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Everything posted by Ahmed_Guree

  1. The only Terrorists in Somali Galbeed are Woyanes. Shame on the cowards who kill in cold blood students who were protesting about a provocation by the Woyane Govt on Their religion. this is how low the Woyanes have gone. scum of the Earth doyou think we are in Axum where you refused muslims to practice their fate. Of all the Habeshas Tigray/Tigrinya goe down in History as the most religious intolerant folks. from Libna Digalu, Towerdos, Yohaness.....to Meles all their hands were full of blood. A Snake is a Snake even if you hide under 'secularism','Democracy', 'Mordernity'. they will still reveal their characteristical traits i.e is butchers,soulless,ruthless. the only remarkable thing that The Derg did during the time of Mengistu was to starve those MOFOS in Makelle during 1984. That is what i call environmental/Ecological freindly he saved alot of Ethios If those MOFOS were alive today it would have been a catastrophe.
  2. Aren't symbols supposed to be also moral, and the best you think or what you think will convey good message? Or is the ICU also different in that regard? What morals does you regime have regarding with cold blood murder of Students protesting in Jigjiga. Or Your regime is above the Law?
  3. listen you seem to be in dream land. these students were merely protesting against what they saw as a provocation when they were sprayed with bullets and killed in cold blood. and you call this regarldless of ? so what do you call justice?
  4. ^listen Woyane you still have the nerve of comming to our forum and talk trush. You think you can force and indoctrinate blasphemy? Listen shame on the cowards who killed & cacerated the students in Jigjiga for protesting about the demonisation of the prophet in form of pics that was to form part of the school curriculum. cowards who flee from a battle filed but has no shame in killing students. You folks have no respect for life & religion. Your fate will soon be sealed in somalia. Just like Libna Digalu the tigray.
  5. Dec 07 2006 (QOL) Wararka naga soo gadhaya magaalada Jigjiga ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in saaka markii fasalada ay galayeen ardayda dugsiga sare ee magaalada lagu qaybiyay buugaag ay ku sawiran yihiin Cartoon lugu caayayo,Nabiga Muxamad (NNK) oo lagu sifaynayo sawirro xun-xun. ardaydii dugsiga ayaa markaas xanaaq oodda goostay oo mudaharaad bilaabay,askartii Itoobiya iyada oo aan u aabayeelin dadkii ayay rasaas oodda kaga qaaday,waxaa markiiba naf waayay wiil iyo gabdh aanan magacyadooda helin,tirada dhaawca waxaa la xaqiijinayaa in ay dhan yihiin dhowr iyo toban ruux. Rabshadihii waxay kusii fideen dugsiyada hoose iyo dhexaba ee magaalad,waxaa kale oo rabshadihii uu saameeyay dadkii caadiga ahaa ee magaalada joogay oo iyaguna dhinacooda ka cadhooday. dadkii intii dhimatay mooyee intii kale waxaa lagu guray basas waawayn,waxaana lagu xidhay meelo aan xero ciidan ahayn markay buuxsameen isteeshinkii booliska iyo xabsiyadiiba. waxaa naloo sheegy in meesha la yidhaahdoQomanda oo udhow garoonka Diyaaradda ay ku xidhan yihiin dad ka badan 500 oo ruux,halkaas sida la sheegyo loogu talo tala galay dad aan gadhaynin 100. Magaalada ayaa ilaa iyo hadda qasan oo xabbadi ka dhacaysaa,dadkuna ay aad uga argagaxsan yihiin waxa dhacaya. Buugaagta cartoonku ku sawiran yahay ee dagaalku ka bilowday ayaa waxay dadku cadaynayaan in ciidamada Tigreegu ay qaybiyeen. wixii kasoo cusboonaanda kala soco Qorahay Online Qorahay Online
  6. Kamaluceeb Listen stop crying USC 24/7 you guys had every opportunity from 1964-1989 but all wasted it. Infact your folks are the creators of the civil war and those men you named were all trained to be ruthless by your kins.
