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Everything posted by Ahmed_Guree

  1. ^^^ So are you campaigning for silanyo anyway the Dj guy is somali and they do reside in Awdal province the richest state of 'Somaliland'. he has every right as a somali to talk about the plight of his people(the somalis). You have no right to judge everyone. Let me assure you one thing whether you twists the facts calling ICU as a USC or Calling TNG as Siyaad's remnants wouldnt make your folks achieve the dream of succession or hold the highest seat in Somalia. Comprende And another thing Djib is a Sovereign country
  2. ONLF oo beenisay in ay jidka u gashey Ciidan uu watey Korneyll Cabdi Qaybdiid Mogadishu 14, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) – Mas'uul ka tirsan jabhadda ONLF ayaa beeniyay warar sheegaya in ciidamadooda weerar ay la beegsadeen maleeshiyooyin taageersan Col. Cabdi Xasan Cawaale Qeybdiid, xilli ay dhex marayeen dhulka Soomaaliyeed ee Ethiopia ay gumeysato, iyadoo hadalkaasina uu ku tilmaamay mid aan waxba ka jirin. Wakiilka Jabhadda ONLF ee Somalia idiris Sheekh Axmed oo shabelle la soo xiriirey ayaa gaashaanka ku dhuftey wararka sheegaya in ciidamadood ay weerareen ciidamo uu watay Col. Cabdi qeybdiid, Isagoo sheegay in dagaalyahanadooda ay yihiin kuwo ugaarsada oo kaliya ciidamada Ethiopia oo kaliya si ay uga xureystaan dhulkooda, waxa uuna intaasi raaciyay in dagaalyahanada ONLF ay yihiin kuwo ku shaqeeya Mas'uuliyad iyo kala dambeyn. Wakiilka waxa uu sheegay in ay dagaal kula jiraan ciidamada Ethiopia oo uu sheegtay in mar kasta ay qasaaro u geeystaan waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye, isagoo sidoo kale beeniyay wararka sheegaya in miinooyin ay dhigeen ay ku waxyeeloobeen dad rayid ah. Hadalka wakiilkaan ayaa soo ifbaxay maalin ka dib markii warbaahinta qaar ay shaaciyeen in kolonyo uu wato Col. Cabdi Qeybdiid ay jidka u galeen Jabhadda ONLF Shabelle Media Network Somalia E-mail us: info@shabelle.net Shabelle Webmaster: baabul@shabelle.net
  3. DJIBOUTI, 11/15 - The simmering border row between arch-foes Eritrea and Ethiopia is a "solved problem," Eritrean President Issaias Afeworki said. A day after the independent Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission announced plans to demarcate the contentious border on paper, Issaias said the 2000 Algiers peace agreement and the 2002 border ruling ended the problem. "The border problem is a solved problem," Issaias told AFP in an interview on Wednesday, reiterating Asmara`s long-held position that the independent border commission`s ruling is final and binding. "The Algiers agreement was signed with the international community participating to solve the border dispute," he said. Addis Ababa and Eritrea have tussled over the frontier even after the end of the internecine 1998-2000 border war that claimed some 80,000 people with Ethiopia calling for review of the panel`s ruling. Ethiopia argues that the ruling that awarded the flash point town of Badme to Eritrea risks splitting families on either sides of the border. http://www.angolapress-angop.ao/noticia-e.asp?ID=487989
  4. Washington, 11/14/2006 - La taliyaha qaaska ah ee ra'isulwasaaraha dalka Itoobiya, Prof. Kinfe Abraham, oo dhawaan uu Meles u soo diray magalaada Washington ee xarunta looga taliyo dalka Mareykanka si halkaasi uu difaac uga galo ayaa maanta la hadlay qeyb yar oo ka tirsan jaaliyada Itoobiyanka kadib markii uu kulankan kala dhuuntay inta badan jaaliyada Amxaarada oo aad uga soo horjeeda nidaamka Tigreega. Sidii doorashadii dhexe ee Mareykanka ay ugu guuleysteen Xisbiga Democratiga waxaa walwal weyn galay xukumada Meles Zenawi oo ka cabsi qabta in Congresska Mareykanka u codeeyo qodob dhigaya in dowlada Meles ay sameyso isbadal siyaasadeed oo dagdag ah ama ay la kulanto cunoqabateyn. Si arintaa dowlada Itoobiya uga hortagto waxaa Meles uu Washington u soo diray Prof. Kinfe oo lagu tilmaamo gacantiisa midig, isla markaana madax ka ah ururka Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development (EIIPD), lana sheego inuu yahay maskaxda ka danbeysa hanaanka siyaasadeed ee dowlada Itoobiya ee ku wajahan dalka Soomaaliya. Prof. Kinfe oo maanta la hadlayey qeyb yar oo Tigree u badan oo ka tirsan jaaliyada Itoobiyaanka ah ee Washington waxaa uu qeexay siyaasada Itoobiya ee Soomaaliya. "Waxaa naciilay dhaqaalo daro ee Soomaaliya qabashadeeda waxba inagu ma dhamo," ayuu yiri Prof. Kinfe. "Hadaanu helayno dhaqaale, Itoobiya sida Nigeria ay West-Afrika ka tahay oo kale ayaanu East-Afrika ka noqon laheyn, oo Soomaaliya intaanu si fudud ku qabano ayaanu dowlada aanu dhisnay ee Baydhabo ku xayiran waxaanu geyn laheyn Muqdisho," ayuu hadalkiisi sii raaciyey Prof. Kinfe. Prof. Kinfe ayaa meesha ka saaray in Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah ee Soomaaliyeed ay xukumi karto dalka Soomaaliya. "Soomaalidu waa qabaa'ilooyin, marka kooxdaas hal qabiil ayaa u badan, Itoobiyana ma yeeli karto in hal qabiil oo Soomaali ah uu xukumo Soomaaliya," ayuu yiri Prof. Kinfe oo aanan sheegin meesha laga keenayo cida xukumeyso mar hadii Soomaalidu qabaa'il wada tahay oo aynan jirin qolo malaa'ig ah oo samada uga imaneysa. Dowladaha Itoobiya ayaa 16-ki sano ee la soo dhaafay waxey Soomaaliya galisay nidaam ah kanaa reer hebel ah iyo kan waa qolo hebel ee yuunan idin xukumin si Soomaaliya waligeed nidaam u yeelan, waxaase wax lala yaabo ah, waxa Itoobiya ka galay qabiilka Soomaaliyeed! Prof. Kinfe ayaa muujiyey sida aynan u aqbali karin dowladiisa Soomaaliya oo yeelato nidaam dowli ah. "Dhaqdhaqaaqyada iyo isku dayada siyaasadeed ee ka socda Soomaaliya waa kuwo halis galinaya jiritaanka dowlada iyo shacabka Itoobiya," ayuu carabka ku adkeeyey. Dowlada Itoobiya ayaa marar badan ku celcelisay cabsida ay ka qabto in Soomaaliya ka dhalato dowlad aynan iyada wadanin isla markaana waxey qabaneyso anan laga diyaarinin xafiiska Ato Meles ee magaalada Addis Ababa. Kinfe ayaa sheegay inay dowladiisa garabtaagan tahay madaxweyne Cabdullahi Yusuf iyo xukumadiisa fadhida Baydhabo. "Cabdullahi Yusuf waanu aaminsanahay, sababtoo ah wuxuu ina tusay wax aanu ku aamino. Ninkan wuxuu laayey boqolaal wadaado ah sanadadii 1990-meeyadii, waa nin qibrad milatari leh, waana ninkii ku haboonaa hogaaminta Soomaaliya ee xiligan," ayuu hadalkiisa ku soo gabagabeeyey Prof. Kinfe. Hadalada ka soo yeeray Kinfe Abraham ayaa ah kuwo anaan layaab ku noqoneyn ummada Soomaaliyeed ee ka dharagsan hamiga iyo damaca Itoobiya ee dalkooda iyo in Cabdullahi Yusuf ay u wato Itoobiya sidii ay ugu leyn lahaayd ummada Soomaaliyeed isla markaana ugu burburin lahaayeen diintooda.
  5. Bandiiradleey 15, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Ciidamo ka tirsan maxkamadda Badbaado oo dhowaan looga dhawaaqay w/magaalada Galkacyo ayaa maanta ku biirey ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamka ee fadhiga aagga Bandiiradleey, sida ay sheegeen saraakiil ka tirsan maxkamadaha islaamka ee gobolada dhexe, iyadoo dhinaca kale Gen. Cadde Muuse uu booqday halka ay isku horfadhiyaan ciidamadiisa iyo kuwa MMI. Taliyaha ciidamada Maxkamadaha islaamka ee gobolada dhexe Cali Bashiir ayaa u sheegay idaacadda shabelle in tiro u dhaxeysa 80-100 oo heyb ahaan ka soo jeeda Puntland daacadna u ah maxkamadda Badbaado oo dhowaan looga dhawaaqay W/magaalada Galkacyo ay maanta ku soo biireen ciidamadooda. Waxa uu sheegay in maleeshiyadaan ay yihiin kuwo ku hubeysan qoryaha fudud, waxaana uu sheegay in isla maanta lagu biiriyay ciidamadaasi kuwa horfadhiya Puntland. Waa markii ugu horeysay oo ciidamo ka soo jeeda Puntland ay ku biiraan Maxaakiimta islaamka somalia, iyadoo tanina ay noqoneyso mid dhabar jab ku ah maamulka Puntland oo dagaal kula jira maxkamadaha islaamka. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Puntland Gen. Cadde Muuse ayaa booqasho ku tagay maanta meelaha ay ciidamadiisa iyo kuwa maxkamadaha ay isku horfadhiyaan ee agagaarka deegaanka Bandiiradleey. Socdaalka cadde Muuse ayaa lagu macneeyay socdaalkiisa mid uu ku dhiirigalinayay ciidamadiisa in ay iska difaacaan weeraro kasta oo kaga yimaada maxkamadaha islaamka
  6. ^^^since Morgan was outsted by USC 7 yrs ago in Kismayu.The collaborators(Hiraale) of USC have been kicked out of the game. Making the USC sole benefactors Moarning would not suffuce hence be steadfast and accept the choice of Destiny
  7. ^^^^ what i wrote was intended for the username Zeilici aka the qabilist who was eager to hijack the thread for his ill intentions. and if you jumped into the band wagon (We against us) just know that am never apologetic in such issues.
  8. ^^^ Bro you misinterpreted me. Waht i actually meant is that if you are in the company of people who cherish somalinimo you become part of it constructively. As for Somalidiid you become what they wish showing no affectionate for them
  9. ^^^ If you go to rome do as the romans do So if you go to Konfuur you are Somali And If you go to Woqoyi you damn better be Ethiopian
  10. ^^ Iam always Somali to reer Konfuur & Ethiopian to Reer Woqoyi.
