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Everything posted by Sayyid

  1. Barclays is by far the most difficult bank to get an account with. They require of you so many documents it's like applying for a visa or a passport! The banks here are outrageous and luckily I don't get the hassle because I don't have a current account, debit card or a credit card for that matter. Ratings, interest, att what have you is totally confusing and one should withdraw his/her money the minute money is paid into your account. Otherwise....!
  2. Exactly that's the problem of the people who were living in this country for a long time, they don't realise how rubbish their country really is! Ahura, what you have been banking with HSBC since the last 12 years? You must have had a bank account at a very young age, maybe a saving account!
  3. That's from a population of 297 million in the US, compared to the UK in which roughly 59 million people live, which thereof an estimated 11 million are illiterate.
  4. ^The fact that he is unable to read and is living in the US is inexcuseable in itself.
  5. The concept of "zero" was invented by muslims, we can see that also the word "zero" was linguistically taken from the arabic "z(s)ifr"! For the west anything that is accredited to "muslims" is distorted and credited to in this case "hindi", although it does not resemble it. It's a islamic concept, whatever others wanted us like to believe. How can we trust them even if they changed the names of our scholors, whilst changing "our" great civility and knowledge into latin without crediting the person who originally wrote it, they simply "changed" the names, in order to make them sound like more latin. They will never except anything or accredit it to their origins!
  6. Has Gheedi abondoned Ethiopia? Why/What is he doing in Gaalkacyo! The above questions would be asked only by some lunatic and ignorant person. The government is united in it's quest to pacify Somalia. Also the parliament is due to convene in Baidao inshallah february 26th and everything is fine and well!
  7. Those bloody immigrants with their masterplans of deceit! It was preplanned because they heard that "one" can sue everyone in America (USA). If you're to dumb and still after reading in big letters "Smoking kills" on the label of your cigarette package than afterwards sue them for big money it is only fair that those immigrants do the same. America i am on my way I've heard you can make big "bucks" by sueing everything and anything. Nothing is your "own" fault anymore in the US!
  8. Nice pictures indeed! I always liked Baydhabo it's a beautiful city, maashaallaah! Hopefully the residents of that city can pacify it. Ameen Inshallah!
  9. "From the head of Al-Azhar School", you said! A fatwa from 1959, very interesting indeed. Don't get me wrong I've got relatives that have graduated from the famous academy of Al-Azhar, which is the most famous and oldest institution of learning in Islaam, who have produced numerous scholors and students throughtout the years, but lately things have gone out of hand there! Wasn't it a couple of month ago, when the "Mufti of Egypt" said that "selling khamr and alcoholic breweries were okay for muslims living in the west"! Throughout the years some "fatwas" came out based on nothing but personal rayi, it also depends what they've been told, maybe they've been corrupted by shiites with wrong information etc! Egypt is really a funny place, you see "the heads of Al-Azhar School" coming out and supporting the likes of Muhammed Husni Mubaarak, Jamaal Abdinaasir and Sadaat etc! This fatwa is not base on reality, come up with something better next time.
  10. I've never backed down at threads of phyisical violence! Although I am a pacifist and I've never been "beaten up" or the luxary of having been slapped (except of my parents and siblings) who I now and then have arguments with, I'll be quite ready to defend myself to the fulliest. I am not someone who will tolerate threats or incitements to physical violence, for that I've to "sue" you to the appriorpriate authorities who deal with this kind of matters. I am a very tolerent, patient and peace loving individual except when provoked! P.s. I only "say" what I believe, you see a coward and hypocrite dies a many death, but a straightforward person like me who is not shy to "express" his views in this fora in a "peaceful" manner should not be subjected to any threads or gestures of violence. For that you've lost it because the "time", you actually threatened "me", was the "time" you admitted your defeat! That's why I will continue and express my views in a constructive manner despite the threat of physical violence and for that matter I am ready to "die" a cruel death of that of a martyr and no "thread" big or small will prevent me from expressing my vies like it or don't like it!
  11. War ninka ka har! What is this "love" thing all about. Do you want this guy to marry you? Yes, No. If yes tell him to contact your family and if no tell him to "go somewhere else". P.s. If you marry, tell him that you never said that you did not believe in Love but that you only said that you believed in Love after Love and not Love only!
