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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. Originally posted by Aromancer: Were you there Val? how was the place? Hello, No, I wasn't there. I do feel the write up is too mean-spirited tho. @ Image: So those are Swedish peeps? Interesting. LoL @ NG! Glad to hear you had a good holiday. :cool:
  2. ^ LMAO. What an eye-sore. Gorgeous dresses tho.
  3. Yaabka, Well, I'm still a little hazy on exactly what you are looking to hear. Asia is a big continent with lots of different cultures. Which nation/s are we using for comparison? You see, in certain Asian cultures, women don't have much choice about staying married, no matter what. It's better than death after all. If Somali girls feared being killed by their family/husbands if they were divorced or asked for a divorce, then they would be staying married too, wouldn't they? About women putting in more of an effort to keep a marriage going, my question is why should they put in the bigger effort? What's in it for them? 85/15 doesn't sound very balanced and, as we've all heard, along with irreconcilable differences (love that phrase ) imbalance is often what leads to marital breakdowns. A marriage needs equal buy-in from both partners, because they won't get far if one is dragging the other one's dead weight.
  4. Originally posted by Kimiya: The hijaab doesn't have to be ugly to be Islamic. Thanks for pointing that out. Some people really do think the aim of the Hijab is to look as drab and frumpy as possible.
  5. So, what's your point? Oh you didn't have one? You were just comparing apples with oranges, were you? Sorry to have interrupted you then. Do go on. What other fascinating insights did you gain from those Asian countries? All ears.
  6. Originally posted by Jaylaani: That was her best picture haye...that "THING" is ugly as he.ll. Naagaaha foosha xunxunle maxaa DIINTA laga siiyaa? ^ Guess that's what they call a brain fart. :rolleyes: Wonder why we are so fixed on people's looks? Somalis, ey?
  7. Xalane, cidina idinkuma haysato your 'rights'. In fact, any woman would love you if you were upholding your duties and responsibilities as a husband. The problem arises when the husband cannot fulfill these duties and responsibilities and yet still expects to be treated as the head of the household and kept around. If you're not of any use to your family, why should they keep you around? Especially if they don't need to. It's rough, but I think the bac madow is useful. Originally posted by Dabshid: Xagee lagu arkey dumar isku faanaya ninkaygu waxaas buu i qabtaa sida weel xallid, dhar dhiqid, iwm,Ilaah baa ina lehe waxyaabo laga xishooda jira! LoL. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, Dabshid. Don't knock it till you've tried it. Washing up after yourself will make you more competent and well-rounded. Mida kale, uma baahnid inaad iga acuudubilaysatid. Only modern men interest me.
  8. ^I think there are injections available for severe sufferers. I haven't gone for one, although my allergies get pretty bad in the summer, but I'm told the shots are quite effective. I usually use a combination of tablets and eye-drops.
  9. ^ Waxaad u hadleysaa sida odey soo waayo arkay. Waa run oo aduunku wuu isbadalay. Raggii hore dumarkooda wey gumeysan jireen. A woman’s life and livelihood was linked to her husband, therefore she used to put him above everything else, including herself. This is no longer the case for a lot of women, so they are able to give their own needs and wants more consideration. This has enabled them to have more control over their lives. Of course these changes have hit some men hard, particularly those spoiled, controlling types who believe women have been created to serve them and their egos only (cue all the calaacal about 911/bac madow etc etc). I would love to see what our society looks like in 50 years time, actually.
  10. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: but talking of women,they are so many and so scattered that if one wanted,one could get away with more than the allowed 4. Yup. Can't say women are in danger of extinction. Limitless opportunities. Go forth and multiply. Etc etc.
  11. ^ Oh. I was really looking forward to seeing it too. How I love those sweeping Chinese epics.
  12. Ibti, oh OK. I thought it was a clan I hadn't heard of before or something like that. I agree there are some guys who just don't do the necessary research into the girl they want to marry and therefore don't present themselves well when they propose to her. Like the guy who told my cousin he had £6k saved for a wedding and he would teach her how to drive and buy her a nice girly car if she married him. If he had paid a little more attention to her, he would have known she wasn't interested in weddings or cars or his savings or marrying him for that matter. Tut tut.
  13. Marriage-ku ma khasabaa? Haduuna qofku u diyaar ahayn, uma diyaar aha. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't know your friend's circumstances, but if he gets the same responses from the girls he currently approaches, maybe he should look at other women, like those who've already finished their education? Just a suggestion. PS: what's 'cirtan'?
  14. You know, I really think they should rename this whole section as 'Troll section'. Uff.
  15. ^ A Western funeral? Tut tut.
  16. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: 14 reasons why one should consider a garoob woman with awlaad She has been 'there,' seen 'it' and fully knows 'it.' She has the ultimate experience when it comes how to take care a man and herself in marriage. Experience is the best teacher ever. Nothing comes close to it. She has kids, most lovably creature. She has an experience as a mother, raising kids alone in Galbeedka -- one of the toughest part of life. She is more baari now, does not want a second strike to happen, thus works overtime to please her family, including her new man. Less needless muran, more mature topics since she matured up and will eventually can understand what she in her singlehood would not, such as not easily giving up men as quickly as as she did before. More tolerant of men, and their sometimes only-Eebbe bizzare behaviours. Finally realizing raising kids your own is never the same as a man at home, regardless how weak-minded or how bad-behaving he is -- he being a is as essential as a mother when raising kids at home. No frequent outside dinners or going to any other single-dominated or newly first-time married domains. Again, kids, kids, kids. Who will give you the most happiest moment in your darkest time, even if they are not technically your offspring. She may or may not a bit 'gained' in body department or has, to quote, 'stretch marks, saggy breasts, and c-section scars,' yet she has the EXPERIENCE. She knows what is needed and intricacies in that room, a lot more important than having a little weight gained from pregnancy[ies]. Knowing how hard raising a kid alone is, this time, she will work a lot harder to keep her man than her previous man. More dulqaad, more mutual respect... Working overtime to please her new man [see above] And finally, some men just are into garoobs. That is their preference. This may, however, tell us they know more than what we don't know. So you have to check why some men ugu ordaan jidkaas yourself and see if wax macaan jiro or not. -------------- Sounds like 14 reasons why a woman shouldn't bother with a second husband. Why should she compromise that much just because her previous marriage ended? No good. Find a new list. Rudy, you're such an airhead. :rolleyes:
  17. Originally posted by Zafir: ^How do we know for sure the bananas were stolen for mere nourishment purposes? *Chokes on her tea* Urm....what was the other Q? Oh yes, I keep them in a cabinet in the kitchenette. My desk is too cluttered with paper. So I disagree with you, I don't deserve to be banana-less. :mad: LoL @ 'battery operated'. Naga daaya.
  18. Originally posted by Magool: Val, The typical somali wedding is often held in a hall. You would be overdressed in that gown amongst most guests who would wear dirac and such. Would you be comfortable in it? Do you think I would have my nuptials in a common hall? It would be a themed wedding of no more than 50 close family and friends, held in a country hotel in Hertfordshire. :cool: