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Everything posted by Valenteenah.
Originally posted by *Sagal*: I am interested in knowing what field the majority of Somalis here work in and how you feel about your job. My field wasn't featured in the poll. I really like my job considering. I hate the location, the distance, the salary, the lack of amenities and the office politics. But I love the actual work: I love seeing the direct impact of my projects. Still, all the negatives seem to be winning out at the moment.
So... Current Handle: Valenteenah Reason: I wanted something elegant, elongated and Italian. Previous Handles: Ahura; Aeronwen; Zephyrine; Phantasma/goria; Velvet Revolution; Aeryn Sun; Bee; Disillusioned & Despondent; Mango Madness (very briefly way back); BARWAAQO (original username). Urm...I think that's it. Not too bad for 5 years, methinks.
^ Thank you, luv. :cool:
OMG! Don't be dirty-minded now, Cambarro. Waa ku sidee? Waad iga nixisay, walaahi. It was a wholly innocent comment.
^^ It was simply gorgeous, A'H. So gorgeous, I made myself go out for a bag of chips just to enjoy the sunshine and mild breeze.
I refuse to be bowed, as I have enjoyed each and every handle I have ever owned. They were all inspired and beautiful, inc current one. PS: I'm not sure if I remember them all tho, Xu.
Lily, you were going to post some account info?
<--- Taken up Vegetarianism.
I think females bosses have a hard time, just because they have to deal with the attitudes displayed above before they even have a chance to show their employees whether they are a good boss or not. I don't have any problems with female bosses. I actually prefer them (Compared to men, very few women have top positions and I believe they need all the help they can get in keeping their jobs and advancing further). I especially like working for my current boss. I support her to the best of my ability, and she, in turn, goes out of her way to return the favour in full. It makes for a fine working relationship, even if I say so myself. :cool: Of course, I still have to watch my back, it's a dog eat dog world after all!
^^ Cute kid, M'A. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ Have I told you lately that I love you? (Role reversal here). No, not lately.
Originally posted by sheherazade: When u do use the foundation, tip a little out onto a flat surface and use the brush with that as a source. No mess, no waste and no overloaded brush. You can guess how I came to that preferred technique! Yes, I can. Thanks for the tip.
Sorry Emperor, but that's a very pathetic attempt. Hadalka intaad yaraysid ninka far isha ka geli. Make like nin rag ah intaad wax isku fashid. Originally posted by Paragon: ^^ Lool. I have noticed that problem. There is something called 'Kifaax' ama 'Kaftan' we men know of. Waxa iyaga bari waayey garan maayo... LoL, sounds like a drowning man. Ha!
By Che: Faarax...How many Halaad Val ka bixin laheed? Che, walaalo, ma cuntaan kaa xaday mise carruur baan kaa dilay? Why in the world would you ask that of Faarax-Brown of all people? Why? Faarax, lol, that's a lot of canab qadhaadh! And to think I would have been willing to pay good geel and a couple of British rifles for you. Tut Tut. (EDIT: Just saw the 'sambac' comment! Oy, don't be calling my gorgeous hunk of a man a sambac or I will smurf you blue! :mad: ) Rokko, lol, you are on the right path, my dear. Exchange the 'Islaan' for 'Garaad' and we are talking.
