Avowedly - Agnostic

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Everything posted by Avowedly - Agnostic

  1. Many in the Global Muslim community today harbour deep-seated ill feelings toward Jews. Muslims feel that their sentiments of anti-semitism and animosity toward the Jewish community are justified because of the decade’s long aggression of the Zionist state of Israel against the Palestinian people whom they perceive as their brethren in Islam. The hatred of Jews within the Global Muslim community is manifest in the tirades of anti-Semitism that is often expressed in Mosques, cafes, and other places where Muslims congregate. What I wish to propose is that Muslims realise that it's not Jews collectively that are to blame for the plight of the Palestinians, but rather Zionists. Now one may ask what the difference between Jews and Zionism is; after all, aren't Zionists themselves Jewish? While it may be true that Zionists are Jews, it's incorrect to believe that all Jews are Zionists. Zionism is the idealogical movement which helped establish the state of Israel, but many Jews were against the establishment of a Jewish state on Palestinian soil (and still are) because they believed (and continue to believe) that a Jewish state cannot be created until the advent of the Messiah . Until such time they believe, Jews must remain living in exile as decreed by the Torah. They further believe that the establishment of the state of Israel goes contrary to the prophecy of the Bible in which the Messiah is the precondition to the creation of any Jewish state. Jews collectively are not blameworthy or responsible for the suffering and oppression of the Palestinian people. In fact many often sympathise with the plight of the Palestinians, and unreservedly condemn the occupation of their land by the Zionist state of Israel. One such organisation is Neturei Karta- an international anti-Zionist Jewish group fiercely opposed to the state of Israel based in New York, London, and other major cities in the world (See below). Muslims often wrongly deduct that because Zionists are Jewish, the fight against Zionism must therefore be fought against Jews collectively. What I seek to do in this thread is illustrate that not all Jews are Zionists, nor are they all supportive of the Zionist state of Israel. There are many Jews who are opposed to Zionism. So the struggle against Zionism must therefore be fought not against Jews , but rather alongside and with those Jews that are opposed to it such as those that belong to Neturei karta. http://www.nkusa.org/