Captain Xalane

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Everything posted by Captain Xalane

  1. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Juji, Mr. Northerner is being sarcastic,and no doubt in my mind that he knows that war isn't good thing to take place. So don't be too quick to judge or insult someone taht quick. But I am trully saddened to see what Lt.Xalane has scripted above, I very much doubt that this fellow knows anything about war in first hand.He doesnt' realize the human suffering that may take place. It would be wise for such fellow to think about the result of war and that babies don't come to born in wars, rather you loose 'em.It's simple fact which is needed from this fellow, to realize and to grasp the realities of war which he is delightenly is awaiting to take place. Shame on you Xalane. MR.Red Sea,the somalian proverb goes like this '' dagaal wiil baa kudhinto ee wiil kumadhasho.U say that i don't realize the human suffering that is involved in war,but what is it that the pple haven't suffered yet?They have suffered more than anything for no price at all and should we had this kinda war long time ago,things would have been very different now.There are many things that are worse than death itself and numbers don't matter to me at all,so long as there is an underlined objective that has to be met with.And yes,i really am delighted,that soon,my pple,probably ur pple too,would find their peace,their happiness and their sovereignity in the out come of this great war that we all eagerly await.Redsea,only in war does peace come forth.Think about it and while u think about it,tell me one nation that hasn't had its dark times ?They all did,and under one banner,a govenrment of one that is,they came out of whatever darkness they were in.Think about it..
  2. Originally posted by Devilangle: ^^like u said "u was a farax" i WAS a faraax Now im Xalimoo with ARAWELO mentality.. would u like 2 test the water?? No ,no.inyaw.
  3. Originally posted by Paragon: Caqli mahino waxaas? Caqli iyo nus.
  4. Its ok to differ from another person's stance or thinking but respect is a necessity.I for one Differ from some of Nur's views,but that doesn't change my admiration and respect for the brother.Who ever insults him insults all the pple who hold him high.its not fair.
  5. Originally posted by Juje: Ibliis...! wax kale ma nala magantahey....horey aan uu shegey, mugo shartada Allah na motiyo.!
  6. Originally posted by Paragon: Lieutenant, sire, you do offend me with your somalian/unsomalian reference to us, Somalis. Sire, have the common courtesy to written our proud name with a CAPITAL 's' and not a small cap. As it is, my soul is wounded, and my heart (with its nationalistic beats) is hammering in my chest, feeling the urge to call for old time Duel between I and you who offended the honour of my nation by refering it as somalian. Come outside, side and don't forget your sword. Mind, I have my gun powdered and run to fire ., You stand no change, I must add. Geez,the Capital thing must have been a human error bro,and the somalian i was refering to was me,myself i mean,and the unsomalian was being refered to adeerkeen,odayga isfiilatada qabo yacni oo xanaaqa badan. Eh,I got no chance bro,a sword and a gun don't go together.Waraa caqliloow aa tahay,u must have a big head.
  7. Originally posted by Juje: Tell me who has won in the last sixteen years. [/QB] No body has fought the last 16 yrs.The oppression of civil and unarmed pple is not war,the show of who got more guns is not war and definately,the fighting of gangsters is not a war.
  8. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: L Xalane I don't deserve to be in the nationality you claim to be in the same time![/QB] No sir u don't.A somalian and unsomalian cannot be in the same category,however,there is still some hope for u,Support somalism and refrain from misuse of religion,whether be supporting a fake court under the banner of islam or abusing ur religious privileges.Once again,Qalafo is in Ethiopia. Doqon, don't miscalculate the power of now united Somalis who are determined to defend their religion and country by all means doible. Good advice boy,don't misculculate the powers of the Government which is very much determined to regain what was already lost,thanks to the simple minded like urself. . Think about it ..
  9. Originally posted by Devilangle: so spare me. Im done with any thing that is pro-men! Geez its about time innit?Val and her armies of feminists are working on ur welcome sort of party right as i type these words. I am gonna get in to trouble for having said the little i have said. P.s.i thought u was a faarax.
  10. Originally posted by Juje: Your 'finally' sxb is disgustingly 'xasiidnimo'. You are hopin a war on which neither will win nor loose, but whose sole victims will be the people. Xasiid waa Xasadaan! In war,There is always a winner.I really can't wait for it,the sooner it breaks out,the sooner things will take shape.Its a blessing.
  11. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: You idioticly said nothing but mention a couple words to define an event. No reasons, no mentioning why you are not a Dabodhilif-Amxaaro, no nothing whatsoever. If I were you, I would consider suspending myself from Soomaalinimo for ten years, and claiming to be an Ethiopian citizen, if not Dabodhilif! :mad: You really need to suffer from Diarhea to lose the hypocracy in your stomach. And then, May you die with a hatred against the Ethiopians, Aameen! Allah Ubaahne am just gonna try to demonstrate how ur lil mind contradicts itself. The man who died was coming back to the base,who comes back to a base?A soldier does.What kind of a soldier was this one?He was probably a TFG soldier.What do u say about the TFG and their sympathizers?u say that they are not somalis.So,how comes this TFg soldier is suddenly a somalian to u? Allah Ubahne,that was a friendly fire.As of me and my somalism,am willing to let 65% of the whole somalian population perish for the achievement of peace.As of the Ethiopian citizen thing,adeer isn't Qalafo in ethiopia?Allah ubaahne,not only are u an ethiopian citizen but ur whole forefathers claim that right.Think about it..
