Wiil Cusub

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Everything posted by Wiil Cusub

  1. Somalina ma xasuusataa sawirkan 6 bilood ka hor ( u place more than 10 times) http://www.hiiraan.com/images/2011/Mar/Abaaraha_Togdheere.jpg This your words This Grandma in Togdheer needs water and food immediately.
  2. Berbera is doing good Job more pic's http://www.flickr.com/photos/57956550@N04/show/
  3. Berbera is not true one more pic from same place
  4. rabadam kariim. ALLE ha kaa raali noqdo, wanad ku mahadsantahay soo gudbinta
  5. Maybe its time not to compare Somaliland with Somalia 100% agree Dadka nool baa la isku dhereriyaa ee Somalia ka hadha
  6. Hier is the trailer for "Knights Templar 2083" made by Anders Behring Breivik, the man(or one of the persons) responsible for the bombing and killing of innocent youth in Oslo. His Manifest Movie trailer alledgedly made by Anders Behring Breivik: 'the Oslo killer'
  7. are these invites for only secessionists, where is my invite? Wow they make every thing politics. for that reason. Let me try to make first somaliland group in G+ :cool:
  8. Ceebeey dad la dhacay oo xoolahoogii daba socdaa war laga dhigay Shame:mad::mad: shame:confused:
  9. Norway attacks suggest political motive Targeting government offices and the Labour party camp point to political agenda behind attacks rather than Islamist terrorism Oslo explosion: a powerful bomb blast tore open several buildings including the prime minister's office in Norway's capital. Photograph: Thomas Winje Ijord/AP The re-appearance of an apparently large scale and co-ordinated terrorist attack in a European capital last night raised the inevitable questions of who was behind it. The most tempting and immediate conclusion was that it would be a jihadist group, as the style of the Oslo attack bore strong similarities to other earlier attacks in Europe and elsewhere. But Norwegian police said last night that the individual believed responsible for the shooting in Utøya, a 32-year-old Norwegian man, was also spotted in Olso before the bombing there. The targeted nature of the attacks at both government offices and the Labour party youth camp both suggest a more political agenda rather than an attempt to create widespread terror. Norwegian news reports last night said that police did not think the attacks were linked to international terrorism and that it was more likely directed at the current political system. There were reports that the gunman responsible for the attack on PM Jens Stoltenberg's party youth camp on the island of Utøya was blond haired and Nordic looking – allegations still yet to be confirmed. This suggests the attack might have been the work of an individual or individuals closer in outlook to the Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh driven by their own ideology, a theory backed up by a Norwegian police official who told the Associated Press the man suspected of the attacks does not appear to be linked to Islamist terrorism. He went on to say that the attacks probably have more in common with the 1995 attack on a US federal building in Oklahoma City than the September 11 2001 attacks. The suspect appeared to have acted alone, he said, and "it seems like that this is not linked to any international terrorist organisations at all." He added that the investigation is still ongoing and that things can change. The official was speaking on condition of anonymity because that information had not yet been released by Norway's police. Another threat, largely discounted by state security spokeswoman Janne Kristiansen earlier this year, is right-wing extremism. "Neo-nazis aren't a big threat but we have seen some increased activity," she said. One thing is certain, however and that is the perception in Norway's security services that Islamist terrorism is a bigger threat than the almost unheard domestic terrorism, despite the existence of far right and anarchist groups who of late are alleged to have improved their international contacts. Terrorism analyst Will McCants told the New York Times that a group calling itself Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami, or the Helpers of the Global Jihad, issued a statement claiming responsibility for the attack, saying it was a response to Norwegian forces' presence in Afghanistan and to insults to the prophet Muhammad – a claim later withdrawn. A report earlier this year by the Norwegian intelligence noted the increasing risk of a jihadi terrorist attack, with Norwegian citizens reportedly being trained abroad. "Although few people in Norway support Islamic extremism, there are activities within some groups that could contribute to heightening the security risk in 2011," the report said. Some individuals in Norway taken part in training or fighting in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somali and Yemen, it added. The United States, European Union, Nato and the UK, all quickly condemned the bombing, which Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague called "horrific" and Nato Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen deemed a "heinous act." "It's a reminder that the entire international community has a stake in preventing this kind of terror from occurring," President Barack Obama said. Obama extended his condolences to Norway's people and offered US assistance with the investigation. He said he remembered how warmly Norwegians treated him in Oslo when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.
