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Everything posted by Iffah
I'm sorry to say it, but that's one the weirdest riddles I've ever heard. & I won't even ask for anyone to try make some sense of it for me .... Lefty...I quit! Although I'm still convinced you, Ogi & Sweety have it all wrong.
Hey guys, This was emailed to me recently & not wanting to be greedy, I came to share it with you all I'm sure you can relate to at least one of the following... 25 WAYS TO TELL THAT THE SEMESTER IS DRAGGIN' ON TOO LONG ... 1- Shaving becomes more and more optional by the day. 2-You get more sleep in class than you do in your bed. 3- You can no longer distinguish your bank balance from your GPA. 4-You actually think, "If I were diagnosed with Pneumonia, I could get a doctor's note excusing me from finals!" 5-You can't say the word "Lab" without qualifying it with some kind of profanity. 6-You spend more time calculating the lowest possible mark you can afford to get on your final exam than you spend studying for it. 7-You only wash dirty dishes when they outweigh you. 8-The tomatoes in your fridge have become sentiment. 9-The first thought you have when you wake up is "20 more hours and I can go back to sleep!" 10-MasterCard is now master over you! 11-You forget to pay rent, hydro and phone bills. But you'll do anything to ensure cable isn't disconnected. 12-Your concept of cleaning the toilet is "Aim for the stain"! 13-Those "Train At Home For A Better Career" commercials seem like a viable alternative to your course of study. 14-Being a stand up Comedian seems like a viable alternative to your course of study. 15-Being a Professional wrestler seems like a viable alternative to your course of study. 16-Even though your IQ exceeds your body weight you can't remember what you did yesterday. 17-"Tearing your hair out" used to be a figure of speech. 18-Just about anything constitutes a healthy meal provided that you drink it with milk. 19-You are briefly convinced that your inability to get dates is actually a blessing because you don't have time for it. 20- 3 meals in one day is special occasion. 21-You memorize acronyms you learned in class and use them regularly, but have no idea what they mean. 22-You can't remember a concept you learned last semester, but you can quote word-for-word an episode of the Simpsons you saw two years ago. 23-"Catching the news" means watching Sportsdesk while eating breakfast. 24-The only thing that keeps you from causing your roommate serious physical harm is the fact that the Hydro is in his name. 25-Lists like this actually describe your life.
Ameenah & Mango ...Thanks sweeties & Ameenah...I'm content with that. You know it's much better than what I got from my lil sis today....21 punches. Ouch! Jamal...better late than never, right? Salaams.
Originally posted by finestsista2005: all ii see is a sista who has never got a boy to talk to her, while she sits her ass down eating too much food..i think jenny craig is calling FineSis...You just contracdicted yourself by writing this statement. I'm thinking you, yourself should not be making false assumptions, while you're telling others not to do the same to you. :rolleyes:
I love you, you love me, we'r a happy family.....continue Mango..you know this confusion would be avoided if you stayed with your former nick.
Hmmmm...nice list. Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice?" I liked this one. I had it as a Sig for a while.
Hey Sectioner...Guess what? Tomorrow is a new year for me too.. Hmm, I have to make some new year's resolutions now (thinking). I might borrow some from your list as well. HAPPY BDAY!!!...& I hope you achieve all your goals this year.
LooooL! Nova... Allah ba'ayaay..Naa gabdha maxaa kaas ugu qalqaalineysaa? That guy can't even talk, let alone do the walk I say we stick to our girls only gathering...No guys allowed. I wanna catch up on all the gossip that I've missed. Canbaro_Luul needs to fill me in
LoooL! Good one Mango. Scorpion..hehe. I'm sure it was
Hahaha!... Bax waraa. I'm sure that's not it.
Lefty How? :confused:
L-Ludacris next...S
CurlySue, LOL....I'm having a hard time following your brit slang(?) Anyways..I suggest you get your beauty sleep. We all know how horrible you'd look if you don't get your 8hrs. Meanwhile, we'll enjoy our movies. I'll bring the Pizza. Who will bring the pop and the ice cream?
Grey ...muah muah! You gave the reasons as to why we need a woman mod. already. I'm just giving my nomations...and I think those are pretty good reasons, why they'd be good candidates.
Good idea Gey!! I vote for: 1)Grey- since it was your great idea! 2)Tamina- very bright sister, plus she's the only sis that's very active in the Islam section. 3)Ameenah-wise one & she can put the guys in their place 4)Mango-Sweet & plays fair 5)Canbaro-Luul- fits the qualifications...plus we can use a laid back woman mod.
Mango,you're also very observant Scorpion. yeah, you are so busted! I don't think Mango was a member there (?)...but she was probably roaming around as a guest. Btw, scor....she has gone through some name change (hint hint )
Shujui..lol. Come out with it nooh. I love all of you too much (umm, im serious :rolleyes: ) So I won't trade anyone for anything. I'll just steal from the greedy folks who would rather trade us for ice cream and makeup.
Mango, I know eh. Aww...Shyhem has a soft spot for kids :eek: Magnoona...hehe. I finally figured out who Scorpion is. Keen aan dhagta kuugu sheegee. ScorP...that pic (Indian guy) was the give away (and I had a hunch all along that you were ....)
Very nice! Thanks for posting that BallerZ...it's much appreciated
Do you know lyrics to the Macarena? - Wai Yu Sing Dum Song?
Ha Ha! I thought a line like that was coming
Originally posted by OG_Moti: what is next ban you from posting or remove women's forum at all. Lol..Mot. That's impossible! You know this place would be dead without the presence of your lovely sisters. hmm..I wonder what you guys would do if we (ladies) refrained from posting for even a week...!
Xafsa, My latest form of exercise is walking to school. 10 minutes of speed walking (so I can make it to class on time)...Normally I'd take the streetcar, but there is construction going on.