  12. Spot on! The author is not the only one who had problems with banks in the UK. I too bank with HSBC and the amount of useless workers they got is unbelievable. People, mostly black and asians who want to start a "new" business and need some money are prioritised, although I have a suspicioun that most of them have businesses that in real life do not exist. The problem is not only with the closing hours but also with the lack of customer service and sufficient "training" in how to deal with your customers. There are mostly ignorant people working in there, who do not have a sufficient standard of customer satisfaction or education for that matter! Simply they can't do anything because they're paralized. You have to wait because they are incompetent and need to ask the "manager" of the branch and he is as competent as the rest of the people who work in there. They're inadequate beyond belief and the only thing they can do is "licking a stamp" and stick it to a letter sealed with some details of you and statements that you get every three month or so! They're useless and beyond help. I once complained and told them off. The bank manager was calm and unconcerned. I told him that my entire family banks with them and if they do not rectify their wrong actions, that I would close my account immidiately and that the rest of my family would do the same! He simply replied "Do as you fit, sir"! In the UK, if you want to open a bank account is more difficult than applying for a visa as a journalist to visit "North Korea", Iran and Saudi Arabia combined and get access to the white house! You would properly have it much easier knocking at the gates of the white house and asking "if" you could have tea with Mr. Bush (junior)!
  13. Sayyid


    No compensation is due! We have to diffirentiate people who occupy houses, land and other properties that does not belong to them and others who were trusted with it. For the trustee (the one who has been asked/ordered to look after the property), who can be a family member, neighbour or simply someone who is paid or excercises the right and benefit of rentless property as a somekind reward can only stay as long in the house at it's original property owner permitts them to stay. They actually both benefit and if the owner says "pack your bags and leave", then they have to leave immidiately and in due course because it is not their property and land etc. They leave with no compensation and can only take their possessions such as decoration, furniture and clothes! As for the one who illegally occupies a land, property etc he/she is definately not entitled to any compensation! They must be kicked out because they have lived in a property that does not belong to them. But what about the person who has been sold the property in a false pretence of owning it and only after did they realise that they were "cheated" and bought land off people who did not own it in the first place. This people have to be compensated or left alone till they find somewhere else to go. They need help from all kind of people! But they should nevertheless leave and hand in the keys to the "original" owner of the property and land etc. Somalia is today in this state because precisely of these things. You see people so-called neighbours "extending" the boundries of their land and property etc because out of greed! This people will get their reward in the hereafter inshallah!
  14. Xiin, give it up Kashafa is 100% right and I thank him for his courage to swim agaist the current of misguided people in here!
  15. you cannot deny anyone the Islamic religion while they are professing and uttering the Shahada. Judgment lies with the creator not the creation. I am not the one denying it to them, simple Kashanre! It's the ulamaa of this religion that have said so. From contemporary Shuyuukh Cuthaymiin, bin Baaz, Sheikh Albaani raximahullaah ajmaciin to Imaam Shaafici, Maalik, Xambal, Xanafi and other great scholers like ibnu Taymiyyah, are they all wrong or what? Everyone said it that rafidahs are not muslim, Imaam Ali Abdurrahman Hudayfi was arrested by the Saudi officials whilst saying that in one of his friday Khutbahs. He was the khateeb and Imaam of the prophets mosque in Madinah when he said it and the iranian ambassador was actually in the mosque. Happy slapping!
  16. Innaa Lilaahi Wa Innaa Ilayhi Raajicuun, niyahow waxyaalahaad ku hadleeso ka fiirsa un, intaas ayaan kaaga tagayaa un, just ka fiirso waxyaalahaad ku dhawaaqeeso ee afkaaga ka soo buttaacayo!! Allaahuma inni acuudu bika min sharri maa khalaq and the purpose is, I should get offended. I was just laughing at your response. Simply I can't take you seriously, whilst adiga sida qof/ruux waalani isku ruuxruuxaysid. Bal yara naso oo xooga yar fadhiiso ha is wereerine! Afkaaga iyo waxaad igu soo vomitgaraysay iga duw ninyahow while you're at it!
  17. WHAT IS THE AQEEDAH OF SHIAS? 1."Allaah often lies and does mistakes." (USOOL-E-KAAFI, page #328, yaqoob kulaini, vol 1). 2."Allah has the Quality of 'Badaa'." (Usul Kafi- Babul bad'aa - Al- Kafi Vol- 1 -P283 India Ed.) 3."We (shias) do not worship such a God who gives authority to rascals like Yazid, Mu'awiyyah and Uthmaan." (Kashful Asraar - 107 - Khomeni..) 4."The Imams posses all the knowledge granted to angels, prophets and messengers." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.255) 5."The Imams know when they will die, and they do not die except by their choice. " (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.258) 6."The Imaams have knowledge of whatever occurred in the past and whatever will happen in the future, and nothing is concealed from them." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.260) 7."The Imams have knowledge of all the revealed books, regardless of the languages in which they were revealed. " (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.260) 8."No one complied the Qur'ân completely except the Imams, and they encompass all of its knowledge. " (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.227) 9."The person who says that the present Quran is complete is a liar because the “complete Quran†was compiled by Hazrat Ali" (Fasl-ul-khitaab fee tahreef kitaab rab-ul- arbab, page #4, Noori Tibri). 10."The Munafiqeen (i.e. Sahaba) took very much out of Quran (took out the verses)." (Ihtijaj-e-tibri, page #382). 11."When Imaam Mehdi comes he will bring with him the real and original Quran." (Ahsan-ul-maqaal, page #336, safdar Husain najfi). 12."Signs of the prophets are possessed by the Imams." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.231) 13."When the Imams' time comes, they will rule in accordance with the ruling of the Prophet David and his dynasty. These Imams will not need to ask for presentation of evidence before passing their judgements." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.397) 14."There is not a single truth possessed by a people saved that which originated with the Imams, and everything which did not proceed from them is false." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.399) 15."All of the earth belongs to the Imams." (Al- Kulaini. AL- KAAFI, p.407) 16."Neither we believe the Allah nor the Prophet of the God whose khalifah is Abu Bakr." (Anwar-ul-nomania, page #278). 17."All Prophets are beggar at the doorstep of Ali." (khalqat-e-norania, page #201, Talib Husain karpalwi). 18."These shia says Ali said.......I am the first and I am the last. I am the manifest and I am the hidden and I am the heir of earth." (Rijaal Kashsi . 138. India Print.) 19."Shias say that the Imaams are the face of Allaah," (Usul- e-Kaafi -83.)
  18. wax kale lama yaabniyee ninkan Sayyid unbaan la yaabanahey How hilliarious! Oo sawirada miyaadan layaabin or do you actually cut yourself occassionally like the shiits and rafidahs do?
  19. Who wants to take a "shower" in a bloodbath? Ismaili Shiites: Let's all of us join in the beating (ourselves) this coming thursday inshallah!
  20. Whatever Viking! Ducaqabe, I ain't going to say anymore. Yes I understand that I am not a Daaci that's why I'll have developed a new way and method to get across my message that shias/international rafidahs are not muslim. I got the perfect proof and evidence! If you shia or belong to the numerous international rafidah sect take a sharp knife/sword in two days time on the 10th of Muharram Al-yowmul Ashuraa and hit it on the head of your small child/children! Then proceed hitting yourself on the head with a knife actually a sword! They even dipicted Hussain ibnu Ali! Is this what you call Islam people? Chocolate and Honey + Ahura do you want to be cut with this swords or get in touch? Dragon + Xiinfaniin do you like the sight of this picture? Ku soo dhawaada.
  21. ^I take your advice brother. BTW I was wandering also about the motives whereby someone said that people were celebrating the "presidential victory" of H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad, I too couldn't see what the person who said it actually wanted to achieve! Is he saying they should have not celebrated! On the other hand doesn't he know that they were celebrating not for Abdullahi Yusuf but for the successful completion of a two year peace process that took place in Nairobi and Kenya. This guy has got serious and weird issues indeed may he be cured!
  22. You made me lose the grip dee, you said it happened but she wasn't the age she claimed. I asked if it made the ‘molestation’ okay. Valid question. Don't bother responding to me though, I don't want to get too confused Blantant lie, I never said that it happened. I only said "when the incident happened she wasn't the age she's claiming right now"! Maybe I should have added "alleged" to it in order to make it more "clear" for the likes of you but I guess the majority of the people in here actually knew my stance on this thread and case at hand! Molestation, rape and even lying/fabricating/distorting and taking things out of context is in my books perceived to be a crime. Now get on with it!
  23. those roller-skates you have on seem to be going out of control and as result lost all sense of direction. Thank You What! Do you mean with roller-skates that I've on? You must be kidding. You must have been sitting in your "wheel-chair", when you were writing this nonsense. Look out because it seems that the wheelchair you sitting on is actually sliding down the hill and crashing into people because of the lack/lost of all sense of direction and manoeuvre!
  24. Waraa duqa noh, I dheegayso xaa ku iri maraxyahow seeflaboodnimada badan. Ciyaal xamarnimdaada man naqaanee! I like this new president of Iran in kastoo aan ogahay shicada hates Sunnis too..but he is Muslim and right now he is the best Muslim Leader Islam has. He speaks the truth and he is not scared. That's what you wrote "macalinka" earlier. You say shias hate sunnis, the you go on praising that lunatic of yours you call president and that "he's muslim too"! Oh, you go further sayint that "best muslim leader we have right now", how absurd! On one hand he hates us but on the other hand he's the best we got! Don't make me laugh. You either condemn the rafidis/shias as you did in another thread some two years ago or iska ciyaal xamaray!
  25. So, what are you saying Mr Sayyid, it's okay to rape a girl if she's over 18? You don't seem to understand or comprehend what this whole case is actually all about! The case is about an alleged indecent relationship with a minor/juvenile i.e. the defendant is accussed to have molested a 10 year old child! Get a grip and don't take people's words out of context for the sake of it!