Captain Xalane

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Everything posted by Captain Xalane

  1. Originally posted by Brown: Can someone please help me here? LOL Aah,another Comprehension Problem!
  2. Devil,where do u stand?U don't wanna be returned at all whether 'opened or un opened',no? Puja,do tell the whole story. :rolleyes:
  3. Pple,Ubax is a Sol'er,meaning she is a Sol member.For all of ya guys who said bad stuff about her,hainugu taagnato.
  4. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Go and do Hula dance for our master.
  5. Originally posted by Castro: Che, Paragon: there's a diaper in the pool. Get out while you can. Why didn't u use that diaper when u needed it yesterday.A simple comment that wasn't offensive made the cry me a river thing and now here u are cowardly cheerleading as u always tend to do.U wanna take the heat,take it when it comes to u,like it did yesterday.
  6. The Defeated lot and their bizarre name callings.Another defeat on their part.
  7. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: ^^^^ I think *********** must run deep in this family. Uncalled for! [ January 09, 2007, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  8. Indhocade=The clan courts Defence secretary I support the Courts=Am ok with Indhocade and his decisions. Its like saying ''i support the american's but hate their defense secretary'...The thinking itself is absurd.
  9. The Garaad is doing great,however,they should tell him to be careful with his postures,to not have his hands in the pocket while addressing the public and ETc.He is a symbol of the modern somalian Royalties,i bet our other royalties are old men. Long live the Garaad!
  10. Khalaf somalians are muslims,no russians or americans are occupying us.Ethiopia is a christian nation that is our neighbour ,it has more muslims than us,those muslims under ethiopia can wage jihaad against their government if they want to but no jihaad applies to muslims against muslims.Yes,the clan courts invited those fighters and a fighter,let alone a sacred one,ought to know what and why he is fighting for before he reaches the battle field.U are right about the sacred warriors being muslims but brother khalaf,u cannot compare somalia with bosnia.It's totally a different thing.
  11. Again,even if takes 65 % of the whole population,let it be for peace got to be achieved.Whether u all like it or not,these so called foreign fighters were invited in to somalian soil by somalian wadaad kusheeg so any one who is angered might aswell include the Sole party that was behind all these,the ''ICU''.Save ur tears,more deaths is on the way.
  12. Man don't lie about History and Don't lie about the Somalian military or whats left of them.They never had no sayings like that and ur idea of saying that they were on tanks and our boys were on the ground is absurd.Do u know what u are talking about? u are talking about a man who is on the ground and a man who is mounted.None is gonna waste their lives sxb.Ur notion here is absurd and embarassing.
  13. The Government of Somalia ain't gonna negotiate with the terrorists and yes,Governments do not negotiate with terrorists.
  14. Taliban,are u forgetting that it was the clan courts that were against the negotiations once upon a time?Why negotiate with the Government now?As said,Governments do not negotiate with Terrorists and see how things are going,there won't be negotiations and that my friend does make sense but ofcourse,u gonna blindly ignore that fact.
  15. Che,ilko cadeen is what keeps it going. Abaadir,they gonna haunt u now bro.hayuuy.
  16. Originally posted by mystic: You my friend must not know the meaning of anarchy. What anarchy was there when the ICU was controlling Mogadishu, a peace never seen before in Mogadishu Anarchy replaced by another anarchy.Isn't that what it was?
  17. Originally posted by Brown: moderate smart folks in here have stooped that low of accusing Castro of being a tribalist [/QB] Was this a secret?Why don't u try '' a tribalist cheerer''..Cheerleadeing is in many ways better.But u too know that u are a tribalist cheerer right?
  18. Originally posted by Brown: No I wont. [/QB] Dude,i was just saving u from a self inflicted embarassment.
  19. Paragon ,prejudices will not take us any where and so is Blinding the truth.And yes,nothing new is being said.
  20. A simple yet a soft punch trembles them like this and no one tells them a thing whenever they go all the way to the point of making things personal.Perhaps the clan courts were not the only chicken,Maybe their supporters are chicken too,ofcourse,their cheerleaders being the worst of the lot.
  21. Originally posted by Brown: Xalane, walle waad xaarantahay. The end justification for this invasion does not change the history made by this govt. His Excellency President Yussuf is the only SOMALI president to let an enemy country invade his own nation and was unable to come to his own CAPITAL CITY until he came riding literally on the back of an Xabashi tank. THAT is the HISTORIC moment Captain. Wether he succeeds,that is for future historians to determine if it was right or wrong to bring in enemy tanks, soldiers into somali soils. I hope he suceeds, but YOU & I know very well that WILL not happen until we have XABASHIS in Xamar. Lets get real there captain. As for your absurd claim that Ethiopia is a friend, That just shows your lack of commonsense. Sxb your eyes are glazed with some partisan mucus. Xabashis are not friends of SOMALIA & will never be friends of SOMALIA. If they were they had 16yrs to help SOMALIA,when somalia was ruled by Warlords,when warlords Terrorized somalis & most importanly they will never have supportted a govt that is made of warlords by warlords. Did they suddenly realise their good neighborly duties just when somalis have kicked out the warlords? Why were they silent and non committed when these warlords were killing SOMALIS? Be objective Captain. U are repeating the same things,Brown.Lets try something else now shall we?
  22. Paragon,for the sake of argument we can argue all day.U know and i know that there was no way a voting system could have been carried out.This further questions the reach of legality.Anarchy and legality do not go hand in hand,they are two complete opposing factors.So Drop the legality talk,its un applicable when Anarchy exists.Anarchy=no law=no legality. As for warlords being representatives,they represent their pple.Am not defending them though.Those warlords are loved by their pple and its for them that they function for.And for peace to happen,these warlords,representing their pple must be given a cut.Will u blame the pple for that?Go ahead.So Paragon,again ur argument is premature since we are in the establishment phase.