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Kampala There are key issues that need to be sorted ahead of deployment of peacekeepers in war-torn Somalia, Lt. Gen. Aronda Nyakairima, the chairperson of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) committee of military experts, has said. Alfred Wasike reports that Nyakairima said this at the opening of a meeting of military experts from IGAD nations (Kenya, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Uganda) in Entebbe on Tuesday, to draw a deployment plan. He said the snags were which countries would send troops, mandate of the mission, its size, funding and logistics. The military experts are drawing up a deployment plan to be endorsed by IGAD chiefs of defence, defence ministers and heads of state. "We need the guidance from members of the AU Commission to throw light on what was discussed and agreed on in Abuja as far as the Peace Support Mission for Somalia is concerned. There are issues which are not very clear to us," Nyakairima said adding that a UPDF battalion was already training intensively for Somalia. He said last December, Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad appealed for deployment of a peacekeeping force ahead of the relocation of the Transitional Federal Government from Kenya to Somalia. Relevant Links East Africa Somalia Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Arms and Military Affairs Uganda Nyakairima said on January 31, the AU assembly in Abuja endorsed the IGAD heads of states' decision to deploy troops and (or) equipment ahead of the AU support mission. He said the AU Peace and Security Council requested its commission to work on the mandate, size, structure and fund requirements of the peace mission.
The parliament of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia will meet soon to discuss President Abdillahi Yussuf and Premier Ali Geedi’s twin motions of deploying foreign troops in Somalia and temporarily stripping Mogadishu of its status as the national capital of Somalia. The troop deployment will include troops from Ethiopia as well as from other frontline IGAD countries. The temporary seat will probably be identified as Baidoa. There is a good chance that both motions will pass. But the emotions invoked by these issues have reached a level where, in my opinion, the losers will not fade quietly and the issues will not die quietly. Uncontrollable external forces may further complicate the situation. President Yussuf and Premier Geedi may win the battle only to lose the war. Goodwill alone is not enough On his presidential inauguration day, Abdillahi Yusuf declared his intention to seek the deployment of African troops in Somalia to bolster his government’s chances. It was a gutsy move and a right one for that matter. President Yussuf was aware of what came of those governments that attempted to stabilize warlord invested Mogadishu without ample forces behind them. Ali Mahdi, whose presidency became a casualty of those warlords, added his voice to those calling for the deployment of foreign troops in Somalia. Former president Abdiqassim Salad Hassan, who learned the hard way that goodwill alone is not enough to build a viable government, made a supportive and passionate call, on President Yussuf’s inauguration day, for warlords to be true to their oath under Allah and to abide by the agreements they signed in Nairobi. Some warlords, mostly based in Mogadishu, initially voiced their doubt of the necessity of foreign troops to bring back order in Somalia. Like many Somalis, they were of the opinion that, if warlords whose mutual hatred of each other were the cause of the instability in Mogadishu and else where in Southern Somalia, are now members of the parliament and of the cabinet, the government should encounter no more enemies to be protected from. It was not until the word came out that the IGAD frontline countries are sending troops to Somalia that these warlords got explicit support from many sectors of the Somali people. IGAD’s move was interpreted as thinly disguised ploy for the deployment of troops from Christian controlled Ethiopia in Muslim Somalia. Ethiopia is accused of playing a crucial part in the longevity of the Somali civil war by siding with certain clans, training snipers, and arming certain warlords in virtual violation of the U.N weapons embargo. Between a rock and a hard place Many Somalis, including the author of this essay, tried to get access to Premier Ali Geedi and President Abdillahi Yussuf to urge them to exclude troops from frontline countries from those identified for deployment in Somalia. A group of Somali intellectuals that included Professor Abdi Samatar and former Prime Minister Abdirizaq Hagi Hussein, at the end of their meeting in Nairobi, called for the exclusion of troops from frontline countries (Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Kenya) in any troop deployment in Somalia. The Somali internet websites are replete with letters urging the government not to accept troops from frontline countries. The U.S government joined the call. Even members of Premier Geedi’s cabinet publicly warned against the deployment of troops from frontline countries, especially Ethiopia. Yet, President Abdillahi Yussuf and Premier Ali Geedi seemed to be unfazed by what amounts to a public outcry. Many Somalis are enraged by what they see as apparent arrogance. Others wondered what these leaders know that they could not share with the public. A hint of that missing information was outlined by President Ismail Omer Geele in an interview with the Somali Service of the BBC. That interview provided a glimpse of the dilemma under which President Yussuf and Premier Geedi are. President Geele, who spent enormous energy and resources on the efforts to resolve the Somali conflict, can only be characterized as a well informed source. President Geele explained how the African Union has neither the will nor the resources to deploy troops in Somalia. He indicated that it was only the members of IGAD who were willing to respond positively to President Yussuf’s request for troop deployment. Furthermore, any country that deploys troops in Somalia should be willing to finance the operations of its troops. That is, there is no money coming from the African Union or from any other outside source and Somalia has no resources to pay for those services. One can, thus, understand how undiplomatic and ungrateful it would look if President Yussuf and Premier Geedi say “no, but thanks†to the IGAD offer. Or to say, we may accept troops from Eriteria, Uganda, and Sudan, but we do not want those from Kenya, Djibouti, and Ethiopia. Or even worse, to say “we can accept troops from any country other than Ethiopia.