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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
Originally posted by Farah Blue: ^ I see you have an artwork of Maurits C. Escher as avatar. I don't draw as much as I used to, actually I don't anymore. But I like his mathematical technique which creates 'impossible' images. I once drew a teardrop on a child's face with the work on your avatar as inspiration. But I think I lost it. Hey..you recognised it. Yeah, it's Escher's Dewdrop. :cool:
A female colleague was mugged by a knife-wielding hoodie this morning. 7am, main road, traffic building up and nobody tried to help her even though she was screaming at the top of her lungs. She is normally a really cautious person, but it didn't help her. She was still taken by surprise. You can never do enough to be completely safe, but it helps if you take ur personal safety seriously. I use to carry something, but I don't anymore. I just try to stay alert and minimise the personal items I carry on me. Also, it's recommended that you spread your stuff all over your person. Don't put everything in your bag. Put ur phone and keys in one pocket and your travel card and wallet in the other. Knives seriously scare me. [E]Oh you want to know what ppl carry in their cars! Right. Should have read the whole thing. As you were.
Thanks for the kind words. Such a beautiful flat, I feel deeply disappointed, but it's lessening. The Point, Ameen. I wish you much luck. Sheh, yes am entitled to a refund, but they will probably try to wriggle out of paying it back. Amelia, I was looking forward to lots of DVD & Icecream-rich sleepovers too. Brown, LoL. Maybe. My father gave me his blessings but my mum and sisters were very upset (meant they couldn't smooch off me anymore), so they might have jinxed me.
My footprints: Muqdishu, Somalia -> Nairobi, Kenya -> London, UK. I have deleted my past from my mind. I can only remember back to 2002 (and that's only because I occasionally trawl through SOL archives).
[EDIT]I have just been informed that the landlord has let the property to somebody else for more money. I'm devastated. They are such horrible people. *Must not weep*
Niiko is disgusting. Glad am not the only one who feels sick when they see grown women swinging their bums like a weapon. Akhas. Of course my view has nothing to do with my complete inability to master the jiggly art. :mad:
LoL @ eat your hijab. Ah. Thanks, and good luck with the job. U yara hanjab naagta. They seem to like that.
^ You are the only candidate and the employers are getting desperate? Green light! Don't bother with all those references...they talk big marka hore, but they send really shitty CVs to employers all the time. They even send clearly unsuitable people to jobs. There was a Finance officer position going in my unit and the first 10 candidates didn't have any budgeting experience! C'mon, it's a financial position, they should be able to draw up a spreadsheet at the very least, but nooo. Really pathetic. :rolleyes: Give them your current references and tell them if they aren't happy, you are happy to look for another agency/position. Ha! Bishy: That's the long-term plan, buying. I'A.
Originally posted by sheherazade: the rent traps ^^ Just read it. *Gulp* Will request references from previous tenants first thing tomorrow, I'A.
I have been looking for a suitable place for ages now, and I haven't met a non-slimy Estate Agent as yet. Wax baa ku wada khaldan. I must have called them 20 times today and each time I was told something different. Wareer socda. Basically, it looks like the landlord is being fussy. Exact words were: He's a good landlord and he wants to find the right tenant for his property. LoL...I don't know what 'right' he is looking for, other than the ability to pay the rent and treat his propery well. The Agents keep telling me not to worry, some landlords are fussier than others, but as long as I provide the required documentation and my credit check comes thru, it should be a quick process. There's no point in withdrawing at this stage, even if I wanted to, which I don't. The flat must be mine. So, I am going to make sure they do the credit check before I hand over the rest of the money and references. If it all goes well, I will be able to pick up the keys by Saturday, Insha'Allah. Sheh: Yes, that clause was in the holding deposit receipt I received. Whichever way I look at it, am not going to get the money back, so I need to make sure I get the place at least. Also, Estate Agents-ku isma dhaamaan. They all charge fees and require non-refundable holding deposits (credit checks cost £30 privately, yet they charge you £150? Ba$tards!) About recruitment agencies - avoid them if you can. You don't get much protection or any of the benefits (like sick pay, public holiday pay, interest free seasonal travelcard loan, paid annual leave...etc) of other employees if you go through an agency. @ Facklexm. Dodgy Hindi are what am dealing with here. But wey dhaamaan some of the more dodgy Turk/Greek landlords. Yikes! The Point: Yeah, it occurred to me that the Landlord might not want to rent to me (he warned me about having ppl 'living' with me if I were to rent the flat as a single person, and when I asked him about having the occasional guest around - like my sisters - he said 'yeah, that would be fine : guests can stay for a few hours'. LoL) but I don't care. I really want the place. I have already moved in and made myself at home in my mind. Aniga: A flat is an apartment, as someone said. Red: No, the references dont need to be sealed. I'm going to give them copies. They can have a look at my pay-slips and bank statements as well, but I won't allow them to keep copies of those (they will probably ask to - Walaahi they are so dodgy. Waan cadanyoodaa markaan la hadlo). Zafir: "Ahura, Tell them you know people is high places and if they pull any stunts, they will sure be invaded and bombed." Do you think they will rent to me after that? LoL! Iga tag. Blue: Thanks for wishing me well. Calaa kuli xaal, I have been informed that everyone who rents gets burned at least once and I should expect it. Insha'Allah, I hope it doesn't all fall thru. I'm usually put off so easily by smarmy agents, but the difference this time is that the flat is worth getting.
