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Everything posted by Cige

  1. If you have control on your HEART :rolleyes:
  2. You can't it's something to do with HEART :rolleyes: Secondly, if you leave him alone he wil not survive so keep it up :mad:
  3. Dhinacna Xabashidaan uga dhiibi, dhinacna ku mudhaarad baan leeyahay ............... Typical Somalilander
  4. thought you would. Do you think it is in your capacity to comment on it? Try this one. Northernooow Nacybkaaguuba ku NAAXAA ee waxba ha u reeban
  5. 22 qof oo maanta salaadii jimcaha kadib laga soo ururiyay misaajidka South Hall ee magaalda London LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 22 qof .... kan soo tiriyay ma isku daray
  6. :mad: Ilaahow aana gaalbaa i ammaany ku farxin, alla maxaa la fogaaday.
  7. i don't think anyone in the region will benefit from this conflict
  8. Originally posted by Northern MMA well put. What is wrong with hating Yeey? Should one be ashamed? Before having a go at me answer the question. What is wrong with hating Yeey? i like this comment
  9. Nobody likes muqdishu is burning sxb ,,,,, but the fact is that it is burning. not Muqadishu you like is burning but who is RULING. I am sure if Mogadishu's current ruler was your one of your allies you wouldn't love Mogadishu burning but today youren't only HAPPy but :cool: however, remember masaakiinta ku baaba'ysa ina Yey is resting in London so masaakiinta ka naxa oo muqdisho ha holcinina
  10. Abwaan, anigu odayga maan difaacin laakiin waxaan cige waydiiyay uun inuu waxaan maqlay iyo saaxiibkay baa ii sheegayda inaga daayo uu information kaa dhaama la yimaado oo lagu doodi karo ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, JB Sxb waxaan maqlay waa Cali Mahdi oo radiyaha dadka cafis ka weydiistay ee Omar Arte Ghalip ma maqlin ....... his orders affected me in many ways as milions of other Somalis. in Summary, Omar Arte's Crime is FACT it's not waxaan maqlay iyo waxaa layiri he is even responsible for you being seperatist and Northern likes hearing Mogadishu is burning. I hope you got my message
  11. Do they hate HIM or beyond? I rememeber some of them couldn't get out their home when he was elected as president and some of them admitted to the hospital when they headr he entered Mogadishu! as arab poet says: ISBIR CALAA KAYDIL XASUUD FA INA SABRAKA QAATILUHU - KA NAARI TA'KULA BACDHAHAA IN LAM TAJID MAA TA'KULUHUH
  12. it's not surprise at ALL that a governor of important region such as w.galbeeed to be a member of the President's delegation
  13. DAahir riyaale Kahim Ayaa Kamid Ahaa Waftikii Lasocday Madaxweynaha Somaliya Mudane C/laahi Yusuf Axmed Iyagoo Intii Ay diyaarada Soo Saarnaayeen Kawada Hadleen Arimo Badan. Daahir riyaale Oo Saarna Qaybta Rikaabka Diyaaradi uu Saarnaa Madaxweyne yusuf Ayaa markii Danbe Looyeeray saka iyo Laba Wasiri oo Lasocday Daahir riyaale. Madaxweyne C/lahi ysuuf iyo Daahir riyaale Ayaa Kawada Hadlay intii Ay diyaarada Soo saarnaayeen Arimo Badan, islana Afgartay waxyaabo badan iyadoo Madaxweyne yusuf Daahir riyaale Kaftan badan is dhaafsadeen. isku Soo wada duuboo Madaxweyne Yusuf iyo Daahir riyaale Ayaa maanta kuwada sugan Magaalada London. Boocame Online News
  14. Mabruuk New Trained Police forces for Las Anoood they can now protect themselves from thieves and BUDHCADDA
  15. Been haddaad sheegaysid wax u eg baa la sheegaa - Somalis say centuries ago
  16. a friend of mine told me that Ali Mahdi appologized and asked Somali people forgiveness for his role on Somali conflicts.. does he appologized for nominating above guy as PM or he forgot? anyone listened his interview?
  17. Are you a convert to Somaliland cause there, Juje? Well done for seeing the truth lad haddii ******tu ay Xamar Xabashi keeneen ma dhul kalaa noo haray?