  10. AWDAL STATE LAMA AASI KARO Aaliyyah Yes Lama aasi karo AWDAL Haddii la dulmiyay oo ay xaqdaro ku jiraan ILAAHAY ha u gargaaro, haddii ay ku dayasho ku jiraana Ilaahay ha kala mid dhigo kuwa ay ku dayanayaan :cool:
  11. Qof kasta oo doorta xuduud ku dhisan dad reer guuraaya waxay noqonaysaa suaash ugu culus ee hortaalaa halkee bay martaa xuduudaadu. Waxa hubaal ah in deegano badan oo ka muuqda maabkan ay daganyahiin/ sheegtaan qabiilo kale. Soon we will build our Zailastate with half of your map.
  12. Thankful;732791 wrote: But the date for the article says " This was before Siilaanyo (Somalia Unionist) started implementing his policy of including his enclave in Somalia's international meetings. Nonetheless, Somalia or Somali land...what's the difference? Confusion is understandable. you need bigger glasses to see difference
  13. Maxaa loo xiray Axmed Biif? (xog rasmi ah) Fanaanka Axmed Cabdikariim Maxamed Axmed Biif ayaa shalay lagu xiray Magaalada Hargaysa ee Xarunta Maamulka Somaliland halkaas oo Fanaanka Show uga dhaganaa Xalay. Ciidamada Police ee Maamulka Somaliland ayaa Xabsiga dhigay Fanaan Axmed Biif kadib markii uu soo dacweeyay Fanaan u dhashay Somaliland oo sheegay in uu qaaday Hees uu isagu horey u qaadi jiray. Fanaanka Dacweeyay Axmed Biif ayaa Magaciisa lagu sheegay Maxamed Bk oo kamid ah Fanaaniinta Sida aadka ah looga yaqaano magaalada Hargaysa ee Maamulka Somaliland. Maxamed Bk ayaa Policeka u gudbiyay CD, ay ku duubantahay hal hees oo Labada fanaan midba mar qaadayo waxaana uu Policeka u sheegay in Axmed Biif uu Heestaasi ka bililiqaystay sidaa darteedna uu doonayo in Xabsi la dhigo kadibna Maxkamad ay ku kala baxaan oo Heestiisii Xaqiida laga siiyo. Axmed Biif ayaaa markaasi kadib waxaa Xabsiga dhigay Policeka oo ka soo shidaal qaatay CD,gii uu Fanaanka kale u soo gudbiyay waxaana Markii Xabsiga la dhigay Axmed Biif aad uga Carooday dhamaan dadweynaha Somaliland oo sheegay in qaabka ay u dhaqmeen Police ay tahay mid Cusurinimo laga dheehan karo Madaama Fanaanka Axmed Biif uu yahay Fanaan ka soo jeeda Gobolada Koofurta Soomaaliya isla markaana si Soomaalinimo ah uu ku yimid Somaliland. Fanaaniinta Somaliland ayaa sidoo kale aad uga Carooday falka ay ku dhaqaaqeen Ciidanka Policeka ee Maamulka Somaliland waxaana ay dadaal dheer u galeen sidii ay ku soo dayn lahayeen Fanaanka oo Showgiisa uq absan lahaa taas oo markii dambe ay ku guulaysteen. Hadaba Heesta labada fanaan muranku ku dhexmary ahaa ah HEESTA DIIWAAN JACEYL oo labada fanaanba midba mar ku luuqeeyay. Heesta Diwaan jaceyl Waxaa Miraheeda Iskaleh Abwaan dhalinyaro ah oo lagu Magacaabo Maxamed Welcome waxaana Laxanka Saaray Fanaanka Caanka ah ee Shey Mire Dacar. Heestaan ayaa sida Xogta aan ku helayno Waxaa markii hore loo dhiibay Fanaanka Maxamed BK waxaase markii uu heesta soo qaaday ku qanciwaayay qaabka uu heesta u qaaday Abwaankii Heesta Sameeyay waxaana uu markaas kadib heesta loo dhiibay Fanaanka Axmed Biif oo heesta si aad u wanaagsan ugu soo luuqeeyay. Shey Mire Dacar oo ah ninkii la xameeyay ayaa Qadka Taleefoonka lagu waydiiyay Cida iskaleh Heesta Diiwaan Jaceyl waxaana uu sheegay in Heestaas la siiyay Fanaanka Axmed Biif oo isagu uu iska leeyahay. Halkaankan Kadaawo Heesta Muranka dhalisay ee Diiwaan Jaceyl iyo Fanaan Axmed Biif.
