Captain Xalane

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Everything posted by Captain Xalane

  1. My Darkest day was when i lost my Grandpa,who happened to be my mentor.Later in the evening,My girlfriend's brothers decided to beat the shit out of my somalian @ss.Damn stressed,even never bothered to fight.They would punch me like crazy monkeys or something,I would fall down,stand up,then get a couple of punches,fall down again,and it continued till i passed out.I woke up in a hospital the next morning,my head being huge like a halloween pumpkin or something,and my leg was broken.Well,thats my Darkest day. My happiest Day was the day i became a god father.
  2. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: The Raya obviously haven't meet the Somalis!!!! The Gabriel Brigade met with the Somali Commandos,and none of them went back.I don't think Ethiopia would ever have a stronger brigade than Gabriel.
  3. Originally posted by AAliyah416: I don’t c myself getting married now, or any time soon, perhaps in six years. Lots of time to look for Mr. Right aint it. Latar u all. wa salaam. [/QB] 6 years is too Long. MR and Miss Right don't exist,we create them. Damn u are Patient.Very Patient! :cool:
  4. Murefu sxb u always are in to some thing but i'll give u an answer that u might be looking forward to hear.My answer is that if my Xalimo is away from me ,i dont care whether she is taking a night shift or not,If she is gone for more than 10 minutes,then sxb thats gonna be a big ugly problem.I just dont know how, many nomads tolerate their wives going to take night shifts.I wouldn't take it,i wouldn't be away .
  5. Originally posted by Cara: Well, you can have them when I'm done with them. Tanag u cara.
  6. Hahaha.the faaraxs of today make their own food and some of them would even insist on regularly cooking the family's meals thats if they settle down.So the titile of the topic is kinda Ancient.
  7. Originally posted by Devilangle: ^^lol Ugly: uses ur divorce settlement money to bring her real faraax..oye Hahaha.Devil now that was bad.Damn!
  8. Originally posted by me: They don't make woman like that any more.
  9. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ We're talking perfection here, are we not? Husbands raping their wives is what is being talked about.I believe Perfection has no room in that situation . Cambarro ur reasons for Women to abstain from refusing their husbands is Nice.Eh,the hadith is good,Now,no carawelo has the right to say no.Cool!
  10. The Bad:U are sent to war and ur Unit is ambushed thus u and ur platoon get cut off from the rest.U do not know anything about the out side world and even though u lack ammo and supplies,still u fight ur enemy for quite a while,then u and the rest of the platoon are registered as Missing in action.After some months u come back,ur wife has moved on,ur kids forget ya and ur whole world is changed.Then u regrett why u have been spared.
  11. Originally posted by sheherazade: Ragaa dumarkii ka darey, obsessing about what a woman's wearing. I think for the fun of it I will go scrutinise what the blokes on the other thread are wearing... Joker
  12. Originally posted by Cambarro: ^^ Islamically, No, She cant. What is the story of Dhegdheer then? Dhegdheer had a very strong and extremely large ear.She used to eat pple .Her ear was so large that she could airlift a couple of faaraxs with it in no time.Dhegdheer used to paralyse her victims by slapping them with her large ear.Thats all i know about dhegdheer.A cousin told me and am not sure if she knows the whole thing.
  13. Originally posted by Valenteenah: Time wasters, the lot of you. I don't waste time.
  14. Originally posted by Cambarro: ^^ lol..nice summary Then there is the court jester, and the misogynist.. So where are the pics and the salary range? Cambaro now u sound like a Cop or something.A Faarax's Salary is a secret btw him,his employee and God.Thats how serious many are with their Salaries so u better leave that as it is.As for their pics,Lol,maybe their avatars will do.Heh Cambaro,dont make me go deep in to trouble i have already said more than i should have.
  15. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ Meaning her children run about the place and cause havoc now. Or maybe even she’s one of the lucky few and she managed to bomb them all out get them married. She’s not a new mother, saaxib. Aahey,Gartay!
  16. Originally posted by AAliyah416: Lietenant xalane lol i recall u mentioning that fahima the somali canadian doctor was yr type of women lol. So i wouldnt be surprised, looks like u are da type of man who goes for woman who makez lota money. wa salaam Lol,Aaliyah,i don't want her money,in the previous post that u saw,haven't i said that i didn't care about what she was but only admitted that she was my kinda,hey i meant her looks nooh and by the way,not all of them,but quite alot of her looks is my kinda stuff.Do u look like her?
  17. Originally posted by Nayruus: To him martyrdom has more intrinsic value than breathing in the mundane air of the living on this transitional planet. But I wish he stays with us until as one of the brilliant leaders of the people upraising, the job of putting Somalia together and driving all aliens from her soil is completed. Matyrdom?How so?Eh,one gets matyrdom by falling in a war with kaffirs,a rightful war by the way.How does death by fighting with other muslims result in to matyrdom?
  18. Sophist,This is the greatest analysis i have come across in regards to the Iraq war.There was another analysis that some amercian Lt.Colonel wrote,it was on,i just checked it and couldn't find it.Thanks Sophist.Well done.
  19. Bambo,if u speak dirty and some dude punches ya ,aren't ya responsible for the punch?Maybe thats how buuba was trying to pass his view.
  20. Lol, whats with the ''am not a new mom?''. :rolleyes:
  21. Originally posted by Cambarro: Can we have succesful somali men thread now? Lol,yes ,that can be made.We have successful Revolutionaries like Che,Great wadaads like Nur,Good soldiers like myself,Political monsters( these ones i wont mention ),Comedians like paragon,Curse champions like Allah ubahne and etc.Cambaro all these pple are successful in their field so there is ur Thread and thanks to me,i shortened it for ya.