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Everything posted by Iffah

  1. Legend ...It's a bad habit I'm trying to get rid off. Lakkad..lol@boink. I don't recall seeing the commercial...you watch too much tv ma is tiri? illmatic...welcome back! It's good to see you again. Ok, now here's my list: FreakyKitten + Psycho_Sue (I'm beginning to think they're the same person) QaxootiMami + HarmonyAngel Lakkad + MMA (when you write in Somali) Tamina + Nafisa(it's the way they write) Clown + Shyhem (don't know why..) Ameenah + Barwaaqo (Must be the Brit thing as Lk said) Baashi + Khayr Buubto + Baydan + Barwaaqo (it's the Bs) Princess_sexy + SimpleWoman (similar writing..or so I think) Sophist + Farah That's all I can think of now...but there are many Nomads who seem alike to me...whether it's their names or the way they write.
  2. Originally posted by Lakkad: Ilhaan + Tamina (this 2 sisters Are just like twinns in my eyes) Lakk: Aww..thanks for the compliment. Tam is a great person!...she's one of the people I look upto in this site Will make my list later...gotta run Salaams!
  3. Glad you enjoyed it sisters. Rayaana...I know what you mean sis. May Allah show them beauty of Islam and make it easier for them to observe the hijaab. Like Tamina, I do sometimes take it for granted how easy wearing the hijab is for me...(also started young...alhamdulillah). But we should try to be understanding towards the sisters who find it difficult to maintain their hijaab...if we had not begun wearing the hijaab at a young age, we might be in the same predicament. Alhamdulillah..my younger sisters are also wearing hijaab...the youngest one is 4 and she will not go out without her cute little hijab. She imitates the 7 and 9 year old sisters, who in turn imitate their 2 older sisters (me and my teenaged sis). Insha allah it will be easy for them to continue wearing their hijaab as a result of being introduced to it at an early age.
  4. MuslimSis Jizakallahu khairan sis. Ameenah & Rahiima ...great advertising! Maybe we should use those as mottos for the Islamic forum..lol hmmm...let me think of one.. Seek Knowledge...explore Islam! (...was never very creative) ..You know where I'm headed Salaams!
  5. Salaams.. Thought it would be good idea to revive this topic, since we have more sisters participating in this section of the forum now. Please share your stories and experiences of wearing the hijaab with us...so that we can inspire and encourage each other insha allah.
  6. Originally posted by Sweet_Muna: For Somali women, if you were a big hijab, you are automatically a good, religious person. On the other hand, if one wears jeans then she is considered wild. That's not all true. There are some people who assume that a sister who covers is uneducated, reer baadiyo, maskiin (because she's being forced to cover)...the list goes on. And sadly enough, these are Somali muslims who think this way. And they think those that uncover are the reer magaal, the strong women, oo ilbaxay. What Opinionated is right when she says you can never please Somalis....you'll always be judged no matter how you dress. Ilaahay talo saaro abaayo...aim to please the Almighty not mere human beings.
  7. Looooool! OGMOTI...waraa maxaa saas noogu galaysaa? God....they even included what I wrote 7. you hang out in any or all of these spotz: Wagad, Hamdi, Afgooye, Karur, Country Style at Dixon, Sheridan Mall or the McDonald's at Falstaff, Jane & Finch, Duncanwood, Weston & 401, Macmacnka Hamar Weyne, Benadir, Somali Hall of Fame, Iftin, any of the Dixon Buildingz, Emmett Buildingz, Driftwood, John Garland, Eastmall or Westmall, Yorkdale or Eaton Centre, the Base Night Club, and off course Five Star Banquet Hall (you know where y'all hang out) ^^ Lool! Allah...Torontonians embarrassed us! ps...what is this about? Bisinka.. "4. u wash the dishes wit socks if we dont find sponges" ....THEY CAN'T BE SERIOUS!
  8. It looks like I'm on a posting spree today...but I was browsing Islamic sites and I came upon some intersting articles which I couldn't help but share with you guys. I received this article by e-mail, and I thought it truly inspiring so instead of deleting it, I will post it here, for my sisters, and for myself (to dig it up whenever I need a little inspirition) The Blessings of Hijab By Dina Abd Elaty This is my own story, that how Hijab helped me to become a better Muslim. The Hijab, which gave me real Muslim Identity in public and opportunities to Dawah. When I decided to wear the hijab I eased into it. First, I told my family members about what I intended to do. Next, I told my close friends many of them are Christian. Although my friends at college are very sweet and caring, but naturally, I had to explain to them why I would be wearing the hijab. Unfortunately, the first myth I had to disspell was that no, I was not going to become a terrorist. The next misconception my friends were worried about was that I would be locked away in my house, where I would live a life of submission to any male figure in the house. I assured them that I would carry on my life as normal except that I would be more covered up. Although I consider my friends to be educated, I was not surprised to hear such questions from them. People's beliefs are limited by what they are exposed to, and by what they expose themselves to. The media, that saturates their lives, also portray Muslims in such a negative light. I found, however, that once I began explaining to them the fundamentals of Islam, and how Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) ordained women to cover themselves, my friends were very openminded, curious, and accepting. I relayed to them what had been taught to me, that the hijab provides women with protection, respect, and security. I was able to discuss Islam to an eager audience who previously had been misinformed by the media and even by university classes. The opportunity to Dawah, due to hijab was the first hidden blessing of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala). When people recognize you immediately as a Muslim, you are able to spread the word of Islam, or perform da'wa, by what you say to them, as well as how you act. When I first began wearing the hijab, I can't lie, I was somewhat nervous about greeting the world, yet very excited that Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) had given me the strength to do the right thing. I walked on campus not knowing what to expect and honestly, nothing out of the ordinary did happen. At least, not at first. It is not so much that I noticed a difference in other people, but I began noticing a difference in myself. The blessings of hijab manifested myself in a way, I had not expected. Somehow, by wearing the hijab, it reminded me that when it is time for prayer, I should not wait. When I am upset, I should not yell or get angry at someone. When I eat, I should remember to pronounce Bismillah before the meal and not throw away, what I can not eat. When I am happy, I should thank Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) for his bounties, and when I am frustrated, I should seek His guidance and refuge. When I am about to speak ill of someone, I should hold my tongue. In short, wearing the hijab provided all of the benefits, I explained to my inquisitive friends, but in Allah's wisdom, it provided something so much more. The hijab became a constant reminder not only to the world, but to myself as well, that I am a Muslim, and that Islam is not only prayer and rituals, but a way of life. By placing a covering over my head, with Allah's help, I felt I was slowly removing the one over my eyes.
  9. I've been frightened enough in this forum ....so can someone tell me what's this about?
  10. Ameenah ...jizak allahu khairan sis. May Allah reward you greatly. Reading those stories brought tears to my eyes. I find the more I learn about islam and reach out to Allah .. the more trivial this wordly life seems. Hope Allah helps us all. So true! That's exactly how I feel..especially as of late. Ya Allah! turner of all hearts, turn our hearts to your obedience..amiin.
  11. In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. The Existence of Allah Abdul Wahid Hamid Once, a Bedouin was asked what made an unsophisticated man like him believe in Allah. Bedouin: "Do you see these marks in the sand?" Man: "Yes." Bedouin: "What do they tell you?" Man: "A camel went by." Bedouin: "Did you see the camel?" Man: "No, but these footprints in the sand suggest that a camel made them." Bedouin: "Do you see these mountains?" Man: "Yes." Bedouin: "They are indicative to me that Allah made them." ----------------------------------------------------- Once Khalifa Haroon Rasheed asked Imam Malik: "What is the evidence (daleel) pointing to the existence of Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala)?" Imam Malik replied: "Difference in languages, difference in pitches of voice, difference in singing are proof that Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) exists!" ----------------------------------------------------- The same question was asked, by an atheist, of Imam Abu Hanifa and he replied, "Forget it! At the moment, I am busy thinking about this ship. People tell me there is a big ship, it contains different goods on board. There is no one to steer it, no one maintaining it. Yet, this ship keeps going back and forth; it even traverses big waves on the oceans; it stops at the locations that it is supposed to stop at; it continues in the direction that it is supposed to head. This ship has no captain and no one planning its trips. The atheist who posed the question interrupted and exclaimed, "What kind of strange and silly thought is this? How can any intelligent person think that some thing like this can occur?" Imam Abu Hanifa said, "I feel sorry about your state! You cannot imagine one ship running without some one looking after its affairs. Yet you think that for this whole world, which runs exactly and precisely, there is no one who looks after it, and no one owns it." Hearing the reply, the atheist was left speechless but he found out more about Haqq (The Truth) and proclaimed Islam. ------------------------------------------------- Imam Shafi`i replied to the question in the following way, "The leaves of Toot (berries) are all but one. Each leaf tastes exactly the same. Insects, honey bees, cows, goats, and deer live off of it. After eating these the insects produce silk; bees produce honey; deer give musk (a special kind of scent), cows and goats deliver off-springs. Is this not clear evidence that one kind of leaf has so many qualities, and who created these qualities? It is the Khaliq (Creator) who we call Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) Who is the Inventor and the Creator." --------------------------------------------------- Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal reflected on the question in the following way. He said, "There is an incredibly strong fort, it has no doors, there is no way to get in. In fact, there is not even a hole in it. From outside it glows like the moon and from inside it shimmers like gold. It is sealed from all sides, matter of fact it is air tight. Suddenly one of its doors breaks down, a living thing with eyes and ears, a beautiful looking animal appears yelling and wandering all over. So is not there a creator who made it possible for life to take place in this secured and closed fort? And is not this Creator better than humans? This Creator has no limit." Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal was referring to an egg which is closed from all sides but Allah (subhanahu wa ta`ala) The Khaliq (Creator) puts life in it and a chick pops out.