  11. ^^^ Since when did i become Oromo? I was just trying to proove to the imbecile above that ****** Questions have ****** answers. I post some thing he comes up with some wierd questions and suggestions
  12. Below is an extract that fully explains inside the mind of Xabashi. It is quite a drama to watch. "The fox outfoxing the fox" game that is being played between the Weyane in on hand and the Amhara on the other is quite intriguing; worthy of deep study and analysis. While we all are watching for Eritrea with an eagle eye for any eventualities from all enemies, be it domestic of foreign; let us see, take a look, and follow closely the state of politics and intrigues that are unfolding in the "accurse land", Ethiopia. The age-old "the fox outfoxing the fox" political game that is being played in Ethiopia these days is quite fascinating. The 21st Century "Neftegna", the Weyane, on one hand and the 20th Century "Neftegna", the Amhara, on the other are the players and actors. It is quite a drama to watch. In fact, the "game" is quite intriguing worthy of deep study and analysis. I could say, some one who is a Ph.D. candidate in "Political Science" could write a "Dissertation" and on it and he could end up with a masterpiece. To those who do not know the meaning of the new English word, "Neftegna", defining the word and its ramifications in Ethiopia is in order. There; in this word, lays the root-cause of the "hell on earth" that you witness in Ethiopia today. In this word resides the "cancer" that is eating Ethiopia form within to a point of no return and that is why "Ethiopia" is now synonym to "hunger" and human misery of biblical proportion. Driven from an Amharic word "Neft" (type of gun), its usage and practice goes back to 19th Century Ethiopia when King Menelik of Ethiopia sent out conquering forces from the Amhara and Tigrai region with "Neft" (gun) and rewarded them with the very land, properties, and people they conquered. But since the "Neftegna" did not cross borders or the oceans and since the pigment of the color of the skin of the "conqueror" was similar to that of "conquered', this kind of social, economic, and political adventure has never been looked at as "colonialism" or "slavery" in their true definition or manifestation. But it was taken as the internal subjugations of nationals and entities. By all accounts, the actions and the practices of a "Neftegna" are not different from your traditional "colonizer" or "slave driver", if not worst. In essence, "Neftegna" means organized forces who go on conquering other tribes and nationals and reduce them to "Chissegna" (conquered) or a property, which are not different from your traditional "slaves". The "Neftegna" typically do not only end up owning the land and property they conquered but they reduce the original rightful landowners to tenants, "Chissegna", to labor on the fields and make them pay from 30% to 40% of the annual harvest or income. The "Neftegna" invariably is a "slave master" that operate from a distance or in absentia and the only time he shows up is to collect the fruit of labor and sweat of the "Chissegna". Adding insult to injury, these "Chissegna" were also reduced to be canon fodders in all the subsequent wars of the "Neftegna". Going back in time, history shows that there was not a single war the "Neftegna" to have won on their own except by tears, sweat, and blood of the "Chissegna" class. A case in point, the Battle of Adwa. Despite the claims and ear-deafening "Zeraf. Zeraf.." of the "Neftegna" about it, the Adwa Battle was fought between 5000 Italians and 80,000 Welliatta (canon fodders) who were driven by the "Neftegna" to the Italian frontlines in "human waves". Any person with average intelligence could easily conclude that after over 70,000 Welliatta were slaughtered in the hands of the Italians, it is logical for the Amhara/Tigrai came to win the "trophy" by pushing the numerically reduced and logistically drained Italian soldiers. In essence, if there is any body who can claim victory at the Battle of Adwa, it is the Welliatta, and not the "Neftegna" (Amhara/Tigrai). That is a historical truth. True to this historically tried and proven method of "canon fodders" and "human wave" warfare tactic and engagement; the Weyane were arrogantly confident that a repeat of the Adwa Battle will unfold when they told the whole world that they are marching in to "enter Asmara in four days" in June 2000. How arrogant and how confident must Meles has been to even sent 10,000 donkeys to bring back war booty from Asmara; just like the traditional "Neftegna"!! To that effect, over 400,000 "fengiregach" (modern day canon fodders) were driven at gunpoint to march to machinegun nests and mechanized brigades of the Eritrean defense forces. Alas, over153, 000 "fengiregach" were slaughtered and an equal number where put out of commission within such a short time under such Eritrea firepower. After every thing is said and done, the Eritrean landscape was littered with bodies of poor Ethiopian soldiers leaving the "fengiregach" families with no son, or husband, or father. Remember, this is not the era of "Neft" but an era of machine guns and machinegun nests whose annihilation capability is beyond measure and beyond fathom. Despite this callous and colossal losses, in terms of innocent Ethiopians' life and resources, what is so disheartening and cruel about it is the Weyane still think it is a war tactic they could repeat over and over. Why? When a Weyane top official boasted, laughingly I might add, and said some thing to the effect that it was only the "Shankilla" and "Gala" that perished while the children of Tigrai are spare or saved; that summed up nature of Weyane and the nature of "Neftegna". Such was and still is the practice the age-old mode of operation of the Neftegna (Amhara and Tigrai). Incidentally, "Shankilla" and "Gala" are derogatory terms used by the "Neftegna" to describe or define the rest of the Ethiopian nationals. Would you be shocked in this time and age the "Neftegna" is still alive and well? To these date, the "Neftegna" are still the rulers and "landlords" while the conquered are still the "Chissegna" (the tenants) that supply the free labors and "fengiregach", on demand, with no political rights and privileges. In essence, slavery of a different kind is what "Neftegna" practiced and that practice and social order is still alive and well in the 21st Century Ethiopia. Shocked? Do not be. That is the very "cancer" that is eating Ethiopia these days and what you have in Ethiopia at this hour is worst than the much publicized and criticized "slavery" in the Sudan. Ever since Ethiopia, as we know it, came to be some 120 years ago, these two "Neftegna" took Ethiopia as if Ethiopia belongs to them and as if it was created for their use and abuse. While there rest of the Ethiopians such as the Oromo, the Somali, Afar, Sidama, Debub Hizboch, and Beshangul are reduced to "squatters" and "new comers" with no political and economic rights and privileges what so ever; these two have used the blessing of Ethiopia to fill up their bottomless stomach without impunity and shame. Even at this hour, if you see all the so-called Ethiopian "opposition" making a lot of noise from within and without Ethiopia, you will be able to see that they are the very children of "Neftegna" trying to keep the status quo unchanged and unchallenged. Watch all the so-called Ethiopian opposition; they have one common denominator that binds them. All of them are the very heirs of the "Neftegna" trying to hold on that social, economic, and political status. A case in point, take and follow Dr. Beyen Petros. Dr. Beyen Petros is supposed to be the chairman of "Debub Hizboch" and yet these person is a product of "Neftegna" trying to keep the status quo. In all honesty, can you let the "hyena" be the sheepdog for a day and expect the sheep to come home at night alive? Can you let the fox in with the chickens and expect to have chicken in the morning. By the same reasoning you could not possibly expect Dr. Beyene Petros, the child of a "Neftegna", to work or to advocate for the betterment of "Debub Hizboch", which are your typical "Chissegna". The marginalized Ethiopians; that is, the Oromo, Somali, Sidama, Welliatta, and others are not your typical "minorities" that are doomed to live and survive at the mercy and benevolence of the "majority". These are 55,000,000 strong Ethiopians that have been used, abused, and reduced to nameless and faceless type of "slavery" by less than 10,000,000 Amhara and Tigrai for over a century. What is shameful about all this is, even in this time and age, the Amhara and Tigrai, from the common man on the streets to the educated class, still see and take the rest of the Ethiopians as squatter and unwelcome guests who are only there at the benevolence of these "Neftegna". While "time" was supposed to educate and to enlighten the Amhara and Tigrai; blinded by economic and political greed, the Amhara and Tigrai could not or would not learn or change. "Time", the relentless teacher, has given up on the Amhara and Tigrai and both are doomed to face the wrath of "time". I mean the Amhara and Tigrai are doomed to face the wrath of the rest of Ethiopia for the rest of Ethiopians are saying "enough is enough" and they are up in arms to reclaim their dignity and their pride. In an era of equality, justice, individual rights. and freedom from colonialism or slavery, be it an African or European origin, it is a must that the rest of Ethiopians have to rise and they have already risen to break the backbone of these age-old bloodsuckers and merciless killers once and for good. Ever since Ethiopia, as we know it, came to be some 120 years ago, these two merciless "Neftegna" (Amhara and Tigrai) did not only use and abuse Ethiopia and Ethiopians but they are also antagonistic towards each other and they butchered each other in their quest to politically and economically dominate the social fabric of Ethiopia. The Amhara and Tigrai are antagonistic and bitter enemies to the grave, and yet they cannot live without each other. You heard the saying, "You cannot live them and you cannot live without them", this is it folks. When it is to subjugate the rest of the Ethiopians and when it is to blood-suck the resource and the blessings of Ethiopia; the Amhara and Tigrai are bedmates who practice a perfect "symbiotic" relationship. The Amhara-Tigrai relationship is your typical "hyena and the "fox" relationship from the jungle. This is a relation of between the "hyena" (the hunter) on one side and the "fox" (the scavenger) on the other. While the "hunter" hunts and the "scavenger" strives or lives on the leftovers and the spoils of the "hunter". If the "hyena" is to hunt, the "fox" is sent out to scout an unassuming or unguarded "prey". Never trusting each other, for over 120 years, this was the political and economic arrangement that kept them together. The "hunter-scavenger" symbiotic relationship between the Amhara and Tigrai is still alive and well in the accursed land. Up to 1991, the Amhara was the "hyena" that did all the hunting expeditions and Tigrai was the "fox" that went on scouting on weak and unsuspecting prey and picked up the leftovers and the spoils of the "hyena". However by 1991, the roll of the "hyena" and the "fox" was reversed and now Weyane is the "hyena" (hunter) and the Amhara are the "fox" (scavenger). Incidentally, it is quite interesting to see how the Amhara have adapted to their new roll as scavengers while the Weyane are promoted to the status of the hunter. Frankly, given their out of this world chauvinism and ear-deafening "Zeraf.Zeraf.", no body would have thought the Amhara will play a second fiddle and settle for this new status after they have enjoyed hundred years of power, fortune, and glory. Who would have thought the self-acclaimed and self-promoted gallants and "warriors" would end up to be that weak to accept their current status without raising a finger. To settle for this current status without raising a finger is what is not expected of the Amhara; given their "Zeraf.Zeraf.." Do not be fooled by the current "hyena-fox" arrangement, though. This was not meant to be itched or engraved in rock-solid tablet not to change. In the ever-changing rolls of these two merciless killers, there was and there is a game of "the fox outfoxing the fox" still to be played. In their quest to hold on to the "hyena" status or to ascend to that status, as the case may be, Tigrai and Amhara are playing their game at this very moment. These days, the "outfoxing" game have reached to a higher level of sophistication and intensity. This is because there is a good possibility that the roll of the "hyena" and the "fox" could be reversed in the near future; give or take eighteen (1 months. Given the next Ethiopian election is supposedly due in eighteen (1 months; the battle of dominance between the "Neftegna" is becoming more pronounced and more heated by the hour. Within the next eighteen (1 months, a new development in the dynamics of Ethiopian politics is expected or anticipated to unfold. In light of the upcoming Ethiopian election, there is an urgency from the Amhara to snatch power from Tigrai because Meles would not be reelected for the third time. On the other hand, there is a dire need to hold on to power by the Weyane; if the Weyane are to fulfill their dream. Bear with me; I will explain the "dream" or "Hilmi Abai Tigrai" in a moment. If the he Ethiopian Constitution is to uphold, Meles will not be up for reelection. Meles can only have two 5-years terms in the office. