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Everything posted by Jamster
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Illimanatic, to get the background information go to this website: www.somaliawatch.org there are quite number of articles written about the subject! I am sure the other articles are also magnificently written. Farah
Proud Nomad Fella, I would greatly appreciate if you could provide me the details of what Dr Samatar had said in Ohio. Farah
Thanks for your contribution! let me come back and say that we should have these 5 catagories: 1.Leadership 2.Bravery 3.Patriosm 4.Genius 5.Creativity Please state why you think your chosen hero or heroine qualifies to be the greatest of all. Farah
Let me say first that my favourite had won, the contest of the Greatest Briton Sire Winston Churchill greatest of all of them mate. Okay, this contest cannot be imported to Somali due the lack of individuals who would qualify to a such a highly esteemed position. The only two men that come to mind are Ahmed Gurey who united Somalis successfully to fight against the Habashi imperialists in sixteen century. The second man is the Great Mohamed Abdullah Hassan who we all know of the exemplary deed had done for his country. The other individual that comes to mind is Adam Osman, Adan Cade. The first President in Somalia. But he is not as great as my favourite Sayidka. The Nomad speaks no more.
Doctor Defies Britain to Slice Open Body (TV Autopsy)
Jamster replied to QUANTUM LEAP's topic in General
Grunted, perhaps it wasn’t wise to show it on TV. But I had the opportunity to go and visit the Exhibition in East of London- the Bohemian Bricklane. Didn’t know about the thing before the invitation of outing day to a “museum” as on sick wacko medical student friend of mine put it, when we arrived the destination, I astonished for the spectacle but enjoyed the experience till I saw the little babies! Then I was horror struck. Anyway, I was watching some programme on the BBC; some young chap said this was vile and the professor bought the title from a Chinese University- there I was thinking personal attack was a Somali vice. Farah -
Salamu Alaikum, Maalin Wanaagsan What? Chimera, doubt and some hallucination may be in place. What a Homage fitting for PR! Beauty as the cliché goes is upon the eyes of the beholder. Having said that, I for a Somali chap who had the pleasure and also the pain would utterly, thoroughly and wholeheartedly disagree the jolly good Utopian picture this Anglo-American woman draw. To say the females look almost Elysian fields creatures that roam around Kings Road (equivalent of Mayfair in this contemporary time) are esthetical-wise is somewhat inferior, if this is not a distortion of reality dressed in beautiful attire I wouldn’t know what it is. I know this sounds wholly un-Somali of me to utter such hurtfully undignified words, but it is time the honeymoon should come to halt. Anyhow, this is a women’s perspective, a chick saying that other ladies are ephemeral and delicious to look at! Come on there is something wrong here- don’t tell me she was appreciating the art of beauty. Barwaaqo, Sorry to break your precious glass but surely you don’t sincerely believe in this. Perhaps Faaraxnimadeyda ayaa waxaan iga keenooyso, haye hee waa idinkaas.
Salamu alaikum Tragedy besets upon our so-called Islamic scholars. Since the death of number of well-respected scholars, the Islamic world seems to go haywire. Floods of Fatwat taking the pavements of our minds. Any simple Muslim like I is left oblivion perplex ion and wonder as what brings such highly controversial and to some extend heresy to spring up such a volume of Fatwas of which the latest is in question?. The answer lies in the midst of the Muslims. The lack of rudimentary erudition makes us all prey to these outrageously debauched Fatwas. Let me come back to the issue at Hand. It is said that these scholars of the supposedly the oldest University in the World in their wisdom decided that it was no more appropriate to apply the