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Everything posted by Sayyid

  1. Is there an Orchestrated Effort By A Shadowy Group, Within A Government Elelcted By The public To Undermine Islam Or Muslims Worldwide, Cause Wars, Invade Lands, Steal Resources, Overthrow Governmens Illegally, Use False information to Occupy Foreign Lands? Are The current Problems in The Muslim World the result of the negligence of Muslims ALONE, or are the perpetrators of these problems behind the scenes? Whos is the beneficiary of the current problems, violence and instability in the Muslim world? Yes, I do believe that there is a conspiracy to undermine Islam and muslims worldwide by a elite within western governments and societies. It is well documented in the Holy Quran, in which Allaah confirms not to take those who have "disbeliefed" as "friends" and "protectors", also Allaah the exalted made it very clear in his divine book that kaafirs plot and plan against the muslims everytime and it is mostly driven by the wish "that" we as muslims "join" them in their "disbelief" and act like they do. Allaah the glorified mentioned that they will never accept us until "we" belief what they "belief" i.e. idoltry and multiple gods such as money, clothes and other materialistic stuff. On the other hand Allaah subxaanah wa tacaal said that the "kaafirs" plan and plot against the muslims but also Allaah the glorified "plans" himself and Allaah is the best "planner"! From that we can see that they plot against the muslims and the religion of Allaah but their plans and plots will be a "failure" because as long as we trust Allaah, Allaah the exalted will not "turn" his "back" at us because he is the best planner and truely we trust his wisdom and supreme will. I believe it is because of the "emigration" of the muslims from their faith that certain aspects of this "conspiracy" has actually produced some results for the infidels! "We" collectively as muslims need to "return" to the book of Allaah the exalted and the Sunnah of the last prophet of god peace be upon him, his family and companions. Only then will we get out of this "circle" of uncertainity, humiliation and defeat! We have been warned a long time ago but I am glad that muslims are realising their strength in menpower, capital and good people who can guide this ummah to success! The Kaafirs need us, that's why they don't want to offened muslims but the ignorant "jews" are pushing them from behind in order to escalte the situation. No one actually benefited from this "violance" except the muslims because finally they're smelling the coffee and realising their strength and power. Islam is supreme and we have to work to spread the risala of Allaah in order to make his divine word the highest and most supreme regardless what the "establishments" think of this act. We are strong enough and if we would today stop the "oil" that is coming out from the middle east the whole western world would come to a standstill, but because of our "weak" leaders and the decline of the faith of the majority of the muslims who only think about the next car they're going to purchase, we wouldn't be allowing that kind of sell out tha his happening in the Khaleej and arabian peninsula, who have been blessed with the "black gold" and other resources such as gas etc. We need a islamic "revolution" who will top off the "sell-outs" that are currently leading us. Islam is supereme and it will become the dominant religion and force of this world very soon inshallh! BTW this whole scenerios remind me of the scenes that preceeded the events of 1939 in Europe, but this time "we" are the victims of the coming genocide that is coming our way! I can only laugh at those who think that is Islam is compatibable with western "democracy" (nobody knows what democracy really is) or the notion of western liberalism, they are indeed deluded and diluded as well. They have to wake up and realise the struggle and the "backclash" of socities that is going to be part and parcel for the past and coming twenty years inshallah. On which side will you be on, on the infidels side or the muslims side? I hope that you have thought about that! Islam is an ideology and we as "muslims" have a religious "duty" to spread this "ideology" in all ways and means we can. We will call people upon and towards islam but if their "elites" and establishments refuses we will say to them pay then the "jizyah" and if they refused that we have to overcome them by force. "Oh Allaah glorified you are, help us and "your" religion to fulfill its requirements and what you set out for it to achieve. Give us your victory and help us to destroy "your" enemies and the enemies of Al-Islaam! Ameen."
  2. Sxb, I don't hide anything unlike you! Every one knows who I am and who I was. The administrators of this side took a decision to ban me but I was allowed back to join this side again, so I can't see what you trying to say and imply. Give it up Horn, you're need to really grow up dude.
  3. It's true Ahura, it's ignorance on the part of the author of the article called Aaron Goldstein, who is a bloody jew, who want's to take advantage of the situation!
