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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. ^ They are out and about, trying to hide their cattle from the DEFRA slaughtering machine. As for me, I've started a new job and I'm on a temporary good behaviour contract until I get settled in. My surfing is currently confined to checking emails during my lunch 1/2hr. :cool:
  2. Typical, isn't it? Only last month the BBC got a roasting for editing a programme about the Queen to make it look like she threw a tantrum (when she didn't). You can't tell what's sensationalised and what isn't these days.
  3. LoL @ NG. Interesting encounters you have. Do review it for us when you're done.
  4. It sounds wonderful, DD. Thank you for writing about it for us and welcome back! :cool:
  5. Hi Keyf, the poll isn't set up right. It requires you to give an answer to both the male and female questions, which will mess up the results.
  6. Originally posted by Khalaf: The Past: Divorce Rate =7% The Present: Divorce Rate =60% The Future: Divorce Rate =85% A good thing, surely? Nobody needs to stay in a marriage they don't want any more.
  7. Thanks, Norf. Hope you're enjoying your holiday. Originally posted by NGONGE: Val got a new job? Aha. I'm well shot of the old one. Alhamdulilaah.
  8. With the amount of teens been killed every week, it really feels like London is the most dangerous place to be a teenager in at the moment. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto.
  9. ^ Where is the black and white shot from, Dawo? Xanthus (what the hell is this new nick?), thanks for the pics. I didn't make it to the rise festival (really wanted to see Knaan too).
  10. ^ Turned into a literary snob, have ya? Will wonders never cease? :rolleyes: Andromeda, it sounds like a very interesting book. I'll look it up, I'A. <- Not a Harry Potter fan. <- Currently reading about a stripper turned private detective. Gotta luv it.
  11. I agree that quite a lot of teenage girls work these days, and if they don't it means they have older sisters who support them because by heck they are not going to get enough money from their poor mum to buy the amount of clothes and shoes and bags they seem to want. Any girl who wants the freedom to buy what she wants, when she wants, quickly learns she needs to earn the money herself. The rest of the list is useful but not necessary.
  12. Morning all, Lily, don't tell me you are one of those people who break crockery and don't tell anyone? We have one of them at our office. Half the small plates have gone missing and come lunch time, you'll find staff fighting over the only two left. I have one more day left at my current job and I have to spend it shredding all the documents, timesheets and papers I have amassed in the last two and half years. Very exciting. Toodles
  13. Amazing. The image alone is making me feel dizzy.
  14. ^ Hello. How's the old country?
  15. Ha! I've become a BB addict recently. I simply can't look away from the nightmare that is Charley. Iyadaan u daawadaa. I watch various investigation dramas like Law&Order, Criminal Mind, Closer to Home, Without a Trace, Shark, etc etc. I also like topical panel shows like '8 out of 10 Cats', 'Have I got News for You' and 'The Friday Night project'.
  16. ^ No, they won't. Go for it. Rain storms always make me feel sleepy.
  17. ^ Amiin. Aren't you sweet!
  18. ^ No, No, say it, please. And I'll add 'Amiin'. From the image, Happiness looks well fed, but not exactly obese. Masha'Allah.
  19. *Puts down her chocolate bar* Urm, just how large is this lady? Is there an image to go with the article?
  20. ^ Hi Zii. Xagaad ka dhacday maalmahan? Such a dull day, today.
  21. ^ A long anticipated milestone, JB. Well done. :cool:
  22. ^ A sensitive bloke, ain't ya?
  23. It's not a completely revolting idea.