†Of course, this does not mean that they can not voice their concerns to their Ethiopian and other frontline countries counterparts in private. But to utter those words in public would be undiplomatic and would not bode well for future relationships. Winning the battle only to lose the war President Yussuf and Premier Geedi’s main short-term objective is to move to some where inside Somalia immediately. They are under pressure from almost everybody and especially from their host nation, Kenya. They are the putt of many jokes in the Kenyan media. Their median and long term objectives should, however, include the building of a viable Somali government. Deploying the troops from front line countries would make it possible for President Yussuf and Premier Geedi to go home. But the prospects for their medium and long-term objectives are murky, to say the least, and the main drawback would be the Ethiopian troops and all the ill will their presence will generate. I do not agree with the common arguments that Ethiopian troops would behave worse than other African troops. That there will be many instances of bad behaviors by those African troops is a given. African troops, like their own leaders, behave badly when they are in their own countries; and no one should expect them to behave any better when they are deployed in other countries. The problem, as I see it, is that the troops, especially those from Ethiopia, will serve as the instigation point for hard-line nationalists and religious groups who want to score points against the U.S and the Christian world. The U.S spy agencies are certainly aware of this point as indicated by their government’s latest stance on the troop deployment. These groups will utilize the legitimate grievances of Somalis against a long line of Ethiopian regimes. Most historians and Somalis are aware of the past nationalist and religious wars between Muslim Somalis and Christian controlled Ethiopian regimes. Since 1415 when the Ethiopians broke the cordial non-aggression co-existence of Christians and Muslims in the Horn of Africa by killing the Imam of IFAT in Saad Ad Diin Island off the shores of Zeila in Awdal, Somalia, there were several religious wars between the Somalis and the Ethiopians. While those wars acquired a more nationalist form in the twentieth century, they were mostly religious and always had an international component. If there has to be a war between the two people in the new century, it can only be a religious war for Somalia as a state is no match for Ethiopia. The war against the Ethiopian troops will be fought in the name of Islam with fighters coming from the entire Muslim world. However, the battle will take place in the Somali and Ethiopian soil and the price will be paid by Somalis and Ethiopians. Some of the obvious victims of that war will be the TFG and its President and Premier. The Solution Few people can quarrel with the need for the deployment of neutral foreign troops in Somalia to help in the disarmament of rival militias. The foreign troops need not only act neutrally, they should also be perceived as neutral by all the factions. It is clear from the public outcry that, frontline troops will not be perceived as neutral. Worse, they will not be given the chance to prove their neutrality. They will be met with fire, from groups with peripheral motives, to which the troops will only respond in kind. The only solution is for IGAD to meet again, and instead of individual countries contributing both troops and financing, to ask each country to contribute funds to finance the deployment of a fairly large number, say 8,000, of Ugandan and Sudanese troops. The Somali people, and the armed militias, would in most likelihood give troops from these countries the chance to prove their neutrality. Neither of these two countries, Sudan and Uganda, was implicated in taking part in the Somali civil war, an attribute that none of the frontline countries can claim to have. Furthermore, if the Ethiopians, who are, rightly or wrongly, attributed to the success of Abdillahi Yussuf in the struggle for the presidency of Somalia, are true friends of Somalia and of President Yussuf and Premier Geedi, they would support this compromise. Any other move will only create more ill-will between the TFG and a large sector of the Somali people, and among the TFG itself. In that case, Premier Geedi and President Yussuf may win the battle but lose the ultimate war, which is to bring back governance, stability, and nationhood to the Somali people. On the hopeful side, if Somalis and people interested in Somali affairs have learned any thing about Abdillahi Yussuf during the marathon Somali meeting in Nairobi, it is that no one should underestimate his tenacity, resourcefulness, and ability to succeed. His choice of a Premier, Professor Ali Geedi, is reputed to be an intelligent man with no political baggage. Certainly, this author and two other Somali professors and a doctor who had a meeting with the Premier in Dubai, in October 2004, were all very much impressed. He came out as an intelligent and educated man who would rather step down as Prime Minister than tolerate mediocre undertakings. Let us hope that they do not sacrifice their long-term objectives for short term gains. Let us hope that they do not concentrate on winning the battle while losing the war. Prof. Hussein Ahmed Warsame (UAE University and University of Calgary - Canada) E-mail: hwarsame@uaeu.ac.ae
I vehemently swear that tears of laughter welled up in my eyes when I have read "......could have uttered so fundamental a plasphemy against the truth" briliant phraseologist my fellow. Above statement is classic example of the moldy mind of many posters here; simply ghastly. The outpouring of their rancid ideas are so nauseating that the reek makes you run to the gents.