  4. Even though they are both despicable, I think there should be a distinction between those Ethiopia recruits and those that recruit Ethiopia. What a irony! Double-standards comes to mind. I personally believe that whoever deals with Ethiopia in an unappriorprate way should be condemned. For example Omar Haji Masale is the worst kind of Ethiopian recruits because of his willingness to kill his own kin for a small exchange. It was this guy who with the help of the Ethiopian army and countless mecenaries killed thousands in gedo region only to please his superior masters at least others haven't sunk that low. Yes Ethiopia is de facto ruler of Somalia because they occupy large chunks of the country and they've access to all cities. I used to wonder when people would say a Ethiopian Army brigade arrived in Beled Xaawo, Garbaharey, Ceelbarde, Hargaysa, Garoowe and Gaalkacyo but the most astonishing thing was that the leaders of those cities would make a big fiest for those Ethiopian soldiers in order to "celebrate" their honoured guests arrivals. It is a islamic virtue to welcome "guests" and neighbours but I wouldn't excatly classify "those" ethiopian mercenaries as "guests" for the ordinary somali person on the street but rather guests of those unguided militia leaders!
  5. Lately, I've noticed a new trend in which people more specifically so-called "muslims", who were advocating for a "reformation" to take place within Islaam, so that it becomes more "compatible" with western and liberal attitudes and way of life! The shouts are getting louder and louder everytime, because they demand a "debate" to take within the muslim world in order to reform the religion of Allaah the exalted because they argue that it has passed it "sell by date" and that it needs "serious" reform in order to move closer to technology and something close to the western way of thinking of liberalism etc. We have witnessed "modern" muslims saying that females can lead men in prayers and give the friday sermon because they're equal. It was a couple of month when a so-called afro-american "muslim" theologist lead a joint "muslim" congregation of male and females in a "church" in New York City, heavily guarded by police. Also Hassan Al-Turabai the guy who lead the islamic revolution in Sudan came out and said that muslim females can actually lead men in prayer and become an Imaam, on the other hand we have people today who say what is "this" all about and why are muslims so angry about a couple of cartoons depicting the prophet of Islaam peace be upon him and to add insult to injury they portrayed the prophet peace be upon him in the picturers as a "terrorist", which was very very offensive, outrageous and insulting to muslims! Where can muslim go from here! People who are being intoxicated by false beliefs and brainwashed by an artificial life of happyness and fullfilment are at the forefront of this loud shouts of "reforming" islaam. They were mostly recruited in this way of thinking by "other" so-called muslims who are would-be academics and say that they know what is "good" in the long-term for the muslim ummah in this world. I want this people, who are members of SOl to come out and say what they belief so that we can take a stance regarding "how" to approach them. If they think that "reform" is a way forward to explain how they would go about it and what they would "reform" in order to modernise and make Islam compatible with the western notion of democracy and liberalism! I'd also like to know what they find unattractive about this religion of ours because clearly something is wrong if they want to "reform" it, whether it might be aspects of the religion or the whole religion itself! I also urge this people to come out of their closet and say in front of "us" what they want to reform about Islam and how they would go about it in order to make it more "modern" and compatibale with modern way of life and living. By writing this I thought particularily about certain individuals who were advocating for such a "debate" and "reformation" within Islam.
  6. Originally by Xarago: You make Galkacyo sound like as it is the Bali islands, or the Caribbeans. Vacation iga dheh....guess this would be followed by the Presidents visit to the wildlife parks in Galkacyo.. . Or even better he is resting in the great Canyon that runs through the middle of Galkacyo.. You really cracked me up there, very funny indeed! But I've to let you know that it is actually a vacation for the President because it is where he was born and where his close clan and family members live. He can relax in Gaalkacyo and be "straight" in everything in speech, action and everything he does. Reer Gaalkacyo speak the truth and they tell how it is and sometimes he needs that because lately he hasn't be confrontational, which is out of character!
  7. Kashanre you're loosing it, so give up. Your whole analysis doesn't make sense. Everything is ok with this government and I don't feel any frustration and insecurity like you walaal! Sxb the funny thing is you accussing me of changing my pseudos from time to time, what are you allegding here. The last time this happened it started like this and it went farther you accussing me having multiple user accounts. Well we all know what surfaced then and what happened to you, so I would urge you to restrain from such accussations. I can and will change my displaying names in here like you did, Mr Hornafrique!