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Ethiopian politics at this hour is duel or fight between the Amhara (current fox) to snatch power and the Weyane (current hyena) to hang in there. The Amhara have calculated or concluded that, with a small help from Eritrea, they are now in a position to snatch power from Tigrai where as Weyane are trying to hang is there until they are ready to give birth to "Abai Tigrai". Thus, the duel or game between the "Neftegna" is already being played with such sophistication and intensity. Mark my word though; Meles will nullify the Ethiopian Constitution before the next scheduled election. There are two compelling reasons as to why Meles will void and nullify the Ethiopian Constitution. First, Weyane still need a few more good years before they declare free and sovereign "Abai Tigrai" and they do not have a viable candidate that can be presented as a replacement to Meles, if election is to be held. Bear with me I will explain as to why the Weyane need "a few more good years". It is doubtful if Weyane have a candidate for the top position who is as merciless killer, deceitful, canning, and an out to out liar as Meles Zenawi is. Second, it is being reported that Meles is being pushed by outside forces to scrap the "Ethiopian federalism based on ethnicity" all to together. True, "ethnic based federalism" ala Weyane style has been termed as the "balkanization" of Ethiopia to a point of no return not to mention it is the making of a second African "genocide". Western nations, driven by their obvious economic interests are pushing Meles to reverse this "balkanization" trend. To meet the needs of Western nations and to have "few more good years', Meles have no recourse but to void the Ethiopian Constitution and nullify all political parties in the process. Voiding the Ethiopian Constitution is a blessing in disguise for Meles. Such a move is not necessarily for the welfare of Ethiopia but it provides the Weyane the badly needed time to get ready for the birth of "Abai Tigrai". This is the state of the Ethiopian politics at this hour. Interestingly enough, Eritrea is in the equation or is in this "foxing" game. How can Eritrea be in the picture and in the equation, did you ask? To both players, Eritrea is the "winning card". Who ever a uses Eritrea effectively will emerge as a sure winner, both have concluded. Both the Amhara and Weyane are trying to use Eritrea to achieve their objectives. That is why both are not ready yet to accept the "final and binding" verdict. The recent rejection of the "final and binding" verdict from both camps has this inertia that dives it. Both are pushing for more bloodshed to achieve at their respective objectives; albeit they have bloody and antagonistic objectives. The Amhara will push for war, not necessarily Ethiopia will be able to turn the clock back to pre-1991 and not because the have the legal or military might to get part of Red Sea by force. But if the Weyane are to be broken beyond repair, then Shaebia is the one to do it for them, the Amhara calculated. If the Amhara are to come back to power in a lightening speed and if their ascension to power will be a smooth sailing without shedding blood on their part, then Eritrea is the one that is designated as the sacrificial lamb. The Amhara know Eritrea is gone, Assab is gone, "Badime" is Eritrean, and the famous "Straight Line" will remain straight line. But for once for the last time they like to use "Eritrea" as the fuel that drives the Ethiopian politics until Weyane is broken beyond repair and deformed beyond recognition. Thus, the Amhara have calculated that they have to push Weyane to continue on a "suicidal mission" against Eritrea until the last nail to nail-shut the Weyane coffin will be driven once and for all by Shaebia. That is why the Amhara are calling for the rejection of the "final and binding" verdict. On the other hand, the Weyane will push for war against Eritrea for two compelling and complementary reasons. If "Hilmi Abai Tigrai" is to be a reality, the Weyane need (1) a few more good blood-sucking years in Ethiopia and (2) they like to see a "balkanized" Ethiopia to a point of no return so that the upcoming "Abai Tigrai" will face no challenge from the rest of the Ethiopians. If the Weyane could have good ten years after seceding from Ethiopia, they have calculated that by that time they will garnish enough support or recognition from African countries and the world community to legitimize their secession. The Weyane have done they homework and they have concluded that an economically devastated, a military weak, and a politically "balkanized" Ethiopia will not be in any shape or form to challenge the upcoming "Republic of Greater Tigrai" for at least ten years by which time they think they can get away with Ethiopian lands from Begemidir and Wollo. Make no mistakes about it; Weyane is on trimester to give birth to "Abai Tigrai". In fact, had it not been for the "bloody Shaebia" standing on the way, by now "Abai Tigrai" would have been up and running. To give birth to "Abai Tigrai", Meles needs few more good years in Ethiopia and to weaken Eritrea. To do that, Meles has to convince the Ethiopians that he is true son of "Ethiopia" and the loss of 36,000,000,000 Birr in arms and armament and 153,000 "fengiregach" in the process the "Badime" adventure was indeed for something and there might be a need for more money and "fengiregach" from the "South" in the future. That is why Weyane are still crying "Badime" even at after the "final and binding" verdict is rendered. As a byproduct of this adventure, such salesmanship of the part of Meles is intended to by him a badly needed leverage and time to nullify the Ethiopian Constitution and make him self the "Prime Minister" for some more years until such time "Abai Tigrai" is born and running. Otherwise, for Weyane to go to labor to give birth to "Abai Tigrai" at this hour is "suicidal" or to give birth to a stillborn "Abai Tigrai". Therefore, the rejection of the "peace agreement" has two evil players behind it, each with their antagonistic objectives. Both of them know the verdict is "final and binding" and there is no recourse left but accept and live with it. But they have to try to get maximum mileage out of the war. In essence, Eritrea is being looked as (1) survival kit of Weyane or (2) as a "bomb" that could destroy Weyane once and for all; it all depends on which side of the game you are playing it. "The fox outfoxing the fox" game between Amhara and Tigrai is being played in full swing. After every thing is said and done, who will emerge as the winner? None of these two will end up the winner. The winners will be the rest of the Ethiopians. The other Ethiopians are letting these two evils dig the grave of each other. After these are finished with each other, the rest of the Ethiopians will come to break their backbone for good and will be will peace in the Horn. It is ironic, isn't it? The very country (Eritrea) that was supposed to be destroyed and erased from the face of the map will be the one that will save the Ethiopians from these two evils for the third time. Eritrea saved Ethiopia from Hailesellassie and from Derg. For the third time, Eritrea will save Ethiopia from these two bloodsuckers at the same time in one go and there will peace in the Horn. It can be concluded that every human misery that has been unfolding in Ethiopian, every war that have been fought by canon fodders, every social and economic disaster that have been recurring in the "accursed land", all the HIV epidemic that is sweeping the Ethiopian landscape like a prairie fire is a direct result of this unholy and unhealthy social and political order we call "Neftegna". The underlining reason as to why Ethiopia is synonym to "hunger" it is not due to nature induced calamity but for the most part it is due to this unhealthy social, economic, and political order the country. If Ethiopians are to live in decency among the civilized world, if Ethiopians are to save themselves form handouts and alms of benefactors, if Ethiopians are to break the tradition of "beggary", and if the Ethiopians are to walk with their heads up; then the first order of business should be to dismantle and destroy this Neftegna" social order or class. If not, it will be business as usual in the accursed land. Not only that, the expansionist policy of the "Neftegna" and their bottomless stomach will be the source of non-ending war and bloodshed in the Horn. In short, if the Horn is to have peace, this "cancer" should be eradicated and the backbone of the Amhara/Tigrai should be broken once and for all. These two are the very enemies of Eritrea, which are on a mission to destroy Eritrea, if they could. God only knows how much these two players have squandered the meager sources of Ethiopia in war against Eritrea. Not only that, they have left millions of other Ethiopians to bear the brunt of the war for years to come. If these are the enemy of the Motherland, then what kind of Eritreans are those that are brewing "evil" against the country and people with Weyane? What kind of Eritreans are out there who are still begging the Weyane to put them in power in Eritrea; that is, if the Weyane are to put them in power? What kinds of Eritreans are out there that are sleeping in rat-infested motels in Mekele and "Iri Bekentu" to do more harm their own people? What kind of Eritreans are those who go on begging the Weyane, on their knees, for help or are sweeping the streets of Mekele? What kind of blinding hatred and vendetta against Shaebia could these elements harbor to practice "to kill the fish, drain the lake" doctrine against their own people? What kind of Eritrean could they be practice "scorched earth tactic" or "let no grass grow after me" against their kind with the sworn enemy? How strong is the backward mentalities and tendencies of the Eritrean elements to fall such low to this shame? What kind of Eritreans are those who wine and dine with Weyane in the middle of the war while the blood of our young ones is fresh? What kind of Eritreans are out there that go knocking the door so Western nations to economically and diplomatically strangulate Eritrea, while the Eritrea is in the middle of the war or the middle of far-reaching drought? Do these people really sleep at night after they have sold their soul to "devil" and after they have "bartered" Eritrea for bottles "Katikala" and for donated wheat", left over of Weyane, in the streets of Mekel?. Since when does an Eritrean went down, on his knees, to be beg from a "certified bagger" anyway? How could and Eritreans beg from born and certified "beggar and what do they expect to get? In all honesty, I doubt if these are Eritreans and how can they claim to be Eritreans doing unEritrean thing? "Mergem Weladi Ente Zei'Ketele Ye'Enenie" will be their story and their fate. What would the bigger than life giants and gallants of Eritrea from the distance past and recent past say when they are told that we have Eritreans that are being supported and sustained by Weyane in exchange of burning their churches, mosques, schools, and home? What kind of Eritrean could they be to sit there doing nothing while their own sisters and mothers were raped by Weyane in front of their eyes? Have these elements heard the latest song of the Eritrean mother, which goes like this: "Entai Eleyo Hadar Lomi Qine Ezi Weyane Hamed Kaisehane". Do they know what that song means? Help me understand the mentality and the nature of "Hatela" of the Motherland if you could! It is just unEritrean to betray your kind, especially at a time when your kind needed you the most! It is shame and disgrace not to be there for your kind when they needed you the most. Albeit few in number, we have those who betrayed the mothers and we know them one by one. While the "outfoxing" game of the Amhara/Tigrai is being play, it is a must that Eritrea should stay on course, focused, alert, watch for Eritrea with an eagle eye, and be prepared for any eventualities from all enemies. As usual, the Eritrean determination, steadfastness, unbridled sacrifice for the cause of the Motherland; the unabridged love of Eritrea should be there if Weyane is to come to be cured from this insanity. If the "guarantors of peace" are to live up to their obligations and responsibilities, the ever-defiant nation should be ready for any eventualities more so now than ever. "God only helps those who help them selves" and "we have only us" to save ourselves. As the Eritrean mothers put it, may "Kidane Mihret Sembel" (God/Allah) continue protecting the "Halal Meriet"; Amen/Ensha'Alah! Coclusion they are all the same. ''Waa Dhameer iyo labadeedha dhagood.''
