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History: when the USC fell out of love with Ethiopia...1999
erselam replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
That is all I needed. I wanted to have everyone see you naked. You are half stripped. I will leave you here for today. Get dressed A/Yusuf. You are weak and dependent. Learn to stand on your own feet. I will meet you tomorrow the same place or may be Awash -
See. You have to escape the issues at hand and run away to unrelated topics. You are a weak Tigree-Somali unlike the brave ones I know closely.
Duke you are exposed in front of your country men. You stand for Ethiopia's interest not Somali's. You are a soldout Somali.
History: when the USC fell out of love with Ethiopia...1999
erselam replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Eritrea wants to see a stronger Somalia for many known reasons. Somalia's strength is what Eritrea wants. TO the contrary Ethiopia is after a weak and stateless Somalia. Duke Eritrea gains nothing out of Somalia's weakness. Mentally raped criples can not understand this truth. Thanks to Allah your type is a minority in Somalia. Ever since the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) uprooted many of the Ethiopian funded warlords whose sole existence was for the destruction and the maintenance of chaos and lawlessness in Somalia, not a single day passes without hearing from the head of the Ethiopian autocracy. The self-anointed spokesman of the Somali Transitional Federal Government, TFG, Mr. Meles Zenawi, appears to contradict himself repeatedly while attempting to paint the UIC as an 'Alqaeda' affiliate without providing a single shred of evidence. One day Mr. Zenawi is heard denying the widely reported sighting and presence of Ethiopian troops in many parts of Somalia especially in Baidoba, the home of the TFG. The next day he is said to have acknowledged the presence of 'armed Ethiopian trainers' in parts of the Somali republic. Finally he has accepted the futility in his denials about the presence of Tigrian troops in Somalia by admitting that he is 'technically' at war with UIC in other words he is arguing that the end justifies the means. To Zenawi's hallucinating mind, being 'technically at war' with UIC justifies the illegal deployment of thousands of Ethiopian troops deep inside Somalia. The stories about 'Alqaeda', about 'foreign fighters' and 'Jihadists' being part of the UIC are ones made up by Zenawi to further his own interest of garnering both moral and military support from the world community in the name of fighting 'terror'. Zenawi is also employing scarecrow tactics to convince the US to get funding for his myriad militias who have not been paid for months. Further as discussed in detail in many of our earlier editorials, Zenawi is exploiting the Somali situation to stir up Ethiopian nationalist sentiments in order to lull his own people from realizing the abject failure of Zenawi's military escapades in ******, and in Eritrea for example. There is no basis for Zenawi's tattletales about Somalia and the UIC. The objective of the renewed publicity stunts employed by the head of the autocracy in Addis Ababa through public releases and open invitations for interview is to discourage the TFG from attending the Khartoum conference slated for the end of this month. The intention is to create a poisonous environment that does not allow both the TFG and the UIC to make the necessary concessions required to resolve the Somali situation. The world community especially the United States should neither authorize nor fund Ethiopia's military adventure in Somalia. The Somalis should be encouraged to resolve their differences. Zenawi should be reminded that he is not the prime minister of Somalia but that of a failed state called Ethiopia. If Zenawi has the means to resolve a military crisis or a political situation he should resolve the long standing ****** issue instead of engaging in tattletales about Somalia. Taken from ******.com -
and http://youtube.com/watch?v=5zmFRrw4UGI This is the fate of A/Yusuf and Ethiopia. You will be sent to Awash soon.
