Captain Xalane

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Everything posted by Captain Xalane

  1. I think the best age for a man to have a kido is 25.
  2. Wiilo,yes am heeding all the advices but what can go wrong in a relationship so long as there is trust,respect,appreciation and roles to be played as of responsibilities to be taken care of?Even so, why do things go wrong?I have heard so many crazy stuff from married pple that makes me say 'Gosh am lucky to be a bach'.Some married folks sure have head spinning days.
  3. Originally posted by Red Sea: ^lol.Lt Xalane and the Point,keep your shoes on,teh lady is married...I think,hence for the ring on her left Redsea ,u really know her? Devilangle,Do u look like her?
  4. Lieutenant General Sakhar.Any one seen him lately?He is enlisted as missing in action.
  5. I can understand a suicide bomber's reasons in Palestine,i can understand those in Afghanistan and the ones in Iraq.I don't understand a somalian's reasons for committing such an act in Soamlia.Its Disgusting but a good way of getting rid of scums just like themselves.
  6. Civilians and innocent pple died,thanks to the militia's usage of pple as human shields.The Government did what it had to do and did what it did.Nothing wrong in there.
  7. Xox wassup with u,David letterman said no single word in this thread and u keep on saying David.He broke ur jaws or what?
  8. Originally posted by Somali_Friend: The hate will make you make mistakes detrimental to your wishes. [/QB] True,hate would also affect one's judgement. Axmad gurey,sxb,i think its about time u stopped hiding and jumping from sides to sides.Make ur objectives clear. Xox,u start a thread and expect to be a referee of some sort,some one should knock u down. P.S.Who is David?I see no David.
  9. Originally posted by Kashafa: ^^ nice with the hands LT. Xalane ? being a military man and all ? Not to toot my own horn, but I'm something of a Lagdin Legend Bacaadka iskeena Kashafa lol,i wouldn't wanna face a Recon soldier in anyway,guys like u are armed with laser range finders,Aw super magnums and God knows what else they arm u with these days.U can take me out before i even realize whats going on. Thats ur jobb,to take out all primaries and thus spy.I hate u guys.
  10. Somalifriend,Hassan dahir is a Captain in rank,and a former Warden.He quit serving while awaiting to be promoted to a Major.The colonel bliss came about by folk using his age instead of his actual rank.Its foul.
  11. Originally posted by Axmad_Gurey: they are starting to remind me of how alqaeeda assasinated ahmad shah masood covertly to try to plant taliban in the whole of the nation the parallels with what they tried to do are so similar i am starting to wonder if they were responsible for the killings of those military officers in xamar that the ARPCT used to claim they did it i am also starting to wonder if they have been planning political assasinations to make the situatoin ripe for a political/military coup of the fledgling government A somalian major's older brother,a lieutenant Colonel fell in one of the assasinations and he,the Major, well predicted that his brother's death came about his support of the TFG and that many similar assasinations would be done to other innocent officers.An other Colonel who was given the Jobb of training some TFG fighters also was assasinated.I always held the idea that these killings were associated with the ICU and that General Galaal must have been the man behind that plan.One other thing that u might also realize is that these officers,most of them were of the same clan as the ICU's leadership and they might have done that to avoid an inside opposition.However,those killings will not go un punished.
  12. Originally posted by xox ogaal: ahmed...i'm not sure but i thought you support icu. xalane support ethopia or government . we both know there is going to be a war. so i was wondering how icu can win ?if you can gives some info what is their army like ? Xox,I support the Government and i support its allies.Ethiopia is an Ally,just as Eritrea is an Ally to the ICU.But u never hear Eritrea more often and as usual,its all Ethiopia that is the tune that u all very well sing. As of why i support the government,i have stated my reasons many times and i won't repeat them in here,U can refer to my other post,thats if u care about it so much. ICU is not in comparison to Ethiopia's Army,and should they both fight,conventional warfare is out of the Equation but that won't happen and Ethiopia has no interests in engaging war with ICU forces and the Government itself has no interest in Ethiopia engaging war with the same ICU and thus make them seem as matyrs.Its the Government's troops that will do all things and maybe Ethiopia can either financially or militarily support them with the necessary needed hardwares and logistics. Ahmed gurey and i have nothing against each other,and i have nothing against any one in here but the hatemongers aka the secessionists who only deem to foster their their sick belief of hate.I have nothing against Ethiopian soldiers either,if i and them meet,both in war times or in peaceful times,there will be nothing btw us than the universal honor and the fraternity that exists btw all Soldiers.