  13. Jabhadda ONLF oo wadada u gashay qeybdiid khasaare fara badanna u geystay kadib dagaal qaraar oo kudhex maray dhulka Ismaamulka Soomaalida. Gaalkacyo, 13-November-06 ( Qaadisiya.com) Wararka naga soo gaaraya Dhulka Ismaamulka Soomaalida ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi wadada loogu galay Dagaal ooge Cabdi Xasan Cawaale (Qeybdiid) oo xalay kasoo ambabaxay magaalada Baydhabo isagoo soo maray xudur. Cabdi qeydiid iyo maleeshiyadiisii oo kusii jeeday Magaalada Gaalkacyo isla markaana doonayay in uu kasoo galo gaalkacyo dhanka dhulka Ismaamulka Soomaalida ee Itoobiya ayaa waxaa lagu soo waramayaa in meel u dhaw Mustaxiil ay israsaaseyn xoogan kudhex Martay isaga iyo Jabhadda Ogaadiniya oo halkaasi fariisin kuleh. Wararka qaar oo qaadisiya kasoo gaaraya Deegaanadaasi ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in qeybdiid laga gubay gawaari dagaal oo uu lasocday, waxaa sidoo kale jirta warar sheegaya in isaga khudhiisa gacanta lagu soo dhigay inkastoo warkaasi uu yahay weli mid aanan lagu kalsoonaan Karin. Xiriir deg deg ah oo Shabakadda Islaamiga ah ee qaadisiya ay la sameysay mas'uuliyiinta ONLF ayaanan u suurta gelin in ay hesho xaaladda oo kacsan awgii. Majirto illaa iyo iminka wax ay soo bandhigaan Jabhadda ********iya oo ku aadan khasaaraha ay u geysteen C/qeybdiid oo weerar kale la damacsanaa bandiiradleey isagoo Magaalada Baydhabo laga soo hubeeyay inkastoo Jabhaddani ay wadada u gashay, sidoo kale Majirto wax war ah oo kasoo baxay dhanka Dowladda Federaalka oo Qeybdiid kusoo hubeysay Magaalada baydhabo. Waa jabkii labaad oo Allaah uu ku rido Dagaal Ooge Cabdi qeybdiid oo damacsan in uu la dagaalamo rag u istaagay in Umadda Soomaaliyeed ay wadankooda ugu noolaadaan raaxo iyo in aanan lagu dhibin diintooda. Wixii kusoo kordha wararkani kala socda wararkeena dame ee Shabakadda Islaamiga ah ee Qaadisiya.
  14. ^^ when Zelic was Zeylic Imposters of your kind heardly existed
  15. ^^^ Dude your folks were non existant during that period. anyway you guys are too poor that xasiidnimo makes you burn a Somali. Listen when the ICU wack you folks We Ethiopians will not accept refugees into our territory
  16. ^^^ Dude. Do you think current day Mongolia are people of Gheghis Khan?
  17. Saturday, 11 November 2006 Written by Garrett Johnson "It was totally the law of unintended consequences in the extreme." - John Prendergast http://www.bitsofnews.com/content/view/4335/43/ 6,000-8,000 Ethiopians and 2,000 fully equipped Eritrean troops are inside Somalia prepared to face off in a violent regional conflict, the UN recently warned. Ethiopia is backing the weak Somali Transitional Government near Baidoa that holds no real power in Somalia. Uganda and Yemen are throwing in resources to Ethiopia's side. Eritrea is backing the Supreme Islamic Courts Council which controls most of southern Somalia. Libya, Saudi Arabia and Gulf states are supporting the Islamic movement. Clashes have already erupted between the autonomous region of Puntland and the Islamic Courts. How did this approaching disaster happen? It started in the mostly unlikely of ways - a fight over a worthless patch of scrub land just outside of Mogadishu by two clan warlords on January 13. It required the complete incompetence of the Bush Administration to turn this nonevent into a war that could kill tens of thousands and destabilize the entire region. Making a mountain out of a molehill Our story begins with two warlords from the Abgal sub-clan. One warlord is named Bashir Raghe. He was a waste contractor with the U.S. military forces in Mogadishu before the United States pulled out in 1994. After 9/11 he became one of America's top allies in Somalia. He was paid handsomely to capture alledged terrorist and turn them over to U.S. officials. Raghe strode through Mogadishu wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses on his head and a pistol strapped to each hip. And in the months leading up to the fighting in Mogadishu, he was seen using crisp, new $100 bills to buy machine guns and heavily armed pickup trucks. The rival warlord is named Abukar Omar Adan, a devoutly Islamic and heavily armed clan elder with ties to the Islamic Courts Union (now named Supreme Islamic Courts Council). The trouble began late last year when Adan paid $30,000 for land that straddled the airport road, intending to build a development including homes and warehouses. Fearing the loss of control over lucrative airport traffic, Raghe objected, according to Adan's brother and son. After several verbal confrontations, the two sides began fighting in the open Jan. 13, moments after the U.S. intelligence officials -- most accounts put the number at four -- had landed at Esaly. After a six hour battle Raghe's forces had killed seven of Adan's men and captured the land and four of his gun trucks. The U.S. officials, at the airstrip just three miles away, wrongly concluded that they were under attack by Islamic terrorists and abruptly fled. Adan had no idea the Americans were nearby, but soon learned of it. Adan travelled to Nairobi to reassure the Americans that the gunfight was about land, and to ask for his trucks back. But over the next several weeks, in numerous discussions in person and on the phone, U.S. officials accused Abukar and his family of being terrorists, he said. "They said, 'You were ready to kill us.' . . . They said, 'Your file will be put in Washington, and you will be recorded as a terrorist group.' " A third Somali, speaking on condition of anonymity, recounted a separate but similar conversation with a U.S. intelligence official who said of the officers at the airstrip on Jan. 13: "They were ambushed. This was a terrorist who was trying to kill American officers." The Bush Administration couldn't let a terrorist attack go by unanswered, and so began funding regional warlords, including Raghe. These were some of the exact same warlords that killed American soldiers in 1993. Anti-Americanism, stoked by the Iraq War, intensified in Mogadishu. Warlords had been raping, robbing and killing for over a decade, and now they were being funded by the Bush Administration. Public opinion swung in favor of the islamic courts, which were originally created as a judicial system by regional businessmen, but gradually became a local police force, and even provided services such as education and health care. Blowback On February 18, Raghe and at least six other warlords created the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT). Four of the warlords were also part of the Somali Transitional Government. American support money flooded into this group, estimated at about $100,000 a month. However, the popular reaction was even more swift. Battles between homegrown Islamic militias and a hated U.S. proxy force started the very same day. Only a few months ago, this would have been impossible for lack of public support, experts said. But the US support for the warlord Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism -- hated by the population -- sparked a wave of anti-American sentiment that massively boosted support for the Islamists, they said. Karin von Hippel, a former UN expert on Somalia and member of the US Center for Strategic and International Studies, says that by backing the warlords, Washington encouraged the Islamic courts to take up arms. A month later the forces of Adan and Raghe met again. This time Adan was backed by the islamic courts, and the ending was very different. Raghe's forces were routed despite the backing of American military aid. It was the start of the blowback against Bush's Somalia policy. On May 7th an outright war began between the U.S. backed warlords and the islamic courts, and by June 5th the warlords had been driven from Mogadishu. A few weeks later Raghe and another warlord fled to a waiting American warship. The fighting had cost about 350 lives. And as you might imagine, the Bush Administration, in its usual "sour grapes" moment, has ruled out any contact with the new leader of Somalia. But this was not the end. It was mearly the start. Chairman Sharif Sheikh AhmedThe UIC followed the fleeing warlords to the nearby towns of Jowhar and Hobyo and quickly captured them. Most of the warlords fighters were now being put to work for the UIC. As the summer and fall grew long, so did the territory that the UIC has occupied. It has also created security and added services that a whole generation of Somalis haven't experienced. In July the UIC organized a clean-up campaign - the first litter removal in Mogadishu in over a decade. That same month, the first commerical flight left Mogadishu airport in a decade. In August the first ship docked in Mogadishu harbor since 1991. On August 15, the UIC captured the coastal town of Haradhere and cleaned the pirates out of it. And just two days ago, the islamists stormed a ship that was captured by pirates and returned it to its owners. The changes in Mogadishu have been startling to say the least. Things have never been so quiet, he says. Two weeks ago AK-47s sold for $550 as fresh fighting consumed the city. This week, he cannot move them for $350. "Before, there were always two or three groups that I could sell to. Now there is just the Islamic courts and we are worried that they will bring peace here and put us out of business," he says. The islamists have also cracked down on the illicit drug trade, sale of endangered birds, and the indiscriminate logging of trees. You would think all of this would please everyone. You would be very mistaken. Neocons do what is expected of them Where did the Bush Administration get information that the UIC was harboring al-Qaeda terrorists? From the same warlords who called themselves the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARPCT) in order to get American taxpayer dollars from gullible neocons. You have to remember that when the news media approached the Bush Administration about allegations of funds going to Somalian warlords, the first reaction by the Administration was to lie about their involvement. Then, when diplomats in the State Department warned that the policy was misguided, those same diplomats had their careers cut short. Power Politics, African Style "If something is not done now, the conflict may take on a regional dimension" - United Nations envoy Francois Lonseny Fall Shortly after the victory of the UIC in Mogadishu, a column of 100 Ethiopian trucks crossed into Somalia, headed for Baidoa. BBC African analyst Martin Plaut says the Ethiopian action puts the future of the transitional government in question. Far from buttressing the administration, it may be the final blow to its credibility. Many MPs will not wish to serve in what will be seen as a puppet government, and observers believe they may leave Baidoa, he says. That late-July warning was completely correct. Just two weeks later 40 ministers quit the transitional government. "From today onwards, the government has been dissolved - only the prime minister will remain." - President Abdullahi Yusuf A new cabinet was formed, but only after intervention of Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin as mediator between the two factions in the Somali government. This was only the start of the troubles for the transitional government. The following day a Baidoa warlord threatened the transitional government to leave Baidoa, or be thrown out. The government had to retake the regional airport by force from him. Meanwhile the transitional government has asked the UN for an army of peacekeepers, which it has approved. However, the UIC has opposed it. Then in late October, the Ethiopian troops went on the offensive, and captured a minor town called Burahakaba. A couple days later the SICS took it back. Then on October 24, Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi announced that "technically" that his country is at war with the SICS. "The jihadist elements within the Islamic Court movement are spoiling for a fight. They've been declaring jihad against Ethiopia almost every other week," Meles said. "Technically we are at war." He is correct that the SICS has called for jihad against Ethiopia. But that was only after Ethiopia sent troops into Somalia. Ethiopia only recently admitted to having any troops in Somalia, and says they are only there for "training purposes". There have been massive protests in Mogadishu against the Ethiopian troops. Meanwhile refugees are fleeing Somalia in the face of the coming war. Already 30,000 have entered Kenya this year, on top of the tens of thousands previously there. Meanwhile proposed peace talks between the UIC and the transitional government have collapsed. The sticking point is the presence of the Ethiopian troops. The UIC refuses to even talk about peace while the foreign troops are in Somalia. But why is Ethiopia doing this? Why is Ethiopia invading Somalia? The past year has not been kind to the Ethiopian government. After fixed elections that allowed Mr. Zenawi to win a third term, the government began a crackdown on the opposition. In response, the US Congress passed a bill branding the government as undemocratic and an abuser of human rights. Additionally, international donors have stopped the flow of cash to the Ethiopian government, and have not been in contact with the regime for several months. The loss of aid has hurt, as Ethiopia is one of the most aid-dependent countries in the world. But an anti-Islamist war in Somalia would enable Zenawi to position himself as a key ally in the war on terror. Zenawi reasons that if his country plays an essential role in supporting Somalia's transitional government against the UIC, the United States will provide economic and diplomatic support, despite other objections to Ethiopia's policies. All Zenawi has to do is wait for civil war in Somalia to reignite - an outcome made more likely by his deployment of troops. Historically, Ethiopia and Somalia have fought wars and have tribal claims that extend beyond their borders. In 1977 Somalia invaded Ethiopia in the ****** War. Ethiopia repulsed the invasion with the help of the Soviet Union. Meanwhile in the rest of Somalia... Abdullahi Yusuf AhmedSomalia is in reality three countries now. One of them is divided between the SICS and the puppet government that Ethiopia supports. The region directly to the north is called Puntland. It is an autonomous region that formed in 1998 and is directly supported by the government of Ethiopia, but isn't trying to become independent. The region was formed under Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, who refused to step down when his term was up in 2001. This led to rebellions that continued until 2004, when he resigned to become President of Somalia in the transitional government. He recently survived an assassination attempt. Last week clashes erupted between Puntland and the UIC. This is only two weeks after the UIC proposed new islamic courts for Puntland. Two days later, forces from Puntland attacked again. Somaliland, unlike Puntland, is trying to become independent of Somalia. There have been claims that the UIC is sending agents into Somaliland, but this has not been proven. Looking ahead The Bush Administration, after hitting this hornet's nest with a stick, has run away and left the region in growing chaos. What can be done? Most likely it would require some leadership from the UN. The Bush Administration is poison at this point, and anything else it touches with wither and die. Hopefully Ethiopia will pull back and let Somalia find its own way to peace.