Law which makes Interest haram. This perhaps might demostrate some of the arguments many believe fierce that AL-Azhar is no more relevant institution of Islamic erudition or research. But this would be a personal attack and would not be fitting in the Islamic protocol of Discourse, consequently, let us look the Role of Uluma in Islam. Allah cordially talks about the position of Uluma in our society. They are the inheritors of the Prophets and as such will carry out the message of the prophet. This does not come to mean they will legislate out of their whims but indeed follow the certain criterion that Islamic Sharia prescribe. The basis of legislation are three (at least these are agreed upon, some other but disputed basis are: Qiyas, The Fatwa of one of the Companion of the Prophet, Istisxaabul xaal, Msaaalixil Mursala to name most). 1. Quran 2. Suna (the Saying of prophet Salalu Alaihi Wasam) 3. Ijma (the consensus of the Scholars of the Nation- Uma Islamiyah) These are the basis where our legislation stems from. In Isuulu Fiqh (Jurisprudence), Any law that is prescribed by the Quran, Sunna or the Ijma can never be altered or reinterpreted (the interpretation of the Prophet, Sahaba takes precedence- for the law students see it as EU Law taking precedence over English Common Law; I am not comparing but just to give you the gist of it). Now the prohibition of Ribba (of which it is definition can be extensively found any credible Fiqh book) is Haram by legislation of the collective sources stated above -namely, Quran, Sunna and Ijma. Wa Ahalalu Beyca Waxarama Riba, is one Surrah that comes to mind vividly. Through the annals of the development of Fiqh never has it been reported any credible Faqih disagreeing with such law. Even if such heretic act was over taken by some unsuspecting Sheikh he would no doubt repent after he receives tremendous amount of letters from earnest and knowledgeable Scholars. This new development from Al-azhar further encourages the suspicions sowed many of the hearts of the enlightened Muslims, some who hold it with an utter contempt. Anyhow, though this gives profound delight to the Westerners who would propagate this cause in order to discredit Islam. Furthermore, this undermines the tremendously odious task that many Muslim Economist had been undertaking more 3 decades. I can not see what fruits this will bear, is this a PR gone mad? Or there is some other hidden line behind it. Whatever it is, it will indeed not succeed in producing the expected effect. Salamu alaikum Farah ps:Please excuse the haste of which I have written in this piece of writing, there is I suspect some unexpected errors in espelling.
The burning flesh releases an protein that makes us all ad nausea; but hey honour can be conferred upon here. Nothing personal. Farah
Waa kaasi kasitee Jamaaloow, This frenzy of.......... must be brought down to earth.
Woow, why on earth have I missed such blunder! Am I becoming an old man whose sight is fading! Or perhaps my “intellectual” prowess is becoming unsullied- that is If I had any. For point of reference, may I cordially invite to elucidate what you mean by: especially the later part of the sentence."Sir Faarax, Allow me to quote you, I found this sentence interesting and somewhat upto to the point." Anyhow, I always thought the knighthood is given by the Queen; then again you as appointed communicado of SSA then perhaps you can confer upon such honour- not that I am in need for it! But the thought is appreciated? Farah
I miss Qamiirkii Baar Bida dheere! and Baastadii Bar Balacksea.
Though not born in Mogadishu, I lived all my childhood before la'iga soo raacdeystey. Ciyaal Bakaaro! Jidka Sodonka. Hadaad taqaaniin: 1.Afdheere 2.BulBul 3.Cargo 4.Cumar Cooyeey 5.Seybuuko 6.Cumar daafedey 7.Ilmo Sheekh Daahir- Mustaf, sucaad, Aamin, Sundis Yareey.... 8.Ilma Maxameed Jaamac Those are my locals!.
Jamaal! Daalo is greeny place! I love the area. Been to Jiidali and Badhan? Farah BS: It would be absurd if I reply to every slur!
Salaamu! And there comes the ..........!