  8. Nice post, let them burn for the insults they made. Thanks Duke!
  9. The desired outcome is to avoid having a dubious fatwa shoved down people's throats. That's the desired outcome. Anyhow, do what you like. This is a public forum. No problem much worse has been said! Dubious or not dubious no one is forcing anything down your throat! Anyhow, if you didn't like my "dubious fatwa", no one is preventing you from sharing with "us" a more "valuable and reliable" fatwa you got in your arsenal of wisdom on the matter raised! Do as it pleases you for as I really don't care!
  10. You're taking things well out of context, Kashanre! Abdullahi Yusuf is the president of all Somalia and to suggest that he took "refuge" or amnesty to his kinsmen in Gaalkacyo is holy absurd and untrue. Speculations, rumours, cospiracy theories and spin should be avoided at the best of times, on the other hand I can't see your point or argument in which you argue all kinds of unfound things and rumours. The Prime minister came out today to condemn the "media" of their biased and false reporting of news. He said that he will support the parliaments decision to convene in Baydhabo on 26, Feb 2006 inshallah. He also said that he wasn't the prime minister of only one region in Somalia but for all regions and the whole of Somalia. I've to laugh at the irony because the same people who have constantly referred President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad as a "Ethiopian Stooge" are today portraying him as a "Somali Hero". Yeah, from villain to hero in a matter of days, you have to admire that flip-flopping of certain individuals in here. P.s. Please leave things at there are without you discussing certain aspects that are unfound and flying "rumours", which non of us can varify. There are so many contradictions in your analysis that is quite apparent for everyone to see that you have an ulterior motive, which is that you want this government to fail at all cost but I gurantee you it is up to Allaah the exalted if this government will be actually the one who will deliver us from our pain and misery or if it will go the same way as their predeccesors.
  11. What would be the desired outcome or the "idea" behind such a thread? Arguments, more arguing and further divisions amongst the already divided muslim populations? Sorry I've to decline your invitations to open a new thread entitled "Insurances and it's allowance in Islaam" because this has numerous times been discussed and I can't see the point in arguing in the religion of islam. I am not forcing anyone to accept my view point because it is up to them to distinguish falsehood from truth. I only provide information and links and ultimately it's up to them to make up their mind.
  12. However just to make it clear and easy for me and the rest of "us" in here that aren't that read in islamic sharia law, here is a little insight about "insurances", whether life or personal possession or wealth insurance or any kind of insurance for that matter! Praise be to Allaah. 1)All kinds of commercial insurance are clearly and undoubtedly ribaa (interest/usury). Insurance is the sale of money for money, of a greater or lesser amount, with a delay in one of the payments. It involves riba al-fadl (interest-based transaction) and riba al-nas’ (interest to be charged if payment is delayed beyond the due date), because the insurance companies take people’s money and promise to pay them more or less money when a specific accident against which insurance has been taken out happens. This is riba, and riba is forbidden in the Qur’aan, in many aayaat. 2)All kinds of commercial insurance are based on nothing but gambling which is haraam according to the Qur’aan: “O you who believe! Intoxicants (all kinds of alcoholic drinks), and gambling, and Al-Ansaab (stone altars for sacrifice to idols etc.) and Al-Azlaam (arrows for seeking luck or decision) are an abomination of Shaytaan’s (Satan’s) handiwork. So avoid (strictly all) that (abomination) in order that you may be successful†(al-Maa’idah 5:90 – interpretation of the meaning). All kinds of insurance are kinds of playing with chances. They tell you, Pay this much money, then if this happens to you we will give you this much. This is pure gambling. Insisting on differentiating between insurance and gambling is pure stubbornness that is unacceptable to any sound mind. The insurance companies themselves admit that insurance is gambling. 3)All kinds of insurance are forms of uncertainty, and transactions which involve uncertainty are forbidden according to many saheeh ahaadeeth, such as the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him): “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade transactions determined by throwing a stone and transactions which involved some uncertainty.