History: when the USC fell out of love with Ethiopia...1999
erselam replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
It is good that you are making youself clear. Don't be a cripple. What I am telling you is to stand on your own and stop bragging that you have Ethiopia on your side. Ethiopia has never wanted to see a Somalia that can stand on its own feet. It has frustrated a number of peace inniatives and attempted to buy peace within at the cost of Somalia. Millions of Somalis are aware of this naked truth. And they are working to build a strong and unified Somalia. You are a mentally raped person with a Xabashi mind. Be proud of yourself like the rest of Somalis. Stop bragging about your "big" uncle, Ethiopia. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^My conlusion is simple the hate for Ethiopia and love for Eritria was never about religion. It was about the support Adis gave to the RRA and the fact that the RRA defeated the unbeatable USC. The clan courts = USC, their hate for Ethiopia is in defence of the illgoten gains of lower shabbele and Banadir. Thats my conclusion. -
History: when the USC fell out of love with Ethiopia...1999
erselam replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
What is your conclusion? That "Ethiopia will fight for me?" Be a Somali with balls man. Have confidence on yourself. Don;t be a pest like A/Yusuf. -
You are Ethiopian
Xabashi, They want lower scale confrontation? get out of here! What they need is peace and prosperity. With neighbors such as you it becomes a must to pay the price to attain that goal. 16 years of suffering and foreign involvelemt in SOmali affairs is enough Saxib. They have suffered enough. You meddled in their affairs for so long. Their peace efforts were frustrated time and again because of repeated conspiracies from Addis. Your treatment to the Somalis under your immediate occupation is another evidence. The moment you saw a blooming flower in Mogadish you dived right in to Somalia to kill the plant. Not any more. They deserve peace. Originally posted by Xaabashi: Erselam, This people want a low scale confrontation, similar to the one in Bur Hakaba, that involves the death of few people here and there. Nothing close to what you want. Lastly, you said that I am " soon gonna pee on my pants". My response to you is " I rather pee on my pants" than encourage people to kill each other. later Originally posted by erselam: Let's start with you Duke. Which part of Ethiopia/Xabashi are you from? And how did you learn Somali? You believe in military hardware. Although that plays a part it is always popular support and ones objective that matters most. Fortunately A/Yusuf is not endowed with these two major inputs. That is why it took him two full years to step out of his comfort zone. http://www.aminarts.com/images/OCT_22_06.swf He is http://www.aminarts.com/images/SEP_6_2006.swf
Let's start with you Duke. Which part of Ethiopia/Xabashi are you from? And how did you learn Somali? You believe in military hardware. Although that plays a part it is always popular support and ones objective that matters most. Fortunately A/Yusuf is not endowed with these two major inputs. That is why it took him two full years to step out of his comfort zone. http://www.aminarts.com/images/OCT_22_06.swf He is http://www.aminarts.com/images/SEP_6_2006.swf
To Caamir. If you are Duke, I don't think you will digest whatever I tell. http://www.aminarts.com/pages/oct_10_06.htm SOMALIA: ISLAMIST TROOPS REPORTED NEARING BAIDOA Mogadishu, 24 Oct. (AKI) - Soldiers of from the Union of Islamic Courts(UIC) are reported to have advanced to just 18 kilometres from the southern Somali city of Baidoa, the seat of the fragile interim government. According to a correspondent for the al-Jazeera television network in the area, the militias were moving towards the city. A spokesman for the UIC was quoted by a pan Arab daily on Monday saying that an attack on Baidoa was imminent. On Monday the Islamist militias took control of the city of Bur Hakaba, 60 kilometres from Baidoa, after government troops suddenly pulled out late Sunday. "We will pursue them everywhere and we will conquer the whole country without any resistance" Omar Iman, UIC number two, said. Some Somali observers, quoted by al-Jazeera, suggest that the interim government may be seeking to encourage the Islamist militias to advance Baidoa where, with their political capital under threat, they could feel legitimised in calling for the intervention of neighbouring countries. Ethiopian soldiers are said to have helped the Somali government troops, though the interim government has repeatedly denied its has any Ethiopian troops on its side. The Ethiopian government also denies its troops are present in Somalia, but diplomatic sources quoted by BBC estimate that 6,000-8,000 Ethiopians are now inside Somalia, bolstering the government's faltering control. Some 2,000 fully equipped Eritrean soldiers are also involved in the current conflict in Somalia, ranged on the side of the UIC, according to analysts. Both sides in the Somali struggle for power are reported to have major outside backers: Ethiopia, Uganda and Yemen supporting the interim government; and Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Gulf States aiding the UIC. Somalia has been in the grip of warlords and militias for years and has been without an effective national government since 1991 when military dictator Siad Barre was ousted. Originally posted by erselam: You are a deadmeat Xaabashi. You will soon pee in your pants. http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=007023 Watch this. You will have the same fate in Somalia too. There is no stopping until you stop messing the life of your neighbors, Somalia and Eritrea inclused. and http://youtube.com/watch?v=5zmFRrw4UGI http://english.people.com.cn/200610/25/eng20061025_314881.html Islamists claim capture of Ethiopian officer in Somalia Somalia's Islamic courts claimed Tuesday they had captured an Ethiopian officer after heavy fighting against pro-government militia in which more than 50 were killed, according to reports Tuesday.