Oh well same difference
Okay guys; thanks for the information. Perhaps, coming from a city like New York (I will be there a long weekend), it would be a change from bustling city to “sleepy†town. But when I have asked about the ins and outs of this city, I was not referring to the mainstream dinning places (one can Google such a place and get an idea) but indeed the haunts of the Somalis. So far I have one restaurant; how about cafés and shopping malls?
Ha ixasuusin ayaan ku iri Geelii Nugaaleed; haatana Europe ayaa dhaxan nagu heysaa. Malaha mid tiro ari ah iyo gabar yar heystada ayaa igu ficneyd! cakuye dhulkanai nin soolane ah udaranaa
Oh so, just like if you could have been given the chance you would save Somalia huh! it seems, from the outset we are playing the game of 'if he had been'; you know what, Abdulqasim didn't fail because of the AY but indeed because of his inability to tame the wild dogs of Mogadishu. You see, the only reason he came to the power was he belongs to such herd and such he would be able to tame his brethren. But that proved to be nothing. AQ was a weakling has been who neither had the power nor the will to not throw the bone for these dogs. He was given options by his fellow brethrens and indeed unfailingly he succumbed to their political tinkering. Such is his record that a lot of good hearted people hold him responsible for the failure of his government..
Dear Sirs, My long delayed journey to the Rome of this century will begin at the end of this month. I will be spending a weekend in New York; will have a bite at the big apple; then off to some dreary place in the Midwest ( Excuse my ignorance to American Geography—and I can be bothered to looked up, I have other important things to do with my time), Ohio. To be precise, I will in Columbus. Folks who had been there or even live in that part of the country might be kind enough to afford tips as to where to eat and what to avoid—socially horrendous places don’t attract me. Tips my fellows for this poor nomad wanderer would be much appreciated.
Duke being a father! the boy will be a soldier. Keep it up man but don't make him a soldier; he will avail benefits more being an intellectual warior. Amir or Amira
it reminds me of that English programme on the tv! Call my bluff! anyone? tree of course! War Jiraaba Cakaaruu iman! Qorshek Odeygii Jibriil siciid ahaa kawaran?
Actually Cakaara is a trea in Sanaag! near Fiqi fuliye town (between Las Anod and Ergavo)
Oh really 11!!! What makes this base pyramid of putrid a well balanced article? Please don’t be bamboozled by the high sounding words; they are merely hallowing sounding mantra of a secular mind. It takes years of polishing for a riff raff to convey his passé ideas to fashion it hip.