  12. Don't Die Without Her In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful. Have you heard about the love story Between the Muslim man and HER? She accompanied him all the way to Glory; Many ups and downs, yet they were together. His life for her was an easy and desired sacrifice. She was so invaluable, she had no price. For him she was the greatest of God-sent gifts. In gratefulness he daily prays and his hands he lifts. Many have tried to steal her and snatch her from him. Yet he managed with much pain to save her for all for him. Often, when he faults, she rebukes him for not being faithful, For deserving to be punished, just to make him more mindful. Have you heard about the love story Between the Muslim man and HER? She accompanied him all the way to Glory; At times happy at times sad, yet they were together. Finally, Death knocked at his door, asking for his departure >From this ephemeral world, bound to an eternal adventure. Towards the dark and fearful grave he had to transit at once. Far from this world and all he had, far from his dear ones. O my respected father, may I request your company, To guide and reassure me on such a difficult journey? To construct your world my son, I have toiled night and day, My mission stops here, you have now to go your own way! O loving and caring mother, will you come with me? How can you let me go away alone, won't you miss me? Son, I gave you birth, and for you dedicated my life, pain after pain, I wish to come with you, if only I could, but I fear it will be in vain! Through ups and downs you have been my partner, O faithful wife. Won't you be faithful another time, and come along, down to that other life? That is but the unshakable course of destiny, O my beloved husband, My responsibility is not yet withdrawn, I have yet other things at hand! O my wealth, I amassed you for a whole life, day after day, piece by piece. Come with me dear down there, and buy me some precious peace. Are you foolish enough, O man, to trust me? Don't you see how I lead astray? Farewell from far! I have other hearts to conquer and still others to betray! Sons, relatives, friends, to all he turned, and their company he did request, None could accompany the poor man, even if in convincing them he tried his best. Wait!!! There is one here who willingly came with him, as faithful as ever, It was HER, smiling and comforting him, saying she will save him forever. Have you heard about the love story Between the Muslim man and HER? She accompanied him all the way to Glory; Even after his death, they were together. She brought along with her in the tomb lots of presents, Useful and strong weapons against the grave's torments. But for his sins he had to pay; many of his duties he had neglected in mirth. He finally had to burn in hellfire, for God's wrath he had attired on earth. Humiliated and distressed, he was thrown in blazing fire. For years immemorial he had flames as abode, and God's ire. And guess whom he had as company? It was still HER! "Why are you here?", he asked. I don't find this place for you proper. How can I leave you alone and distressed, O faithful Muslim, When you never left my company, even when life was dim? For me you struggled night and day, be it against yourself. You got hurt and wounded, just to kill of yours that evil self. I have been the bridge between you and your Lord, And a means to offer for His sake all you can afford. If I leave you here, while hell will forever chastise, Then who will make you taste the bliss of paradise? The man was finally graced and purified for eternity Only because he was in such an auspicious company. He was blessed by the satisfaction of the Most Clement; And forever he lived in paradise, in unimaginable merriment. Have you heard about the love story Between the Muslim man and HER? She accompanied him all the way to Glory; He went to paradise only because they were together. SHE is the only means to paradise, so look for her charms. Keep her company always, and make sure you die in her arms. You ask who she is, and where you can find HER? 'Eemaan' she is called, FAITH. Don't die without HER! -Unknown Read it again...
  13. Intuition...this is a great idea. We will greatly benefit from this insha allah. So let's continue. THIS WEEK'S HADITH.... On the authority of Abu Harayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Prophet (PBUH) said: Allah the Almighty said: I am as My servant thinks I am (1). I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assemble better than it. And if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed. (1) Another possible rendering of the Arabic is: "I am as My servant expects Me to be". The meaning is that forgiveness and acceptance of repentance by the Almighty is subject to His servant truly believing that He is forgiving and merciful. However, not to accompany such belief with right action would be to mock the Almighty. It was related by al-Buhkari (also by Muslim, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn-Majah).
