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Everything posted by Ahmed_Guree

  1. Warar ilo mihiim ah naga soo gaaray oo kusugan magaalada Godey ayaa warsidaha Godeynews u xaqiijiyay in M/weynaha Soomaaliya mudane Cabdullaahi Yusuf uu galabnimadii Jimcaha yimid magaalada Godey isagoo lasocday diyaarad helicopter ah oo ay dawladda Ethiopia kaga soo qaaday magaalada Baydhabo. Isla marakaana uu magaalada kusugnaa illaa iyo intii laga ogaanayay natiijada xubnaha baarlamaanka u codeeynayeen kalsoonida dawladda Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi taasoo laga cabsi qabay in jahwareer iyo qulqulatooyin helis gelin kara amaanka m/weynaha kasoo baxi karaan. Wararku waxay kalooy sheegayaan inuu M/weynahu u yimid magaalada Godey inuu kulan layeesho madax sarsare oo dawladda Ethiopia oo xiligaasna kusugnaa magaalada Godey, kuwaasoo kamid ahayeen Raisul wasaare kuxigeenka ahna wasiirka Beeraha, Wasiir ku xigeenka Gashaandhigga iyo Wasiirka Kililada Ethiopia iyo waliba M/weynaha Kilika Soomaalida iyo xubno kale oo muddo labo habeen ah arimo shaqo ujoogay magaalooyinka Godey iyo Boodhcaano. Hase yeeshee waxaan illaa iyo hadda si fiican loo shaacinin waxyaabaha ay kawada hadleen, balse waxaa lafilayaa inaysan marnaba kamqanayn in lasii xoojiyo taageerada ciidameed iyo waliba waxa ay kayeelayan colaadda kadhaxeeysa dawladda iyo Maxaakiimta islaamiga oo marba marka kasii danbaysa sii xumaanaysa Xarunta Godey oo markii horeba ay kusugnayaan waftidan heer federaalka ah ayaa hadana amaankeeda aad loosugay iyadoo ay ciidamada Boolisku wareegyeen dariiqyada iyo jidadka waaweyn ee magaalada si ay u ilaaliyaan amaanka waftida iyo waliba martidan kale ee dhinaca soomaaliya kaga soo biirtay. M/weyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf ayaa saacadihii uu kusugnaa magaalada Godey ladejiyay guryaha martida ee kuyaalla xerada beeraha ee liimaadka ama (State Farmka) oo aan kafogayn garoonka diyaaradaha ee caasimadda Godey, ayaa isla markii lasheegay natiijadii codadka baarlamaanka ay hadana isla diyaarad helicopter ah kasoo qaaday magaalada Godey iyadoo lafilayo inay dib ugu soo celisay magaalada Baydhabo oo xurun ah dawladda uu madaxda ka yahay ee Soomaaliya. Sakhaar is he not safe in Garoowe or Bosaso?
  2. It is because of Mogadishu that Gedo's border is free of entry for the Habash. If the Courts had acted responsibly and not made an enemy of reer Gedo, would the Habash so freely enter after the knockouts of the late 90's, early 2000's? Horn thats the lamest excuse of the century was it not that your kins sided with the Secular members to flash out your wadaado(currently part of alshabaab) in Gedo with the help of Xabashi,
  3. Horn by the way why did your folks refuse the Advise of the Suldan of Gedo?? Why would they take the advice of a bounty hunter from Galguduud?
  4. Was it not a conspiracy btw Gobale who returned after staying yrs abroad that sparked the rivaly as Serar was responsible for Port and Baree others. Hence for Serar to be relieved he was double crossed by the formation of 'Juba State' Serar just cleverly sided with ICU. that led the the cascading disinegration of JVA
  5. Horn was it not when Seraar was marginalised by the formation of a 'regional state' Between Gobale & Hirale That he sided with ICU And in a game of chess that is called Check mate
  6. ^^what more do they want after ??? the mayor Chief of security The Airport Manager etc Horn even during Barees era you had just I position The Airport Manager Or do you prefer inaguration of Kismayu just like Bardhere? Put Turki,Axmed Madoowe aside. I wouldn't personaly have assigned your folks even to the level of Chief Janitor for Kismayu.
