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Everything posted by sahal

  1. Truth Hurts, espicially when it comes from your mouth 3. Declaration of Muslim masses as innovators Sh. Rabi Al-Madkhali (THEIR ALLAAMA and IMAAM)said during Shawwal 1416 during the 2nd Spring Camp in Kuwait: * "The Ikhwan al-Muslimin are more harmful to Islam than the clear kuffaar as the Muslims are not deceived by the kuffaar; but they are deceived by these astray mubtadi'een. [The Muslims] are deceived by them and fall into bid'a and various errors (dalaalat) because of them." * "The Ikhwan al-Muslimin and the Qutbis and those who orbit in their circles have invaded (i.e., perhaps he means infiltrated) [those] Salafi jama'aat which have destroyed the world ... The Ikhwan al-Muslimin don the garments of the truth but they are the furthest of people from it. They are the furthest away from the truth and Islam." * When asked if the Ikhwan and Jamaat at-Tabligh are among the 72 sects destined for Hell, he replies "Yes." * "Tabligh fight tawhid and the adherents of tawhid; the Ikhwan fight tawhid and the adherents of tawhid. They fight the Salafi minhaj and they fight its upholders; they are people of bid'a and dalaal." * "Whoever defends these jama'aat and says in them there is good and that they have positive aspects, this individual sets people astray and calls to dalaalah." * Regarding Sayyid Qutb, he says: "He did not leave a bid'a but adopted it nor a fundamental of Islam but destroyed it." (Al-Madkhali has written four books against Sayyid Qutb accusing him of kufr on more than ten counts. When Sh. Bakr Abu Zayd wrote a four page letter to al-Madkhali after reading the manuscript of the first book, advising him to drop the project, al-Madkhali came back with a book refuting Sh. Bakr and accusing him of being soft with the people of bida, etc.) And finally (and this not all), observe his extremism. When asked regarding the permissibility of executing the members of Jama'at at-tabligh, al-Madkhali responds: * "I possess the fatawaa and the deeds of the scholars to prove such. Didn't they execute Ja'd ibn Dirham. He was better than the Ikhwan, better than Sayyid Qutb a thousand times." No Comments :eek: and more will come from their sources.
  2. Moreover, Rabi Ibn Hadi (their IMAM of JARX WATACDIIL) writes that fiqh al-waqi' "divides the youth of the umma; and implants among its supporters spite [for their fellow Muslims] and corrupt character (like, falsely accusing the innocent, belying and abandoning the truth, abandoning the supporters of the truth, believing in lies and disinformation, spreading of such lies and disinformation in the form of raging waves which results in a flood of tribulations which has not left a single household or tent but penetrated it);" they then declared that fiqh al-waqi' is among the specific duties of rulers and therefore "it is impermissible to mobilize the scholars and students of knowledge for this task." Lest, they interfere in the responsibilities of the rulers, and hence, "enter into something which they are unable to perceive its consequences and magnitude, as this interference and contention results in such harm to themselves and their umma, regarding which only Allah knows its repercussions." When students of knowledge preoccupy themselves with fiqh al-waqi', they conclude this results in "giving a task to those who are unfit." (See his Hiwar with Salman al-Awda, pp. 94-102) By "students of knowledge" they mean all who disagree with their political stances irrespective of how knowledgeable he may be. This is why it is well known that prior to the Gulf War, Rabi would publicly refer to Safar as "the Ibn Taymiya of our age" and then after the Gulf War began to refer to him as posing "a greater harm to the umma than the Jews and the Christians." SUBXAANA MUQALIBAL QULUUB