  14. Originally posted by Mobb_Deep: Don't ya all think you are corrupting young nomads who have never had this kind of culture namean? We are different, whether it is haram or halaal, let us not practice this degrading, nasty thing. Ab iyo Awoow umaan lihi waxan ... Dhaqana uma lihin. Remember, how the Prophet (PBUH) said he would prefer not to eat ABEESO because it is not something in his DHAQAN, even though it was not XARAAM to eat Abeeso namean? Respect your culture atleast. Have some self-esteem also. To perform that for anybody is just very low regardless of marriage. If your partner cares about ya enough, they would never ask for it. Just remember that. Also, if it not part of the SUNNAH, why are we trying to make case for this? Weird. Well said MD! You've covered everything.
  15. OGmoti..I was looking forward to reading a heart warming story...aah too bad dheh. Batuulo...very cute mouse(?) or Monkey(?) ..whatever it is.
  16. Lucky...I know eh. Muslim sis..jizakallah khairan sis. That's was very informative.
  17. Iffah

    His Words...

    Salaams...This is one of my favourite poems... I hope you enjoy it too. In the Name of Allah begin every action Obey, serve and worship Allah with devotion Offer Salaah with humility an attention, Read the Qur'an with understanding and comprehension. Strive in Allah's way with Qur'anic inspiration Let Allah's pleasure be our only aspiration And success in the Hereafter, Be our sole ambition. Memorize Qur'anic quotations Engage in Dhikr and Soul-Purification Do Da'wah with wisdom, Beautiful preaching and graceful persuasion. There is no time now to relax That we may Inshallah do in Paradise perhaps Now be more concerned with earning Sawaab, And maintain all norms of Hijaab. In Religion there is no compulsion At stake is your own Salvation For the Truth stands out from error, Make sure you do not regret later. On the basis of color, wealth, or region Let there be no distinction In the Muslim Ummah let there be no division, In the Qur'an will you find such injunctions. Let us be One Strong United Brotherhood Concerned about each others' welfare and good Offering the needy and orphans food, Over losses do not brood. We follow the ways of beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Allah's Last and Final Messenger The Most Sublime of all humans The Most Exalted in Character. We follow his Sunnah and Guidance And do not cause on earth mischief or nuisance Islam is a Religion of Peace It's Attraction and Glory will never cease. Do adopt the Islamic Way of Life Be faithful to your husband or wife In writing put all your contracts and agreements Honor and keep all your promises and commitments. Life after death is a certainty Do not treat this life with laxity Do not indulge in frivolous gaiety And shun all obscenity and vulgarity. Islam recommends virtues Such as Honesty, Chastity and Charity Do good deeds with sincerity Almighty Willing you may attain eternal felicity. On usury and interest there is prohibition On trade there is blessing and divine sanction Be honest and fair, In every transaction. Islam is here to reign supreme However much the mushriks may scheme This is neither utopia nor dream, Righteous Muslims will emerge as the Victorious Team. Allah's Oneness to all we proclaim We seek neither wealth nor any fame Allah's Pleasure is our only aim Glorified be His Name, May He save us from deeds of shame And from hell's fire and flame. Aameen! Ya arhamar raahimeen. ---Unknown The Modern Religion
  18. Gmoney..hehehe. I guess you were wrong eh. Yeah...Butterscotch is delicious!! That's gotta be my fav..along with Vanilla (only).
  19. Gmoney..hehehe. I guess you were wrong eh. Yeah...Butterscotch is delicious!! That's gotta be my fav..along with Vanilla (only).
  20. Gmoney..hehehe. I guess you were wrong eh. Yeah...Butterscotch is delicious!! That's gotta be my fav..along with Vanilla (only).
  21. Gmoney..hehehe. I guess you were wrong eh. Yeah...Butterscotch is delicious!! That's gotta be my fav..along with Vanilla (only).
  22. My My My...We got talented Nomads in here. Maasha Allah...keep up the good work guys & girls. InstinctPoet...I have tried to express myself through Poetry...It didn't work! So I'll just stick to being on the sidelines... rooting for you guys.
  23. Loool...aah..dear moms. There are sooo many phrases my mom likes to use...but this is the only one that comes to mind now (maybe 'coz she just said it to me few mins ago)... Naa xagee ku maqneed balaayo kula wareegtee...when me or my sis are late...works for the brothers too Originally posted by xafsa: Naa ninkii luguu geeyo shan caruur ah waa kaa dhali karaa.....when she thinks i'm acting childish. ...Lol...Oh yeah! This is one of my mom's fave lines too. I think all somali mothers use this line..
  24. Hey..that's a good idea Mobbdeep....He sure got my vote. Gotta run.. Jaaw!
  25. Iffah

    Bar monkey

    Loooool!... ...I guess he learned his lesson the hard way. Lool. Hooyo thinks I've gone nuts here. No more of your jokes UD....for the next 5 mins anyway