  14. AlFanaan Axmed Biif oo Xalay qabtay Bandhigfaneed iyo Saacado kahor xabsiga Hargeysa laga siidaaye Fanaanka Caanka ah Axmed Cabdikariin Maxamed’ Axmed Biif’ ayaa Xalay ku qabtay Hotelka banorama ee Magaalada Hargeysa Bandhigfaneed loogu Magacdaray Habeenkii Axmed biif iyo Hobolada Hargeysa,waxaana uu halakasi Fanaanku ka qaaday Heeso Dabacsan oo ka mida kuwa sida gaarka ah loogu yaqaan ayna aad u xiiseeyaan Bulshadu,waxaaana heesahaasi ka mid ahaa Heesta Qardho,Heesta Diiwaanka iyo Heesta Barkinta . Fanaan Axmed Biif oo intii aanu xalayq aban Bandhigfaneedka Ka soo baxay Saldhiga Hargeysa oo saacado yar uu ku xirnaa ayaa markii uu dib u helay Xoriyadiisa waxa uu mahadnaq u jeediyay qeybihii kala duwanaa ee Bulshada kana qeybqaadatay Sii deyntiisa isagoo xusay inuusan Hilmaami karin sida Waanagsan eeay isagu howleen siideyntiisa Gaar ahan waxa uu hambalyo u jeediyay Bahda Fanaaniinta,Saxaafada,Milkiilaha Hotelka Crown ee Hargeysa Mudane Cismaan Cabdulaahi Cigaal’ Cismaan Hindi’ iyo Abwaan Maxamed xaashi Dhamac’ Gaariye’ waxaana Fanaaka uu tilmaamay in uu ku faraxsan yahay sii deyntiisa. Waxa uu Axmed Biif Xusay in Taasi muujineyso sida Bulshada ku dhaqan Hoygii Fanka Hargeya ay aad uga qeybqaaateen Garab istaagidiisa . Fanaanka oo aynu kula kulanay Hotelka Crown ee Hargeysa oo uu dagan yahay ayaa sheegay inuu ku faraxsan yahay xoriyadiisa oo uu dib u helay ka dib markii waqti kooban uu shalay ku xirnaa Saldhiga Hargeysa Cabdulaahi Cabdi Xaashi Cabdulaahi_heeb@hotmail.com Muqdisho-Somalia
  15. Originally Posted by Abdul XX and Abokor: I thought you guys said you are democratic and free country where freedom of speech is respected. Imisa jeer ayaa lagu celin arintu maaha arin siyaasadeed Fannaanka Caanka ah Axmed C/kariim Biif Oo Laga Siidaayay Xabsiga Hargeysa Hargeisa (RBC Radio) Fananaka Weyne ee Somaliyeed Axmed C/kariim (Biif) ayaa Galabnimadii Khmiista laga kexeeyay Hotelki uu ka daganaa Magalada hargeysa Xarunta Somaliland. Ciidamda amaanka Magalada hargeysa ayaa Fananka Dhigay Xabsiga dhexe Ee Magaladasi,isagoona in door ah Halkaasi Ku Xidhnaa, Fananka Oo Fiidnimada Khamiista Show ka dhigi Lahaa Magalada Hargeysa ayaa waxaa ay arintaasi Sababtay In Shacabka Magalada Kacaan isla Markaasina Ka dalbadaan Ciidamda amaanka In ay Si Deg deg ah U siidayan Fananka. Markii Xabsiga Laga Siidayay ayuu Hadal kooban siiyay Warbaahinta Isagoona Sheegay in Xarigiisa ay ka danbeyaan Kooxo fanaanin ah oo Ku sugan hargeysa isla Markaasina ka xun joogitaanka Uu Haatan ku sugan yahay magaladaasi. Fanan Axmed Biif ayaa sheegay intii Xabsiga ku Jiray In Si Wanaagsan Loola dhaqamay,waxaana uu Intaasi Raaciyay in showgiii uu ku lahaa Magalda Hargeysa uu Qabsan doono. Axmed Biif ayaa u mahad Celiyay dhamaan shacabka ku dhaqan Hargeysa oo sheegay in ay ka Xumaaden Xadhigiisa Markii ay maqleen iyagoo soo buux dhaafiyay Gudaha Xabsiga iyo daafihiisa bacdamaa laga dhowrayay Show xiiso badan 7 bisha oo Xalay ku beegneyd. Ugu danbytiina waa markii ugu Horeysay oo Fanan Biif Lagu Xidho gudaha Magalada Hargaysa oo U Tagay in uu ku Qabto Show Heeso ah Oo In Mudo ah dadka Reer Hargeysa ka Dhowrayen