You are a deadmeat Xaabashi. You will soon pee in your pants. http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=007023 Watch this. You will have the same fate in Somalia too. There is no stopping until you stop messing the life of your neighbors, Somalia and Eritrea inclused. and http://youtube.com/watch?v=5zmFRrw4UGI http://english.people.com.cn/200610/25/eng20061025_314881.html Islamists claim capture of Ethiopian officer in Somalia Somalia's Islamic courts claimed Tuesday they had captured an Ethiopian officer after heavy fighting against pro-government militia in which more than 50 were killed, according to reports Tuesday.
Be a man Allamagan. You are almost up to pee in your pants. Be like those brave Somalis who are resisting Ethiopian occupation, Baidhabo puppetry, and American infiltration. You are ********* Originally posted by Allamagan: ^^ Ma arkinoo! quote: Originally posted by Caamir: Duke, Waxan la yaabanahey maxaa dadka dagaal aysan diyaar u aheyn loogu wadaa. It is the courts that declared war on Ethiopia for crossing the border and publicly, like demogagues do, incited its citizens to take arms against the "unpopular minority rule" in Ethiopia. Adeer waa waxaanu ka hadlaynay marwalba. I believe the whole this Amxaari thing is something normally preventable but unfortunately, they UIC are inviting amxaaro to Somalia instead. Bunch of macallin dugsi who really need to take a crash course in politics before anything else! ________________ You've been warned before to stop the name-calling. [ October 25, 2006, 00:41: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
A simple fact that expresses the repression against Oromo is the fact that they represent 60% of Ethiopia's population but are denied of Economic and Political power. The oppression has been in place for the last 100 some years. Vitory to the oppressed. Originally posted by ThePoint: quote:Originally posted by Red Sea: Dude why are confusing yourself.How might you be free if you don't fight for it,you must die or work for anything to be accomplished? these people are reluctant to suceed,but they can't reach success if they are oppressed denied their rights to be successful.That is the current regime in Ethiopia's,they must be dealt with,then all good can come after. I'm not confused. Nor would I confuse myself. You might become free if your captor chooses to set you free - as in slavery in the early Muslim period. Or more recently like France giving Djibouti independance with little fighting. Now to your second paragraph. Now THAT is really confusing. The ppl in Somali Galbeed are reluctant to succeed yet they can't succeed because of occupation??? If they are reluctant to succeed then it doesn't matter whether they're free or not. Your other point is that when they become free then goodness will start to pour forth. Because they are so shackled and brutalized now and can't do anything good? I think not. Let's face it the average Amhara is almost as poorly off as the average Somali or Oromo. There is no particular brutal oppression directed at Somalis or Oromos as far as I know. Thus, these ppl could get going on proper governance. Originally posted by Red Sea: "the former is ALWAYS better than later". That is just cheap statement which doesn't have much evidence to its existance.If that were the case,what makes Germany and Japan rank #2 and #3 in the world in economic power.If we were to apply that statement to this situation,Hitler and the Japan's emperor would have been better for their respective people right? Once again you have me confused. What point are you making here in regard to what I said before. Germany and Japan attacked other soveriegn countries and then were attacked back and defeated. Then there was an occupation and then the occupiers left after a period of time. Where the occupation is relatively benign as in Somali Galbeed or Native lands in North America - the occupied people must act to improve their lot and not wait for the occupation to end before attempting to improve their lot. That is really backward. And that is the point I was making with my quote. Ansar Al oromi is right on this,and The Point knows little to really understand the situation. Do tell me what you have to offer on the basis of your self proclaimed superior knowledge.
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