Mufti of the Imams and Shu

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  1. I also wanted to add: I don't like preachers! Especially ones who try to answer the question of today with the answers of yesterday. So, I have to confess, I have not heard him or will ever hear him
  2. Is knowing what will happen enable us to face our demons more surefootedly? General answer is yes and no. Yes, because we have characters, ie, humans with personalities that excel well when they know the task infront of them. They prepare well for the future and ask Allah for assistance in facing the task ahead. Example: Students who study well in advance of their exams and on the day of the exam, read some ayat from the quran and Allah provides them sukoon. Side note: From a secularist perspective, that student/person is able to control their impulses and rely on their ability first which enables them to withstand the pressure of the exam others are having.Thus, they are able to excel or with regard your question, face their demons surefootedlu No, because there are other characters, ie, other humans who act differently when they know what is going to happen. Those characters crack under the pressure of what is going to happen and never really prepare for what is happening or going to happen. Example: I believe you can find many examples of such characters. On a side note: From asecular perspective, these people have chemical imbalances in their brain which inhibits them from having perspective and steadfastness for what is going to happen. And such, they cannot not excel even if they know what lies ahead Is knowing what will happen make the death and killings easier to deal with? Most certainly not when it comes to killing! Put it this way, unless one has killed someone, they can never know how to deal with it. This is also confounded by the number of ways people deal with killing. Just try watching the History channel and listen to how the soldiers describe how they killed human beings. Some cry, some stop speaking for a while and some just talk about it as if they were reading a book. As for death, humans also have various ways of dealing with the death. I only know of two circumstance when humans can deal easily with death. One is when they are not attached to the person and two is when they are far from away from the palace the person was deceased. Finally is knowing what the future holds propel one to self fulfill it? It depends on what type of person you are! Are you the former or the latter personality I described above? Rherotical question, answer not need .If you are the former, then yes. If you are the latter, then no. On a side note: Even if one is the former, there is no saying that the Almighty will not throw those dice and change the playing ground before you can grasp it.