  18. A picture is more than 1000 words So Baree character is exonarated below
  19. V. Boqor Ba'eda Maryam iyo Boqorad Elena Inta aynaan isha marin taariikhda boqor Ba'eda iyo boqoradda Elena, waxaa xusuusin mudan in taariikhda Immaam Axmed iyo dagaaladii baaxadda laha ee uu la galay boqortooyada Ethiopia (gaar ahaan Boqor Lebna Dengal, wiilkiisii Gelowdewos, iyo boqortooyadii Portugueseka ee gurmadka u fidisay) ay ina soo hayso oo aan taxanahan qaybo badan oo kamid ah si faahfaahsan uga hadli doonno; sidaas darteed, waxaan jeclaystay in aynaan ku degdegin bilowga taariikhda Imaam Axmed illaa aan halkeeda ugu tagayno. Boqor Ba'eda Maryam (1468-1478) Waxaan horay uga soo warbixinay, qormadeenii tan ka horaysay, ciqaabtii boqor Zara Yakob uu ku qaaday xaaskiisii, Seyon Mogasa, kadib kolkuu ku eedeeyey in ay mu'aamarad ka dhan ah boqor Zara Yakob, oo ay ku doonaysay in ay xukunka kaga wareejiso, ay faraha la gashay. Seyon Mogasa, waxay ahayd boqor Ba'eda Maryam hooyadiis, sidaas darteed, arintan waxay Ba'eda Maryam ku keentay, yaraantiisii, cabsi aad u badan oo uu ka qabay in uu aabihiis, Zara Yakob, marin doono ciqaab lamid ah tan uu hooyadiis mariyey. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, Boqor Zara Yakob wax ciqaab ah ma marin wiilkiisa, wuxuuna u diyaariyey in uu ka dhaxlo taajka boqortooyada Ethiopia. Sidaas ayuuna boqor Ba'eda Maryam kula wareegay maamulka boqortooyadii Amxaarada sanadkii 1468kii kadib kolkii aabihiis u geeriyooday xannuun muddo hayey. Waxyaabaha sida gaarka ah loogu xasuusto boqor Ba'eda Maryam (the hand of Mary) ama gacantii Maryam oo lagu magacaabi jiray Dawit, waxaa kamid ah dhisitaankii kaniisaddii sida weyn caanka u ahayd ee "Atronsa Maryam" sidoo kale wuxuu amar ku bixiyey in lafihii boqorradan dhawrka ah: Yakuna Amlak (1270-1285), Neway Maryam (1372-1382), iyo Tewodros (1413-1414) lagu aaso Kaniisadda Atronsa Maryam. Dadka ree Ethiopia ee xukunka boqor Ba'eda Maryam ku hoos noolaa waxay ku xamanjireen in uu wakhtigiisa inta badan uu ku lumiyo fardafuulka oo uu aad u jeclaa. Boqorku, Ba'eda, wuxuu markii danbe ku dooday in fardafuulkiisan faraha badani uu yahay mid caada ahaan kasoo jeedda Boqortooyada Ethiopia uuna ka dhaxlay boqorraddii hore ee isaga xukunka kaga horeeyey. Boqor Ba'eda Maryam waxaa sidoo kale lagu tilmaamaa in uu ku dhiiri geliyey dadka reer Ethiopia in ay waxbeerashada xoogga saaraan, gaar ahaan liinta, sonkorta, canabka iyo geedmiroodyo kale oo farabadan. Boqorad Elena Boqoraddan, Elena, waxay kamid ahayd xaasaskii boqor Zara Yakob. Waxay ahayd inan uu dhalay boqorkii Muslimiinta reer Dawaro ee iyagu markii danbe qaatay diinta Kirishtanka kadib kolkii dhulkooda uu hoostagay boqortooyada Ethiopia. Haweenaydan waxay si kumeelgaar ah taajka boqortooyada Ethiopia ugu haysay boqor Lebna Dengel oo isaga oo 7 sano jir ah aabihiis, boqor Na'od, lagu dilay dagaal dhexmaray boqortyooyada Ethiopia iyo xoogaggii Muslimiinta reer Zaylac ama Adal. Dadka taariikhda boqortooyada Ethiopia wax ka qora waxay ku tilmaamaan boqorad Elena in ay ahayd haweenay caqligu aad ugu maaxay. Waxay durbaba xidhiidh la samaysay Suldaan Maxamed Azir oo muddo ka badan 30 sano (1488-1518) katalinayey saldanaddii Muslimiinta ee Adal. Waxay sidoo kale xidhiidh la samaysay dawladdii Portugueseka iyadoo markaas dareemaysay in boqortooyada Ethiopia ay ku soo fool-leedahay khatar ballaaran oo kaga imaanaysay dhinaca bari, gaar ahaan saldanaddii Zaylac. Boqorad Elena waxay wafti ahaan ugu dirtay dawladdii Portigueska nin Armenian ah oo lagu magacaabi jiray Mateus. Waxaana sanadku markuu ahaa 1514kii uu boqorkii Bortaqiisku, Manuel I uu ku qaabilay Lisbon, oo ahayd xaruntii Bortaqiiska, waftigii boqoradda Ethiopia. Wakhtigaas, waxay Boortagiisku dano muhiim ah ka lahaayeen India, waxayna aad u soo dhaweeyeen aragtida boqorad Elena. Sanadkii 1520kii, oo ku beegnayd xilliyadii uu taajka boqortooyada Ethiopia uu hayey boqor Lebna Dengel, waxaa soo gaaray xeebta Musawac markab siday wafti Portiguesku u soo diray boqortooyada Ethiopia. Waxaana waftiga madax u ahaa Duarte Galvao oo ahaa safiirkii dawladda Portiguesku u soo magacawday Ethiopia, si taageero ballaran loogu fidiyo boqortooyada Erhiopia, loogana taakuleeyo sidii ay uga guulaysanlahayd Saldanaddii Muslimiinta ee Zaylac. Book Note: Tribute to Imam Ahmed Gurey by the Author of Futuh Al-Habasha, Shihab Al-Diin Ibn Ahmed Ibn Abdulkadir Al-Jizani, Arab Fiqiih. "Pay attention to me that I may recite to you at length. All of you gather round me, to receive the testimony ( to make it easy for you) And cast a glance at my book entitled Futuh Al-Habasha effected by the celebrated, glorious, high-minded, renowned fortunate imam, whose equal one has never heard of, nor has there ever been his like..... the triumphant king, the glowing flame, the star of religion, from the stock of the lords of the Mujahidiin.. .. the sultan, the imam Ahmed ibn Ibrahim, the mujahid, the mooring cable." (Futih Al-Habasha, by Shihab Al-diin Ibn Ahmed Ibn Abdulkadir Al-jizani, P: 4-5, Published by Tsehai publishers, Hollywood, CA) Mujaahid Sh. Ibraahim
  20. iV Boqor Zara Yakob (1434-1468) Inta aynan dhex gelin taariikhda boqorkan, Zara Yakob, oo ka mid ahaa boqorradii ugu muhiimsanaa ee soo maray taariikhda Ethiopia, waxaa haboon in aan si kooban u xusno inta boqor ee xukunka boqortooyada Ethiopia iska dhaxlay mudadii u dhaxaysay boqor Amada Tseyon (1314-1344) iyo boqor Zara Yakob (1434-1468) oo qormadeena maanta aan si kooban uga hadli doono. Boqradan intooda badan kagama aynaan soo hadlin qormooyinkeenii hore, maxaa yeelay in badan oo iyaga ahi kuma negaan kursiga boqortooyada muddo dheer, mana lahayn miisaan hogaamineed oo lamid ah midka boqorrada aan qormooyinkeena kuxusnay ama aan ku xusidoonno; sidaas darteed waxaan muujinaynaa oo kaliya magaca boqorka iyo taariikhda uu soo hayey xukunka boqortooyada Ethiopia: Amada Tseyon...... ..... (1314-1344) Safya Arad........ ......... ..(1344-1372) Wudem Asfare...... ........ (1372-1382) Dawit I........... ......... .... (1382-1411) Tewodros I........... ........ (1413-1414) Yesak....... ......... ......... . (1414-1429) Endreyas.... ......... ......... (1429-1430) Takla Maryam...... ......... . (1430-1433) Sarwa Iyasus...... ......... . ( 1433) Amada Iyasus...... ......... (1433-1434) Zara Yakob....... ......... .. (1434-1468) Boqor Zara Yakob (1434-1468) oo ah wiilkii ugu yaraa ee boqor Dawit I-kii aynu soo sheegnay in uu ahaa boqorkii reer Ethiopia ee sanadkii 1403 qabsaday Zaylac, waxaa lagu tilmaamaa in uu ahaa boqor kali-taliye ahaa. Wuxuu xilka boqortooyada hayey muddo 34 sano ah. Waxyaabaha sida aadka ah loogu xasuusto boqorkan waxaa ugu muhiimsan dilkii uu dilay haweenaydiisii, Seyon Mogasa, oo uu ku eedeeyey in ay maleegaysay shirqool ka dhan ah boqorka Ethiopia, boqor Zara Yakob. Boqor Zara Yakob wuxuu yaraantiisii qaybo kamid ah tacliinta diinta Kirishtanka ku soo qaatay Aksum, kadibna wuxuu ku xarooday xarun si gaar ah loogu barto ku takhasuska diinta kirishtanka oo ku taalay Shire, laguna magacaabi jiray Debra Abbay. Sida caadada boqorrada reer Ethiopia ay ahayd, boqor Zara Yakob wuxuu isna markiisa la baxay naanaysta " Kwestantinos" ama Constantine oo uu malaha uu ku ixtiraamayey boqorkii Ruum, Constantine Emperor, 285-337 Boqor Zara Yakob wuxuu door muhiim ah ka qaatay, mudadii uu xukunka hayey, xoojinta ku dhaqanka diinta Kirishtanka . Wuxuu xukunka boqortooyada Ethiopia u fidiyey Koonfurta iyo bariga. Wuxuu amar ku bixiyey in qofkasta oo Ethiopian ahi uu madaxa ku xirto calaamad muujinaysa in uu yahay qof haysta diinta Kirishtanka, isilamar-ahaantaasn a u dhaar la galo (bayco) boqortooyada. Boqor Zara Yakob wuxuu caasimadda boqortooyada Ethiopia u wareejiyey waqooyiga Shawa, wuxuuna xarun kadhigtay Debra Birhan oo