†(Narrated by Muslim). [“Transactions determined by throwing a stone†– this was a type of transaction that was prevalent in the markets of pre-Islamic Arabia, whereby a stone was thrown by either the buyer or the seller, and whatever it touched, its transaction became binding. “Transactions which involved some uncertainty†– is a transaction in which there is no guarantee that the seller can deliver the goods for which he receives payment. Footnotes from the translation of Saheeh Muslim. (Translator)]. All forms of commercial insurance are based on uncertainty of the most extreme kind. Insurance companies and those who sell insurance refuse to insure cases except where there is clear uncertainty in whether or not the condition being insured against will happen or not. In other words, the condition being insured against must have a possibility of happening or not happening (as opposed to, for example, someone who has a pre-existing condition, such as a person who is on death row applying for life insurance--translator.) Moreover, this transaction involves something uncertain, which is when an accident will happen and the extent of the damage caused. Hence insurance combines three kinds of extreme uncertainty. 4)All kinds of commercial insurance consume people’s wealth unjustly, which is haraam according to the Qur’aan: “O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly†(al-Nisaa’ 4:29 – interpretation of the meaning). All forms of commercial insurance are fraudulent transactions aimed at consuming people’s wealth unjustly. The precise statistics calculated by one of the German experts state that what people get back of what has been taken from them is no more than 2.9%. Insurance is an immense loss for the nation, and there is no evidence or excuse to be found in the actions of the kuffaar who have lost the ties of kinship and friendship and are therefore forced to resort to insurance, which they hate as much as they hate death. These are only some of the violations of sharee’ah which insurance is essentially based upon. There are numerous other violations which we do not have room to mention here, and there is no need to do so, because just one of the violations which we have mentioned above is sufficient to make insurance one of the things which is most prohibited in the sharee’ah of Allaah. It is a shame that some people are deceived by the ways in which the insurance companies make insurance attractive and confuse them by calling it “co-operative†or “mutual support†or “Islamicâ€, or other names which do not change the unjust nature of insurance in the slightest. The insurance companies’ claim that the ‘ulamaa’ have issued fatwaas stating that so-called “co-operative insurance†is halaal, is a lie. The reason for this confusion is that some insurance companies approached the ‘ulamaa’ with a deceitful set-up which has nothing to do with any kind of insurance, but they said that it was a kind of insurance which they called “co-operative insurance†(to make it sound attractive and to confuse the people). They said that it was purely in the nature of a donation, and that it was a kind of the co-operation enjoined by Allaah in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): “Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety)…†(al-Maa’idah 5:2), and that the aim was to co-operate in alleviating the overwhelming disasters that may befall people. But in fact what they called co-operative insurance was just like any other kind of insurance; the only difference was in the way in which it was set up, not in its essential nature. It was far from being any kind of simple donation or co-operation in righteousness and piety; in fact it is a kind of co-operation in sin and transgression. It was not aimed at helping to relieve the distress of calamities, but at depriving people of their wealth by unjust means, which is absolutely haraam, as are other kinds of insurance. Hence what they proposed to the ‘ulamaa’ is not even insurance at all. With regard to the claim made by some, that part of the premium (money paid to the insurer) is returned, this does not change anything and does not free insurance from the taint of ribaa, gambling, transactions based on uncertainty, unjust consumption of people’s wealth and going against the principle of trusting in Allaah (tawakkul), and other kinds of haraam actions. Insurance is deceit and confusion. Anyone who wishes to learn more should refer to the essay al-Ta’meen wa Ahkaamuhu (Insurance and its rulings). I call on every Muslim who has pride in his religion and whose hopes are focused on Allaah and the Last Day to fear Allaah and to avoid all kinds of insurance, no matter how attractive their proponents make them, for they are undoubtedly forbidden. In this manner he will protect his religion and his wealth, and he will be blessed with security from the Owner of security, may He be exalted. May Allaah help me and you to have insight into matters of religion and to do that which is pleasing to the Lord of the Worlds. Source of Islamic ruling on insurance.
  13. This is not a thread about Insurance is (or is not) riba. Please, go and find out for yourself. In fact, everyone should. I agree with you. Everyone should find out for themselves afterall it is their relgious duty!
  14. ^What do you mean "if the contract is done rightly", could use please reflect and expand on that statement?