Stoic: Yeah, I know, it's very steep, but everything is outrageously expensive in London. The down payment is made up of one month's rent in deposit and one month's rent in advance + some agency costs. It's a good-sized one-bedroom flat (in London terms), and the rent is good value I think (I have seen flats half the size going for twice as much). In American terms, I would guess it's just slightly bigger than a closet. I feel a little heartsick. I really want it.
Damned Estate Agents and Landlords! I'm trying to rent a flat I have fallen in love with and those creatures are giving me so much trouble. Do any of you rent? What sort of documents were you required to produce before u took up the tenancy? And did you have to pay the deposit and first month's rent in cash? I know an employer's reference and pay-slips are kinda standard, but the landlord here is requesting that I provide all sorts of documents including but not confined to bank statements, utility bills and a landlord's reference, along with a passport or driver's license! WTF? Furthermore, they are refusing to accept a cheque or bank transfer for the deposit and rent. I'm suppose to sashay over and put down £1500 in cash before I move in! WTF? Even worse, if any of my references are deemed 'unsatisfactory', my holding deposit won't be refunded! WTF? This whole system seems to be set up to con people. What's stopping them from finding a reference 'unsatisfactory' and thereby pocketing the money? Slippery ba$tards. :mad: The flat is beautiful, and everything seemed in order upto yesterday. But it's a different story (and requests) today. I'm a little concerned; are any of these standard requirements? Am I being taken for a ride?
Originally posted by WaTerLily: Enough said on the woman. I gladly second that. Waa lagu waashay qofta ( grammatically incorrect?).
^ Silly. Personally i have issues with my mind vs my body.. as in my mind is tellin' me this but my body be like that ,ya heard?? You sure you're not mistaking your heart for another part of your anatomy? Wey kala duwan yihiin, ya know?
^ LoL..the oil seeps thru, dear. Unless you wear a shower-cap beneath. LoL..far too much trouble in any case.
Did someone say they can go 3 weeks without washing their hair? Ayayaa. My mum is a die-hard fan of olive oil as well. I don't use it often, it's far too greasy and it completely destroys pillow-cases. But occasionally, I do soak my hair in Olive oil and leave it on overnight. Speaking of grease, have any of you tried La India? It's an olive oil grease that makes hair look really glossy and amazing, but it tends to leave massive grease stains on your clothes and anywhere you place your head. I don't use it any longer as it weighs my hair down too much, but it's great for long hair.
Hmmm..good question. I don't think they are suppose to agree, you just have to go with one or the other. That's all.
How do you: wash yours and with what products? condition them? manage frizz, fuzz, mania? - Twice/three times a week with Motions products (with some Dove and Aveda products mixed in) - Motions again - I like their oil moisturising conditioner (when in need of an emergengy fix, I use Aveda reconstructive conditioner - it feels and smells divine but it's too pricey to use more than once a month). - Frizz and fuzz is fixed with an assortment of products (too many to list) that have accumulated in the bathroom. I have a short bob, so its all very easy to manage. When I want glossy, dead-straight locks, I visit my local Rush salon for a cut and blowdry, otherwise my GHD straightener keeps BHDs at bay.
LoL...that woman sure inspires strong emotions in ppl.
^ That's a really nice thing to say. Massive congrats, STOIC - Well done and best of luck with your chosen path. :cool: Best wishes to all the 2006 graduates.
Yahoo, am glad to hear it. In answer to your question, yes, I most definitely would. Amelia, interesting piece.
^ Hello, dear. Hope your holiday is going well. Much luck to the new Garaad. I wish him well. :cool:
LoL Yahoo, are you OK? If it's all getting too much, eat some cheese and take a nap.
^ Me too. Insha'Allah Kheyr.
15 months, huh? Well, it's more than hit&run killer drivers get these days (3-6months).