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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. Originally posted by WaTerLily: Val , its January isn’t it? Decisions, decisions! True. Damned January!
  2. ^ Ah, in that case, it would be best to avoid it altogether. From what I have seen, it's usually mentioned on the menu if the dessert has alcohol in it.
  3. Yes. All a man needs is a beautiful receptacle. In the words of Sheh: Oucc.
  4. ^ Howdy, dear. Yup. My lips won't accept anything else. Been using the same shade (Cerise) last six years. OMG! You know I didn't even see Foxy over there! Hello you! *Waves*
  5. ^ LoL. Poor smart girl! My advice: She should recite Qul Huwala hu Ahad on the next faarax who takes her fancy.
  6. ^ Val in 8-inch heels? What a laugh.
  7. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: Val ...You want me to welcome you? what would I gain? What? What would you gain? How about a slap for forgetting my hospitality already? Bloody Aussies! :mad:
  8. ^ There's nothing wrong with Indian food. I see major life decisions looming. What do you see?
  9. 'Ello. First things first - Rudy, take a hike, please. Zii - Of course I will take thousands of photos! I'm going to be away for about a month, I'A. Rokko - I will be visiting my cousin in Hamilton. I would like to see Auckland as well, but I don't know if I will get the chance/time. You're a former NZlander, aint ya? Anything you recommend? I'll probably be in Melbourne longer than most other places. A week or so and I'm hoping to spend a few days each in Sydney, Brisbane and Tasmania I'A. NP - DVT! Yikes! You have no idea the nightmares I have about that. Rest assured, I will be taking a walk every hour on the hour I'A. So, Zu, urm...aren't you going to welcome me?
  10. London snow = black slush on pavements and roads. Only the snow-topped roofs look nice.
  11. ^ Oy, stop that. You know I don't gossip, I ONLY enquire about ppl's welfare. Plus, my lipgloss costs £13, so u can keep your worthless fiver, alright? About the snow, can you believe heblaayo over there (Serenity) woke me up at the crack of dawn just to ask me to look outside my window? I could have smacked her. :mad:
  12. Intuition, that's a lovely offer, thank you. Yeah, I have family in both countries. My itinerary is still being worked out, but I would luv to meet up with you guys when I visit Melbourne I'A.
  13. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: quote:Originally posted by Valenteenah: I'm a compulsive tea-maker. ^^^ Who would have guesed? Cheers LoL. What gave me away? The 10 cups I drink each day?
  14. Originally posted by rokko: of course you know that Val we will give you big wlc dear you seem concerned, my man Caano-Geel gave us shocking reviews innit LoL, don't you start now. Nope, can't say I received a glowing review. Melbourne got a thumbs up tho (exact words were: "too clean, too beautiful"). Anyway, good to know I might get a big welcome. Look out for me in May, I'A. I hope to be city-hopping thru OZ and NZ for about 4 weeks, God willing. :cool:
  15. Originally posted by Sharmarkee: Val hayee! hablaha somliyeed cuna qabtayn kuma jiraane, ee with all due respect, the Body Mass Index(BMI) of Somali women is worrying every respectable Somali male. People forget our old traditional must-slim parts of the body places before Gymnasium, and leisure centres are invented Saddex haw dhubnaato inaantu: luqunta, dhexda, iyo gacmaha, Epitome of beauty of Somali women, in the good old days. Sharmaarkee, Hablaha Somaaliyeed saddexdaaba waa lagu yaqaanaa. Dhibtu waxay timaadaa marka intuu mid guursado kijada ku xidho. Maalin iyo habeen haday cunto ku dhex jirto, is it any wonder inay cayisho? As you can see, the cause of the BMI-problem is entirely male-related. Teeda kale, the discussion wasn't about weight but rather restaurants. So, leave the dining xaliimos alone, will you? Xaasid fooqal xaasid.
  16. I'm a compulsive tea-maker.
  17. ^ Kaalay, habla Somaaliyeed ma cunaqabatayn bey ku jiraan? Maxaa cuntada loogu diidayaa? Gardaro badanaa inanku.
  18. ^ Never mind that. Now, tell me what welcome I should expect when I find my way to your corner? Rokko, we know that already. What's new with you?
  19. The outback? Naah. Someone put me off the outback, but I should be visiting other parts soon, I'A. Oh, and my horse-breeding dream has been amended to sheep-breeding in New Zealand!
  20. I have eaten there a few times. It's not a bad place.