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Everything posted by Valenteenah.

  1. NG, Ah yes, Jake Gyllenhaal (sp?) comes to mind. What a dish! Still, I thought we were talking about our countrymen and not Hollywood stars.
  2. ^ LoL! Originally posted by Johnny B: Serenity, If you were sincere about your kindness towards me , then why i'm not the husband of Val & a father of her twins? A good question, I guess. My future sons are not twins though, there's a couple of years between them, Insha'Allah. :cool: Ms DD, Charming, intelligent, single 30-somethings exist....somewhere on this planet. I'm sure of this.
  3. Originally posted by Gediid: Val Its good to see you walaalo,been a while but Islaanti aan miyiga ka keeney ayaan America barayey markey ilbaxdey ayey halqabsi ka dhigatey "Nigga what have you done for me lately iyo downtown so yar salan iyo waxaas oo kale.Marki dambe bustihii yaraa ayey i soo tuurtey.I am staring to think maybe it wasnt a good idea bringing her directly from baadiye to America.I should have kept her azz in baadiye and bought her a few hundred heads of goats to run maaha Gediid, waxaad socotidba ma mid marba meel kuu eryata ayaad ka soo fa'idaysatay wadankii? Khasaaro. And here I thought you would be well on your way to making your second million after opening a double-glazing factory on the outskirts of Hargeisa, adigoo afar islaamood qaba ileen waad afford-gareyn kartaaye.
  4. LoL @ dhogor. Very sexy. Ku dar iney shaarbo iyo gadh yar na leedahay Hi Gediid. Long time no see. Che, nimankan iska celi waa laguu dhig-dhigay ee. Wax iskufal!
  5. The original picture looks like a small desert with animal carcasses strewn about. :eek: Now that Ramadan is over, maybe we'll go easy on the food threads?
  6. And on that ^ note, Eid Mubarak, everyone! My new eid shoes are ready to be test-driven! [EDIT] Whoa! Fast moving or what? The '^' was referring to the negative bloke on the previous page.
  7. Ameen, Ameen. Thank you for all your duas. Serenity, yes she was very blessed. I can only wish the rest of us enjoy such a long lease of life and pass away as peacefully, I'A. May Allah wash away the sins of all the Muslims who've passed away and give them access to jannah. And may Allah give the rest of us the time to ask for forgiveness and turn our lives around for the better. Ameen. Nephy, no, there is no need. FaaraxB- sorry for turning your lovely food thread into a sad tacsi thread, it wasn't my intention. Waad mahadsantihiin kuli.
  8. ^ Don't tell me you are the type to laugh at people who fall? Tut tut. Haa, waan soo socdaa, I'A.
  9. Am not a fan of cadriyad, but I like the big Somali foods cooked on important occasions. We are going through a tacsi at the moment- my gandma passed away two days ago, Allah ha u naxariisto- and everyone has been distracting themselves with cooking, so the standard of food for afur/casho has been very high. Only problem is nobody has much of an appetite.
  10. ^ Perhaps obedience is what is most needed for blissful marriages? I dunno.
  11. ^ Rage against the little man, my brother. Rage on! Australian immigration policies are a bit off, aren't they?
  12. Waad u dhameyseen miskiinada. Ilaahay ha u sahlo.
  13. I completely agree, clothes sizes are too ridiculous these days. Not only are the sizes not consistent but they all seem to be aimed at the stick thin.
  14. Ghanima, you went back! Good on you, luv. I mean to every year but still haven't. Maybe next year I'A. I think every country in Africa is fascinating. They all seem to share the same larger issues, however each country is unique in its own right. Somalia would be an excellent subject if you could find any sort of relevant data on it but that's very difficult as you've already been advised. See what countries have already been picked by your fellow students and then just choose one of the unclaimed.
  15. Having worked really hard this week and clocked up 7 extra unpaid hours, I'm looking forward to a long weekend I'A. Thank God for TOIL.
  16. Imagine having that guy as your dentist? What a nightmare.
  17. Originally posted by Skipper: Valeenteenah there is a reason why my name is Skipper and not Rudy jr, dont you think? And last time i checked my dads name was not Rudy seniour. I am more than happy to put any doubts to bed. Nothing gives me so much plesure that correcting a xalimo who is off the mark. Quite. Well, if you walk like one and you talk like one...I can't be that far off the mark.
  18. Originally posted by rudy: being xed out is really a major problem 4 the ladies... her stock hits the floor! some how many ladies here have no clue about that. abaaay yinka, pray hard it dont happen to yall, cuz if it does, u be cheep like product in 99c store...lool no lie. i dont date xed gals, but i see them dating losers! lool... i have to thank god that i didnt reach the level of chasing xed ones!! xed is big uuuf! try your best xalimoos not to be in that list. LoL...I've never heard a worse warning. Rudy, it's better to be cheaper than 99cents than to be stuck in a marriage you don't want to be in. But perhaps you already know that.
  19. Originally posted by -: ^^^You could still try it Smart ar$e.
  20. ^ Rudy Jr, xaliimooyinka iska daa.
  21. I keep hearing 'ninkii wey iska fasakhday'. Ey? Ma dharkiisii baa wax kaga fasakhay? :confused: I agree our language is very sexist. Cringingly so.
  22. Life would be so much easier if cohabitation was allowed.
  23. Originally posted by NGONGE: Did you notice that Val had that name for longer than is usual? She's letting herself go that one.. I'm stuck in a deep rut.