  7. Honorable Peter Arigu This fella is highly insignificant in Kenyan political sphere of influence.
  8. have you seen how habeshas keep on talking crap about Arabs infront of Somalis. These guys have no shame or sense of dignity they talk of Saudi did this and that the Arabs are doing this and that. Real facts the wealthiest person in Ethio is a Saudii.e An Arab He expanded the Addis Airport,The Hilton if not Sheraton belongs to him and basically he is the biggest investor. Strange at how an Arab beats them in thei own courtyard. He gets shaddy contracts which allows Zenawi and his cronies to get Cashbacks etc. Most of the Ethio 'expertriates' in ME are those that work full time during twilight hrs (escorts) From Telaviv ,Lebanon to Dubai excluding Riyaad. This 'SF' Has no shame to talk about Arabs they have inferiority complex towards them. 'SF' before you talk about Arabs start with Alamoudi and recall all the Escorts from ME. Then you can talk some sense.
  9. Dec 1, 2006 (QOL) Ciidamada itoobiya ee haatan ku sugan Magaladda Gaalkacyo ayaa maamulka Puntland kala shiray sidii loo joojin lahaa Taleefoonadda iyo Dhammaan war isgaadhsiinta ay kuwada xidhiidhaan Bulshadu. Warkan oo aan ka helay ilo xog ogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in Masuuliyiinta Maamulka Puntland ay u sheegeen Saraakisha Ciidamada itoobiya in arrintaasi ay adag tahay balse ay wada tashi iyo kulamo kale kala yeelanayaan Masuuliyiinta Shirkadaha iyo Madaxda sar sare ee Maamulka Puntland bal in ay suurto gal tahay arrintaas. Dadweynaha ku dhaqan Goboladd Puntland ayaa arrintaas markii ay maqleen si weyn uga walwalsan waxaana laga cabsi qabaa in gabi ahaanba la jaro Taleefoonadda iyo aaladda isgaadhsiinta ee Goboladda Puntland. Dawlada itoobiya ayey caado u tahay in ay jarto taleefoonada iyo khadadka is gaadhsiinta marka ay galayso hawl-gal dagaal. Dhanka kale, waxaa si weyn loo hadal hayaa in Ciidamada itoobiya ay kala hadlayaan Maamulka Puntland sidii loogu soo wareejin lahaa Garoonka Magaaladda Galkacyo, Isbitaalka, Kantarooladda iyo Xeryaha Ciidamada gaar ahaan kuwa Booliiska. Si kastaba ha haatee, dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed oo in badan oo ka mid ah ay si weyn uga cabsi qabaan in itoobiya ay dalka qabsato ayaa haatan dareem Tusaalooyin gumaysi oo hordhac ah kuwaas oo ka imaanaya Ciidamada itoobiya ee ku sugan Gudaha Magaladda Gaalkacyo.
  10. 'SF' I bet you are paid by the Woyane Govt. You are 24/7 hooked up to the net. Continue with your cheap talk. You talking about ONLF in internal termoil. The bottom line is day in day out its your ruthless occupation that recruits more liberators into the struggle. Do your best but i assure you that ONLF is at its best. Ability to strike at its Enemies the Woyanes in quick succession has proven its formidability. How long is it since Woyane promised to flush out ONLF? 15 YRS and they are inciting a war with the ICU what a bunch of Lunatics.
  11. Puntland is not protesting them or ?????; they are living in peace Then why dont you not curve out a country out of it and leave alone those who dont want Ethio wanabees.
  12. Kashaf people in this forum hardly see in that way bro. Some here are supremacists and incase things does not go in their way they would do anything under the sun to reach their objective. To the extend of employing the devil. Terms like Somalinimo,muslimnimo are all relative and not mutual to them.
