Captain Xalane

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Everything posted by Captain Xalane

  1. Originally posted by Caano Geel: quote:Am justifying that there are casualties in a War.Civilians or Combatants,it doesn't count. What, death doesn't count? Not in a War time.
  2. Originally posted by Caano Geel: rear-admiral I'm confused what are you justifying? -- that its ok to kill people -- so long as you were trying for 'al-quaks'? Am justifying that there are casualties in a War.Civilians or Combatants,it doesn't count.
  3. No one is making an excuse for any one.Those were casualties of war,and there shall be many more of such events in the course of seeking peace.Those are all mere numbers as long as am concerned,nothing matters at this stage than peace and peace has a price.Those casualties may have been the price,65% of the whole population can be the price.That doesn't matter at all.Innocent? No somalian is innocent,however,there are combatants and non combatants.No one wants to kill a non combatant,but its war and what did u expect to happen in a war?The clan courts were saving Xamar as they said ,now,those nomads who died in and around kismayo,were they not somalians?Why wish to injure them?See,the clan court's do not make a simple sense in regards to their military reasoning as well as their ethical reasoning.Its about time u reasoned urself!
  4. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: ^Those who can't seem to grasp the real issue will always make such attempts to down play everything as Captain Xabashi did yaa Mystic. I grasp my issues my way,see things and have the final conclusion my way.There is a difference btw u and the Good Captain,u are nothing but a copy cat,in otherwords,let alone ur own thoughts,even ur style of writing is borrowed.Its all artificial.Maybe its time u grasped the real issues urself,beginning with ur own very self.Doesn't it annoy u to be the shoes of another man?Wake up man,its time u had ur own original say.
  5. Originally posted by mystic: Xalane There is a difference between bystanders getting the stray bullet and dropping bombs on villages. All the same,they are casualties of war.Nothing can change that,their fate was already decided just as the fate of ur Clan courts was decided.Maybe its the word u have a problem with,check it up in ur Dic,if u have one thats.
  6. The local clown is getting funnier as the days go by.Dude this is the beginning,more is to come,just wait.U can say all things that u want to say,will that change facts on the ground?U are stressing urself for nothing,enjoy the lil peace u have,for ur secessionist ring leaders won't.But u already know that right?
  7. Originally posted by mystic: Bombing of innocent nomads Casualties of war.Which War doesn't have one?The only sad thing is,this was a problem that could have been easily avoided,if only the clan courts heeded the call of peace.
  8. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: ^well the Puntland media is intended to spearhead lies for the TFG. They closed down all the potential news stations that would likey expose what isn't out there already.I mean come on, whether they close them down or not, the simple fact of the truth is out there for us to see..the TFG was born dead,thus how can we except someone telling us to believe it's legitamate "government" o brother. U only have one thing in mind and thats Puntland.U love the land and its pple as much as u love the devil himself.Can't u reason with out Puntland being involved?
  9. Bravo Bambo.Lets hope the rest adopt ur reasoning, i mean the defeated lot,ofcourse.
  10. Cent,its all good brother.All the same though,bravo again.
  11. Originally posted by Abu Paragon: I haven't forgotten what you said to Xalane 'Go and do a hula dance for your master' lol. And now this, hilarious. He said that to me? When? :cool:
  12. Bravo Cent.Do not worry about xiin,he too has no other alternative but to accept the TFG whether publicly or secretly.The rest is un important.
  13. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: and you know how much somali ladies love those ugaali eating creatures.Waar ninyow suuqa jiq hanagaga dhigin sxb. Wicked Clown!
  14. Thumbs up Azmaya,that was one helluva good one.
  15. Originally posted by Taako Man: Castro You're the greatest muslim in the world afterall. I know Fidel Castro had a beard bigger then Sheik Indacadde .
  16. War heedhe Khalaf,maandhow markaad ogaato segis waxuu yahay,bal inoo wada Fasir.
  17. Me,i hardly said no nasty thing bro,its the defeated lot that goes around with the insult thing.To be a loser is not an insult when its real.E.g.A secessionist is a loser,and that is a true statement.
  18. Originally posted by me: ^Castro Castro Castro, is that the Oodweyne in you? Stick to your usual secessionist rhetoric, Somalia maxaa kaa galay? Ta labaad, argue your case without insults please.
  19. Aah,too much of an imagination for a loser innit?U imagined yesterday that the clan courts would emerge successful and now u are making feign predictions.Speak of lack of imagination,and all u had to do is to re-read ur premature predictions.
  20. Originally posted by Castro: we must make their stay as uncomfortable as we possibly can. When they do leave, march to Villa Somalia and lynch that coward. Better yet, burn him in there. The normal lyrics of a coward behind a screen.Dude,u might want to practice them before u sell these stale words to the public.
  21. Originally posted by Ducaysan: Captain Xalane Are you sure she is a sol member? Then why she hasn't posted yet after all this talk about her...she would have had a say by now i think. Maskiinad waaye.Or so i think.
  22. Originally posted by Castro: ^ Why don't you do us a favor and put 5 or 6 pictures in your signature so we can skip your postings like those of fiqisharle? Why don't u do the same and do us the favour of skipping ur cheerleading thing?
  23. Gracious God Lord!Now u guys are talking about his sleeps and clothes? Keep them coming...
  24. Originally posted by Devilangle: Captain Xalane if u haven’t by now gasped where the devil stands.[/QB] So u really stand where i think u stand?Really ?