  7. yap just like when you switched your alliance from Riyale to silanyo
  8. You would assume many other news sites would pick up on that story, no? No i assume that you will follow up storis from 'Saxiix' Gedonet.com Amiirka Juboyinka thats so funny.. whats the difference btw Amiir and Gudoomiye? Duke was your kin given the leadership in Lower shabelle or Jubooyinka. Know all the punt**.com would be citing him as the Amiril muminun and you will be the most vocal about how impartial the ICU are :rolleyes:
  9. I think the bellow article will rest the case. Kismaayo: Amiirka Maamulka Islaamiga Jubbooyinka Sheekh Xasan Turki iyo1200 ciidamo ah oo labo habeen kahor soo galay magaalada Kismaayo!!! Amiirka Jubbooyinka Sheekh Xasan Turki oo in muddo ahba kuhawlanaa kulumo iyo muxaadarooyin diini ah oo uu lalahaa dadka deegaanka degmooyinka jubbooyinka iyo waliba sida ugu wanaagsan ee dhaqan celis looga sameyn lahaa maleeshiyo beeleedyada jubbooyinka si loogu biiriyo ciidamada midowga maxaakiimta ayaa habeen labaad dib ugu soo laabtay magaalada Kismaayo. Sheekh Xasan ayaa waxa lasocday ciidamo kor u dhaafaya 1000 oo isugu jira kuwii Raaskaanbooni qeyb kamid ah oo waday tabaro iyo dhaqan celin iyo kuwa kale oo badankooda laga soo uruuriyay deegaanka Joore ama degmada Badhadhe. Ciidamada ayaa waxaa magaalada laga dejiyay fadhiisimo ay kamid yihiin Dekadda, Garoonka iyo waliba iyadoo laqorsheynayo in ciidamadan qaarkood magaalada banaanka looga saaro oo ay fariisin rasmi ah kasameystaan deegaanka Beer-xaani oo in muddo ah haraadigii Barre Hiiraale ay dad shacab ah oo jidka marayay kuwax yeelayeen. Dadaka kudhaqan goballada Jubbooyinka ayaa gebi ahaanba taageero buxda siiyay midowga maxaakiimta islaamiga soomaaliyeed, isla markaasna isku raacay difaacidda dalka iyo diinta iyo ladagaalanka Cadowga Ummadda Soomaaaliyeed. C/laahi Sheekh, Godeynews.com Kismayo.
  10. ^^^Nayruus, make sense will you, the clan courts wont give you any progress no more than Omar Jess made with Aydeed. So progress entails allowing the likes of Baree, Morgan to be warmly welcomed in the region and be given every opportunity to exploit the locals as well as to heavily degrade the land and allow a huge influx of immigrants whose sole purpose is to displace the locals and compete for the resources :confused: .
  11. Well To the bad wishers the oldman is alive & kicking Anyaway if he would pass away there are 100000's of his like(diehards) queing to replace. anyway If Turki makes a speech people are quick to criticse him if he becomes silent they wish for his death. How evil are those men burning with envy and hatred :confused:
  12. ^^^ If wishes were horses beggers would ride on them. The life and death of Turki is in the Hands of the creator. But if the time would come that he departs then sadly for the wishers of death their are 1000's of Turkis to replace him. So swallow your anger and curse.
  13. determination to what? Raad dont think that A/Yussuf will reinstate your kins back to Kismayu. Already A/Yussuf is not happy with Barees misadventure in the Jubooyinka and Morgan would @ Least have outdone him.
  14. check out the events as they unfold in Ethiopia. http://medrekforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=37297
  15. Duke whether the sheikh is dead or alive the ball will keep on rolling. So propaganda wouldnt suite or serve. Duke how is it that you folks love an invasion while incase it becomes successful your Adheer usefulness would end sooner or later by a mysterious death and would be blamed on 'insurgents' and what a waste would be his life. So would you then turn against the young Turks( Gedi & Aideed Jnr) as being a revival of USC?
  16. Abtie were about????? http://www.timesnews.co.ke/07nov06/index.html
  17. ^^ Rather call him ICU representative or Jubavalley Govonor. 'Clan court' this term is bullshit Coz every clan is running its own niche. He has every right just like the Clan Council in Puntland & Somaliland. Diyaaradii illaa iyo shalay kuxanibneed Nayroobi ee ay saareeyaan waftigii ballaarnaa ee uu hogaaminayay gudoomiyaha maamulka islaamiga goballada jubbooyinka Sheekh Axmed Sheekh Maxamed Islaam ayaa qiyaastii saacad kahor kasoo duushay garoonka diyaaradha ee Wilson Airport kuna soo jeeda magaalada Muqdisho. Diyaaradan ay saareeyaan waftiga maamulka islaamiga goballada jubbooyinka ayaa iyadoo usocota magaalada muqdisho kudegtay garoonka wilson Airport, kadib markii ay habeen noqotay oo u pilotka diyaarada usurtawbi weyday inuu ku dejiyo garoonka diyaaradaha muqdisho. Waxaa magaalada Muqdisho kasocda diyaar garoow lagu soo dhaweynayo wafdiga maamulka islaamiga ee gobollada Jubooyinka ayaa haatan waxa ay ka socotaa garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Muqdisho,halkaasoo ay soo caga dhigan doonto diyaarada sida wafdigaasi oo xalay ku hoyday hotelka Grand Rigency ee magaalada Nairobi. Muftiga Kenya Sheekh Maxamed Macalim Umal iyo siyaasiyiin kale oo ay kamid yihin Amb Maxamed Cabdi Affey, Faarax Macalim Dawaara iyo Ilyaas Barre Shiil ayaa dadaal weyn u galay sidii degdeg loogu fasaxi lahaa diyaaradda, isla markaasna loogu fudideyn lahaa hawlaha waftigan oo cilad xagga farsamada ah uga soo dagay garoonka Wilson Airport. Godeynews.com, Nayroobi.
