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Everything posted by Cige

  1. MMA, Ma sahlanid! dhib weyna waa ku haystaa, Maxkamadihii waad ka soo hor jeedday Mujaahid Indhacadde waxaad dhihi jirtay Indho-madoobe, Hargeysa waad ka soo horjeeddaa Puntland waad ka soo horjeedaa federaalka waad ka soo horjeedaa Baarlammaanka iyo Baydhabo waxa fadhiya waad ka soo horjeedaa amxaarada waad ka soo hor jeedaa kenya waad ka soo horjeedaa , Uganda waad ka soo hor jeedaa :rolleyes: ugu dambayn cid kasta oo C/laahi Yuusuf ka soo horjeeda waad ka soo horjeedaa, marka dambe waxaan ka baqayaa inaad adigu iska soo hor jeesatid :eek:
  2. Sheekha is this (No Jihad) also applies SNM and in the South MUJAAHIDIIN or it's only fighting for retaking Las-Anod?
  3. I always respect ODAYAASHA iyo HABRAHA and all call it DHIIGSHIIL (WAAAAR Dhiigshiil baan kuu soo dhigay mna garaty, Dhiigshiil ka qaado HAYE dheh) since this is man's real name. and also don't forget most Somalis particullarly from NorthWest; if you're rich you're Xaaji, Dahab etc. and if you bakrupt sjheekadu waa Xaajiga SHARABAADADIISAA soo uray :mad:
  4. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: Lacnatullaahi Calayhim Wa Calaa Man Qaatala Fii Saffihim ... Unless they're SNM Mujaahidiin or somaliland Fighters
  5. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: Nasir Naji Ali a member of Ucid party had an interview with Khaleej times of the UAE and requested from the Arab nations to have a diplomatic office in Hargeisa. Dadku ma quustaan
  6. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: I'm glad democracy is in the making in LA .... a democracy that have never exercised before. :rolleyes:
  7. Originally posted by Mslm: Red Sea: Cige Red Sea= from Hargeysa, Somaliland... But still you haven't answered my question i.e Where were you?
  8. Originally posted by Mslm: Red Sea: quote:Originally posted by Dabshid: ^^you dont feel sorry for the innocent people get killed in LA? why, yartu xaasid sana! I detect hypocricy here. Tell mr. Dabshid though you weren't speaking to me. Where were your senses when Xamar was being run over by the XAbashi troops and you were cheering them on. Mr Red Sea, where were you in 1998 when Hageysa was burning and where were you 1n 1991 till recently when South of Somalia (including mogadsihu) was burning and thousands of innocents fled their homes while other thousands were killed and others were slaved?
  9. Originally posted by Mansa Munsa: Xaabsade is just a Xaabsade
  10. Please do not criticise us, we need some bargain with our neighbours particullarly this critic situation in order to prevent Xabashi support puntland to recapture Laaska. it's first came first served basis therefore, folks please go other threads and let our PR works
  11. Originally posted by BarigaSanaag: Xaabsade fought against the occupation from Puntland not his people. However the biggest hero is Cali Sandule of Sool So Xaabsaade is not hero therefore is traitor Originally posted by xiinfaniin: He is neither traitor nor hero. He’s a classic political opportunist. Political Opportunist at what Expense?
  12. Xaabsade: For some people is Traitor and should be punished for his treason by declaring war to his supposed people while others see him as saviour and Hero for his success (with support of his new ally Somaliland militia) to bring an end for 17 years Puntland rule in Sool. What do you Think?
  13. Saasaa la Rabaa, mar hore maxaa saas loo samayn waayay but as they say "Better Late Than Never"
  14. wasiirka Warfaafintu wax been ah ma sheegin, mise waxaa la leeyahay wax aan uurkkagaga ku jirin afkaaga ka dheh. Waxa uu sheegay waa runtiis hadalkuna waa cad yahay, nin iska hadlay oo marna PL marna SL la jira hadalkiisu wax kla soo qaad ma leh. Adkayso ku dhaha ninka hargeysa wasiirka ku aflagaadaynaya :cool:
  15. sister, I'm not talking Rubbish. i'm talking the Daraawiish point of view who want burco to get help in order to liberate their city from MJ bandists. these darawishs are now controlling Las anod the SL backers are outskirts and cann't enter the city. this is thereality Sis.
  16. Nothing will satisfy me untill Hargaysa falls to the Dariish hands. Ducaysane is bit Far, say Erigavo for example it is more realistic. isn't it?
  17. Las Anod is libearted and should stay with Somaliland why? because it belongs to SL. SL now should concentrate onbadhan and Las-qoray to accompolish the mission and secure the Eastern frontier. hold on, where is Makhir State? should they join newly libearted Las anod or..? :rolleyes:
  18. MMA These guys and those in Asmara (the so-called BAARLAMAANTA XORTA AH) are two sides of one coin so, why do you praise those in Asmara and mock these Guys who prefered Baidoa than Asmara
  19. For your informations Col. Xassan dahir Awerys was Ciidanka Asluubta amd Askar Gaalshire his duty was guarding priosns just like his colleague Jamaac Maxamed Qalib. so MMA & Co. stop the AMMAANTA BEENTA ah, you should suspsect him crime against humanity when he was prison officer under Siad Barre Regime not Hero as you're claiming. He is lucky because Soomalis do not write and read, otherwise he would put under suspicious/investigation for many crimes he committed even after the collapse of Barre Regime whom he worked as prisone gurad. these crimes include the death of around THOUSAND youths near Bosaso in 1992 under his command (Al-ithihad) for nothing but his TAKFEER ideology as well as Gedo in 90's and last but not least around 400 youths (and may be more) who died in IDALE near Baidoa end of last year for and many are still dying in Mogadishu for his orders. After all these he is HERO :mad: , hero for what for killing or causing deaths of thousands Somalis.
  20. do u guys know that this guy 'tarzan' was Muse Sudi's represantative in London? and now he is preaching us to get rid off Qabyaalad etc. :mad:
  21. do u guys know that this guy @tarzan' was Muse Sudi's represantative in London? and now he is preaching us to get rid off the Qabyaalad :mad:
  22. Dhuba d saaxiibkaa maxaad u bari wayday in dadka marka lala hadlaayo si fiican loo fariisto :rolleyes: midka kursiga soke fadhiya, xaggee ka yimid? wuxuu u egyahay kuwii SABLAALE iyo DUJUUMA ku jiri jiray
  23. Ka waran kan Xabashka asalkiis in uu Yahuud madoowyahay aaminsan keenay Xamar, oo u horseeday, una sahlay Xamar inay ku xaar xaaraan, ku xasuuqaan maatidii Soomaaliyeed? Xabashka Asalkiisa YUHUUD miyaa? Markaas war aan la hubin noo keenaayo meeshaan. Reuters, for your own information, is not Quraanka that has a final answer and always correct Marka aad adiga ka soo xigatid run bay sheegayaan marka qof kale ka soo xigtana isn't Quraanka :confused: and still one of the modreators
  24. according to my observations, MMA is one of the highest rank Generals when it comes QABIILIST. My surprise is how he can offer us to sign this petition when he is GENERAL in this issue. SURPRISE :confused:
  25. ..... or Somaliland will come out of the other end with the justice of Moses(as) and Harun/Aaron(as) saving the spirit of the true democracy that Somaliland has embraced for the last 16 years.