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Posts posted by Jamster

  1. Ngone,


    You say we (D) are shooting each other whilst our brothers in OTHER PARTS of puntland sip their sweet tea in their respective cities? Such an statement is nothing short of a weakling proponganda purported by Sahafiy’s of Somaliland Triangle.


    Ngone, you are proving to be another Triangle cheerleader who just regurgitates what he reads from his kin’s websites or the stories dreamt up while the the story fabricators are high on Qaat.


    Facts on the Ground


    SSC is part and parcel of Puntland and till the continued interest of SSC converges with the rest of the regions it shall remain so. Now, the troops that are defending the people of SSC is the army of Puntland of consisting of all the different stripes of these peoples. SSC has chosen its destiny 1998 of recent times and before that 1896 when we decided to support Sayid Mohamed Abdule Hassan who fought almost 23 years against your then masters.



    Ina Ceydiid Dhabdhable (the colonel that many like to refer to here) has a personal vendetta against the President of Somalia Abdulahi Yusuf as he alledges that his brother death was hatched by Abdulahi. Such personal issue can not be the driving desire of his sub clan as they well know what his motives are. He is amongst handful of traitors who had given to what is popularly known as GG (Sheikha can clarify it if you want; it is quite popular in Hargeisa; it is why these men come to Hargeisa). We will bring these guys to justice (as you claim Jamac yare being a traitor; a noble man who is for the greater good of our nation).


    Who will suffer if this war intensifies?


    At the moment it is between Puntland troops and SL militia (If Senawi does not interfere and I hope he doesn’t) then your kins men in Togdheer will be engulfed the heat of war. Las Anod will never be the battleground if there is a proper war--- whenever you have attempted to invade you have been defeated bitterly; just call it our baruud over you. Never in the our history have you guys defeated us in a proper war;; you know what happened in Haya (then it was not Puntland, it was not the whole of SSC; damn it it was only Buhotle boys who wiped your *** like there was no tomorrow; those boys are still around will happily oblige if this continues)



    Though war is not good, but this is a JUST WAR, one that we are defending our people.

  2. Oh come on dear lad, you are being silly now.


    PS: There are enough men on the ground with big guns bro; my fight is against you little wigs on SOL; you have roamed frealy for long.

  3. Paragon: Cuqdada iska saar nin H ayaad tahay. You have given into little petty sentiments of your folk.


    We will eleminate anyone who is threat to the stablity of the region (we did that when Qardho folks posed a thread and you were cheering for PL back then). You seem to be bliding yourself to the facts on the ground; that is Reer SL are being the aggressors under the cloak of.....!


    I am giving up with you Jamaal1, you have become infurrerable of latel.




    Adiga kuu jawaabimayo because whatever you say is expected as you are supporter of Silaanyo and his rotting lot.

  4. I well clothed bro smile.gif But let us just say you are completely loss the plot as far as this conflict is concerned.


    Simply put the triangle is trying to expand it's territory (they are one qabiil bro) and take by other people's land -- even though they dont have the ablity to do so. This is it; aggression purported by the triange against our people.

  5. Paragon, dont you worry SSC is part and parcel of puntland--udubdhexaadka maamulka. If you are upset with Majiyahan, we can sort that probelm out for you.


    On the issue of SSC will only be the affected people; this is just a bul****; you either dont know about clan warfare or you are simpleton; for your sake, I will take the former opinion.




    Ninka inuu gurigiisa difaacdo iyo Somalinimo isma deedayaan-- if anything we are fighting for the sake of Somali Nationalism. You people want to cut off the land and appose it as we have apposed to you former masters.

  6. Women? When did I speak about ladies? Xaasha; dumarku maandhow qabiil malaha; gobtuna dumarka uma ceydo qabiiliyan.


    You dear lad not only have understand what debating is, you are completely out of bounds with common sense. Never have we seen you bring forth a sensible coherent sentence reflecting upon the issues at hand. You readily spew nothing but vomit which unfailingly leads us to cover our nasal as the smell is a "killer". Xaaji, Alaa igu og iney gardaro tahay inaan adigoo kale lahaasaawo.



  7. Dahia, because your father has given into religion; wadaad ayuu noqdey thusly geelisa isn't safe. Reer Las Anod have become rather devout Muslims of late. Let the triangle boys try thier shiza with Buhotle and we will see what comes of out if.



  8. He is high on qaat baarixi ah!


    ST listen guv, what ideas and matures debating are you expecting of me when the likes of you continually spew the putrid tribal hatred that disgusts us all?


    You guys are suffering mass delusion and only a a proper mighty slap will get you out of this self-induced madness.

  9. Dahia; dont be silly darling. SSC, nugal, Bari and Mudug are all part of Puntland. The people of those regions had decided and this is a forgone thing. We are part of Somalia and Duke has every right to speak on behalf of his bretherns as I have the right to speak on behalf of my brethens in Mudug kapish?

  10. My papers are in order-- becoming his all powerful governer of the traingle; I shall feast upon the delicacy of qat while enjoying the famous entertainment that Hargeisa is well known for. Dont worry I will compensate the fathers ;)