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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. ^ You do realise it's not the old men who actually have the babies, don't you?
  2. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Game? As if Val would worry herself with boring things like games of football. She's hoping to see herself on the giant screen, silly. You got me there! North, NG has the right of it. Skipper -
  3. DD, it must feel wonderful to cut those ties. It's just too bad you have to work through ramadan. You should have quit a month ago! I would love to take some time off but I have enough financial commitments to see me through the next few years.
  4. Originally posted by Caano Geel: and Alexander "D'Artagnan" Antebi of the USA Quite dashing, I must say. I do like a bit of hair on a man. :cool: CG - Is this where you've been getting your inspiration? *smirk*
  5. C'mon now, nobody can keep Ghani down. She's the brightest spark on SOL.
  6. Aw...not that I believe a word of the above, but I would if I could. Maybe next time I'A.
  7. ^ Nope. You are not a known Arsenal Supporter, anyway. A ticket would have been wasted on you.
  8. Talking of Arsenal, guess who will be at the new Emirates Stadium in a couple of weeks (I'A)? *Points at herself* Yup, me! Ahem... Sorry for the interruption. Do carry on.
  9. You know, I haven't been feeling hungry at all these last few days. Even when all I have for suxur is a cup of tea and a slice of madeira cake slathered in peanut butter, am good all day. And no, I don't stuff myself during afur either.
  10. No work drama for me today, just terribly exhausting domestic drama. Grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking etc.
  11. Zafir, waad dhib badantahay!
  12. I think suxuur is a must this time around. I certainly can't do more than 15hrs of fasting. A bowl of hot porridge mmmm.....
  13. ^ That's nice. You are very kind. The elderly lady irritated me and the rest bored me. But I suppose that may have been the intended point of the show. About you being a modernist, I think most people probably have a bit of both within them. It's a bit like listening to the Qur'an on a shiny new iPod. Ramadan wanaagsan.
  14. ^ Ey? I think you are mixing up things? The first line was referring to the usual suspects who get off on this type of thread in SOL. And the second line was referring to the BBC show in discussion and the women who were on it. Anywho, NGONGE isn't modern at all. He's a traditionalist at heart, he just doesn't show it. :cool:
  15. Paragon- Them, the thoroughly modern Muslim women. The thoroughly normal ones. Who did you think I meant?
  16. Happy belated birthday to KK.
  17. Why am I not surprised to see the usual suspects up in here? LoL... It was a rubbish show and I hated them all.
  18. ^ Feeling ill about her ability to sleep in, ey? Wipe away the green drool, please. It's unsightly.
  19. NG, Do I seem the type to partake in a mug's game?
  20. Eh? Who is blind with the fog of love? Canab? :confused:
  21. Ali gives loving husbands a bad name. Rather than being clever, he's actually a mean, mean man. How much effort does it take to express your love, really? Not much and certainly nothing close to the effort he went to to ensure he never says those words again.
  22. Ramadan wanaagsan dhamaan reer SOL.
  23. Nice blog. Very creative. People express themselves differently depending on where they are and who they are communicating with, don't they? My thoughts are often composed of vivid moving imagery, akin to a docudrama complete with an unseen deep-voiced narrator.