Dr. Cali Khaliif Galeydh oo taageero weyn u muujiyay xukuumada FKMG ee Soomaaliya Warkii: Mar 08, 2005 Dr. Galeydh oo ugu baaqay Xukuumada FKMG ee lagu soo dhisay Nairobi inay la timaado siyaasad fur furan. Dr. Cali Khaliif Galeydh oo wareysi dheer oo dhinacyo badan taabaaya siiyay shabakada Shabeelle.net ee fadhigeedu yahay magaalada Mugadishu ayaa ka xog waramay siyaasada soomaaliya iyo mustaqbalka dambe ee ummadda. Dr. Galeydh oo ahaa wasiir kowaad ee dowladii lagu soo dhisay Carta ayaa u muuqda mid hadda taageero weyn u haya Xukuumada cusub ee uu Madaxweynaha ka yahay Mudane Cabdillahi Yuusuf Axmed. Dr. Galeydh oo ah siyaasi u dhashay gobolka SSC, xilal kala duwana ka soo qabtay dowladii Soomaaliya iyo Dowladii Carta ayaa mar walba aaminsanaa jiritaanka Puntland. Dr. Galeydh oo ah masuul jecel qaranimada soomaaliya ayaa marar badan ay isku af dhaafeen siyaasiyiin badan masiirka ummadda soomaaliyeed, waxaana xusid mudan khilaafkii dhexmaray Isaga iyo Cabdiqaasim Salaad Xassan ugu dambeyntiina sababtay in Dr. Galeydh uu ku waayo xilkiisii uu ka yahay Dowlada Carta. Mar wax laga waydiiyay Madaxweyne Cabdillahi Yuusuf Axmed oo xiligaa ahaa Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland khilaafaadka dhexmaray Dr. Galeydh iyo C/qaasim wuxuu ku sifeeyay in Dr. Galeydh yahay Nin mowqif adag isla markaana jecel qaranimada ummadda soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna yidhi “Dr. Galeydh wuxuu gali waayay Jeebka C/qaasimâ€. Dr. Galeydh oo macaaradad xoogan kala horyimid Madaxweyne Cabdillahi Yuusuf xiliggii ay socotay tartanka Doorashada Madaxweynaha xukuumada FKMG ee soomaaliya iyo magacaabistii xubnihii Baarlamaanka ee ***** ayaa hadda u muuqda inuu kalsooni farabadan u hayo xukuumada cusub, ugana digay xukuumada cusub inaan lagu tilmaamin mid fadhiid ah sidii Carta, wuxuuna ka codsaday Madaxweynaha iyo Raisalwasaaraha inay la yimaadaan siyaasad fur furan. Intii aanu Madaxweyne Cabdillahi Yuusuf magacaabin wasiirka kowaad ee xukuumada KMG ee Soomaaliya, wuxuu Dr. Galeydh kula taliyay Madaxweynaha inuu jagada Wasiirka Kowaad u magacaabo Nin ka gadmaya beesha caalamka, taasoo kuu muujinaysa in Dr. Galeyd mar walba siinayay Madaxweynaha iyo dowladiisaba talooyin dhaxal gal ah. Dr. Galeydh oo hadda wadanka dibadiisa ku nool ayaa marar badan xusay inuu aad ugu qanacsan yahay hogaanka cusub ee soomaaliya yeelatay, sidoo kale madaxweyne Cabdillahi yuusuf ayaa isaga qudhiisu meelo badan ka sheegay in Dr. Galeydh ahaa Nin Aqoon leh, xilkiisana gudan og, hadalada Madaxweyne Cabdillahi waxaa ka mid ahaa mar la waydiiyay cida uu damacsan yahay inuu u magacaabaya jagadda wasiirka kowaad, wuxuu Cabdillaahi ku jawaabay “Anigu xilka wasiirka koowaad u dhiibi maayo Nin Aqoon leh sidii Dr. Galeydh, kadibna tafaha qabsan maayo sidii Cabdiqaasim, ee Anigu Ninkaan magaacaabo waan ku ixtiraami xilkiisaâ€, taasi waxay kuu muujinaysaa in Madaxweyne Cabdillahi Yuusuf og yahay in Dr. Galeydh yahay Nin Aqoon leh balse tafaha lala qabsaday xilkiisii. Laba Nin oo labaduna ka soo jeedaan Gobolada Puntland ayaad moodaa inayna aad u kala fogeyn, balse uu jiro faraq yar oo dhinaca siyaasada ah, Dr. Galeydh wuxuu aaminsan yahay inaan Ethiopia lala yeelan karin gacan saar weyn, halka Cabdillaahi Yuusufna aaminsan yahay in dowladaha deriska ah xaq weyn inagu leeyihiin, gacan saar weyna aynu la yeelan karno, loona baahan yahay in wax lala qeybsado. Marka aynu wada duubno arimaha siyaasada, waxaa muuqata in labada Siyaasi ee isku beesha ka soo jeedaa ayna wax badan ku kala taganayn, isuna hiiliyeen marar badan, iyagoo labadooduba yihiin halgamayaal jecel qaranimada iyo hurumarka ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Haddaba waxaa nasiib daro ah in saxaafada qaarkeed ay ku mashquulsan yihiin siday u kala fogeyn lahaayeen labada siyaasi ee isku beesha ah ee is jecel, iyagoo inta badan daabaca warar aan sal iyo baar toona lahayn oo Dr. Galeydh iyo Madaxweyne Cabdillahi Yuusuf midkoodna odhan. Qormadii: Radiossc.com Desk News
The insurmountable mountains of hate and deceit can never be hidden by merely hallow sounding mantra of Somalihood; such is the feeble attempt of many here who cloak themselves with seemingly colourful garments but their unsightly flesh can be seen under such praiseworthy clothes! Honestly is the best policy I say.