  15. That doesn't go hand in hand with the islamic notion of "ordering the good and forbidding and preventing the bad", also that one should not stay passive in such things. If they see something that is "bad", we as muslims have a collective responsibility of condemning the act of "badness" forcefullyy if that is not feasible than wiht our "mouth" and again if that's not feasible either than we have to distance us from the "evil" and condemn it from our "heart". There is no such thing as "freedom of speech" and the right for "intellectual reflection", when someone intentionally crosses the fine line of what is acceptable and what isn't. The taboo is well documented and anyone who tries to cross the line will be dealt with inshallah. They will be loosers in this world and in the hereafter the great fire is awaiting them. This might sound "cynical" to some in here but let me stress however anti-religion or islaam you're, you've to know that al-islaam is here to stay and it will become a "dominant and global" force inshallah to reckon with and if you don't like what I am predicting and you're angry and hateful than "die in your anger and hate "because Islaam will eventually rule the world, inshallah! "muutu bi qaythikum". This is a test for the ummah and islaamic nation and inshallaah we will prevail and accomplish our mission, that is spreading the risala and islaamic message to the whole wide world inshallah regardless of what the establishments of those countries about to be conquered think. You either accept islaam or pay the jizyah.
  16. Originally by Castro: Taking out a life insurance policy on your spouse (even without his knowledge) is a good idea. In fact, both husband and wife should have a policy of some sort. I don't think so! Because is a form of "riba". Taking such precautions is highly unrecommendable.
  17. Ma anaa "Daanyeer" ileedahay! Ninyahow wa sida aan sheegay marka lagaa adkaado baad dadyowga aflagadaysaa aan. Cayda colka makaa celise ee wa ceeb badis ee is jir ninyahow! Nin weyn ma caytamo! --------------- Kooley me and jealous, absolutely not!
  18. What if there is physics? War isku xishoow ninyahow, gabadhana ha caayin. Yaa Allaah! Bishaaroy cay buu ku qariyey checkmate ee iska celi inaabti.
  19. Bloody greedy, you're Xiin. You already got a wife and kids what do you want to do with another. Bishaaro leave this old dudes alone, i would go for you but you;re lil bit older than me so i've to decline any request for marriage!
  20. Originally posted by Abraar: However, what disappointed me a bit is how certain furious Muslims are threatening to bomb and kill innocent folks--adds fuel to the fire and only proves certain westerners' preconceived notion of Islam being a religion of the sword and bloodshed I really find your statement very interesting especially this bit "and only proves certain westerners' preconceived notion of Islam being a religion of the sword and bloodshed". If Islaam isn't a religion of the "sword and bloodshed", how come that Islaam has spread so far? We respect other people's belief and no one is forcing them to accept "islaam" as made clear by the quraan verse "Laa ikraaha fi diin" (there's no compulsion in religion)but Islaam did spread without sword and until we return to the sword our enemies will try to mock us further. Let's return to the sword inshallah. I am not advocating for killing innocent people but I know that without the "sword" we will not be able to spread the risaalah (message) of al-Islaam. Every ideology in this world including socialism and democracy (american and british emperialism) was spread with force and compulsion. Islaam is a much superior, natural and lasting ideology than the mentioned above but the reason why we need to return to the sword is that no one will allow potential people who might join our religion are prevented from the "enemies" of islaam and until we remove them in front of the people they supposedly represent we're not fulfilling our god given task. Long live Islaam!
  21. Sayyid


    It's Muxarram 1st tommorrow inshallah, Happy new year folks. Kuli caam wa antum bi khair. The year is 1427 and not 2006! Learn also the islamic month: 1.Muharram 2.Safar 3.Rabiicul Awal 4.Rabiicul Thaani 5.Jumaadil Uula 6.Jumaadil Ukhra 7.Rajab 8.Shacbaan 9.Ramadaan 10.Shawwaal 11.Dhul Qacdah 12.Dhul Xijah!
  22. Sayyid

    Questions ~

    All those of you, who have a hairy bottom would you please stand up and go to the "Public Awareness Notice: Hygiene" thread, where there is about to start a profound lecture on that matter. Please go and leave right now for the venue because it might be that you won't get a place, if you're a VIP (admin and crew) you can book your seats by pming me. Have a nice day and lecture folks!
  23. Maybe he needed it for the buuga cayrta! But he will never be found out because I believe he's one of those guys who live with their wives (but they really are not married to each other because the wife pretends to be not married although she gives birth every year), who hides in the cupboard whenever the guys from the Social Security Department come to visit. So nobody knows where he lives, although we know his face and how he looks like. I guess some guys from a rival clan of the guy will give the police a tipp off regarding where he might live.
  24. No its afsooriyaal, ain't it sxb!