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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
^ A romantic proposal if I ever heard one.
LoL..poor woman. Ninkaasi waxbuu ujeedaa. It's probably a prelude to "Honey, I have fallen out of love with you". Plastic surgery? Nah. If I can't age gracefully, I will just resort to hiding my age.
Cambaro, I don't disagree except on the point of one not knowing any different when it comes to good lovemaking because there's nothing to compare to. This is an oft-propagated statement which isn't true. One doesn't need to have a comparison available to tell a good performance from a bad one. It would seem obvious, at least to me, that if it's a good performance then both will enjoy it. If it's bad, then one or both will not enjoy it. I think there are enough books and manuals on the subject to inform and enable one to tell the difference between the two. When something directly affects you, as this would, you need to be fully aware of what you're getting into and you need to be able to look out for your interests (i.e. ensure your needs and marital rights are fulfilled). Going back to the topic: Anything and everything can be romantic, depending on the manner it is presented in or the intention behind it.
Originally posted by Crystal_Clear: Western Romance Flowers,dozen roses ,candlelight,slowmusic,good sex,suprises,dinner in romantic quite restuarant.good communication,listening,eye contact.. touching,holding hands,rubing ,feeling..etc.. Sounds good. :cool:
Opposing or disagreeing with someone's ideologies/believes does not necessarily make them an enemy. NGONGE, would that be the only feud between politicians or leaders that currently exists? And how relevant is the gender of the two leaders to the feud, really? What tosh.
Such a deluded faarax. Sure that airgun will jam before he even takes aim. Shimbiro, indeed.
LoL @ Ameen. Er, no sense in listing who I would have nominated at this late stage. Zii, good predictions but I think you're off on a couple.
Waxaan ku odhan lahaa anigu, guurso ta ku cajabisa ama aad caashaqdid.
Urm, I didn't ignore it, I just forgot about it, Ameen. Probably because I don't usually go for these sorts of topics. But I have gotten into the spirit of it now, and yes, I bitterly regret not nominating my favourite posters. Centurion, it sure is a good lesson.
Ah, yes, Xaliimopatra, it sounds like you have been Faraxised. Lovely Xaliimo, life isn't static, it's very fluid and it moves at a rate that makes your head spin. So you always have to be prepared to bend and twist your plans, targets and goals to fit in with whatever it throws at you. If you are not able to take the straight path you devised for yourself, try to see if there is another route that may take you away from your preferred one but which will wind back to your original path further on. There is always a chance that you will find a different but equally successful path to your goals. It's never Do or Don't. Nothing is that black or white. Like previous nomads have suggested, take a step back and try to evaluate your situation from a neutral position. Find out if there are other ways of reaching your goals, without losing too much time, if you take up the offered proposal. Often, you'll be able to reach a compromise you are comfortable with. However, if after all the assessments it looks like it just won't work out to your favour or in your own interests, then you might have to put yourself first (if you don't, no one else will). My input. Hope it all makes sense.
Originally posted by Kimiya: ^Xaa jira? Oh, I got a terrible sense of déjà vu from the responses.
Me, na nana naa naa. Serenity, fair play to you. I didn't get the chance to send in nominations either, or those ladies would definitely have been represented (how insulting is it that the 'most knowledgeable' and 'most eloquent' categories are all male? Grr). STOIC, don't be putting yourself down. You're deserving of the votes you get. :cool:
LoL. I dunno. My parents are probably best placed to attach a monetary value to me. They know exactly how much they've invested in me in money, sweat and blood. Having said that, if I had to calculate, I would work out my lifetime earnings potential. But it would only be an estimate and wouldn't take into account the value of any unpaid labour and/or social contributions.
Sheh, you're gorgeous!! That Lily Lilo site is like a sweet shop. Love their eye-shadows...ordered a sample of every shade and more. Thank you very much for the tip. :cool:
Serenity, Gee, thanks. All I need are grammatical errors to make me into a more well-rounded person, dheh. What a shame. And I doubt if Rudy will gain any new found faith in Somali sisters once I run him over twice in my new Mini. PS: You didn't vote, huh? That explains why Xoogsade is missing from the Best Male Citizen category. Ha ha. Ibtisam, you shake a fist by forming your hand into a fist and then shaking it. LoL. Angle, I noticed that too. If it helps, I would have voted for you.
A splash of cold water wakes you up. It doesn't make you look particularly well-turned out. Lily, yes I have heard that before. It's partly why I switched to using organic soaps rather than off the shelf shower gels. Organic hair products are more expensive and harder to find. I usually stock up on Aveda products (made from plant and flower essences) when am feeling flush but have to settle for other brands when am broke. They do skincare and make-up too, although I haven't tried them out. But the mineral-based make-up I definitely want to check out.
^ I'm interested in the mineral-based make-up you mentioned. Are they any good and what's the difference between mineral-based and the rest? The salon I go to for my occasional facials stocks a mineral-based brand of make-up (can't remember the name), but I have never felt the need to check them out before. I'm very bored with the sparse contents of my make-up bag at the moment (green eye-shadow, eye-liner, Iman compact powder).
Rudy/Valenteenah as a duo? Is this a joke? Grr..I bet ME made that nomination. I really ought to crack that boy's head open. :mad: *Shakes fist* :mad: What shambles! (PS: I can see lots of people voting for themselves! )
^ Is that 'runta' aad isu sheegtid? LoL. I'm amused by your claim that 'women are too emotional to carry decent discussions about politics'. Are you sure about that? I suppose you haven't been paying attention to the high level of emotion displayed by faaraxs in the politics section? Gotta love such generalisations.
Originally posted by Khayr: It really makes fun of the symbolism of the Hijab when hijabis mimick action for action, that which a non-hijabi aspires to be-the MODERN CITIZEN. That's funny. The whole point of wearing a hijab is so that a woman can go about her affairs in peace, isn't it? So that women can actively participate in every sphere of life in comfort. So that they can be model citizens and contribute to society in full as they are duty bound to. So how can the symbolism of hijab be lost when the hijab enables Muslim women to claim their God-given rights without fear? (And yes that includes working in any occupation they like, doing any sport they fancy or greeting anybody they please.) That is unless you think Hijab, by definition, should isolate and immobilise women (i.e., keep them housebound or 'Muhajabahs'), which I suspect you do. But then, that would have little to do with the loss of the symbolism of hijab and much more to do with your inherent misogynism, wouldn't it?
^ Yes, something like that. Originally posted by Faarax-Brown: To become an Idependent Mom? Thats almost impossible dear val. Wait, Independent of Grumpy distrungled husbands?, Now thats more reasonable LoL. Tell me, why is an independent mom an impossiblity?
Both. Labels: Do you mean the single or partnered label?
Paragon, a mom is a mom whether she is single or partnered. Waa ku sidee? (PS: I know. It doesn't sound exciting enough to tempt a frumpy homebody, let alone a fabulous spinster.)
Paragon: Not a bad thing if they can become beautiful, independent moms. Faarax, I know you're not.