.
Lo0oL. Makalajabti seems to have captured the imagination of SOLers. Such titillation. *Sniggers* X, I haven't heard of this One man show fragrance before. Is it very popular in faaraxland?
*Ah I want to marry a virgin too. Somebody find me a cute hijaabi.
Wildy: It seems someone (a female) mentioned that virginity was outdated, and the guardians of female chastity are now up in arms. Enjoy the show. Originally posted by Rayaana: i will provoke some nasty replies but it is a fact! I have yet to see any facts in your post, but don't let me interrupt your rant. Full speed.
Ahura, BOOOOOOOOO! Where is the Quranic verse that proscribes different punishments for fornication and adultery? If you can't then will you admit that Allah's strict instructions have been changed? Don't disappoint me Ahura. Hi Socod Badne, I can't do any in-depth research at the moment, however, I found this short but rather interesting piece: The penal law of Islam: Basic principle. It clarifies some of the confusion regarding the different punishments prescribed for adultery and/or fornication in Shariah Law and their background. Interestingly enough, some parts seem to corroborate a couple of your points while other parts corroborate some of my assertions. I hope it helps. :cool:
^ Is it today? Good luck, dear. I have no doubt you'll ace it, I'A. :cool:
Originally posted by HornAfrique: quote: SB is indeed Muslim I know you mean to appease good Ducaqabe, but that statement makes a mockery of all practicing good Muslims. For some reason, I missed this before. Lord help us. *Shakes her head*
Originally posted by Xoogsade: I would rather deal with someone who wrote something I disagree with and challenge them in the forums than ask a moderator to delete their posts. There are limits one can't cross and a moderator will be forced to delete a content that is blasphemous for example, but other than that, I think the forumers can challenge each other's subjective or biased views. There's nothing wrong with that. The whole point of forumning is to challenge attitudes and ideas. This thread, however, invites judgement on the character of nomads. He has the opportunity to challenge any post he finds offensive or unbecoming, like everybody else. He shouldn't resort to opening a thread which questions the morals of a whole group. Even if he is targeting one particular girl, he has no right to question her xishood or lack thereof. The arrogance astounds me. Good to see you too. Zafir: No doubt, I have.
^ It wasn't. LoL @ send them to Somalia. Criminals, psychotics, party animals....has Somalia become the Centre for recycling trash?
Originally posted by Xoogsade: Sis Ahura , the idea is to keep what one does under wraps and private as that is what islam teaches. What one does with himself/herself is purely personal, however, it is against the rules to promote something forbidden in public and minimalize its negative effects. It is like me being a killer, at the same time, seeking a public platform to promote how to kill undetected and that killing is modern. Can that be excused? That is what motivated Alle-ubaahne to open this thread although I disagree with the title as it seems to generalize SOL girls and doesn't make an exception. Nonetheless, the moral of the post is valid. No X, the moral of this post is NOT valid. If individuals break the rules or overstep the boundaries of good taste, they will be dealt with by the Administrators and moderators of this site. Not you and not Alle-Ubaahne. When one posts a thread entitled: Are SOL Girls Losing Their Xishood?, they seek to invite judgement on other members of this site. Members who have as much right to post as they do. This topic is provocative and guess who will take the bait? This sort of thread is not useful. It's clear edabdaro on Alle-Ubaanhe's part. If he has a real concern, he can articulate in a better way. I maintain it should be deleted, but that's just my opinion.
Originally posted by Khayr: Ahura, Shariah gets its source from Quran and Sunnah which are both Diven Sources. Hence, making Shariah = DIVINE LAW. Why else did the Rasul (salallahu caliyhe) spend 23yrs delineating the Shariah to us and then the Ulama have elucidated on the Rasul (salallahu caliyhe) and his sahaba's application of the Shariah. Khayr, the Sunnah is a Divine source? Since when? At it's most basic level Hadeeth is hearsay. It's an important source for Islamic law, but it isn't divine. Shariah Law is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah, yes. However, it also incorporates the rulings and consensus of the Ulama. What this means is that some of the laws within Shariah are divine (i.e. those revealed in the Qur'an) and some are not. I don't mean to be pedantic, but clarity is important in these matters. Jimcaale, You are spot on. Allah is merciful and Islam is a guiding light. It does not place burdens on people that cannot be carried out. Islamic Law places strict conditions on the judicial process, conditions that must be ratified for a satisfactory verdict, so as to prevent injustices and protect innocents. What Socod Badne fails to realise is that Shariah Law knows no national or cultural boundaries. Muslims are one nation and Shariah Law has to be implemented across the Muslim World, not in pockets here and there. Without a khalifah and a central authority, each Islamic nation can take what they want from Shariah law and leave what they don't to suit themselves and their cultural practices. I think this, more than anything else, is the real cause of the many injustices we see committed under Shariah Law in Muslim countries. It's a rather sad state of affairs.
Who died and made you the xishood police? Orodoo shaqo yeelo. If anything, the mods should delete this offensive thread.
Originally posted by Socod_badne: The only Sharia Law is the one practiced by Afghanistan, S. Arabia among others . Conversely, the REAL Sharia Law the one you and others exalt so much... the perfect one, benchmark for judging how Sharia should be practiced is pure fantasy . That sounds absolute. Are you absolutely sure? In today's information era, it is relatively easy for someone to study Islamic Law at foundation level or in its complex entirety. You may not even need to learn Arabic as most of the important legal texts have been translated into English and other languages. You cannot make comparisons if you don't have the necessary information. To "prove" that I just have to cite just ONE Sharia punishment that is contradicted by what Allah ordained in Quran. There are several but the most notable is the punishment of adultery . Sharia law proscribes stoning to death. While Allah delineated in the Quran only 100 lashes. LoL. The punishment for proven adultery (a married person sleeping with someone other than their wife/husband) is death. The 100 lashes is punishment for proven fornication (an unmarried person engaging in pre-marital sex), NOT adultery. *Duh*