  13. Kashafa,i don't believe in the ICU,and i have a multi-reasons for doing so and i have already stated them over and over again in the Politics Forum,but that being that,tell me anything islamic about the ICU,be it their actions,their leaders,Objectives and current doings.U can even mention their Agendas if u know some.Am i being fair?
  14. Maybe thats exactly what the ICU is,Drug dealers and notorious hatemongers.
  15. Jimcaale well spoken sir,but sharif is a secessionist and from what i have seen of his lot,i wouldn't waste my words on him and his ilk. Back to the Topic,Nice buildings in the Photo,are they Hotels or normal housings?
  16. Originally posted by Red Sea: Ask your family members,they will tell you what he said.How bout other ruthless acts commited by the man you hold for such high regard,do you know them? It doesn't make sense. Call me whatever you want,I could really careless,because I think you are just a cry baby who is looking for place to dispense his anger or are from suffering inferiority complex or something.laakin ogow marka adigana wax lagaa sheeko numberkaaga xajiso,hana ku ordin,where are the Admins or Mods? p.s.If you don't know anything,be an ear that listens. Siad bare was an able leader and led his nation through both peaceful and war time Eras.He did what he believed most,and if u carefully think,u might aswell see that he was trying to avoid what has happened the last 16 yrs. P.s.Redneck,i told u time and time again,not to make things personal,when will u listen adeer?
  17. Xox,What are ur intentions in this thread?
  18. ''countries are temporary, so are flags and anthems. Borders will be drawn and redrawn to the needs of the times political or economic, but the people should have the minimum of violent changes as possible. '' I concurr. Its the definition of freedom in terms of current conditions that you and I have different understanding. True.But the kind of freedom that we are talking about can only be well put by a somalian living in the occupied lands.To me ,freedom means civil liberty as opposed to subjection to an arbitrary or despotic government,but to u it might mean something else,freedom got many definitions or many ways to go about it. I have no disagreement with your basic belief that people will get what they fight for or are prepared to fight for, one way or another. Indeed.So long as they have the will and are eager,some how,they will reach their end,thats their freedom ,though the means to this end is where i think u and i differ.All the same,u have argued patiently and well , i salute u.
  19. If i employ?Ur sentence doesn't make sense,clarify urself.
  20. As of what i think,I would first regain my freedom,build my institutions and infrastructure for first things first.Freedom first.No man can go around trying to do progress when he ain't free.Why did those pple chooce to fight and be burried in some unmarked graves some where in the savannah?Surely there are reasons why they chose their life and had they had freedom,i believe that they would all be concentrating rather on their developments.No one likes war,and no one likes to be deprived off their freedom.Puntland and somaliland are two self governing provinces,for now that is,but soon we gonna have a Government ,A somalia, and puntland and somali land will be part of Somalia,as they once were.Somaliland might try to oppose joining her sister provinces,thats what the secessionists are in to,but that won't work and willingly or un willingly Somalia will regain all her lost elements.As of the Occupied lands,those that want to join us,they will,but first let them get their freedom,the choice to do what they want to do after their freedom is totally theirs,we can try to persuade them,help them if they need our help,militarily,economically and even politically.Eritrea fought and earned her Glory,the same will happen to these ones too if they keep on resisting and Rebelling.Again,as of what i think,i think i would want freedom than progress,but times and tides have changed,Ethiopia got to realize that,the last thing she needs is a rebellion.I think ONLF have somewhat won half of their Glory already for having resisted that too long.The rest are un important,for now,its their Freedom that is important to them,to us and to Ethiopia itself.
  21. Duuliye,Thanks for putting it so,it just shows how simple minded u are.How will i be logged on from two places at the same time?Thanks for thinking that am too rich to afford two pc's but all the same,i feel honored by being compared to Somali friend,Unlike u,atleast he is a man who can reason with another man and accept his short comings.
  22. Well put somali friend,i bluntly agree with u on ONLF's stand,however,corrections can always be made and strategies adjusted.Years and years of fighting with a Stronger Adversary and Resisting them by all means still haven't diluted their will of freedom,now that is something one could count on it as of having faith in them.They couldn't have done that all with out the will of the pple.All the same,its their choice and with their stubborn will,they will eventually be victors.There is nothing painful than an un-healing wound,the same applies to frequent and un ending rebellions,for it almost becomes like a cancer to the state,it weakens them and eventually,the state is left with no alternative but to let go.