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Everything posted by jaaluut
waraa baashe, waxaa aheed ileen nerd. aniga waagaas(not now) waxaan ahaa ciyaal madiina, kadis iyo waxaas maba aadi jirin. laakiin basket balka anagaa idinka qatarsanayn. iskool sheikh suufi xitaa waa garaacnay. waxaan ka hadlaayaa 1986-88 tankale, sakhaawadiin ghetto uu ahaa baariyoow. baskii ugliga ahaa ee kaaraanaaba nacay. well those were the days.
here is jaaluut, representing jamaal cabdinaasir. sakhawadiin, hal mar aan tagay , waxayna ahayd maalin ardayda sakhaawadiin jamaal cabdinaasir imaadeen, ardayda jamaal cabdinaasirna sakhaawadiin aadeen. sakhawadiin,woow, i used to live right infront of it, guryaha wasaarada, ee makiinada alwaaxda ku dhagan. jamaal cabdinaasir rules though.
here is jaaluut, representing jamaal cabdinaasir. sakhawadiin, hal mar aan tagay , waxayna ahayd maalin ardayda sakhaawadiin jamaal cabdinaasir imaadeen, ardayda jamaal cabdinaasirna sakhaawadiin aadeen. sakhawadiin,woow, i used to live right infront of it, guryaha wasaarada, ee makiinada alwaaxda ku dhagan. jamaal cabdinaasir rules though.
che, you know that i hate suspense. spitt it out young man, tell us what prof samatar said pleaase or else gxxxxxxxhghx !!!
what a paranoi shyhem!. people ,opinions don't matter in this issue. the crucial thing is what the religion says about this ,and if there are any edicts out there to support it or otherwise. opinions will not matter, and for those seeking the truth, then ask the islamic scholars online or in person" fas aluu ahla thikr, inkuntum laa taclamuun" diintu ra'yi ma gasho. let's stop beating around the bush,and get to the core of the problem
I don't want to say much, but for those of you that want to know whether if martydom-operations are xalaal or xaraam, then just ask the independent slamic scholars. a while ago, when the uprising was at it's peak, this question was posed to the great islamic thinker,and scholar=Dr. Yusuf Al Qaradaawi on AL Jaziira program. he stated that in the light of quraan and sunnah, "homicide bombing"(fox news) , martrydom operations (muslims) are not only permissible but mandated for the oppressed muslims . think_tank iam dissappointed in your philosophical rationalization. i also dispise the fact that you lean on ALBANY. i do indeed mistrust anyone in the saudi and egyptian government edicts.
MMA , siyad barre was NOT from nugaal period. in the usa, the midwestern dialect is the official dialect used by newspapers, tv and so forth. in somalia, mudug onward to nugaal to waqooyi galbeed to somaligalbeed have the weighted somali languege, because literature and rich oral traditions stem from these regions.
Elaborate baashi please!!!!
when is prof samatar lecturing in the midwest? let me know so that i could drive to ohio and see what he has to say. CHE GUAVERA, Patarick Lamumba,and many other freedom fighters..... i like your analysis and agree with your conclusions. i feel the same way.
hadaynu isa siri sideenaba mayska kala tagnaa sideedaba? is this a litmus test to know where each nomad is from? well beyond that there is one great nomad , the father of all nomads,and you guessed right Sayid Maxamed Cabdille Xassan. i could add axmed gurey and wiil waal, but nooooh
crambed streets., screwed up driving side, narrow roads, lots of south asians!!!rainy, ugly,and expensive thats london, and it's very depressing if you ever lived in the land of the FREE and Home of the Braves(like me!) come to usa, especially ATLANTA. you will refuse to go back to that wretched place !!!!
just one question humble dude, isn't it a women that should be posting such a topic? neverthe less tis very hilarious. let me thing, i think iam mr.nice guy looooooool!!
jurisprudence...sharicah is a process of finding answers to contemporary problems through the prism of the quraan and sunnah. having said that slamic scholars have reached a conclusion regarding irbaax or devidends. to refute their arguments with simple statements is a great injustice to the religion. have you guys considered their arguments , whats the issue,and how they come up with their conclussions? there are papers written about this issue and i urge bro and sis to research on this. if i invest 5000 , the money deosn't sit ,but rather works to generate wealth for the borrowing company and me. we BOTH benefit. if you look at the defenition of usury or ribaa, then you would know it's applicability in today's market.
scholars at the prestigous thousand year old al azhar university have ruled on fixed interest as permissible. this was open to interpretation and there had been a great deal of debate on this issue among conservative,and the progressive islamic scholars.here is the bbc article on this. as a future investment analyst, i think it's great idea,but what do you think? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2488525.stm
waraa kaashflow, school siyaad , geedka jacaylka , makiinada alwaaxda weershe loool. cumda waalagu yaqaaanaa hadaa godkaba dhahday. isku xaafadaan aheyn. inaan ku gartaa laga yaabaa . maybe waxaa fariisanjirtay biibato khaliif. ama xassan hilaac!!!!. i know you , waxaa aheed kuwii doorooyinka jidka ufariisanjiray!!!!!. aniga khaliif tuug allaha unaxariistee aan isku galaas aheen
After the 9-11, its a bit difficult to undertake such tasks inthe good old US OF A , but those of your in europe might have that chance. i used to pray underneath the stairwell, but now iam afraid ,and pray in my chair in my cubicle at work. i told a few co workers and my great manager,and iam planning to bring them some sambuussa, but i will not dare post anything. i will wait till the islamophobia and the dust temporarily settles.
