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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. IMPORTANT/AMAZING THINGS YOU WOULD LIKE TO DO: - In the next 5 years - Before you hit 30/40/[insert milestone age] - Before you die Do you have such lists? Even if you haven't written it down somewhere, most of you probably have a list of things that you would really like to do somewhere in your head. These 'things' are not your normal day-to-day activities, they are things you have been thinking and dreaming about, consciously or subconsciously, for some time. They may be adventurous, spiritual, educational or just plain fun things that you would like to try. On the other hand they might be unique, once-in-a-lifetime, life-affirming activities. It doesn't matter either way. The important bit is that they add value to your life, improve how you see yourself and develop you as an individual. you? Have such a list? I kept a list from a young age, but ended up destroying it some years ago. Now I feel I should prepare a new, more realistic list to see me through the next phase in my life.
  2. ^^ That would make you a stalker's ideal victim; Someone who's life is one big routine.
  3. I agree with both of you that it's better (ethical, dignified...etc) if both parents work, rather than relying solely on handouts. I was not encouraging a culture of long-term dependence within the community, I was just pointing out that the barriers in place are far more than the services and support available. It's not by accident that they are counted as a 'hard-to-reach' group.
  4. ^ No. You are stuck in a rut. Would people say women are more prone to having this gift/dream thing? If my dreams were predictive, we would be living in an Apocalypse Now type of reality.
  5. Well, congrats. But you know you are not allowed to reveal the questions you answered. Study materials and sample questions can be found on here.
  6. The notion that Somali families lie about their marital status so they can receive more benefit than they are entitled to is a myth in my opinion. The real truth is that most of these families ARE single-parent families and even if the mother works five jobs they still wouldn't be able to make ends meet without some form of income support (the sort of jobs open to immigrant women are the lowest paying and most back-breaking). As it stands, even if both parents work full-time (disregarding the difficulties of managing that with the number of young children usually involved) it would still be very difficult to manage with the type of low-quality jobs available to them (the rent and council tax alone would be killers). Considering the average Somali family size as well as the rife unemployment, discrimination, language barriers, lack of skills and a whole host of other socio-economic obstacles in play, I'm surprised that we don't hear of families actually dying of hunger while in receipt of "benefits". Stinking rich benefit-cheats? Try the poorest and most under-privileged community in the United Kingdom.
  7. Talking of viruses, I think I have a real one. Sore throat, ringing ears, aching joints and back...I can hardly sit straight, but I can't go home because I've an important meeting this afternoon. Let's hope I don't embarrass myself by fainting like a dizzy blonde. I'A.
  8. Amelia, I am genuinely shocked to hear you have been cooking. And for the whole family no less! Amazing. I couldn't remember the last time I cooked, so I asked around and it was in the second week of Ramadan in October 2005. Thai curry with coconut rice and fresh fruit-salad, apparently. Funny how they all remember the exact dish and date.
  9. LoL...I read about that in the papers. Mac sonkor, dheh. Cheating people out of their money...tut tut. [EDIT] Having read the blog + others, I feel a little sorry for the dude. But still...mac sonkor.
  10. Originally posted by WILDCAT: Unrequited love is for pansies. Truly lived and expressed passions are the way to go... what's the point in having feelings if no one knows about them! I must disagree, Wildy. Unrequited love is not for pansies, it's for the truly devoted. Which other type of love is so completely pure and unconditional, discounting the love of a mother for her child? None other, of course. :cool:
  11. I think that in lots of families, the weekly income is a lot less than £674.65 (especially for single-parent families). That is, unless the kids are at an age where they can work part-time and contribute. So, UK, what's behind this estimate?
  12. LoL @ Liquid, You can bet I would change my name too if it meant either of those in the country I was living in. Ceeb badanaa. I would call my kid Valenteenah, if a girl, and Xavier or Maximillian, if a boy. I have got Latin-fever.
  13. There are so many stores that sell all kinds of clothes. Whatever the style, you can always find nice clothes that match your preferences, you just need to look a little harder. Do you think you are attracted to glittery garments? Those are usually the most immodest.
  14. @ Rokko. I hear the Queen's B/D is a national holiday Down Under? Totally unfair you're getting the day off, when we are not. Lily, I haven't seen any such news clips. What was it? Racial? Hooliganism?
  15. LoL @ HSBC. Wish someone would overpay me by £900! Lily, what's the Bank's policy for getting such money back?
  16. ^ Amiin. They've been hit really hard. Donate what you can.
  17. ^^ Will give it some thought. Benefits usually include body armour, shopping allowance (inc clothes and monthly hair-cuts), a cool ride and a competitive salary. But there is room for negotiation.
  18. Strewth! I have never felt more insulted! :mad: Do Brits even need Visas for Australia? I don't fink so. Like I said, too backward! And that filthy accent...eurg!
  19. They say 'Start as you mean to go on'. Tell me, which craze will I end up becoming?
  20. ^^ My bodyguard? Were you not fighting over B just the other day? :rolleyes:
  21. ^ LoL. Zu, I have changed my mind about coming to Oz. You're all far too backward for me.
  22. Mate n. 1. One of a matched pair: the mate to this glove. 2. A spouse. 3. a) Either of a pair of animals or birds that associate in order to propagate. b) Either of a pair of animals brought together for breeding. 4. a) A person with whom one is in close association; an associate. b)Chiefly British. A good friend or companion. c) A person with whom one shares living quarters. Often used in combination: advertised for a new flatmate. 5. A deck officer on a merchant ship ranking next below the master. 6. A U.S. Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer. ^^ That's what the Dictionary says. :cool: Zii, chin up.
  23. Originally posted by MC Xamar: My worst job involved 4000 dead cows every day, and blood. Lots and lotsa blood. Well, that tops them all. :eek: :eek: I tried my hand at Face-to-Face Fundraising for a charity once. I know there's nothing more difficult than trying to get money out of people, but I plain sucked at it. I just was not persuasive or aggressive enough to sign ppl up, so I quit at the end of my first week. Felt like a failure for ages afterwards.
  24. Looks like Bishy has been chucked out like yesterday's trash. Poor cow. *Hihihi*