ahaa qasri aad u qurux badan. Wakhtigaas Muslimiinta reer Adal ama Zaylac waxay gacanta ku hayeen ganacsigii u dhexeeyey Zaylac oo ahayd dekked muhiim ah iyo dhulkii kale ee Muslimiinta sida, Ifat, Fatigar, Dawaro iyo Bale. Sidaan horay u soo xusnay boqor kasta oo reer Ethiopia ah wuxuu awwoodda saaraa marwalba sidii uu marin-badeed u heli lahaa; sidaas darteed boqor Zara Yaqub wuxuu culayska saaray xeebaha Eritrea oo kamid ahaa dhulkii Muslimiinta, islamarkaasna aad ugu dhawaa gobolka Tigray. Sanadihii 1448-1449kii wuxuu abaabulay ciidan, wuxuuna isugu geeyey dhulka Eritrea, kadibna wuxuu ku weeraray Musawac iyo Jasiiradihii Dahlak. Dhanka kale, Zara Yakub, wuxuu duulaan ku qaaday Amiir Axmed Badley Sa'du-diin oo wakhtiyadaas u talinayey Saldanaddii Zaylac ama Adal oo ahayd imaarada muslimiinta ee xilliyadaas ugu awwoodda roonayd. Warka dagaaladan uu Boqor Zara Yaqub kawaday dhulka Muslimiinta wuxuu gaaray qaaradda Yurub, wuxuuna aad u farxad geliyey maamuladii iyo boqortooyadii ka dhisnayd dhulka Yurub oo ku fakaray in ciidanka Ethiopia uu yahay ciidanka jabin kara Muslimiintii Masar, Sham, iyo Jaziiradda Carabta oo dhan. Sidoo kale boqor Zara Yakub iyo maamulkii ka dhisnaa Masar waxaa dhexmaray khilaaf aad u xooggan, kaas oo keenay in boqor Zara Yakub uu ku hanjabo in uu leexsan doono biyaha wabiga Nile. Sida dadka ku xeel dheer taariikhda Ethiopia ay xusaan, Boqorka Ethiopia, Zara Yakob, wuxuu aad uga carooday warar sheegayey in kaniisad kutaal Masar ay maamulka muslimiintu burburiyeen. Book Note: Imiir Nur was Imam Ahmedi's nephew: "Imam Ahmed Grang's (Gurey) widow returned to Harar to rally his lieutenants to continue attacking Ethiopians. She agreed to marry Grangs's (Imam Ahmed) nephew, Nur Ibn Mujahid, on condition that he would avenge Grang's (Imam Ahmed) defeat." (Layers of Time, by Paul B. Henze. P: 89 published by St. Martin's Press, New York in 2000) fadlan waxaa iskaleh qoraalkan shaqsiga ku hoos qoran ee adiga oo xushmayn haya shaqsiga ku bixiyay waqtiga iyo xooga ku xushmee mujahid sheikh ibraahim
  21. Qabsashadii 1aad ee Zaylac (1403) iii. Boqor Safya Arad, Wudem Asfare, iyo Dawit I (1344-1411) Inta aynaan hangoolkeena taariikhda ku soo qaban boqorradan sadexda ah, waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in aan gunaanadno taariikhda boqor Amada Tseyon. Boqor Amada Tseyon kolkii uu qabsaday dhulkii ay ka talinaysay saldanaddii Muslimiinta ee IFAT, wuxuu gacanyare u maamula u doortay Amiir Sabru-diin walaalkiis, Jamaalu-diin. Wuxuu u bixiyey "Boqorka Muslimiinta oo dhan." Wixii wakhtigaas ka danbeeyey, wuxuu Boqor Amada Tseyon duulaankiisa u soo wareejiyey Saldanaddii Adal ama Zaylac ee ku baahsanayd inta u dhaxeeysey bariga gobolka Shewa illa xeebta Zaylac. Boqorku, Amada, wuxuu ballan ku qaaday in uusan dagaalka joojinayn illaa uu gebi ahaanba cagta mariyo Adal. Amiir Jamaalu-diin, oo u adkaysan waayey dhibaatada boqor Amada Tseyon uu ku hayey shucuubta Muslimiinta, wuxuu ka codsaday boqorka in uu guud ahaanba ciidankiisa kala baxo dhulkii uu qabsaday, kuna celiyo dhulkii ay ka yimaadeen, isla mar ahaantaasna uu joojiyo duulaanka uu ku hayo Imaarada Zaylac. Amada Tseyon ma siin wax ahmiyad ah talada uu Amiir Jamaalu-diin u soo jeediyey, wuxuuna sii waday colaadii uu ku hayey dhulkii muslimiinta intii markaas gacantiisa ku jirtay iyo Adal oo uu ku hanweynaa in uu mar uun ka takhalusi doono. Waxaan kaga baxaynaa taariikhda boqor Amada Tseyon qoraal kooban oo uu qoray qoraa carbeed oo lagu magacaabi jiray Ibn Fadlallah Al-Cumari, kaas oo sifaynaya habdhaqankii boqorka Ethiopia, Amada Tseyon: "Marka mid kamid ah boqorada Muslimiinta ee hoosjoogay boqor Amada Tseyon uu geeriyoodo, ayna jiraan wiilal uu dhalay boqorka geeriyooday, wuxuu mid walba (wiilashiisu) isku dayi jiray in uu helo boqor Amada Tseyon kalsoonidiisa; maxaa yeelay Boqorka (Amada) ayaa ah kan dooranaya wiilka xukunka qabanaya" (ee dhaxlaya aabihiis) ( The Ethiopians by Pankhurst. bogga: 75 published by Blackwell) Markuu geeriyooday boqor Amada Tseyon, waxaa halgankiisii iyo hammigiisii ku dhisnaa in uu mar'uun hanan doono dhulka imaarada Adal ama Zaylac sii waday wiilkiisii ka dhaxlay taajka boqortooyada, Safya Arad. Boqor Safya Arad (1344-1372), oo naanaystiisu ahayd "Nawaya Kristos" (Vessel of Mary) wuxuu talada boqortooyada hayey muddo 28 sanadood ah. Wuxuu ahaa sida taariikhda ku sugan siyaasi ruug cadaa ah. Wuxuuna inta badan u isticmaalay dhulka Muslimiinta siyaasad ku dhisan "Qaybi oo xukun" taas oo u suurto gelisay in uusan inta badan adeegsan awood ciidan. Safya Arad kolkii uu geeriyooday waxaa kala wareegay kursiga boqortooyada wiilkiisii Wudem Asfare (1372-1382) Waxaa isna sida caadada boqortooyada Amxaaradu ay ku dhisnayd uu la baxay naanays "Newaya Mariam" ( Vessel of Mary) wuxuuna 10kii sano ee uu xukunka hayey dagaal kula jiray imaarada Adal inkastoo uusan ku guulaysan in uu Zaylac qabsado. Markuu isna geeriyooday boqor Wudem Asfare, waxaa isna dhaxalka boqortooyada la wareegay walaalkiis, boqor Dawit I (1382-1411) oo ahaa wiilkii labaad ee boqor Safya Arad. Boqor Dawit I wuxuu ku guulaystay in uu jiiro ciidankii Muslimiinta Adal oo markan uu hormuud u ahaa Amiir Sacdu-diin; wuxuuna dagaal kharaar oo labada ciidan dhexmaray kadib boqor Dawit I ku dilay Amiirkii Zaylac, Sacdu-diin. Sandkii 1403, waxaa boqor Dawit I u suurto gashay qabsashada dekedda Zaylac oo halbowle u ahayd imaaraddii Adal. Waxay ciidanka boqor Dawit I Zaylac ka gaysteen xasuuq iyo bililiqo lamid ah tii awowgiis, boqor Amada Tseyon uu ka geystay xarumihii IFAT 50 sano ka hor. Book Note: Somali Prime Minister, Mohamed Xaaji Ibrahim Cigal voiced a warning to Emperor Haile Selassie in June 1969 " At this moment reports are coming to my office from various regional governors that the Ethiopian authority in ****** and elsewhere in the Somali territory are trying to enforce upon the nomadic community the payment of a (Head) tax (on animals) called gibir"...... "The Somali Government cannot be immune to the situation in the territories and the plight of its policy and will seek the intervention of the Emperor ( Haile Selassie) and his government in Adis-Ababa." Somali News, June 20, 1969 (Ethiopia, Hess P: 231 published by Cornell University Press in 1970) fadlan wali qoraalkan waxaa iskaleh shaqsiga ku hoos qoran ee hadii aad u baahato waxaa fiican in aad ixtiraamto shaqsiga ku bixiyay waqtiga badan ,
  22. ii. Boqor Amada Tseyon ((1314-1344) Waxaad intabadan aad ku arkaysaa buugaagta ay qoraayahanada qoraaladooda kugarab istaaga Ethiopia, waxna ka qora dhacdooyinkii taariikhiga ahaa ee soomaray Geeska Afrika, gaar ahaan Qarnigii 16aad oo caan ku ahaa dagaaladii dhexmaray Muslimiinta oo uu hormood u ahaa Imaam Axmed Ibin Ibrahim (Axmed Gurey) iyo boqortooyadii Ethiopia ee ay garwadeenada ka ahaayeen qowmiyadda Amxaarada, in Imaam Axmed uu ahaa dhiig-yacab dad iyo duunyaba ka idleeyey dhulka sare ee Ethiopia ee labada qowmiyadood ee Amxarada iyo Tigregu ay degenaayeen; iyo in uu ahaa isagu kan bilaabay duulaanka kusalaysan gardarada ee lagu ciribtirayey dad kirishtan ahaa oo kudhexnool badweyn muslimiin ah. Waxay qoraayahanadani ay marwalba iska indha tirayeen xasuuqii, iyo barakicintii qarniyada socday ee uu nidaamkii boqortooyada Ethiopia kuhayey qowmiyadaha kale ee kunool Geeska Africa kahor inta aanuu iman duulaanka Imaam Axmed iyo qabaa'iladii Soomaalida ee ku garb istaagay sida ku cad buugga Tuxfatu-Alzamaan ama Futuux Al-Xabasha ee uu qoray qoraagii goobjoogga u ahaa dhacdooyinkaas ee lagu magacaabi jiray Shihaabudiin Ibin-Cabdulqaadir Al-Jiizaani. Waxay Qoraayahanadani mararka qaar ay kusheegaan boqorka nidaamkiisu uu gaysto xasuuqa iyo bililiqada ugu badan in u ahaa halyey diffaacay jiritaanka mustaqbalka Ethiopia. Boqor Amada Tseyon (1314-1344), oo