Aryaa macalinka waa riyoohaa The good professor fails miserably to comprehend one vital difference between the Muslims and those he regards with praise. The society he refers underwent “Enlightenment†because of seeing progression the most noble, we the Muslims can never see the future our guiding light. Our most prime example of intellectual and spiritual advance was that of the Sahabah (many moons ago). Thusly, the good professor of Rudgers is caught in a web of dreamy speculations; one that he will be merry in it so long as he delights in his ignorance.
Human all too human walahi!
One can not help but burst into laughter at the astonishingly rancid statement that poured out from a man who considers himself as a political savvy; it goes show how foolhardy most of the people are when it comes to the real politics in Somalia. Horn claims that A Qasim is the last hope for our country, such a statement is only uttered by an ignorant hoodwink or a mere simpleton. When such statements are uttered logic dictates one has to back his earth moving statement. May I humbly ask my fellow brother to tell us why AQ occupies such a high praiseworthy seat in the heart of my Horn et all.
I meant to say it aspires to be an state based on metriocracy rather than traditional leadership. Petty differences, indeed that is the case. What is happening in SCC is exactly that. My dear fair fellow, one can not get the full picture without understanding what are the underlining reasons that drove the painter to paint and what was the msg he was striving to convey.
Let me my dear fellow educate you on this complex matter-- or so it seems from the first glance. I am from Las Anod, what has been happening for the past two years in that part of Somalia is really nothing to do with Somaliland vs Puntland but indeed sub clan powering grabbing. Like any other city and clan, there has always been certain sub clan being dominant but such influence had been done away with (or so some think) at the outbreak of the civil war.Traditional power breakers in that area feel threatened buy some who they regard to be lesser beings-- take it as you will. Those who felt they should remain at the helm then saw Puntland (an state that does not recognise aristocracy but indeed is meritocracy state-- or atleast aspire to be on aristocracy). The Sanaag issue is similiar (Adan Siciid Vs the Traditional leaders)! Adan said being a man of numerous followers and is indeed a staunch supporter of Puntland, the current Arch Sultan Said (though I think the Legitimate Sultan is Suldaan Cali Mahdi-- my Abti) being nearly drawn by this new force seeks support from Hargeisa. Also, The N Ahmed boys are suffering from such dilema; the old v the new! This is the real underlining cause of this seeming division. We have to first sort this mess out and let us not all put the blame where it does not belong. Farah
Makhir no one is stopping you to lend your assistance to your brethen. If you have a deep sense of the reality on the ground, then dear fair friend you would not pen down such flacious thoughts. Sanaag and Sool is developing, LA is the fast growing city in Somalia! when I last visited it had nearly 10000 houses, now the number is double. The schools are built so as Universities.
If this is to be true then the Puntland Admin should release him on bail and from thenceforth,the appropriate procedures should be followed in order justice to pervail. Jamatatu; If this happened in Hobyo or Hamar would you be so fervent to initiate this thread?; then again sadly, such things are trivial, sadly for more fetid things happen habitually that part of our country. Ngone: Doubtlesly, the Duke never takes you seriously; you have painted a picture of yourself that is whimsical to say the least-- perhaps such would go down well in the women's section; I hear have idée fixe for such things.