  3. Aammiin Bro. 2. They Prohibited Muslims of being aware of the current events. we're still in the "Hiya as-Salafiya Nisbatan wa 'Aqidatan wa Manhajan" (It is Salafiya as an Appellation, Creed and Methodology)" by Sh. Mohammed Shaqra. Shaykh Muhammad Shaqra says in this book: "Abandon fiqhul-waqi', so that you may understand the contemporary situation (waqi')." (p. 148) :confused: , Remember about Jihad: "The best jihad today ... is to hold back from jihad." (p.204) n Arabic ( AFDHALUL JIHAD AL-YOWM HUWA TARKUL JIHAAD ). Muhammad Shaqra also said some words which he apparently deems to be words of eloquence: "Indeed the fiqh of fiqhul-waqi' is that you leave fiqhul-waqi' so that fiqhul-waqi' may be perfected in your mind and you will then become the most knowledgeable of people and possessing the most fiqh regarding fiqhul-waqi'." (p. 148) Indeed [Muhammad Shaqra] reduces [fiqhul-waqi'] to: "An intellectual pastime which has enamoured the hearts of some groups who have received a modern education." Muhammad Shaqra also declares (on p. 135) that the concern shown by the scholars of the Muslims with respect to the status of their umma is forbidden and is equivalent to the Messenger of Allah forbidding 'Umar to read the Torah of the Jews. This should be commented but as i said earlier i'll let you comment. he also praised this statement "render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's?" by saying "I think that this is praisworthy sentence which is valid to our current situation" in Arabic "Axsibu anna maquulata ..... maquultun xakiimah tasluxu fii samaaninaa" :eek:
  4. First of all let us see their stand on JIHAD: Sh. Muhammad Shaqra (one of the group's highest sheikhs) clearly writes in his book, "Hiya as-Salafiya Nisbatan wa 'Aqidatan wa Manhajan" (It is Salafiya as an Appellation, Creed and Methodology): "None may open the door for jihad nor raises its banner; nor permit it, nor called for it - except a single imam [over the Muslims], whether the people like that or not." (p. 200) And he also writes: "We ask as to why the umma cannot stand up to fulfill the issue of the obligation of jihad? This is because jihad ... is not to be [allowed] except with [the existence of] an imam and his [subsequent] permission. In this, it is similar to the hudud and punishments. These are not to be applied or established except by the general imam [ruling over all the Muslims]." (p. 194) [Muhammad Shaqra] also gives a fatwa that the umma will not sin if it forsakes jihad these days, by saying: "And hence, if it is not in the ability of the umma, to stand up in [fulfillment of] the duty of jihad due to the lack of a [single] amir (khalifa) [over the Muslims] who ties its banner, permits [its undertaking], and places a leader over the army; jihad [then] becomes among the impossible obligations [to fulfill]. And hence the umma does not sin by forsaking jihad." (p. 196) Unfortunately, the author [Muhammad Shaqra] comes to the following conclusion regarding the ruling on jihad today: "The best jihad today ... is to hold back from jihad." (p.204) n Arabic ( AFDHALUL JIHAD AL-YOWM HUWA TARKUL JIHAAD ) :confused: Shaqra also rules that the contemporary mujahid is open to Allah's anger and punishment and [if killed in battle] has then committed an act of suicide, whereas he says verbatim: "He [who goes forth for jihad] is escaping to sin, going forth to [Divine] punishment, committing suicide with an arrow of Allah's wrath which he reaches for and thrusts into his breast." (pp. 199-200).
  5. In this thread I decided to tell the Brothers and Sisters the reality of this group (some call them Saudi salafi, some other names) but i prefer to call them above name since they added the salafism new ideas which you will discover in this thread. I will not comment, i will try my best to copy and paste their publicatuions, cassetes books etc and i will let you to cmment. If they see that i'm writting what they didn't say they can disprove me, i'm ready to discuss with them. Some of you may say it is not good to say these muslims are so and these are so, so why don't you let them alone? This is good advice and some of you actually told me before, but we should be noted 2 thigs a. If i don't expose their MANHAJ they will continue to attack our ULUMA's and DAWA groups b. this is very dangerous group, if you surf their websites you'll decide one of two; either to distance yourself from all Islamic DAWA groups or to take an action to defeat this group whose jobs is to destroy the efforts of all Muslim Scholars and Mujahidiins by backbiting them and searching their minor faults in order to destroy all their works. I have chosen the late one because if we let them to destroy all our beloved Uluma's works we are forced to read and to learn what they wrote which we will see (INSHAALLAAH) in this thread.