ay qowmiyadda Amxaaradu rumaysanyihiin in uu guulo ballaran ka gaaray dagaaladii ay kula jireen Immaaradihii Muslimiinta sida IFAT iyo ADAL bilowgii qarnigii 14aad, wuxuu dhinaca kale (Muslimiinta) ugu muuqday dhiigyacab xasuuq iyo boob ku hayey shucuub farabadan oo ku noolaa Geeska Afrika iyo hantidoodaba. Boqor Amada Tseyon waxay xukunka boqortooyadiisu kusalaysnayd dhulballaarsi, illaa ay isaga iyo askartiisu isku khilaafeen ku adkaysashadiisii uu ku adkaystay in uu gaaro dhulkii Soomaalidu ay daganayd, sida Zaylac, kadib markii uu cagta soo mariyey dhul farabadan oo ay kunoolaayeen qowmiyadda Cafarta oo iyagu lafdhabar u ahaa nidaamkii IFAT ee kadhisnaa xeebaha Badda Cas illaa agagaarka dhulka Shawa oo ay maanta xaruntiisa ugu mihiimsan ay tahay Adisababa. Xilliga uu boqorkan, Amada Tseyon, uu duullaanka kujiray, waxaa dhibaatooyinkii uu geystay ay inta badan kuwajahnaayeen dhulkii ay maamulaysay Imaarada IFAT ee aynu horay u soo sheegnay in uu ahaa dhulkii ay beecshiradu uga soo degeysay ugana dhoofaysay boqortooyada Ethiopia kadib heshiisyo ay horay u wada galeen labada maamul. Immaarada muslimiinta ee IFAT waxaa hogaamiye u ahaa Amiir Xaqu-diin oo larumaysanyahay in uu kasoojeedo qowmiyadda Cafarta ee maanta ku kalanool Ethiopia, Djibouti iyo qaybo kamid ah dhulka Eritrea. Boqor Amada Tseyon oo laqabkiisu ama naanaystiisu ay ahayd "Gebra Maskal" oo micnaheedu yahay "Addoonkii Iskutilaabta" , (Slave of the Cross), wuxuu duulaan ballaran uu ku bixiyey Imaaraddii IFAT, waxayna ciidankiisu qabsadeen xarumihii Imaarada, waxayna goobtaas ku dileen Amiir Xaqu-diin. Dhacdadaas kadib, waxaa dib u abaabulay ciidamadii IFAT wiilkii uu dhalay Xaqu-diin oo la oranjiray Darader, laakiin ciidamadiisii waxaa iyana ku dhacay jab lamid ah kii ciidamadii Xaqu-diin uu kala kulmay ciidanka Boqor Tseyon, taas oo isana markiisa, Darader, lagu dilay dagaaladaas. Wixii ka haray Imaaradii IFAT iyo ciidankeedii waxaa dib usoo abaabulay, hogaamiyena u noqday sanadkii 1332kii Amiir Xaqqu-diin walaalkiis oo lagu magacaabijiray Sabru-diin. Boqor Amada Tseyon oo dareemay in uu markan ka awoodroonaaday, kalana firdhiyey Imaaradii IFAT, wuxuu kusoo bixiyey Amiirka cusub ciidan aad u ballaaran kaas oo gebi ahaanba lawareegay Imaaradii IFAT dhulkii ay ka talinaysay oo dhan iyo xarumaheedii. Ciidanka Amada Tseyon waxay halkaas ka geysteen xasuuq ba'an oo uu Boqorkuna si aad ah ugu riyaaqay sida qoraalkan hoose ka muuqda: "Ciidamada Amada Tseyon waxay soo galeen xarumihii Sabru-diin, waxayna boobeen wax alla wixii ay hanti ka heleen sida Dahabka, Qalinka , dharka iyo dhagaxaanta qaaliga ah; waxayna dileen ragbadan, haween badan, dad waayeel ah, iyo caruur.... Boqor Amada Tseyon wuxuu aad ugu farxay warkan, wuxuuna u mahad celiyey ilaahay." REf; ( The Ethiopian Royal Chronicles, by Richard Pankhurst, Bogga: 17, Sadarada 7-12 iyo sadarka 25. Published by Oxford University Press in 1967) Book Note: Their habit of eating raw meat has a patriotic origin. "They say that when Abyssinia was attacked by the Muhammadans, they were compelled to fly to the forests which covered a large part of the country, and in order to render their security complete they were compelled to eat their meat raw lest the enemy should trace them by their fires" (Slaves and Ivory in Abyssinia, Major Henry Darley.
  23. Boqortooyada Amxaarada Inta aynaan ugudagelin sida ay ugu soo wareegtay nidaamka boqortooyada Qoomiyadda Amxaarada, oo muddo 7 qarni ah oo ay soo jirtay (laga soobilaabo qarnigii 13aad, ilaa laga soo gaaro boqor Haile Selassie, 1974) uu soo socday khilaafka Soomaliweyn iyo Ethiopia (Intiisa badan), waxaan gaarnay qormadeenii hore xilli boqortooyada Aksum ay sii liicday kadib markii ay saamayn kuyeesheen jiritaankeeda dhawr waxyaabood oo lafdhabar u noqday bur-burkii kuyimid dhismaheedii xoogga badnaa.Islaamku wuxuu soo gaaray xeebaha Badda Cas dhinaca Africa, waxaana yaraaday miisaankii boqortooyada Aksum ay kulahayd xeebaha Badda Cas. Awooddeedii baahsanayd ee gaartay koonfurta carabta, gaar ahaan Yaman oo dhamaatay kadib markii Persia ama Furus ay qabsatay dhulkii ay reer Aksum joogeen. Dhibaato dhaqaale oo si ba'an u soo foodsaartay boqortooyada xarunteedii kadib markuu go'ay xidhiidhkii ay lalahaayeen caalamka, gaar ahaan Ruum (Rome Empire) oo ay u dhoofinjireen foolka maroodiga, hargaha, iyo dadka addoonta laga dhigto. Intaas oo caqabadood markii ay wiiqeen boqortooyadii reer Aksum ee kudhawaad 10ka qarni soo jirtay, waxay markaan u jilbajabtay, xarumaheediina kusoo duulay qarnigii 9aad ciidan ay hogaaminayso haweenay boqorad ahayd oo kasooduushay dhul xarumihii Aksum kaga beegnaa galbeedka sida uu qoray qoraa carbeed oo lagu magacaabijirey Ibin-Hawqal. Boqorkii ugu danbeeyey reer Aksum, boqor Hadani waxaa goobtaas kudilay ciidankii ay hogaaminaysay Boqoraddii duullaanka ku timid. Nidaamkii boqortooyada Ethiopia wuxuu ku wareegay qarnigii 10aad dad lagu magacaabi jirey Zagwa. Hadii aan dhexgalno taariikhda Zagwahan, waxaan ka habaabaynaa yoolkii aan ugu talagalnay in aan gaarno oo ahaa "Assalka Khilaafka Soomaaliweyn iyo Ethiopia." Sidaas awgeed waxaan u tallaabaynaa bilowgii qarnigii 13aad ee aynu hordheceennii ku halqabsanay in uu ahaa bilowga is-hardiga Soomaaliweyn iyo Ethiopianka. i. Boqor Yekunno Amlak Sanadkii 1270kii, waxaa dhulka Ethiopia ka abuurmay boqortooyo ay hogaaminayso Qowmiyadda Amxaarada. Boqor Yekunno Amlak oo ahaa boqorkii ugu horeeyey ee boqortooyadan cusub abaabulay wuxuu ka takhalusay boqortooyadii Zagwaha. Durbaba waxay boqortooyadan cusub aas-aas kadhigatay si ay u kasbato shacbka Ethiopia, intii markaas Kiristanka ahaa, laba arimood oo marwalba taariikhda boqortooyada Ethiopia muhiim u ahaa. Ugu horaynba in nidaamkan cusub uu ku qotomo nidaamkii iyo diintii nabi Sulaymaan (NNK); boqor Yekunna Amlak qudhiisuna uu farac ahaan kasoojeedo durriyaddii nabi Sulaymaan iyo boqoraddii Saba,Balqiis (Boqoraddii Yaman). Durba awoodii boqortooyada Amxaaradu wuxuu ku baahay dhulka Ethiopia, waxayna taageera ballaaran ka heshay dhamman kaniisadihii Ethiopia kajiray xilligaas oo muddo u haraad qabay in ay dib usoo noqoto boqortooyo kudhisan waxyaabihii ay aaminsanaayeen. Inkastoo ay boqortooyadan boqor Amlak ay ku guulaysatay kasbashada dad farabadan oo Ethiopian ah, hadana waxaa hortaagan oo aysan ka gudbi karin, haddii aysan xal u helin, isla caqabaddii boqortooyaddii Aksum soo waajahday oo ahayd "Islaamkii oo ka fadhiya marinkii caalamka ay u marilahayd, Badda Cas. Waxaa iyana caqabad kale ku noqotay sida ay ula xiriiri doonto kaniisaddii ay taariikh ahaan kaniisadaha Ethiopia kuxirnaayeen ee Alexandria oo markan ku hoosjirta Imaarada Muslimiinta ee Masar. Labadaas arimood oo isbiirsaday waxay ku keentay boqor Yekunno Amlak in uu ku fekero in uu cilaaqaad dhow la yeesho dhulkii ay Islaamku maamulayeen sida Masar, Yaman iyo Saldanaddii Muslimiintu ay ku lahaayeen dhulka waqooyiga Ethiopia, laga bilaabo agagaarka gobolka Shawa illaa laga gaaro xeebta badda Cas, ee lagu magacaabi jiray IFAT. Sanadkii 1273kii, boqor Yakunno Amlak wuxuu warqado ukala diray labadii xaakim ee ka ariminayey Masar iyo Yaman; waxuuna ka dhaadhiciyey in boqortooyadiisu ay xiriir fiican laleedahay dadyawga muslimiinta ah ee ay dariska yihiin, isagoo xusay in xitaa ciidankiisa ay ku jiraan ciidan muslimiin ah oo fardoolay ah ( The Ethiopians, Pankhurst. Bogga. 76) Boqortooyadan aan xusnay in ay boqorro kayihiin qowmiyadda Amxaarada waxay xarumaheeda u soowareejisay dhulka Shawa, waxayna garabka ku qabatay Saldanaddii Muslimiinta ee IFAT. Labadaan quwadood ee isdhinac yaal, kasakoow xidhiidhka ganacsi oo kadhexeeyey, waxaa misana kala dhexmaray dagaallo goos-goos ah oo hadba mid looga xoogroonaanayey. Labadooduba, si fiican ayay taariikhda Boqortooyadii Aksum uga dheregsanyihiin.