Cambaro, LoL. Haye, dadku meyna casho tagi jirin to restaurants and each other's homes back in the country miyaa? From what I hear from my relatives, there were as many courting rituals back then as there are now in these countries. I'm sure they would have been seen as 'city things' to do, but I doubt if they would have been seen as 'Western things' to do. And flowers are universal in their beauty and appeal. They cut across time and cultures. It's not just Western countries that use them for romantic gestures, many Eastern cultures do as well (thank you Old Bollywood). Plants, flowers, herbs, nature itself are often used to describe the best qualities in people (beauty, fertility, sweetness, strength, etc) in every culture. We shouldn't give everything to the Western world so easily. NG and Lily, Sure love and desire and romance are timeless. That wasn't my issue. And those love poetry and songs you mention, NG, they are mainly composed my men, isn't that right? How usual would it have been for women to talk graphically about such matters as intercourse in public? Not even remotely usual I would wager! Word of mouth is indeed powerful. But that would depend on having someone who is able to pass along such useful info to you around. Mums would have certainly tried to prepare their daughters for their wedding nights, of course they would have, but I wonder just how many would have revealed the real nitty gritty of the funny business? How many would have touched on some of the possible highly embarrassing incidences and unusual requests that their daughters may encounter? From what I gather (having been exposed to my great-grandmother's way of thinking), advice would have been along the lines of 'this will happen, and you must tolerate it. He might ask for this or do that, you must tolerate it. Whatever he wants, other than this one thing which is haraam, you'll have to let him and tolerate it because it's his Islamic right. Soon enough you'll become pregnant and get a break'. Now, I would hardly call something like that informative or educational! This is probably what Cambaro meant about the expectation that women weren't supposed to enjoy the act. On the other hand, even if your mum or aunts are able and willing to discuss such issues at length with you, you might not want to hear it! I know for a fact that many (including me) would die of acute embarrassment if any of their relatives tried to broach the subject with them. This is where mediums like books and the internet are better placed to inform. I know I would take books or the internet over an intimate 1:1 chat with my mum any day! To conclude, I'm sure there would have been ways for girls to find out this sort of info in the past, as there is always a way, but it certainly wouldn't have been as easy to access or as informative as some of the resources available to us now.
Nevermind. I don't know why I even bother. :rolleyes: PS: Look again. Only TWO words are highlighted.
Originally posted by Johnny B: i just don't think you'd sell Val this cheap . Johnny, luv, those two words shouldn't be in the same sentence.
Does this mean I star in your nightmares too, NG?
Originally posted by Cambarro: Actually Val, I disgaree. Above may be true nowadays but in the era of our mums, they couldnt have known the difference. I have this opinion that in the olden days, they werent meant to enjoy it. It was for recreation purposes only. So whatever they had, they had to endure it. Cambaro, yes, that's true for previous generations. But I'm talking about this generation and the here and now. The same attitude of 'ignorance is bliss' is still being perpetuated. Many young women do not have access to any info, so it seems that those who do should take advantage of it. At the rate we are going, even the ability to inhale and exhale oxygen will be credited to the West soon (eg, why should we breathe just because westerners do?).
Thanks, Saynab. I completely forgot it's International Women's Day tomorrow. Must check out what else is happening around town, I'A.
LoL @ ^^. I understand why Sheh, she turned down your multiple marriage proposals after all, laakiin anigu maxaan kugu sameeyey? Bal gardarradaa eega? Rokko, Yes, she's sweet and funny and fariidad (notice how she clocked the city girl's motives for visiting - eyeing up the reer miyi boys ). They both were actually. Funny stereotypes.
^ A most excellent strategy, dear. Originally posted by sheherazade: U're welcome, Val. Let us know how they turn out; u should have them middle of the week. Get painting. Got them, Sheh. Love the samples. The eyeshadows are gorgeous. Haven't tried the foundations, because I'm afraid one dip of my brush in the cute little pots and I will come away with it all. LoL. Nice shades tho, they all look very usable. Will definitely buy a few normal-sized pots, I'A. :cool:
^^ Yes. OR The woman is interned in a mental institute where the rich inmates/patients have their own apartments and the man is her psychiatrist. She is probably in for an obsession with nudity. She probably greets the cleaners, nurses and her guests in the same state of undress.
Originally posted by Taliban: quote: Originally posted by Cambarro: [ Isnt there medium level between submissiveness and domineering woman? The medium level for women is to obey the Deen. Worth a nomination for 'Stubidhest statement of 2007', surely?
^ Wow, Really? That's so unexpected. Rokko: lol @ 'fariidad'. I think the word you're looking for is dumb.