  18. Duke how come you guys formed an alliance with C/Qaybdiid wasn't he responsible for the death of 1000's of Puntlanders in the Haydays of USC in the 90's?
  19. On Friday, 28 July 2006, member of parliament (MP) and former speaker of the Somali parliament, Abdalla Deero *****, was murdered just as he had stepped out of the main Mosque in Baidoa after the weekly congregation of the Friday prayers. Despite that crowded scene of so many worshippers nobody saw the killer(s). The transitional government (TFG) of premier Ali Mohamed Geedi was facing a challenge of no vote of confidence in parliament the next day. It survived. Again, on Monday, 18 September 2006, the TFG was seeking a confidence vote in parliament after a major reshuffle following dismissal of Geedi’s previous government by president Abdullahi Yusuf. The president addressed parliament just before voting would begin and left the hall. As his convoy of escort vehicles moved, one of them that must have had been secretly dynamited exploded, killing about a dozen of people and wounding many others, majority of them members of the presidential guard and also including a Ugandan national. The explosion also destroyed a number of motor vehicles that were at stationary outside the make shift parliament hall. No doubt the act was an assassination attempt on the life of the president who escaped unhurt. And again nobody saw the perpetrator(s) in such broad day light. Despite such disastrous situation, premier Ali Mohamed Geedi remained seated undisturbed and managed to prevail over the parliament to vote on his government and won. This was, however, after so many MPs had left the hall in order to see the extent of the disaster and were replaced by many outsiders of non-MPs who might have been pre-arranged, they rushed into the hall and raised their hands in favour of government when a vote of show of hands was taken, as has been complained by very credible personalities among the MPs. The scenario of the Baidoa Mysteries shows an orchestrated pattern of expertly executed assassinations and attempted assassinations so that each time Geedi’s TFG is in constitutional crisis, it wins by deceit or by intimidation. To be valid, however, this rationale must stand the test of answering the following two conundrums: 1. Who could be the expert executor(s) of such hideous crimes without leaving any clues of their identit(ies)? Somali personnel formerly trained for such operations are no longer around. They were among the first to leave the country at the collapse of state authority, more than a decade and a half ago. To the best of my knowledge, the only likely ones are Ethiopian agents who are freely around and mixed up with the TFG affairs. 2. Could the Ethiopians ever contemplate assassinating Abdullahi Yusuf? The Ethiopians unreservedly supported Abdullahi Yusuf to win the Somali presidency by manipulating the IGAD sponsored conference for a number of reasons including: a) Among all its Somali clients, Abdullahi was the only one who had the chance of winning and, therefore, the only one worthy of their investment; b) Abdullahi had demonstrated his aversion to Islamic principles whether because of his personal nature, or by design vis-à-vis his relations with the Tigre-led Ethiopian officials. However, the Ethiopian investment in Abdullahi Yusuf was only for a short term. By the same token, Abdullahi’s association with Ethiopia, although it has irreversibly already cost him the trust of the Somali people may not be perpetual either. The short term for the Ethiopian investment in Abdullahi Yusuf has almost come to its end. Abdullahi is not easily manipulateable animal. His relations with the Ethiopians was forged, in the first place, during the Mengistu regime. They could not, however, continue putting up with his rigidity and he was locked-up and indefinitely detained until the fall of that regime. And secondly, despite close association with the Ethiopians, after all Abdullahi wants a Somali government of his own choice to be in place. The Ethiopians want a Somali government of their choice or none of it. The convergence of interests between Abdullahi Yusuf and the Ethiopians ends there as far as the latter is concerned. On his part, Abdullahi Yusuf still needs the Ethiopians, because he wants to impose his will and authority on the Somali people under cover of foreign forces instead of reconciliation and compromises. The only feasibly available foreign forces are the Ethiopians. Any other forces, even if available, would need prior funding, which may not be easily forthcoming. The Ethiopians would want funding too for the deployment of their forces, but that is dispensable when it comes to their deployment in Somalia. Because their forces in the Somali and Oromo regions never ever have full budgets or no budgets at all, apart from their military equipment and uniforms. They have been living upon the resources of the conquered peoples since the Menelik era. So, any such deployment will only be an increased extension of those forces already in the Somali region of Ethiopia. Abdullahi knows the Ethiopians well as much as they know him too. He wants their forces to come through IGAD and AU so that he may ask them to leave if and when it suits him. This is also ok with the Ethiopians, but only as a short term, because they want to come to Somalia with legitimacy if at all possible, but