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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. Ah. Indeed, Faarax-Brown. It's only a hop, skip, and jump from being a beautiful, independent spinster to a single-mom. Isn't it?
  2. Originally posted by Khayr: More and more hijabis are demanding equal rights with non-hijabis. Thank you. I needed a good laugh.
  3. Clearly I'm a well-tanned Sixties bombshell.
  4. Practice makes perfect, Xu. Try everything and find something that works for you.
  5. With all the outrage I expected to see some porno pics or something. Everything is over the top in here. :rolleyes: Dabshid, way to objectify.
  6. I would rather stick pins into you. *Evil laugh*
  7. Damn you, Me. Damn YOU! Bas khalaas. You're going to be included in my torture fantasies from here onwards. Right beside Rudy, in fact. Unless you take it all back. :mad: Ameen, it's so, like, forgotten?
  8. Xu, yes a little too much. Just a tad, tho. *Stabs herself in the eye* Ameen, you have two perfectly capable hands. Make yourself the tea. I only do pity or poisoned cuppas, and I suspect you wouldn't want either.
  9. Ameen, why do you doubt me walaalo? I'm only being nice. I suspect the politics section has beaten poor Me into deep disillusionment and I thought a kind gesture might help. That's all. Nothing to be scared of. I promise not to poison the tea. One black, sugarless tea coming up. PS: What's my kryptonite?
  10. Originally posted by me: Rudy for 'the Valenteenah' award. What's this then? *angry face* I would vote for Yoonis for being a total nutcase. Me, I sense some emotional intensity in you and it has touched me, so much so that I think I will break my own rules and make you a cup of tea. How about that? Do you take sugar?
  11. Valenteenah.


    Originally posted by rokko: I'm feeling a strange twinge.
  12. Originally posted by *Sagal*: I can honestly say that 2/3rds of the complainers haven't posted a topic recently (or ever). So suck it up or post something yourselfs you whiny little punks before I shove my boot all the way down your throat, you'll be shyting ur intestines. Look at that? What a big fat khasaaro. :mad: CL and Ibti, idinka waxaan idinku daray "hablaha la sii wada [nac nacda]". The two people I would like to beat to the ground the most are that JB and the Hunguri one (followed closely as always by rudy *snigger*). Sacré Bleu! Unlike NG, I'm very tolerant but even I can't take the natterings of those two. They ought to be evicted from here. Or better yet, smothered. Angle: Been there, done that. Cambaro: The only 'frisson in the air' is the static electricity from Ngonge's bald head. (And the politics section has always been a pollutant, unlike the women's section.)
  13. ...That's what the Women's section needs. A good, thorough spring cleaning! I would start with the trolls who've made this section their home and turned it into a garbage tip in the last few weeks. You know who you are (yes, it's you, ka gaajoonaya, and you, ka dhataqlaha ah, and you, kuwa dumarka ajinabiga faahfaahinaya ama aflagaadeenaya, and you, hablaha la sii wada, and not to forget you, ta guurdoonka ah). Highly irritating bunch. Go to the jokes section or something, for God's sake. Naga hor dhaqaaqa uun. Uff. :mad:
  14. Originally posted by Northerner: Are these individual homes or a number of apartments in each building? If individual homes, I think I will just die of envy.
  15. Do all wadaads have the same personality?
  16. Originally posted by me: Val & Rudy when will you two get married? Stop this flirting or do something with it. Eww. Not one for reading human relationships, are you?
  17. Originally posted by rudy: hmm! did u hit it u just in! lool..somali women are not bed broken yet!! so the whole thing ends up like a hurricane hitting lousiana, but a nice phillipino, can rock your world...! she was my vdate..! i think i am done for couple of months. Due to your obsession, I was waiting for you to admit your undying love for Jamaican ladies.
  18. Originally posted by Djib-Somali: It seems incredible then that some will lombastes their creator wisdom and advocate instead for condoms, medicines ect which can only protect/cure to a limited extent against STDs, while the health systems of the richest countries can not sustain other unavoidable treatments despite their already unsustainable economies which destroy the environment and lives of the rest of the mankind! Hmmm... Can anyone actually advocate for condoms instead of Islam? (I can't see condoms turning into a religion somehow). It seems to me it goes without saying that, although condoms play a big role in sexual health, they can only be supplementary to awareness-raising and education. What would be the point otherwise? I would have thought it was obvious that problem-solving measures for a Muslim society have to be within an Islamic framework. Simply screaming 'Islam is the answer' doesn't do much, especially since there are so many misconceptions, misinformation and taboos surrounding family planning and sexual health issues in the Muslim world.
  19. Originally posted by Taliban: And you assume only condoms can prevent breeding "like they are in an animal sanctuary"? I try not to assume too much as a general rule. Condoms are less troublesome than some other types of contraception plus they have the added benefit of protection against the topic of this thread: unwanted infections. Off topic, but are you Hadaad by any chance? You write similarly.
  20. ^ Well, that's ur opinion, albeit a narrow one. If it pleases you to tie condoms to casual sex, feel free. However, to most married people condoms are useful. Not all couples want to breed like they are in an animal sanctuary. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: Sister I already said to you 'That I liked you' so isn't that enough of a apology! When I usually apologise to someone, I tell them that 'I like them'! So I like you Val that should be sufficient inshallah! You should know me, I never apologise to women nor do I tell them that 'I love them', all I say is that 'They're appreciated'! So calm down, relax and offer me an apology instead! Not good enough, dear. NOT good enough.
  21. Why are you encouraging illegal sex by saying yes to condoms? Instead, why don't you encourage abstinence? Why do you assume condoms are only used for illegal sex? Assume I'm talking about legal sex. Thank you. MKA, polygamy is not the issue. You accused me of plagiarism. Such heavy allegations shouldn't be bandied about lightly, ma fahantay? Now apologise to me and take it back.