Salamu Alaikum, Well, the pungently harsh words of some Somalis can do no little damage to large unstipulated number of puerile avid readers hence I shall pass through it without stain- this does not mean I am on trip of self-aggrandizing; God! That would be asking God’s wrath. The initiating message intented to massage the self-image of a dear friend who I take great pleasure in reading his flamboyantly grandiose posts. That character had lately been absent from what is becoming monstrously abominable forum- perhaps because of the lack of his presence I ventured to parts of the forum I was ignorant about. This prompted my wooingly beguile (as one reader put it- actually, not exact words but there we are) post which was intended to inveigle my highly esteemed fellow. Kritical Mind Brother, thanks for the definition! But dare I ask what message you were conveying! Or perhaps you have liked the word and though you would share with us!!!! Pretty Boy! Good Guess, but `our survey said nooooo! Tenacious! Nice name, one of my many attributes!. Who said I am Old? Jamal is far older than I am!@looooooooool LibaxSankataabte What can I say? You have indeed a legendary nick. Jamal Last but beyond doubt not least, since when have we agreed that we declassify a highly classified information! Anyhow, no one believe what you have said mate I too have difficulty believing you frank remarks on the style of inscription!. Qarxiska Jooji Duqa mise Daalo aan lagaa Dayyi doonaa!. By the Way, I enjoy your poetry in great deal! Dante in the making! Or perhaps Khalil Gibran! You pick. Farah
Salamu alaikum Dear (Yes you) It has been quite a while since I put my fingers on the keyboard! Yes, I had been outrageously preoccupied. Nothing of any consequence had altered in my monotonous little life. I in motionless remain in my Elysian World where I am in the making of being a great figure in the awfully written Somali history. It is funny how some of us dream and others are practicable in their life. I desire not to be in the “flight of the imagination” but in my currently dire world I live in I can barely awaken myself to taste the bitter savour of that Western life brings. We go and come. It matters less what we do in between. That is unerringly what makes the likes of me remain what the masses would call a world of “elusion”. But, the likes of me can not permit such slur. What constitutes reality? Is it what the Common people see? If you had seen the Film Beautiful Mind (what a breathtaking wonderful piece of art) then you will know reality and appearance can be different. It can be written a oeuvre magnum that would be undoubtedly a good read for the likes of you!. My fellow, I had missed your pseudo-psychotherapeutically analysis. Ebullience comes to my otherwise abject face whenever I see the title of your writings. But these days it seems you have become tired. Tired because you have failed. Failed in the sense that you saw a little intellectual confrontation as you have put it in your last email (which brings me neatly to why I am writing this on the forum- I have attempted couple times to reply to your last email but to no avail and as such I felt it is practicable to post it here). My fellow, don’t tire, for exhaustion is the disease of the feeble man. You are strong and you shall remain so. More importantly, don’t malnourish us your enlightening fruits of wisdom. Anyhow, without taking much of your valuable time, I shall conclude by saying: you are my fine fellow the minds of tomorrow. I suspect your ideas are not fitting to the popular views of our society but that should not hinder to put your views on ink. Assuredly, many take great pleasure in reading your tremendously admirable commentaries in life generally and Somalis particularly. In the Long run, your ideas will suffice but as a short term solution for the lack of ……I suggest you enter into a controlled bout of spiralling your contractual obligations, taking care to leave the magnitude of the debt obligations unaltered. Upon my access to the said store of monies, you will if it be in God's will be presented with an occasion to cease the spiral. Until such time, Fraternally Yours, Farah
Godness gracious me! We have beem swamped by a tidal wave that is..............!
wooooooooooooooow some people knows how to have fun. come on give us all, finish the story.
Salams Rahiima, Very intresting response, but as usual I have difficulties not only agreeing with you but following your logic- reasoning pattern. I shall post my antidose soon insha allah, i have very little time for me to serve the net. Insha allah next time you will read my refutation- if I can utilise such word. Thanks again for your contribution. Farah
Habitual mantra- Good one if i may add. But I am forsed to ask the solution?
Bachelor, thanks for the answer. The Companions of the prophet were cultivated (those from farming background would know cultivation takes place when there is a seed or seeds). Here the definition I gave to teaching does not fit. If one say that the Companions were indeed seedless and prophet came to them and educated them; then the "Fidra" concept is not considered. If one is aware of the Fidra, then the idea of teaching would become a futile- since teaching is gives birth to learning something you don’t know. Please, read the issue of Fidra and ponder about it. Thanks again for your time bechelor. Farah
Salamu Alaikum, Thunder; thank you very much indeed for attempting to answer this gruelling question (at least it seems arduous to me). Your answer looks the issue as its entirety, which makes the whole thing look simple (it not my goal to make it complex, but the nature of the issue is somewhat muddled). Perhaps it is good idea to look at the concept of "Fidra" in Islam. Does that make a sense to you? Teaching is learning something anew. One goes to University, school or any other academic institution to learn something he/she does not know about before, without being pedantic that is the primary reason. My standpoint is that I know nothing, and I hope to learn this issue by discussing with my fellow learned forum users. Farah
What is virtue, Can it be taught or mastered? or is it a divine?
This sounds rather eerie coming from the arch-cynic of “somalinet- I was once called such nick name by chap from that wretched forum) but I have to say YES. Though one has to qualify the idea of love, what does that entail? I know a person who met someone they went school together long time ago on paltalk and they just got married (the guy moved from Sweden to England to be with his new bride) the happiness on their faces is envying for those cynics- if they have any emotional traits left in them. But it must be said that is a perilous business and one has to be careful- just like you would be careful of meeting someone in the street. There you have it, and empirical fact.