  24. Boqortooyada Ethiopia Si aan u fahanno asalka khilaafaadka Soomaliweyn iyo qowmiyadaha Tigre-Amhariga, waxaa haboon in aan taariikhda boqortooyada Ethiopia dib u raadqaadno illaa aan ka gaarno boqortooyadii Aksum oo ahayd boqortooyadii ugu muhiimsanayd ee soo marta taariikhda Ethiopia. Waxaad qormooyinkeenna soo socda ka dhadhansan-doontaa sida dhacdooyinkii soo maray boqortooyadan reer Aksum ay saamaynta (aan tooska ahayn) ugu yeesheen khilaafka Soomaalida iyo Tigree Amhaarada, inkastoo xilligaas aanay jirin wax khilaaf ah oo kusugan buugaagta taariikhda inta aan anigu ka akhriyey. Laakiin waxaan dareemay in ay lagama maarmaan tahay in wax laga ogaado taariikhda boqortooyada Aksum mar hadiiba laga hadlayo khilaafka Soomaalida iyo Ethiopia, si ay ugu yaraan akhristaha ugu noqoto hordhac gaaban oo u sahali kara in uu waxuun ka fahmo qaab-dhismeedka boqortooyada Xabashida. I. Reer Aksum Aksum, waxay ahayd boqortooyadii ugu horaysay ee Ethiopia waxaana loogu magacdaray caasumaddii xilligaas gobolka Tigre ee Aksum. Waxaa laxusaa in boqortooyadani ay soo bilaabatay qarnigii Koowaad ee miilaadiga; qiyaastii qarnigii Afraadna waxaa la rumaysanyahay in ay qaadatay diinta Masiixiga ee Nabi Ciise (Naxariis iyo nabadgelyo korkiisa ha ahaato). Intaanan faah-faahinta boqortooyada Aksum aanan u gelin waxaan jeclaystay in aan isla xusuusanno, si kooban, sidoo kale assalka magacyada Ethiopia iyo Xabasha halka ay iyaguna taariikh ahaan kasoo jeedaan. Ethiopia waa magac assalkiisu uu luuqadda Greek kasoo jeedo, micnihiisuna uu yahay "Dadkii wajiyada gubnaa" (Burned faces) oo reer Greek ugu yeeri jireen dadkii kunoola dhulka Suudaan iyo Ethiopia amaba dadka madoow ee qaaradda Afrika ee dhulkaas kunoolaa. Waxaa larumaysanyahay in magaca Ethiopia uu bilaamay Qarnigii Afraad ( Ethiopia, The unknown land, bogga.19) Xabasha waxay iyana luuqad ahaan kasoojeeddaa dhulka carabta, laakiin guud ahaan magaca uu dhulka Ethiopia xilligaas uu caanka ku ahaa waxa uu ahaa Aksum oo loogu magacdaray boqortooyada reer Aksum. Waxaa la rumaysanyahay in boqorkii ugu horeeyey ee reer Aksum ee qaata diinta Masiixiga uu ahaa boqor Ezan sanadkii 340 miilaadiga; laakiin waxaad ku arkaysaa buugaagta kale ee taariikhda Ethiopia wax ka qoray in labadii boqor ee mataanaha ahaa ee reer Aksum, boqor Atsbeha iyo Abraha ay iyagu ahaayeen boqorradii ugu horreeyey ee reer Aksum ah oo qaata diinta masiixiga. Boqor Abraha, oo ay taariikdiisa si fiican uga hadleen buugaagta taariikhda ee Islaamka, Quraankuna uu kaga hadlay dhacdadii Maroodiga, wuxuu ahaa boqorkii reer Aksum ee weeraray Kacbada waxyar kahor dhalashadii nabi Muxamed (naxariis iyo nabdgelyo korkiisa ha ahato) Labadaan boqor, Atsbeha iyo Abraha qiyaastii laba qarni ayay ka danbeeyeen boqor Esankii aynu soo sheegnay in uu ahaa buqorkii ugu horeeyey ee reer Aksum ah ee qaata diinta Masiixiga. Sida taariikhda kusugan, Boqor Atsbeha, oo loo yaqaanay boqor Kaleb, wuxuu ku duulay oo qabsaday qaybo kamid ah dhullka Yaman; gaar ahaan dhulkii ay maamulaysay boqortooyadii Yuhuudda ee ka dhisnayd Ximyar qarnigii Lixaad ee uu boqorka ka ahaa Boqor Yusuf Asar Yathar. Sabata keentay qabsashada boqor Atsbehe uu qabsaday boqortooyada Ximyar waxaa lagu tilmaamaa in ay timid kagadaal markii Boqortooyada Ximyar ay dad masiixiyiin ah ku laysay dhulkii ay maamulaysay. Boqorrada Reer Aksum dabcan masiixiyiin bay ahaayeen, taas ayaana sabab looga dhigi karaa duulaanka reer Aksaum ee koonfurta carabta inkastoo ay jiri karaan sababo kale. Qarnigii 6aad, oo ay awoodda dhaqaale, siyaasad iyo ciidan ee Boqortooyada reer Aksum isa soo tartay, waxaa markan lasoo guboonaaday dhibaato weyn oo xitaa gilgishey dhulkii ay assal ahaan kasoo jeeday ee waqooyiga Ethiopia ee Aksum. Imbaratooriyaddii Furus ama Persia oo xilliyadaas ahayd mid kamid ah labadii quwadood ee jirey waxay markan go'aansatay in reer Aksum koonfurta Carabta laga saaro. Persianku waxay sanadkii 570 kusoo weerareen Boqortooyadii Aksum ee ka dhisnayd yaman 8 doonyood iyo 800 oo ciidan ah ( History of Ethiopia, Marcus, bogga.10). Xilligaas ay sii yaraanaysay awoodda boqortooyada reer Aksum oo ku xirnayd Imratooriyaddii Ruum (Rome Empire) oo iyana ahayd quwadda kale ee loolanku ka dhexeeyey reer Furus ama Persia, waxaa garab socday in Islaamku ku fidayey dhulka Shaam. Sanadkii 636 miilaadiga, Islaamku wuxuu gaaray Qudus illaa Dimishiq. Afar sano kadibna Masar waxay hoostagtay khilaafadii Islaamka ee ka dhisnayd Madiina. Mar haddii Persianku riday boqortooyadii reer Aksum ee Yaman ka jirtay, Islaamkuna kala dhexgalay reer Aksum iyo Ruum taas oo keenatay in uu go'o xidhiidhkii iyo isu socodkii ka dhexeeyey Ruum(Rome Empire) iyo boqortooyadii Aksum ,jihada kaliya ee u furnayd boqortooyada Aksum waxay noqotay in ay u soo fiddo dhinaca koonfureed iyo dhulka Amxaarada. Xilligaas ka hor xidhiidhka ka dhexeeyey Boqortooyadii Aksum iyo Islaamka wuxuu ahaa mid heerar kala duwan soo maray. Boqor Najaasha, boqorkii reer Aksum ee la kowsaday bilowgii Islaamka wuxuu Nabi Maxamed (SCW) uu ku tilmaamay in uu yahay boqor caaddil ah oo aan agtiisa cidna lagu dulmin. Waxaa magan-galyo ka helay dhulka boqor Najaashe ilaa 40 saxaabi oo uu kamid ahaa Jacfar sida ay kutubta Siiradu qoraan oo kasoo cararay dhibkii kajiray Makka ee ay Qurayshtu ku haysay Muslimiinta. Laakiin dhinaca kale markii xilli kaas ka danbeeyey uu xirmay marinkii reer Aksum ay u sii marijireen Imratooriyaddii Ruum, sidaan soo xusnay, waxay bilaabeen in ay samaystaan burcad badeed ay ugu talagaleen in ay ku carqaladeeyaan ganacsigii isaga dhexgooshi jirey Badda Cas oo markan ay maamulkeeda gacanta ku hayaan muslimiintu. Sanadkii 702dii waxay Boqortooyada Aksum weerartay xeebta Jidda, waxaana xusan in ay mar qabsadeen dekedda Jidda oo aad ugu dhow Makka ( History of Ethiopia, A.H.M jones and E. Monroe. bogga.45). Falalkan ay sameeyeen burcad badeedda reer Aksum waxay sabab u noqotay in Muslimiintu ay yimaadaan xeebta, badda Cas, dhinaca Africa ee ay maamulayeen boqortooyada Aksum. Waxay dhacdooyinkan intooda badani ku beegnaayeen xilligii khilaafada Umawiyiinta, gaar ahaan Waliid Ibn-Cabdulmalik Ibn-Marwaan ee bilowgii qarnigii 8aad jirtay. Waxay khilaafada Waliid soo afjartay burcad badeeddii reer Aksum.