  6. sahal

    Losers in Islam

    Message is recieved, thanks
  7. sahal

    Losers in Islam

    Brother Salafi, it would be wise if you would refrain from arguing with people who do not have a 1/10 of your knowledge, most of them do not know what salafiyah is or stands for, nor do they understand you proves or these scholars you frequently quote, Brother Candian you forced me today to say who am i? to sumarize, I was student of Sheikh whose teacher was Sheikh Bin Baz in 1980's not 90's and not 2004 and in one of the Gulf countries. Therefore, You shouldn't jump the above conclusion of 1/10 since you don't know most of the people here. in addition to that I worked with many Dawa groups including Tabligh, Ikhwan, Salafiyah etc in Arabian countries not only in the west. I knew Sh. Albani, Bin Baz, and Al-Atheymiin in the 80's and not through the INTERNET and Salafiyah websites. Brother, First of all I want to tell you and to everyone (including myself) that ALLAH (S.W.T) didn't obliged us to follow other than his KITAAB (ALLAH s.w.t) and SUNNAH (MOHAMMED s.a.w) "......And if you differ in anything amongst yourseves, refer it to ALLAH and his MESSENGER if you believe in Allah and in the last day. that is better and more suitable for final determination" (4:59) and many other proofs. And this is what SAHABA (R.A) themselves were believed and urgued us to do. in this respect there is a golden saying from IMAM MALIK (R.A). He said " Everybody's saying could be accepted or rejected except the one who lies in this grave - pointing out the garve of our Prophet s.a.w -" Please tell me if you agree or don't agree this with me, because we want to continue a polite discussion far from the previous one between me and salafi-on-line. My only condition is to answer my questions and i will answer yours. this was the reason of the disagreement between me and salafi-on-line since he was escaping to answer my questions and opening other subjects.
  8. sahal

    Losers in Islam

    Mr Canadianized, Thanks for your advice but i would like to see some of what Salafi on line wrote during his presence in SOL. He attacked all Islmaic Scholars except handfull od them and defended all Oppressor rulers (except Saddam who he said he was Kafir ) in our countries. Attacking Islamic ULUMA and defending the Opressor rulers and even other enemies of Islam in some cases e.g when he said "what is wrong with MaCdonald if it's HALAL :eek: ", Is this is our SALAF'S way or not? This is what salafi-on-line was promoting in his articles of SOL do you agree with him? his aim was to make SOL where ULUMA and Callers of ALLAH'S meat become Halal (as the case is their websites) and I was preventing for this. Is this is crime? to stand against one who enjoys insulting Sheikh QARADAWI, Sh. SALAMA AL-AWDA, SH. SAFAR AL-XAWALI and many others and Callers of ALLAH like JAMAAT TABLIGH and others, is to prevent and defend these ULUMA sin or crime or its obligatotry? I'm waiting your response !
  9. sahal

    Losers in Islam

    Hudhayfah (radiyallaahu ’anhu) continued: ‘‘I asked, ‘What if they (the Muslims) did not have a Jamaa’ah, nor an Imaam?’ He replied: ‘‘Desert all of those parties and run away over the earth. It would be better for you, O Hudhayfah, to die whilst you bite onto the branch of a tree, than to follow any of them.’’ Then why did you followed "Alsalafiyah Al-Jadidah Group" and not deserted all these groups and run away over the earth, since (acording your interpretation) Assalafiyah al-jadidah is just one of those groups mentioned in the Hadith? Moreover, the "Language" word that mentioned in this Hadith which in Arabic is "ALSINATINAA" i.e our tongue means real language and not as you mentioned the Islamic preaches, programs enz. P.S. don't misguide us we know the hadith and we know the meaning.
  10. sahal

    Losers in Islam

    Hudhayfah (radiyallaahu ’anhu) continued: ‘‘I asked, ‘Will there be any evil after that good?’ He replied: ‘‘ Yes, there will be a blind and deaf fitnah (turbulence); callers to the gates of Hell. Whoever responds to their invitation, they cast him into it.’’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam), describe them to us.’ He replied: ‘‘They are from our own skin and they speak our tongue.’’ Is there any evidence that (as long as they speak our language) they're the Callers of ALLAH (as your group always claim) or probably they're seculars, nationalists enz.