Report looks at environmental impact of Asian tsunami http://edition.cnn.com/2005/TECH/science/02/21/un.tsunami.impact.ap/index.html
Hogaamiye Kooxeedkii Ugu Awoodda Badnaa Soomaaliya Oo Dawladda Laga Qadiyay (Hogaamiye Yuusuf Garaad Cumar) Qormada Maanta(Radiossc.com) 16/02/05:-Tan iyo markii ladhisay xukuumadda Soomaaliya ee uu madaxda kayahay prof. Cali Max’ed Geedi waxaa soo baxayey hambalyo loo jeedinayey Ra’iisul wasaaraha taasoo ku aadan sida uu isugu dheeli tiray dhismaha xukuumadda iyo sida uu isugu dayey qancinta hogaamiyayaashii ay Soomaaliya kadegi weyday mudada 14-sano ahayd ee wadanku bur-burka kujiray. Inkastoo Ra’iisul wasaaruhu uu ku cusbaa siyaasadda Soomaaliya wuxuu kudadaalay sidii uu u qancin lahaa cid kasta oo uu islahaa waxbay udhimi karataa hanaanka nabadda ee Soomaaliya, taasoo dhabowday markii uu jagooyinkii xukuumadda kutaxay hogaamiya kooxeedyadii Soomaalida iyo caalamkuba khaatiga ka istaagtay. Arintaan oo ay fahmeen badiba Soomaalidu ujeedada Ra’iisal wasaaraha, haddana waxaa dad badan is weydiinayaan sababta uu ugusoo dariwaayey hogaamiyaha awoodda badan ee laga yaqaan dalka gudihiisa iyo Dibadiisaba kaasoo ah Yuusuf Garaad Cumar oo ah Madaxa laanta afka soomaaliga ee Idaacadda BBC-da. Waxaa laga yaabaa in dadka qaarkii ay ku doodaan waa lahilmaamay. laakiin waxaan xusuusinayaa kuwa fikirkaa qaba in Yuusuf uu joogay Nairobi markii laridayey xukuumada Geedi ee u, balse waxaa laga yaabaa inaan Ra’iisal wasaaruhu uusan dareen sanayn awoodda hogaamiyaha da’da yar waa Yuusuf Garaade oo uu malaha uqaatay inuu yahay weriye madax ka ah idaacad madax banaan oo soomalida u dhex ah…!!! Haddii raysal wasaaruhu uu sidaa ufahmay ma’aha wax lala yaabo waayo wuxu Ra’sal wasaaruhu garanayaa shaqada weriyaha inta uu kudhex jiro xayndaabka saxaafadda, balse waxay soomaalidu ku maahmaahdaa ( alow nimaan wax ogayn ha cadaabin ). Qatooyadii Yuusuf ee xukuumaddu waxay siweyn usoo shaacbaxday markii ladhisay xukuumadii uhoraysay ee uu magacaabo Ra’iisul wasaare Cali Max’ed Geedi goortaasoo afka ciida loodaray iyadoo loo daliilsaday kutumasho sharci, Yuusuf isagoo faraxsan kana duulaya oraahda ah (Qayla yeertaba qolaysan uga darin) ayuu isla markiiba rakibtay qorigiisii awooda badnaa ee la oranjiray BBC. Wuxuuna meel ku xaraystay koox kamid ah baarlamaanka Soomaaliya oo uu miciin biday kadib markuu galabtii codayntu ay dhacaysay uu hubsaday halka ay kataagan yihiin xukuumadda Geedi oo ahaa ninkii Yuusuf kaqdiyey, xukuumadda wuxuuna bilaabay wax uu isagu ubixiye dooda baarlamaanka balse dadka intiisa badan ay kufasirteen dudmada Yuusuf iyo tijaabinta awoodiisa. Arintu siday doontaba ha ahaatee taasi Yuusuf macne badan uma samayn marka laga reebo I arkow mooyaane, Yuusuf maharin ee weli wuxuu sii baadi goobay meel kale oo uu uga soo duso prof. Geediga Iloobay iyo xukuumadiisa wuxuuse nasiib wanaag helay daaqad uu muddo kudhabiil tami karo kadib markii dhawaan Africa ay kudhwaaqday in ciidamo nabadda suga lageeyo Soomaaliya oo weliba howshaas fursad loo siiyey wadamada safka hore laysku yiraahdo ee IGAD oo ah wadamada Soomaaliya deriska dhow la ah sida:-Keynya, Ethopia, Sudan, Ugsndha, Eretereya iyo Jabuuti. Yuusuf Garaad Cumar wuxuu bilaabay dib uhabayn ku aadan barnaamijkiisa siyaasadeed wuxuuna markii ugu horaysaba Muqdisho