  13. Let me tell you that there are quite a number of smart people in Caabudwaaq who have absolutely no interest in seeing blood and carnage in their streets as a result of of a fight they neither care about nor support and have no stakes in. but arent those smart fellows responsible for inciting a blood birth in Buale which was thwarted.
  14. You know that Tigray has the least interest or motive for fiefdoms, through out history and today If thats the case why didnt your folks vote for article 39. The other thing that makes Tigray a regime is basically it got Ethiopia on a silver plate Handed to them by Eriteans no wonder they dont value Life & freedom. :confused: Everything is just a game coz they never sweat in a day to fight for tigray all their rebels did was bask in the rock like Lizards waiting for the next move the Eritreans made. Then what they did best is to plagiarise and Edit History.
  15. ^^^ listen continue pursuing your dream of Kililization of the Horn we will see how far it Goes. you can beautify your course by adding USA,Yemen etc to suite your dream . but i assure you your fiefdom will be reduced to the dusty mountainous Terrain of Tigray.
  16. Such tough talk for someone no where near the fighting. Those soldiers are already welcomed on Somali Soil; they are massing there daily. There's no protest in Gaalkayo or Baidoa, Do you know when Foreigners come to a land they are welcomed by the local and the locals usually revolt when it is too late? 1.Like the The spanish conquestedoes who destroyed the Incas 2.The Eu early settlers in Americas when they gradually and systematicaly destroyed the Natives(Red Indians). 3.The colonialists they came as Missionaries then turned into settlers then annexed lands. 4.Etc
  17. Well to be precise Am strongly against 'Somali friend' he preaches water and drinks wine. He explains how ideal the regime in Ethio is. 1. http://blog.ethiopianmuslims.net/negashi/?p=60 ....Oppresion under religion 2. http://ethiox.com/articles2/gbonkie111906.pdf ...oppression under Ethnicity hence wants to export:^^^ To Somalia so that Somalis benefit from it: As for me i just want to warn my bro's Duke and likes that 'If the deal is too good think twice. For My other bros ICU and likes ^^^ The above underpaid, unpaid starving bloodthirsty Ethio macenaries have one mission: Loot,Rape,Plunder and kill. Be steadfast with the AK and only welcome them when they are corpes.
  18. Ahmed_Guree Vs Lieutenant Xalane Could you explain how we are in loggerheads?
  19. This is one of the few times I admire ONLF. It respects the wishes of the O provinces and respects also that all moslems are brothers including those of Nagash. You missed the point ONLF does not respect Liers, untrustworthy,rapists,looters and blood thirsty etc Habeshas especialy those from Makelle.
  20. There is a government and it will imsha allah take over the whole country.. duke iam starting to doubt your faith whats imsha? why type Allah with small cap?
  21. Thirdly, the ONLF wishes to affirm that we will not allow our territory to be used as a launching pad for an Ethiopian invasion of Somalia without stiff resistance from our armed forces. ^^^what does that mean? That they will shower Ethio troops with sweets on their way to Somalia? Listen Editing text to suite your whims is quit obnoxious.
  22. Listen whether you religion or Ethnicity ? You are still the odd one out in Ethio.
  23. The fact that some little Oromo rebels captured and even burned the flag does not make the Clan courts a millitary power in any sense. So how valuable is the Somali flag? more valuable than the Somali lands and its people What is the significance of the Flag that necessitated you to bring followers of the green red orange stripes banner to resque it?
  24. these individuals are the ones parading women & children with AK-47 and making slly threats daily. Now he calls on foreign fighters which he they claimed never helped them. Listen were you the one who was saying that the TFG would smoke them what came of the TNG. TNG has no soilders but Ethiopian mercenaries at your disposal. then the US is seeking to add IGAD + their support on just the ICU? So C/bilee you call it fare game?
  25. Are you using indhacadhe to base your right to usher invasion? do you care about the cost of life? Or you know that their is no family member of yours in the south and hence justified to massacre them.