  11. We have only four K.Rashidiin; but you mentioned five who is the fifth one? Similar feeling !
  12. Ayoub, Bro i don't want to discuss with this guy about the Uluma because Uluma today became like Somali Camel (AWRKAAN KU KACSANAYAYA) isaguna Awrtuu ku kacsanayaa. As you suggested he is not fellower neither Sh. Bin Baz nor Sh. Al Uthaymin, since Bin Baz gave Fatwa urging youths to go with Jamaca Tabligh after paraising them. And the most important is that those two Sheikh's (Bin Baz & Al-Atheymin) were never insulted any Muslims let alone Grand Sheikhs and Dawa groups.
  13. Check your heart, if you're happy and feeling comfortable when one of the Muslims (who u called them different names) is insulted you're sick. If you don't reconcile the Muslims (whatever u called them) for the sake of ALLAH and for the sake of what happening in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan and many other Muslim countries and still insisting i'm SALAFI rather than the MUSLIM you're sick. If you're today (after all what happened to Muslim Ummah) insulting noble ULUMA'S like Sh. Yusuf Qaradawai, Sh. Salman Al-awda, Sh. Safar Al-Xawali and many others you're sick. If you're today (after all what happend to muslim Ummah) insulting Jamaca Tabliigh, Taxriir enz. and diffrentiating between muslims you're sick. if you're today (after all what they did) asking us; have you got any evidence from Kitab & Sunnah telling us to disobey the oppressor rulers! you're sick. Check yourself and decide yourself.
  14. you can insult and fabricate false claims on the AWLIYAA-U-LAAH and when i told you you're sick because the hate which covered your heart upon AWLIYAA-U-LAAH and your defence and advocacy of the enemies of ALLAH, you say you're oppressing me! who is the real oppressor the defender of oppressrs and attacker of AWLIYAA-U-LAAH or defender of AWLIYAA-U-LAAH?
  15. Salafi, this is one of your group's tricks and decieves. The question should be: B] "Weather we allowed to obbey Rulers who don't rule according ALLAH'S rule, stealing MUSLIM's wealth, allying with the enemies of ALLAH and his MESSEMGER over other MUSLIMS, etc. and not as you illustrated " is there any evidence to disobbey the oppressor rulers"[/b] One of the Sahabis (I think he was), Khabab Ibn Arath (R.A) understood the mentality of Khawarij and asked permission of Amirul Muminoon Ali Ibn Abii Dhaalib (R.A) to go their compound and to taste them when he reached them they asked WHO ARE YOU? he replied I'M MUSHRIK SEEKING AN ASSYLUM, they said wait, we'll look the Kitaab (QURAN) how we would deal with you, they found Ayah which roughly says: "O' MUHAMMED (s.a.w) if one of the mushrik's asks assylum to you, grant him an assylum untill he hears the kalaam of ALLAH and take to him to where he would be safe .." AL-TOWBAH. the Khawarij grant him an assylum and read QURAN on him and later took to him to a safe place. What about if he would say I AM MUSLIM SEEKING ASSYLUM, ..they couldn't find any Ayahs saying 'if a muslim asks assylim ...' and they would kill him as they did to many muslims. Thus they found in the QURAN rescue the MUSHRIKIINS and couldn't find rescue the MUSLIMS ! Similar undarstandisngs are today roaming among the muslims. and to be honest your undarstanding is one of them since you're very lean to FAHAD, HUSNI MUBARAK, AYAD ALAWI, HAMID KARAZAI and many others and saying brother ayub i plea to u for the sake of allah to show me where in the kitab and sunnah does it say to disobey the oppressing rulers, and by Allah if u show me the truth i will submit to it! I stay that obeying the rulers is what the messenger of Allah(saw) taught us, read the hdith if u dont believe me, do u disgree with him? and above that you're very lean to the MACDONALD'S, while you're on the other hand very cruel and hard to SHEIKH QARADAWI, SHEIKH SALMAN AL CAWDA, SH. SAFAR AL-XAWALI, SH. C/RAXMAN C/KHALIQ, SH. SHARIIF CABDI NUUR (SOMALI) and many other sincere ULUMA'S and DUA'H (as we think them, Allah knows best) as well as DA'WA groups like IKHWANUL MUSLIMUN, TABLIIGH, TAHRIIR etc. you also said one of your threads " What's wrong with MACDONALD'S if it's HALAL". SUBXAANALAAH this is enough evidence that you're in a VALLEY and ISLAM is another VALLEY. if this is not KHAWARIJ's undesrtand i.e No matter with Macdonald's, American Banks and big Companies in MAKKAH and MADINAH, no matter to obbey Fahad, Xusni Mubarak, Zaynul Caabidiin bin cali, Hamid Karazai, AYad Alawi etc. and to see the biggest thread of Islam for Jamaca TABLIGH and SHeikh Qaradawi and anyone who disobbey FAHAD and his alike like Sh. Salman Al-awda. if this is not similar to KHAWARIJ understand what is it? TO LOVE THE ENEMIES OF ALLAH and be patient with them and to HATE the RAHAMAN'S SLAVES (CIBAADU RAXMAAN) is a KHAWARIJ's Understanding. Neverthles, i will give you many evidences. First of all, It is innacurate to say that we are obliged to obey authorites that have been appointed by, in money cases, enemies of Islam. Rather the command from Allah (swt) is that we must obey none but Allah, and for his sake we obey the messengers and the rulers and scholars AMONG us, i.e. the Muslim rulers, and if we have any dispute to refer back to Allah and his messenger, i.e. that we obey them only if they obey Allah and rule by his commands. Allah (swt) says, “O you who believe, Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger, and those in authority from among you. If you dispute in any matter, attribute back to Allah and his Messenger.†[EMQ 4: 59] Allah (swt) did not mention to 'Obey' the rulers above us, but mentioned to "Obey Allah and Obey the Messenger" This is a command to obey the wahyi, the rulers are not connected at all to the wahyi unless they implement it. Furthermore, we have been forbidden from obeying the one who rules by other than Allah, and informed that they are in fact not Muslim, Allah (swt) says, "Whoever rules by other than what Allah revealed, they are the kafirun." [EMQ 5:44] therfore we're not allowed to follow any RULER unless he/she has an evidence from ALLH (KITAAB) and the MESSENGER S.A.W. (SUNNAH) in his rulings. do they rule according KITAAB and SUNNAH. ALLAH (s.w.t.) says in the QURAN. 1. ‘Have you seen those who claim that they believe in that which has been sent down to you and that which has been sent down before you and they wish to go for judgement in their dispute to the Taaghout i.e. false Judges etc… while they have been ordered to reject them but Shaytaan wishes to lead them far astray’ [EMQ 4:60] Today our rulers are not only wishing to go for judgement in their disbute to the TAAGHUUT such as UN, Security Council, IGAD, Britain's Emperial Map etc but rather they're competing each other to reach there and they accept, keep and preserve their rulings more than they accept, keep and preserve the rulings of ALLAH (s.w.t) and his Messenger (s.a.w) one example is how they kept the United Nation's sanctions against IRAQ over period of THIRTEEN YEARS. 2. “You will see many of them befriending those who disbelieve; certainly evil is that which their souls have sent before for them, that Allah became displeased with them and in chastisement shall they abide. And had they believed in Allah and the prophet and what was revealed to him, they would not have taken them for friends but! most of them are transgressors.†[EMQ 5:80-81] Allah (swt) has clearly and explicitly forbidden the Muslim from ever allying to the Kuffar, seeking their help or allowing them in authority over us, helping them to destroy and to kill other Muslims and what the Gulf rulers did? don't they help Americans and its allies to destroy IRAQ and to kill as many as thousands of Iraqi people and before don't they help SADDAM to kill IRANIANS and IRAQIS alike. Do we obbey these rulers, as i started the topic YOU SHOULD PRODUCE US THE EVIDENCE FROM KITAAB AND SUNNAH TO OBEEY THEM NOT WE PRODUCE EVIDENCES SINCE YOU'RE DEFENDING THE OPPRESSORS NOT US, AND THE ONE WHO ARE DEFENDING THE OPPRESSORS SHOULD PRODUCE HIS EVIDENCES NOT US BECAUSE ALL THE KITAAB AND SUNNAH ARE WITH US (TO REFUSE ALL KINDS OF OPPRESSION), NOT WITH YOU. let me stop here today and The Sunnah and Salaful salah evidences are coming soon INSHAALLAAH.