udiray weriye Xassan Bariise oo ah aftahayn aad unaash-naashi yaqaan siyaasadda saaxiibkiis Yuusuf Garaad, kaasoo mar kale dhawaaqiisa laga maqlay Magaalada Muqdisho wax yar ka hor markii ay halkaas gaareen Xubnihii kasocday Baarlamaanka iyo xukuumadda Soomaaliya. Xasan soo hadal, Muqdisho faani, nabad kadhig mash-xaradeediina soo bandhig, laakiin waxaa caqabad ku noqotay dilkii loo gaystay gabar weriye ah oo ay Yuusuf hay’ad kawada tirsanaayeen. Arintaan ayaa yaab iyo fajac kunoqotay Mr Garaad wuxuuna garan waayey si uu usheego dilka gabadha maadaama uu isla maalintaas iyo habeenkii kadambeeyeyba uu waday Xamar waa nabad loomana baahna ciidamo shisheeye,Yuusuf wuu ogaa inaan dilka gabadhu uusan qarsoomayn laakiin waxay ula muuqatay inay taasi booska kasaarayso wax doonkiisii ahaa (Walee Cadkanow Ama Ku Cunay Ama Ku Ciideeyey) Waa farsamo yaqaan xirfadeeya waxdoonkiisa wuxuu bilaabay inuu soo xigto cambaarayn ay soo jeediyeen xubno katirsay dawladda iyo hay’adaha xuquuqda aadanaha udooda oo cambaaraynaya dilka Gabadhaas oo dadka qaarkiis ayba tilmaamayaa in Yuusuf wax ka ogaa, kuwaasoo daliilsanaya sababta Yuusuf Garaad uu u sheegi waayey markay dhacdadu cusbayd, waayo bay leeyihiin waxaa Muqdisho kusugan ugu yaraan laba weriye oo ogsoon dhacdo kasta oo Muqdisho kadhacda. Iminka Yuusuf wuxuu baadigoob ugu jiraa sidii uu usoo urursan lahaa cid kasta oo isleeyahay waxay kasoo horjeedaa in ciidamo lakeeno soomaaliya balse Yuusuf waxaan weydiinayaa Soomaaliya ma Xamar oo keliyaa? Maxayse tahay ujeedada Yuusuf uu kaleeyahay diidmada ciidamada IGAD? Intii uusocday shirka Nairobise muxuu Yuusuf kusoo biiriyey oo aan ka ahayn lugooyo iyo dibindaabyo? Mase hilmaamsan yahay kaalinta ay IGAD kaqaadatay shirka soomaalida haday tahay dhaqaalo,talo,iyo martigelinba? Iyadoo intaasi ay dheertahay qaxootiga tirada badan ee ay wadamadaasi marti geliyeen. Waxaan had iyo jeer maqalaa muda-haraadyo laga dhigayo Xamar oo laleeyahay waxaa kaqayb galay Daladda culimada soomaaliyeed,ururada rayidka ah ee Soomaaliyeed, ciidamada milatariga Soomaaliyeed, ururada haweenka Soomaaliyeed iwm. Hadaba waa yaabe ururadan Yusuf buunbuuninayo ee wada sheeganaya soomaaliya goormay Soomaalidu wada dhisatay oo ku heshiisay?, Yuusuf-se muxuu u inkirayaa Soomaalida kabadan tan xamar oo hal magaalo ah oo uu uraadin waayey af-kaarta soomaalida dalka intiisa kale. Arimahaan oo dhan waxay muujinayaan sida Yuusuf Garaad uu ugu ciilqabo inuu mar’uun maqlo isagoo xil loo magacaabo waa hadii uu ka hanweyn yahay mida uu hada hayo ee ah madaxa laanta af-ka soomaaliga ee BBC-da. Jamaal Faarax Aaden E-mail: Jamaalrg@yahoo.com
where were U 1989-1992(outbreak of the war)
Jamster replied to Benevolent_ Beauty's topic in General
I remember when it broke out in Mogadishu! I was indeed in our living room, my mom was telling me off because I didn't change from my school uniform; my best friend (who was killed in Mogadishu because of he was clan x-- the boy was 13 years of age for the love of God) sitting next to me--- his family was in Paris for holiday at the time, so he was spending most of the time at our house; we realised that we were thirsty and asked the maide to bring us a cold water. As she was about to come in to the living room we heard a loud explosion and there it unfolded.