for their geopolitical interests. Abdullahi Yusuf wants power to govern Somalia that may run counter to Ethiopia’s geopolitical interests. Ali Mohamed Geedi's priority is to fulfill the wishes of his sponsors. According to a statement by Geedi’s representative in Addis Ababa during a recent BCC interview, Geedi’s TFG must have had already given a carte blanche for Ethiopian forces to enter Somalia at their whims even before the parliament’s approval, during the TFG’s seat in Jowhar. Even Abdullahi Yusuf might not have been made aware of the exact nature of that agreement. The only release of it made public was that of co-operation between the two countries. Abdullahi Yusuf also confided in some MPs that the entry of Ethiopian forces into the country during last July was without his knowledge. Abdullahi is not a man given to tolerate such double crossing. Abdillahi Yusuf made a big mistake when he accepted Ali Mohamed Geedi, a man chosen by Ethiopia and appointed him as his prime minister. Had he not done that he would remain their only (Ethiopians) best Somali connection. Therefore, the answer to the 2nd question: above "Could the Ethiopians ever contemplate assassinating Abdullahi Yusuf ?" Is yes! Geedi is more useful to them now onwards and they must liquidate Abdullahi Yusuf before he sacks Geedi. Ethiopian military presence in Somalia already exists in abundance. And if the attempted assassination succeeded they would have immediately exerted their authority and intimidated the parliament to elect Geedi to the Somali presidency. Geedi would then in turn appoint another Ethiopian supplicant as premier. Abdullahi Yusuf is no doubt quite savvy of these Ethiopian mischief’s, but he is most unlikely to divulge a word of it. He is given the stamina for such endurance. He has already pretended suspecting Al-Qa'eda and terrorism at large and is expected to stay on that course. Other TFG officials have given contradictory statements about the last incident. The most plausible of these is that of the minister of the interior, Hussein Aideed, according to his interview with the Xog-Ogaal Newspaper of Wed. 19 September 2006, p.2, and quote as per translation from Somali" "Investigation is in progress to find out who was behind this act. Up to now the government cannot accuse any body until the investigation is concluded."
  20. Meles Zenawi has been in power for 15 years Ethiopia's most senior judge, Teshale Aberra, has left the country following threats and "continued harassment" from the government, he has told the BBC. The Supreme Court president accused the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of killing its critics but managing to avoid international blame. He also said the government was planning to appoint new, loyalist judges throughout the system. Mr Meles had been seen as being part of a new generation of African leaders. Mr Teshale is the latest in a series of senior officials - judges, diplomats and military commanders - to flee the country. Massacres He told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme that Mr Meles' government was just as bad as that of its predecessor, led by Mengistu Haile Mariam, who is accused of crimes against humanity. "The difference is these guys are wise... These people kill whoever they feel like and then ask: 'Who killed them?'" Students accused the police of brutality during protests last year Another judge, Wolde-Michael Meshesha, recently fled the country after carrying out an investigation into the suppression of protests against alleged fraud in last year's elections. In his report, he said the police had massacred 193 people. His report said that the government had concealed the true extent of deaths at the hands of the police. He claimed he had been put under pressure to alter his findings and fled into hiding in Europe when he received anonymous death threats. The government has denied rigging the polls and blames the opposition for the violence which followed. More than 100 opposition leaders, journalists and aid workers were rounded up during the protests and are currently on trial, accused of treason and attempted genocide. Trial In Ethiopia, the trial of 111 opposition leaders, journalists and human rights activists accused of treason and attempted genocide, who were rounded up during the protests, has been adjourned for three days after two defendants complained of mistreatment in custody. Daniel Bekele and Netsannet Demissie, who work for the NGO Action Aid, said they were neither "physically nor psychologically" able to go on with the trial because of the conditions they were being held in. Daniel Bekele told the court in Kaliti, just outside the capital, that he had been taken out of his prison cell on Friday night and forced to sleep in a container. He said the next day he was moved to a room with 250 inmates. Netsannet Demissie told the court he had been forced to sleep under one of the guards watch towers on Friday before being moved to a room shared by 300 defendants. Police records showed 20,000 people were arrested during the anti-government protests, the judge said. In January, Britain withheld $87m in aid because of concerns over the unrest. Last year, Mr Meles was invited onto the panel of the UK's Commission for Africa to find ways of relieving poverty in the world poorest continent. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/6121854.stm