  16. Economic and social development examples EU investment in your education systems forms a second major area of our support. As a result of our combined efforts, school gross enrolment has grown from 38.6 percent in 2006 to an estimated 60 percent in 2010. For girls – to whose education we attach particular importance – enrolment rates have increased from 31 to about 44 percent over the same period. In this context, your government’s decision to introduce free primary education is laudable. Although Somaliland has more than doubled its education budget, we know that free primary education remains a tough challenge from both a financial and an institutional perspective. I am glad to see that your education ministry, also supported by technical experts provided by the EU, is working hard to develop a sustainable solution for this. said Andris Piebalgs European Commissioner. : "Finito!! Riwayadii reer triangle oo dhamaatay!!" Said Mr Djibsomali Waa yaabe kiinen rumaysanaa
  17. Reer Burcaa ku maahmaaha "haddii ay kubadu ku dhaafto yaanu ninku ku dhaafin" Democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights are almost non-existent in Mogadishu, where war, banditry, corruption, hunger, illiteracy, disease and unemployment are the norm. Somalia is a failed state that has failed its people. You can kill the messenger but the message will live on
  18. The colapse 20 years waiting of somaliland collapse, now u are minimize only two area health and education. unfortunately u chose two area which even IRIN somaliland media enemy recognized its success : Healthcare, education gains as Somaliland marks 20th anniversary System mistakes happened every place on earth but question is could they handle correctly. Let us see what most opposition paper said about issue: Ciidamadda Booliiska oo Burco ka soo qabtay Masuul Waxbarashada ka tirsan oo loo aanaynayo Fashilinta Imtixaanaadka “Wasaaradda waxbarashada iyo Xafiiska Imtixaanaadka oo dedaal u galay Maareynta Imtixaanaadkii la xaday” Hargeysa (Waaheen) Ciidamadda Booliiska Somaliland ayaa xalay ku qabtay magaaladda Burco masuul ka tirsan Wasaaradda Waxbarashada Somaliland oo la yidhaahdo Food-cade kaasoo la tuhun san yahay inuu ka iibiyay Hargeysa Imtixaanaadka u socda Ardayda Dugsiyada Sare kaasoo la doonayay in la fashilayo
  19. you are exciting,:cool: Just they are some where between your two villages Garowe and Qardho Check the Googlemaps