  12. Originally posted by me: Yeps so it begings. Lets wait for the dabadhilifs reaction and how they try to hide this and make it seem like the innocent man that got killed was a 'terrorist'. Dude i don't consider myself as a dabodilif or whatever but soldiers die.Whether killed by an enemy or by his men don't matter at all.When killed by his enemies,he falls in battle and when he is killed by his allies or fellow comrades,then its a friendly fire.So it doesn't matter at all for Soldiers die.. P.s. The whole killing thing is another Propaganda.
  13. Originally posted by Cambarro: I am in 2 minds over this. On one hand, i can see the attraction of capitalism, on the other hand, i am not too sure. Che Guevara might have something to say about this.This is his field. Getting back to the topic,in my own view,like many others,i perceive capitalism as exploitation of man by man.Pple are trying to make a living in every way they can possibly think of due to their failed economy of their countries and i think that is not capitalism,that is managing,more like trying to make ends meet or maybe trying to survive for the day,thats what those pple that the author mentioned are doing.As of why Capitalism is failing in the west,the answer might be that maybe the west is running out of 'nations to exploit' though economic imperialism is the plague that is eating up the third world.
  14. Originally posted by Nistisa: This is so easy. Marry a non-Somali man, who is a muslim, unmarried and completely hot. Good luck with that one. Originally posted by Cara: Yeah, what happened to the single Somali men? This is what happens when you fall asleep at the wheel guys. The married men and the foreigners baa na dafaya. Stop banking on your good looks and charm and make an effort! Aye Aye Captain,i'll wake up now.
  15. Originally posted by Cara: The women, led by Caraweelo, seized all the weapons, rounded up the men and castrated all but one who managed to escape. OmG.Castrated all the men? :eek: :eek: :eek:
  16. The topic is :Lesson One for the modern Muslim: remember, this is not the 8th century. Whats to argue about?An argument can only happen when there is something to argue about and in this case,the whole thing is upside down since 'the islamic faith' is timeless. Moderate muslim,liberal islamism,radical islamists and u name,are just definitions with no base at all since a muslim cannot be any one of the above for in islam everything thing is set and is clear and this leaves no room for theoretical invention.Dudes & dudettes,there is nothing to argue about. by cambarro Islam does not need Reform, Muslims just need to live by Islam. i saw this phrase after i already was done with the posting,otherwise this explains the whole thing and that is why there is nothing to argue about.Thanks cambaro.
  17. Originally posted by Devilangle: What do u guys take the admin for.. admin my pm is gone, my nick name is gone, my recent post is gone, my purse is gone, my halimo is gone, my phone with no line is gone.. spare me ppl.. gosh If was the admin/mod. I would make u guys gone!
  18. Me lol,All women are naturally spoiled bro,but arawelo has her roots deep in the somalian sheeko xarir i think.I tried to ask some neighbours,the dudes don't even know if arawelo is a masculine or a feminine name,lol.Then i tried to search her name on the net,then found no leads.I'll still try to ask around. :cool:
  19. Originally posted by Reality Check: Exactly which path should we maintain and stay true to? The path laid down by Allah (the path of the Koran) and the path of the Prophet of Allah p.b.u.h(the Hadith).The rest,discard them for we are told that some seventy something groups will emerge and only one group will go To jannah.I believe thats the Group that only sticks to the Koran and then the Sunnah of the Prophet p.b.u.h.In Islam,two kinds of pple exist,thats the practising muslim and the un practising muslim.Moderate muslims do not exist.There is nothing to be moderate about,u either practice ur religion or not.
  20. Does any one know anything about Arawelo?To my understanding,Most of the somali feminists are inspired by her.What kinda person was she anyways?How did she become famous?
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: . Also remmeber who is leading bothe groups, Yusuf & Aways. No man has commanded or fought as much as yussuf did in somalia.A veteran General,thats what i would call him.
  22. I can't speak for women but i can speak on my own behalf.Were i married and then got somewhat lost in btw my weird worlds,just like most of the Faaraxs and then decided to have a second wife,the first thing that would stopp me from the thought is the Pain my kids would be subjected to and how they will grow up having some sacred grudges.Coz of this,many half brothers or half sisters hate each other unbelievably.So what good is in there?Many kids?Many sick kids full of hatred?
  23. Originally posted by Reality Check: ^Because this section is about Islam. If he wants to discuss/support Somali politics, go over to the POLITICS section. U Deserve a medal for this.
  24. Originally posted by Valenteenah: watching a scary film with your partner strengthens your sex life. ,i bet many nomads would experiment this right away. Getting back to the question,i don't dislike scary movies but i seldom watch them.I love war movies.War movies are scary too.
  25. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Your words are those of a man who knows nothing, it was the courts who were rushing to Baidoa and calling for Jihad, why not attack? No one is leaving Baidoa. I couldn't have said more.