  16. Salafi On-line Wrote: brother ayub i plea to u for the sake of allah to show me where in the kitab and sunnah does it say to disobey the oppressing rulers, and by Allah if u show me the truth i will submit to it! I stay that obeying the rulers is what the messenger of Allah(saw) taught us, read the hdith if u dont believe me, do u disgree with him? This guy is really SICK , when i asked him earlier to show me where in the KITAAB and SUNNAH says name yourself as SALAFIS rather than the MUSLIM he responded Sheikh Fulaan say nothing wrong wirth it...etc. Now he is saying Show me the Kitaab and Sunnah where says don't disobey the opressor rulers. it's good that you judged with the Kitab and Sunnah and not Sheikh Fulan said this and Sheikh fulan said that .... I can hgive many evidences as well as SAFU SALIH but r u serious to listen, i'm sure you won't. just b4 the evidences i want to remember the Brothers and Sisters in this thread that this guy said earlier thread that SADDAM is KAFFIR , and one brother/sister (i can't remember his/her name) asked him what about Bashar Assad who is on the same bath as SAddaam (BA'ATH PARTY), he disappeared as usual . therefore his standard is not to obbey all the oppressors as he is claiming here but to obbey as long as the oppresor on the line with FAHAD and Al-saud family like Husni Mubarak, Bashar Assad and many others and oppose if he is not on the line with Fahad as Saddam was his last 13 years (not b4 envading Kuwait). the evidences will come with the next thread as i have to go now.
  17. Sakina, this guy's group (salafiyah jadiidah) are sponsored by Saudi Kingdom, before they were critisizing other Muslim governments but now the Saudi government noticed that part of this group turned on them so now they told them to not criticize any government since the world become one village (What happened in Ageria could affect Saudia) and accordingly this group focused to argue the people to be the slaves of Arab dictators and also focused against those who are in the Jails of Arab dictators. Instead of helping them and at least showing them some sympathy they called them KHAWARIJ and many other bad names. So, they're obbeying their Sponsors and comparing them to the Islamic leaders who, desbite some faults, were guardians of Islam and Muslims.
  18. Change your name to Salafi hunter Loool, Ayoub sxb if I had a time to challenge him ..... This guy is bold and conceited, they teached him that their group is the best and the only saviour of Yowmulqiyaamah, therefore he will pick-up all the Muslims one after another and thet's why i'm hunting him. i will not allow him to vomit here and to insult Sincere ULUMAS, CALLERS of ALLAH and MUJAHIDIIN. I could discuss his COPY & PASTE article but I realised that the advice will not benefit him. he is the deep of the Ocean of Hating Sincere Muslims. The other problem of this group is that they collect the individual imperfection and they apply whole the fellowers, e.g Sheikh Albani say in this article Tabligh group should start the D'AWA at their homes, who told him that they didn't started at their homes? does he know all Tabligh members and their homes, how he can generalize for individual matters? if you criticize all groups and all ulumas is that mean no one can call to ALLAH except salafiyah group? has our friend here enough knowldege to call the people to ALLAH'S way? or that means our ignorants can call to ALLAH but not others? Also remeber when they're criticizing ULUMA'S they don't say they don't have enough knowldege to call the people to ALLAH'S way but rather they say their manhaj is wrong :rolleyes: , so they're always right and others are always wrong :mad: , isn't madness? Ayoub sxb as i told you i would challenge him if i had time ... but as they say "YAA KHUSAARA" that i have no time for him, the only thing i can do so far is to keep him a watchfull eye.
