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  1. Assalamu Alykum hows everyone doing. I Has anyone seen the news lately. Last night I was watching the news and I saw this guy hosting a show on fox iterviewing a Palestinian guy and a talk show host that supports israel. The guy kept cutting of the palestinian guy and everytime he said something he said i don't believe you. at the other end he agreed with the israeli guy in everytopic. This seems to be happening all the time now in the major news neetworks. It's as if they're yelling at the american people and telling uss what is right. I have to ask myself what is wrong with the American people when it comes comes to questioning the credibilty of the media. They know deep inside that it's jewish popaganda but they do nothing. They know it's one sided but they keep quiet. I thought. this was a country with free press. thats bull if you want to believe it. Every interview is edited and there's a jewish editor sitting in every news desk for cnn and all the other networks. They distort the info and cut of parts of the reports. There is no such thing as truth anymore in fox news and cnn. whatever you see is edited to keep the muslims looking bad and the israelis look like they're looking for peace. I hope someday the people of America are fed up with this media like me and someday see the light of truth. The funniest line if Fox News tittle saying "Fair and balanced news". Who ever believes in this bull needs help. I dont even wathc fox for anyreason other than comedy to see how they treat the news and kiss sharons ass. And George W needs to get stop kissing sharons ass to and show he's the leader of the strongest country in the world. But wait how powerfull is he really if sharon tells him what to do????? I'l holla aat ya'll later Assalamu ALaykum