Jazaaka allaah, brothar. this was indeed a very beneficial and timely article. i was pondering over how iam going to be able to manage ramadan work and classes ,but you have been alot of help. one love and respect
Very interesting, but they have one thing in common, they are all either lebanese or syrians christians who emmigrated to north and south america. they are as far as venezuala and chile. they are idiologically similar to the americans,and even so they are more conservative because they hail from the oldest churches of christianity- syria. it deosn't suprise me ,but i didn't know about mitchell. thanks for the insight though
as i skimm through this magnificent forum, no where i see you (farax) posting puting in your two cents, except this nonsense. brother, is it to impress us with your vast knowledge,and your linguistic prowess? or is it a show off? when addressing an audience , one must opt to maximize his ability to get his idea or point across. to do that one must express his ideas in a way suitable to his intended audience, but this thread of your fails enormously, because it confuses us all. iam not judging you personally, but from what i see in this post, you haven't shared us anything interesting at all. i see you as a man of high caliber, but low substance. my candidness is a constructive criticism, aimed at directing you to the right avenue,and i hope i have been succesfull. are you by any chance the Sophist ? just wondering showing-off is an extremely dangerous endevour, wal ciyaathatu billaaah!!
France is trying its best ... The British are outraged
jaaluut replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in Politics
Interesting Libaax, but i think it's a show put forth by the west. the anglo and the french are the same imperialists and have the same agenda and frame of thought as their counter-part in russia,and usa. as baashi said these blood suckers will work it out all their differences and destroy iraq, to rebuild it and place their puppetry in baghdad. -
looooool@ og_mot, haaruun and nuune. waraa og, soonka xitaa sharadaa dheelee haye , ma naxaysid ninyohow. well i was in grade five, and i remember going to masaajidka sheikh calisuufi for duhr prayer. sheikh cabdirashiid use to recite after salaat "ashhadau an laa ilaaha illalaah, istaqfuru llaah, nas alu kal janataa wanacuuthu bikaa minna naaar" . it was very touching in the rainy days of ramadan, you just feel you are about to enter to jannah. after that day i started fasting when i reached sixteen.
from shibis, to hawlwadaag, to caaso popolaire to madiino. wooow, that tells iam truly the original xamar dude. enough about the nostalgia, eventhough i miss qamiirkii baar kacaan, xalwo shariif, iyo baasta bariiladii baar walaalaha, i am not dwelling over the good old days. from sheikh madar to siidiin nuurxirsi to dhame yaasiin cartan to school siyaad to jamaal cabdinaasir, it was wicked wallaahi. geel laq to sugunto liido to abaay dhaxan to xalane to jaziiro wooooow. afrikada , buulo caraafiil dhinaceeda to geedka jacaylka madiino to dabakaayo madow , it painfull to wonder and go back to the days. i lost any cohosiveness in my thought when you guys reminded me of the past
barwaaqo, abaayo i don't know much about london, but here inthe usa ,where violence is the norm, the number of somalis assaulted and killed is way less than the numbers in london alone. i don't know, but onething iam sure is the pure blooded somalis fight to death,and can never be conquered. they should carry knives if thats what it takes to defend themselves. they should also get revenge. thanks god , inthe usa, you could buy any weapon (semi-automatic) with a police check and get a license to even carry it concealed. it's time the somalis in london go on the prawl and teach the stinking curry hindus a lesson that only somalis and chechniyans could teach. no wonder they called it the land of free and the home of the BRAVES.
As a nomad, like most of you , i have been wondering around going from one somali site to another, untill i stumbled upon this magnificent community. iam very proud of the love among my fellow bro and sis. i like this site,and iam sure i will almost be addicted to it. all the discusions i read have been scholarly and written with a high moral and ethical standard. love is contagious, and iam just contracted with it's symptoms from my people in here . lova ya all. from the heart of dixie,and the city that's dangerous ,yet beautifull. the only and one Atlanta.
very scholarly discusion. sophist, you are intriguing bro. people let the ideas roll, defently a healthy debate , unhindered by obstacles. freedom is the preruquisite to equality. and the idea of "philosophy of the median" should be practiced . meaning enough freedom to live with dignity, and enough equality under the law to earn a living. excess of either leads us astray.