  19. BILAABATEE, you started your ENVY and HATRED articles from your group's website. I'm still here i'm not out, my EYES are open and as i told u b4 this VOMIT FREE wewbsite, if you hate the Muslims please go to the MUSLIM haters website. here we don't hate any Muslim. don't lost your time here, you'll never sucsess to decieve anyone here, they're very intelligent people. or you want to show your SPONSOR that you did something , this is also waste of money and time since almost everybody here knows you very well where you come from and who's your sponsor.
  20. I don't understand why the Somalis always turn the subject to their desire, Milk wrote this: people like this men are the people that are destorying somalia woow this men left from the united states just to mass up the peac talk's in kenya but to weak to do so he goes around talking to the somalia people and telling them lie's big fat once and it really sad just because he is not going to became the so called president he was ex vi president and he could not do that so to bad some one needs to tell the docter to go back to the united states because he is not doing somalia any good. so, if you agree with him/her say agree with you if you don't, say i don't why comparing to other warlords? What about if i compare with A/qasim or Qanyare or Dahir riyale am i right or wrong of course i'm wrong, we have to focus on this guy; does he desrve to be president/prime minster enz. I would say BIG NO why, because he is one of most corrupt somali officials that history tells us. when he was Industry Minister he acted as owner of all Somali industries, for example the cigarette factory production he named all somali cigarettes after his family: we had four cigareette brands. GALLAYR. UBAX , SHABEEL and WAABERI GALLAYR was his grandfater as you can read his family name, some of his relatives also told me that UBAX was his wife :rolleyes: , SHABEEL was his one of his in-laws, WAABERI also was one of his close family (i forgot ..), this is very simple when you compare what he did to THE MAREEREY SUGAR FACTORY. ask the people from Jilib area. in addition, look what he did when he was nominated as Prime minster in ARTA government he took all the aid money and escaped to the USA. Because he is against Abdulahi Yusuf would not washed his sins and corruptions and make him gentleman, he is well known corrupt man so, if someone hate Abdulahi yusuf, this doesn't mean that every AY opposer is a noble man. the things are different ........ Judge the man as he is not because he opposes your rival.
  21. Salafi, as i asked you many times b4 could you give us any evidence from KITAB and SUNNAH mentioning the word salafism as substitute od ISLAM, MUSLIMS etc rather than the obliging us to call ourselves as Salafism. I can give you many AYAS and HADITHS that obliging us to call ourselves as MUSLIMUUN, this AYAH which you posted half of it is one of those AYAS. "Who is better than one who calls to path of ALLAH and say i am one of the MUSLIMS" ALLAH (S.W.T) says this and your group saying it is obligatory to call ourselves as SALAFISM. Who should we follow? ALLAH or your group? i'm waiting your answer
  22. "who is better then one who calls to the path of Allah"Quran-AlKarim Salafi why don't you complete the AYAH or you fear that it disclose your misguiding since your calling SALAFISM and AYAH ordering us to call ourselves as MUSLIMUUN not salfis or khalafis, the AYAHA says "Who is better than one who calls to path of ALLAH and say i am one of the MUSLIMS" not i am one of the SALAFIS as you always call and promote to the others. and there is no doubt at all that these lectures are calling to SALAFISM as the source shows ( so, sxb we don't need more differences and names we need ISLAM and UNITY. if you have ISLAM and UNITY ahlan wa sahlan otherwise good bye.
  23. (2) Why is it Obligatory to Ascribe Yourself to (3) Salafiyyah. :confused: Obligation & Prohibiting are the Tasks of ALLAH alone and nobody else could enter this territory, thus to make obligatory to something that prohibited in ALLAH'S two main legislation sources (KITAAB & SUNNAH) is a one of the BIG SINS - AL-KABAA'IR - and has a serious consequence
  24. All this to please George W. bush
  25. Sidaad u magacyo badan tahaad u midabbo badan tahay :rolleyes: