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Everything posted by Ahmed_Guree

  1. the only thing he wants is to ensure that the Khat Suppy goes on undesturbed.
  2. they want to partition Tigray to Eritrea so that fake Ethiopians are gone for good.
  3. We just learnt from you why did you fight under JVA other than your clan. anyway who said Bardhere is your home town?
  4. ^^^ You know 'sheikh' Baree is with the real enemy what makes reer Gedo saints when they were active in drum beating and attacking Buale?
  5. You know that Bardheere is more suspetible to fall under the ICU so the only thing that reer Gedo can do is to use propaganda. Hence thats why 'saxix' gedonet has exploited this chance.
  6. Juje whats up with Qutubi & Dusuqi Are they Somali?
  7. ^^^I guess your Women are xurul cayn
  8. A/Yussuf is the man who seeks to ensure that he will be the president of Somalia at all costs. He was one of the earliest pioneers of mutiny/rebellion against the then vibrant state. One wonders what can he offer to quell the civil war if he was one of the architects of the civil war. How? Its through him that people were inspired to rebel against the state that finally saw its pillars crumble. People have different opinions about him though majority agree he wants peace. But the strange thing is that peace is not enforced but made. Peace is also not made with your friends but with your Foes. History has always showed that a state is created and maintained by its citizens through mutual respect as well as cohesiveness about their common good. History also shows that Colonies are created when a foreign element(s) enforces its will and might on the people through proxy. This proxy divides the citizens and ushers in dogmas to accommodate what the society held as a Taboo. Everheard of weak UN backed TNG govt. Ever asked yourself why it is weak? Why would an organisation merely 8 months old turn into a strong formidable foe which is threatening to sap of life from the TNG. Reason is it lost popular support when it employed Ethiopia. What can Meles regime offer Somalia other than importing its crude culture of suppression,Torture,corruption and Human abuse. http://youtube.com/watch?v=BUYvOlaSJCk If Ethiopia is to do the dirty work one asks himself or her self whats the function of the TFG. As its better to be under Meles regime rather than its proxy. As the proxy will always do its best to appease its master at the expense of its citizens; hence Meles regime would go doing its business unscathed.
  9. Somalia: Transitional Government Closes Baidoa-Based Radio By Force Reporters Without Borders has firmly condemned the forcible closure of privately-owned Radio Warsan in the western city of Baidoa. Police working for the federal transition government, which has its headquarters in Baidoa, have been occupying the radio station since the afternoon of 14 December 2006. "You cannot claim to represent the democratic camp and at the same time behave like one of the continent's most despotic regimes," the press freedom organisation said. "Radio Warsan, which portrays itself as a radio station for the ordinary people, has been targeted by the federal transition government too often. How can the government expect to be supported by the people if it muzzles them like this? It is time President Abdulahi Yusuf understood that repression and sabre-rattling are counterproductive and dangerous." The deputy director of police burst into Radio Warsan's studios at about 5 p.m. (local time) on 14 December and ordered its closure. When station manager Abdifatah Mohammed Ibrahim asked to see a warrant, the police officer returned with a dozen armed policemen and closed the studios by force. "Five policemen are inside the radio station right now and are closely watching all the staff's movements," Ibrahim was quoted as saying by the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), which is Reporters Without Borders' local partner organisation. An independent commercial station formerly known as Democratic Media Concern (DMC), Radio Warsan received threats after broadcasting programmes and news reports that displeased the government, including reports that the government wanted to evict residents living next to the presidential palace for security reasons, the NUSOJ said. The station had planned a talk show to raise donations for the displaced. Radio Warsan was previously closed down by force on 8 September, when seven of its journalists were briefly detained. It was allowed to resume broadcasting eight days later. Two other journalists were arrested on 24 October and held for several days © 2006 BBC Monitoring Media. Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning. All rights Reserved. Source: BBC Monitoring Media
  10. Dad badan oo reer somali galbeed ayaa lagu xasuay Hergeysa horaantii 1980s ilaa iyo maantadan waxaa kabadan inta la jirdilay sida shiikh Maxamed video ga lagu arkay who knows whether this mass graves are of the innocent folks you mentioned above.
  11. Originally posted by Somali_Friend: Those who consider ethiopians and somali as enemies forget one very important truth. Its only the somali that is made by his creator. Somalia is a man made country as all countries are. So is ethiopia another man made country. Piss off. before you embark on preaching learn to leave with your breathrens the Hamaseen.
  12. Juje so your patriotism for the country to save it from ruins you plan to destroy it in totality.
  13. stop playing with words. Your support of TFG is your desire to see a somali state. so how will a somali state be formed by its enemies? what i know is that if outside influence was Zero they TFG N ICU would come to a negotiating table to compromise.
  14. I know what the TFg stands for and what nimanka 'cimamadaha wata' is. the former is to bring back the pride and statehood of Somalia the latter to send Somalia to gutters. So your point of reasoning is in order to save the state you have to destroy it.
  15. Rest assured that the prime concern of the TFG is the welfare of the civilians hence they do not just wage 'hit and run'. Juje you know well that TFG is a union of Warlords who have a history of abusing their power at the expense of the civilians. what makes them know saints? So using 'welfare civilians' is the lamest excuse.
  16. Packing to Pland or Baidoa?
  17. Parade no Parade arent you guys the recognised Govt while these folks 'outlaws'. Gedi said he will march to Mogadishu even prior those parades whats taking that long? It seems the longer the duration the more militia defections. It seems that it will be Puntland/Meles Vs ICU.
  18. I think Meles is in the Qibla A/Y is facing and Video link.. seems to bring them closer than ever
  19. ^^^ Listen you guys seem to have the upperhand. Ethio blessing and the UN resolution Whats keeping you back aent they 'Terrorists' , 'Alqaida'. Its action time why dont you smoke them.
  20. Are you saying Al-Ithad did not attempt to assassinate Dr. AbdulMajid and took credit for it As for the death of the fella there were conspiracies. 1.He was assasinated by former disgranted TPLF members during eri/Ethio war. 2.He was assasinated by ONLF 3.He was assasinated by Eris so Alitixad has no part to blame.