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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
Cadaan guy speaking perfect Somali!! (No, it's not me)
Valenteenah. replied to Baluug's topic in General
Women with age get uglier (hence why we run away from age) whereas men get more attractive LoL...that's a good joke. -
^ LoL...would you have applied for it, if you were here?
^^ I think your avatar threw her off.
Ghana v Italia...isn't it hard? African loyalty demands I support the Ghanaians, but how can I NOT support the AZZURRI? Impossible. I'm being a complete girl, but that team must be the most beautiful team on earth! *Drools*
That really was a surprise... :cool:
^ LoL... You don't have much to worry about. If Amelia could learn, anybody can! Glad to be back to cooking. Tomorrow is going be pretty hot, from what I hear. Methinks the best way to enjoy the games and the weather would be a semi-BBQ (on the grill yacni). Chicken Satay on skewers, greek salad, fruit cocktail and strawberry smoothies. Should be nice I'A. Maybe I will take some pics and post them, ala Zii.
^ Amiin. Thanks Abaadir. Where is your list tho? Don't hold out now. Urban and Cara: Waad mahadsantihiin. :cool: Yahoo + Zii: I will be sure to remember you both if I win the lottery, I'A. Cara, very clean fun indeed. The big things are great, but it's the little things that make the difference.
Nice boss you got there, Lily. Since I sashayed in at 10am this morning, I can't leave before 5pm without looking like a slacker.
^^ Yeah...but it wasn't the Mail, it was the Daily Star. You can find it here Originally posted by Hizb_UK: I claim the Metro. Yeah, pick the free one, why don't you. I pick Glamour (you said media, not newspapers)...if ever they write anything remotely negative about Somalis, rest assured I will be all over them. :cool:
I have made space for the second round & the quarter finals...am taking time off from 23 June to 3rd July, I'A. But am gutted am going to be missing the England v Trin & Tobago and Holland v Ivory Coast matches. Damn shaqo...
^^ Haha..too adorable!
^ LoL..that's quite endearing. Zu, what happened, your lame camel finally died? You're two days late! Career, Personal, and Fun. Add Financial.
Hmm...*Wonders why posts seem to be getting personal* Wildy, we have established there's an art to cooking, but maybe you and Amelia should demonstrate the art to keeping a harem. Perhaps include some pointers on how to capture and tame manly men? PS: Baashi seems to be under the impression that you're coming on to him. Say it isn't so?
^ I think you mean to say whipped and broken specimens.
Liquid Nomad: Thanks! :cool: I don't have a 5 year plan. For me its just Que Sera Sera. I don't mean I have no ambitions, but I don't like to plan my whole life. It makes your world smaller, your life seems shorter and limited to your own grasp of the world. Really, is that how you see it? I look at it differently. Goals (achievable ones, mind you) enable you to focus on what it is you really want to achieve. It doesn't have to be a long-term list or plan...it can be shorter; yearly or monthly for example. I have a Things-to-do-today notebook for my work and I find it really helpful. I list out everything I need to do a day in advance and then try to complete all the tasks on the specified date. If I don't prepare a to-do list, I find that I'm not as efficient because I get easily distracted. So, I'm guessing a longer-term list would work for me just as well, but I suppose it might not work for everybody (always depends on an individual's working style). At the moment, I am working on a Plan for the next 2 years, which is going to be divided into three sections: Career, Personal, and Fun. The objective is to only list down things that are in my control, so marriage and kids are out already.
Funnily enough, I have quite a lot of memories from my early childhood (unlike the more recent past). Although I have some visual memories, what I remember most are feelings and thoughts. I remember bits and pieces from the house I was born in…being upset and weeping as my mother took me to nursery, listening to my aunt telling a story and feeling excited… I remember the move to our new house in the outskirts of medina when I was three…sprinting through empty rooms and listening to my shouts echoing… the birth of my sister and feeling agog with jealousy and rage at all the attention and gifts she was getting… I vividly remember how much I loved my favourite uncle, my dad’s youngest brother, feeling ecstatic at his arrival and inconsolable at his departure. Feeling sick and scared on my first day at the local malcaamad and school… I remember feeling really worried when my father didn't get home on time, refusing to eat supper and waiting up for him...I also remember dad holding me by the ankles, and threatening to chuck me down into one of those hole-in-the-ground outdoor toilets for smacking my sister and cracking her lip... I remember my mum being pregnant and the arrival of another sister when I was around five, remember feeling fascinated by the new baby and wanting to hear her cry over and over again (had to smack her a few times too )... I would go on...but you might see me for the monster I use to be!
Posted on April 13, 2006 at 19:21 by Salafi da'wa to Xiinfaniin XIn, you write "I am contending the notion that women are less intelligent than men. Simple." Brother, our beloved prophet who loved nothing in this dunyah except women and perfume said, "women are deficient in intellect and in deen" he(salalahu alayhi wa salam) goes on to explain as to the reason to their deficiencies. You leave the hadith as it is, on what basis? if your above taqleed, and you excell in islamic fiq and sharxul hadith, then i suggest you play your cards. are your contention based on evidence or is it because it offendes your whims? What evidence you have to suggest that WOMEN are not deficient in deen and in intellect other then the usual" i think.." Need i remind you of the hadith hadith of our noble shaykh and imam, Mohammad(salalahu alayhi wa salam) when he said many MEN have reached the level of perfection but only three women have reached such level, Asiya, Mariam and Aisha. Source
Zii: You are certainly pragmatic. Practice and persistence would make anything possible!
LoL..thanks for the wishes guys. Zii, why don't you do a short list for yourself? It doesn't have to be anything major...maybe trying your hand at a couple of things you haven't done before. Like..maybe going to see a show at the theatre?
**Raises an eyebrow @ what she's reading**
^ Definitely.
^^ Ahh...I'm rather simple sometimes. Thanks, Pucca. :cool:
Thanks Zii & Lola. Ofcourse if marriage comes along then those plans [House & Luxury Car] will have to be put on hold. LoL...Lola, you won't need a house and car if you got married, miyaa?? Red, sounds like it was an interesting seminar. I do like motivating talks myself. :cool:
I woke up this morning and for the first time in eight years, I didn’t mind getting a year older. Usually I look back at the past year and feel like I haven’t done anything interesting or achieved anything worthwhile, but today I feel content. I had a brilliant year (Alhamdulilaah) and at the risk of sounding positive, I’m looking forward to another excellent year (Insha’Allah). This must be what they mean by aging gracefully! Zu, Actually, I only started thinking about making a list. I’m not even sure what I want to put in there, however, I plan to make it very tight and focused. It will need to meet two requirements; 1] I must be capable of undertaking the activities - I’m known for letting flights of fancy take me off my feet (like what’s the chance of me learning how to fly?) and 2] the goals must be sustainable for the most part – that is the sum of the activities must contribute to improving my quality of life. That’s not to say that I won’t have the odd one-off activity, but I wouldn’t want the whole list to be made up of one-offs. I know you have mentioned a few things, but I would very much like to see what your whole list looks like - I’m guessing it to be very adventurous. Hizb, Are you about to or have you celebrated your birthday recently? I have the feeling we are at the same stage….I’m also looking at what I would like to do in the next four years, God willing. I just bought myself a new digital camera, so documenting important moments will be one To-Do.